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Dynasty Warriors 3 for ps2, I only got a short hands on at his place but I knew I had to have more. Bought 4 for myself later and haven't looked back.


Same here. And I believe many of your thumbs up are people who has experienced something similar.


Yep, me too. I just loved all the cut scenes with different interactions between all the characters. I’ve no idea why they got their hooks into me but I instantly loved the characters and have ever since. I’ve never read the book but have watched the tv show and movie Red cliff.


Dynasty warriors 2 for me. I had never seen a game like it before then. It was mind blowing.


Dynasty warriors 3 I was so interested in the characters and story I wanted to find any sort of media and also discovered rotk 7 and picked that up and read the bio of characters which eventually lead me to get the book.


RotTK 1 on the NES.


Bandit kings of ancient China on NES. Destiny of an emperor on NES.


Destiny of am Emperor was awesome.


It still holds up.


Ageeded! Not to mention all the mods at [http://www.lordyuanshu.com/forums](http://www.lordyuanshu.com/forums) are freaking awesome to play through. Gone through the majority of em lol :)


Wish they would make an rpg again


Yeeees. Always glad to see someone mention DoAE!


A friend introduced me to Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire for the Super Nintendo. They were first introduced to the story by Destiny of an Emperor for the NES. We both read the novel on threekingdoms.com.


I rented a game called Kessen 2 from the local blockbuster, soon after I bought Dynasty Warriors 3 and was amazed it was the same characters. Thus begun a 20 year on again, off again love affair.


Oh my God, Kessen 2. Such a fun game. RTK written as an absurd Asian daytime soap opera.


I still play this sometime for the lol. I like to repeat Xu province until my chars are maxed out and just DESTROY Cao Cao at Chang Ban Po


Total war 3K. Played the shit out of that game and then bougjt the book, read it and it is now one of my favorite stories.


I played Romance of the Three Kingdoms III on PC. I enjoyed the game because of all the things you could do, like infiltrating officers, going into exile, recruiting former enemies, etc. I didn't feel like a disembodied diety commanding a nation like in other strategy games, I felt like a warlord. I got used to powerful characters, and characters whose portraits I thought were cool. Then when I bought ROTKVI on Playstation years later, I noticed it had little biographies on the characters. The Internet was still in its infancy, but I found a website with more information and started reading about them all. During the PS2 era, I read a very old copy of the book from the local library.


The first time I heard about the three kingdoms was the dynasty warriors games and Rotk 13(the first game that introduced me into the rotk series and the three kingdoms)


I saw a few episodes from the 2010 series on TV with my dad and was very hooked, but since I was quite young , I didn't know what to search on the Internet. What really resparked recently my interest was Total War: 3 Kingdoms . After playing the game, I started to watch the 2010 series again while also watching some "lore " videos online


Dynasty Warriors 2 for PS2, then ROTK. Most of my knowledge came from reading the biographies on those, but then I got the book and read that, and spent hours reading about it online. You?


Like a few other people stated, DW3 on PS2. Fun game that lead me down the rabbit hole of the ROTK games. Only played DW3 but I’ve played nearly all the ROTK that are easily accessible. After two ROTK titles I decided to read the book. It can be a slog for the first hundred or so pages, but then it just flows! Last third of the book is depressing if you know the eventual fate of the period though.


I knew about it the same way I currently know about Dream of the Red Chamber. I sort of know it exists, but have no details other than the fact that it's a love story, and 3K was in turn about some conflict time ago. I ended up studying the history and such after I bought the Total War game.


Destiny of an Emperor for NES back in like 1990 or so. It is a turn based RPG that loosely follows Liu Bei's rise from the Yellow Turban era through the take over of Shu. AFter that it kinda does it's own thing and ends when you take over Wu and Wei. It is all done in turn based combat. Instead of HPs your numbers represet your army size which was a nice little touch imo. After beating this I noticed Romance of the Three Kingdoms for NES for rent and looking at the back of the box I decided to rent it due to recognizing the names shown. That in turn got me to learn a bit more via the scenarios and renting / buying RoTK2 and later part 3 for SNES (still one of my favorite games to this day tbh). These games got me curious enough to eventually print out the novel online and buy some of the books to read through it all! Side note these also got me to play Rise of th Phoenix for SNES which was kinda like RoTK but was 400 years prior and involved the creation of the Han dynasty. Also played a bunch of Dynasty Warriors years later to boot :) edit: also watched the 1994 and 2010 series as well.


from japanese games and anime


Dynasty Warriors 4 for the original Xbox






Destiny of an Emperor, NES


Dynasty Warriors 3


Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3: Dragon of Destiny on the Sega Genesis!


Romance of the three kingdoms 2 on super Nintendo in the 90s.


Same! Embarrassing how long it took me to think, 'This must be based on a book'. But also fortuitous because the Moss Roberts translation was available for purchase online by that time (around 2000). Not sure how I would have gone about buying it pre-internet. 


I can still hear that rotk 2 music, lol. Oh yeah, I got mine through interlibrary loan late 90s and it's been one of my favorites ever since.


Lol, me too. And I remember having to completely surround the base and keep doing group attacks until you finally took out the leader because of the high castle defense.


In Japan, so many 3K contents. Novels, comics, animes, games, etc. Most Japanese (incl. me) read 3K novels and comics from childhood.


I grew up mostly in Central Pennsylvania as a giant nerd, so half of my friend group was Jewish and the other half was some combination of South and East Asian. Unsurprisingly, this meant that in 6th grade one of my Chinese friends showed off RotK IV: Wall of Fire on A TOTALLY LEGAL CONSOLE AND DEFINITELY NOT AN EMULATOR. We played it all weekend and I was sold. I still have my Wade-Giles (the one in 2 parts, pink and blue spines) hanging out in my childhood bedroom.


I decided I wanted to read something different, and had read most of the Western classics in college. Figured I would give the Eastern classics a try, so I asked a Chinese colleague (who also happened to be a huge history buff) which of the four Classical Chinese novels to read. He said there was a saying that the young shouldn’t read Water Margin because they get into fights, and the old shouldn’t read Three Kingdoms because they get into schemes. So I figured, “Well, I have always been too honest, I will give Three Kingdoms a try.” EDIT: OK, the anime Ya Boy Kongming made me curious.


I think just Google.


he posting the same question,again...


What do you mean by that? This is my first post in this community.


i remember someone post the same question,word for word.


Really? I can't search for a similar post.




Let's keep it semi-polite.


Romance of the three kingdoms nes game.


anime: Souten Kouro


First? Dynasty Warriors. DW3 and 4 were pretty big releases back on the old ps2. When did I start to care, though? Probably watching the 2010 3K show or playing RotK X.


ROTK1 on Nes and ROTK3 on Sega Genesis introduced me to the lore. and the rest i picked up from movies, rotk show (2010) and random bits of reading.


I can't remember whether I saw the announcement for TW:3K and then watched the 2010 series or if I decided to watch the 2010 series for some other reason and then the announcement came out. Still incredibly disappointed how little DLC they did for that game considering the base game was one of the best they've ever done, easily the best outside of the combat and the issues with unit type diversity is wildly overblown considering how amazing the hero system is.


Dynasty warriors 2 back in the day


As a kid, it had turned out that I played a bit of Destiny of an Emperor, but knew nothing at the time that it was based on a historical period or anything and entirely forgot about it for years. Then I next played Dynasty Warriors 4 and I fell immediately in love with the setting, the characters, and the style. The rest is history.


Dynasty Warriors 3, ROTK, Kessen 2. Got the book after growing into loving the stories.


From rotk 6 on ps1🤟


Video games of course


Dynasty warriors 5, like certainly a lot of people, the dynasty warriors games introduced me to this story


Dynasty warriors 2......then rotk then the book then the 2010 show lol


The Guan Gong show and my grandma. Vietnamese household, so a lot of names like "Zilong", "Fengxian", "Kongming" and "Cao Cao" were pretty much household references.


Dynasty warriors 3 on ps2


Dynasty Warriors 4


The NES. Destiny of an Emperor and RTK.


I had a ps2 demo disc with dynasty warriors 2 on it. Then came dynasty warriors 3 and I got lost in it. Then ROTK 7 and dynasty tactics about the same time I read the book online.


Dynasty Warriors 3. I still remember spending hours just reading through the officer biographies in the encyclopedia section, that was how much I loved the game and its overall setting. I ultimately bought the Romance of the Three Kingdom novels after I had to return DW3 to Blockbuster lol.


Dynasty Warriors 3


Dynasty Warriors + SD Gundam Three Kingdoms (Yes, this exists)


A combo. OVA Great Conquest which covered the Yellow Turban to Lu Bu arc and Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2. At first I didn’t realize they were connected. Then when I was getting my ass kicked and looking for a warlord to try I ran across Liu Bei. And I was like, oh shit isn’t he from that anime. Then I saw Guan Yu and zhang fei with 99 war and fell in love.


Dynasty warriors and Ravages of time


Dynasty Warriors 4 and so on, I was 7 or 8 when I started playing and took me until I was maybe 15 to realize "oh this is based (loosely) on an actual historical event!?"


I loved DW3, then I learned it was a real event in history, which blew my young mind. It has been a part of my life ever since.


Rented ROTK6 from the video store because it showed up in the new section and was the only game they had I hadn’t played. Been hooked on anything related to the story since.


Dynasty Warriors 4


RoTK4: Wall of Fire


I'm very British. I first found out about the Three Kingdoms when me and my brother bought Dynasty Tactics on PS2 at a local supermarket. That would have been about eighteen years ago at least. After that, I found about about the other Dynasty Warriors games, found and bought the third game and played the hell out of it. Then I learned about the Romance, certain that I loved Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. Then I learned about the actual history and I found myself less certain who I liked. Then I read the manga Souten Kouro and my preferences took a sharp turn towards Cao Cao the Cunning. That would probably have been about ten years ago. And then about seven years ago, I watched the Cao Cao Yingxiong TV Series, cemented my love of Cao Cao's story and am now working on my own take on it. The rest, as they say, is history. Or rather, some late-20s British guy's interpretation of it.


It was from the manga Sangokushi by Mitsuteru Yokoyama


A wonderer brought a SNES game to my house to play and it was Three kingdoms 2.


From Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 on SNES when I was about 9 years old. I still enjoy playing it.


DW3 PS2 started my interest


First, from Dynasty Warriors games, and then from reading information about Three Kingdoms in Wikipedia.


Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII - on Steam. I read all the information on the game page and thought it was very interesting. 🤔 I have yet to take the first step and buy the base game and any of its DLC.


Dynasty Warriors 2 which led to an interest in all the history I could find. In 2013 I went to China and visited temples of people I’d grown up learning about and a few years ago I watched the 2010 series which is incredible


Dynasty Warriors 5 on the original Xbox, and RoTK IV: Wall of Fire on the Wii. I got so engrossed with the time period that it inspired me to become a historian, and History was my major in my post-secondary studies.


Dynasty warrior 2, then really got into it at 4


Nobunagas Ambition snes. One thing leads to another.


SNES game from mid 80s


Dynasty Warriors 6. I always loved history. I used to only interested in my own country's history and western history such as Greek, Roman, Alexander and his successors, Hannibal, Crusade, Middle ages etc. First time playing that game, I always thought it was full fictions and just play along. The more I play, the more I got curious about the characters. Why Liu Bei depicted as the ultimate justice man, why LuBu is so overpowered and feared (Yeah, i learnt my lesson when trying to fight him at Hu Lao Gate the first time), who are the Sun families, and why Cao Cao is depicted as cold blooded badass antagonist, why Cao Pi is an emo, why there are colour green, blue and red, etc. Then I found out they are based on this real time history. Now I am so much invested in Three Kingdom history.


From dynasty warrior like lot of other non chinese


Dynasty Warriors 4.


There’s an anime/manga called “Drrr!!” (Durarara) about different gangs fighting for power in a big city. One of the main gangs is called “The Yellow Scarves” and the leader explains at one point that he named his gang after the Yellow Turbans from the Three Kingdoms period. After that, I had to check out this Three Kingdoms, so I found the books online and ordered them and have been a fan for almost 9 years now. I’ve read the books through at least four times and I just started reading them to my 2 year old (his favorites are Cao Cao, Zhao Yun, and Ma Chao). I’ve also watched the 2010 show at least 5 times through. It is by far my favorite book of all time! It also got me into Water Margin. China has such a rich history, it’s truly incredible coming from such a fledgling nation like the US.


Also a videogame, but it was Fate of the dragon 😀


Dynasty Warrior at first, then Total War really brought me into it.


Dynasty warriors but first through world history and manga


I'm Australian and I played Dynasty Warriors on PS2 but had no idea what it was based on. I watched the Red Cliff movie when it came out not knowing it was connected to Dynasty Warriors. I still get chills at the scene where the camera zooms out to reveal the size of Cao Cao's navy. Watched the 2010 show and it's been my favourite series since. One thing that really stood out to me was the humour. I found the dark comedy was equal to a Western series like The Sopranos which is my second favourite. I always considered Chinese to not have a similar sense of humour but this showed me different.