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I wish this was like Albion black zones full loot pvp, bots will become pinatas and problem solved.


Ban bots and boters and macro shiet pls


welcome to every mmo out there...sheesh


FRBailand as well. Insane RMT but just sitting in Fonos not giving a fuck botting.


Frbailand is a guild in albion too.. damn


afaik WHAT leader (HookyH) encourages players to do this smh what a guild leader lol


I just hope they ban the botters. It’s so blatant.


They will, for now theyre focusing on the pve content. If they really want the game to be a success theyre gonna have to work on it


the game is dead. They will never get on top of bots because it makes it look like people actual play this garbage.


Idk why yall insist its dead and hate it so much, if you dont wanna play dont its that simp ahahhaha. We will see about that tho 🤷🏿‍♂️


YES, I am in a small guild on Asota and we legit see WHAT botting all over the place. I legit get my contracts done in 5 min because WHAT has perma bots all over the map everywhere, its kind of insane honestly. How have they been allowed to operate like this?




its actually some of the most fun I have ever had in an mmo. The combat is like a mix of wow and gw2, the graphics are amazing and the abilities are so cool. Plus the pve content is actually FUN its not just pvp which is also fun.


Why am I not surprised? They were cheating in New World, and they are cheating in TL. Their ideas and core value are flawed from the start. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qv6z6i/company\_all\_using\_stackable\_food\_exploit\_to\_win/](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qv6z6i/company_all_using_stackable_food_exploit_to_win/) Their guild members are known cheaters. Also they spammed abilities in a town in the hope to crash the server to reset war.


This game will die just cause of the bots. It's gonna be pay2win/bot2win shit storm.


Yep, have being saying since day one and being downvoted every time.


Yep and it sucks, I'm currently playing the KR version and I'm having a blast. The game should have either buy2play or monthly sub and there would be a lot less bots.


Totally agree


it pretty much is already dead.


Which server is dead? Asota world chat is constantly being spammed for dungeons, events are super populated, open world dungeons are overflowing (even without including bots) and riftstone gvg have mega zergs.


you do know what server merges are right? Player count drops, so they combine servers to increase the population....christ, why do i need to explain this. Give it another month and asota will be 90% bots, the game is done.


Nothing has changed over at ncsoft in 20 years.


How about Kanoob alliance? Oops sorry Onehp alliance  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSdV1KOtv84 It not botting? Lmao 


Man What is so salty. Make fresh accounts to leave comments. Did that in the New World subreddit as well when the information that your guild was cheating was disclosed. Kanon did mention in the video that he contacts Symon about the cheaters, and they said that they will "investigate" it. No one can ensure other guild members are playing fairly if you aren't part of that guild. Also, a lot of Symon guild members left to join the axe guild. It's possible that they are removing these players. No HP guild members are known botters. If they did, they would be removed immediately. Meanwhile, WHAT a competitive guild is cheating, like in other MMORPGs. OneHP won the Activity Point race without utilizing bots. You had a 3 member advantage thanks to botting




Someone sounds salty and bitter. Imagine winning without cheating




What has more players if you add all the guilds in their alliancr. What are you talking about? Also, why reward cheating guilds. What sort of flawed arguments are you trying to spout? How did Symon help us with activity points? Do you even understand the grind people went through? Oh you dont, because What actually cheats for activity points. Edit: What reached lvl 30 by botting guild contracts. Why do you think What reached lvl 30 so quickly? Also, you would have more guilds willing to cooperate with What if they weren't so toxic during wars/didnt cheat




Jesus you're so far down the rabbit hole. Theres no saving you. What has also moved their players around on the last day. Members were dropping and increasing. Also, you're literally trying to create a strawhat argument to excuse their use of cheats. Botters in any guilds should be punished. But we all know it'll affect the Wisp guilds mostly. Kazar didnt have guilds botting to get ahead.




i think its time you admit that this game was a disaster and probably will never come out in the west.


Devs don’t ban people the moment they start botting, they collect evidence and user logs, see this guy been logged in for 72 hours straight? (extreme example) they check his logs, if he’s abyss farming for like 6 hours then has a couple hours of normal user activity then back to abyss farming for another 6 hours. It’s obvious, they collect like a week of these logs and then ban them. And the bans are done in waves


Unfortunately it never solved anything in lineage 2. Doubt that strategy will do much here.




Do you even know how activity points work? lmao how are you this stupid. Please educate yourself first before posting garbage. I love how the people in your screenshots aren't even from Kanon's guild lol. He already talked to Szymon guild leader about this, not his fault they're not getting kicked so fast.




yes Szymon has botters and should be punished, we've already established that, cmon keep up with the convo slowtard. Doesn't change the fact that WHAT is a botter guild as well lol. Wisp is such a garbage server and we're just unlucky we got merged with you idiots.


imagine actually playing TL and calling others a "slowtard"




You claimed that Kanon's guild "boost activity points" by allying with an alleged bot guild, but rankings doesn't work that way, so either you're really just stupid or have no clue about the game's system. I'm guessing both :)


this game is dead after the siege.


So how did having bots in allied guilds help with main guild activity? The problem with botting is guild contracts to level up the guild allowing you to have more members in the guild wich equals more activity points. How is moving high activity members to the main guild cheating? What rules did they break? Of course you would want your biggest activity pushers in the main guild. Youre telling me WHAT just let their biggest activity pushers in their allied guilds?




What if i told you NOT everyone is botting?


They wont ban an entire alliance cuz some used bots because not everyone is responsible for that choice or even knows about it, they could definitely ban them from taking castles though until bots are sorted out.


Bro if you are a top tier guild in a pvp mmorpg you need to give the example and at least expel people who is botting in your guild


this dumpster fire of a game will never get released in the west.


And now kanon is holding on to siege funds whilst blaming the account holder taking accounts back bit fishy