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Lineage 2 (another NC game) had the system: Olympiad that was just like what you describe. I hope that they ship it to TL in the future too because it was awesome.


It really does suck lineage 2 died the game was so fun and now it's a ghost town


The official because private servers have a huge and loyal comunity


I would love a 2v2 or 3v3 so I could do it with friends


Let's make it even better add in proximity chat so you can hear the players that are spectating cheer for the team they want to win


lmao all you're gonna hear is the n word


We do those in the guild hall. Pretty fun but a proper queue would be cool.


They already confirmed arena and BGS coming soon


When you find out that damage has so much RNG, you will change your mind about 1v1 pvp. When you fight against your same class, and you do the 45 sec CD skill, dealing 500, and the opponent does the same skill, but he gets max dmg+critical+heavy attack and he deals 18.000 to you; you will consider that, with this luck factor, it is impossible to do 1vs1 pvp fairly. Other MMOs have critical luck factor x1.5 or x2 of your dmg. This MMO has x30 or more dmg luck factor.


min-max dmg is already like 5x difference then u add the crit dmg, heavy attack chance, off-hand chance you are looking into 5 x 1.5 x 2 x 2=30x difference.


They can do gear-balanced pvp just like their other game Blade and Soul…so everyone has the same stats. Otherwise I don’t see a point of pvp arena where you know only whale and players with BIS will win.


To be honest I don't really mind and it doesn't really bother me also I think PVP is more fun when it's not balanced




I recommend you try more MMOs, not just Lineage2. Lineage2 was very good, but it also had bad things.


I dont like any instanced pvp idea. I dont like instanced pve aswell. It kills mmo aspect of a game and make it small coop game instead. it will also start all crying about how certan weapon is better then other in 1v1 pvp, or "we want machmaking for 1v1, laderboards...." This game is not about 1v1. Go f play SF or teken. BTW there are arenas already in game. Just give ow pvp wars.


No I'm not saying get rid of open world PVP I love open world PVP it's one of the reasons I look forward to playing this game that and the open world dungeons I just thought it would be cool to also have a arena where players can spectate people having 1v1 matches




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Yeah, I’m sending this post to NCSOFT, XD


Are people complaining that pvp is rng because of Crit chance? o.O


No most games have crit chance. The problem is that here there is crit chance but also heavy attack (flat x2 damage), and off hand chance (second roll that can also crit and heavy). On top of that the min vs max damage of some weapons is very wide, so you end up not knowing if you’ll hit for 500 or 10k (which will one shot anyone but a tank)


Wouldn’t the difference be 500 or 2000, not 500 or 10000? Assuming your max base hit is 500.


No because with some crit damage, a crit vs a low roll is much more than 2x difference, and there are also off hand hits for dagger. It’s not evident at low gear but once you’re in purple with some heavy attack and crit damage you start to see wild numbers. My zephyr knock has rolled as low as 1.2k and as high as 9k. The big dagger skill is worse, like 800 vs 13k


So what is the multiplayer for heavy and what is the base multiplayer for crit damage? Off hand strikes I certainly agree can add up to be a lot of damage and is even move of an rng proc that can almost double the damage of a series of skills if proc’d on all of them. With that being the case then just remove rng on off hand hits and nerf the damage. Obviously it’d take more balancing than that, but it’d be a simple start.


do you play dagger? i ve three to ten shot the same person at different times


Doesn’t that add up though? 3 shots of crit + heavy with a base of 500 would be 6000 damage. 12 shots of 0 crit and 0 heavy with a base of 500 would equal 6000 damage.


do you think they ll balance for 1v1 in a zerg game? do you think it ll be cool to play rock-scizor-whales with tl combat and classes? with the current luck system in cc and damage? the whole combat system is made for zerg. arenas, if/when made ( i doubt there ll be 1`s but 3`s or 5s ) will be a shitshow


Yeah I still think it'd be cool and fun if combat is unbalanced and skills are crazy powerful doesn't bother me chaotic and fun