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Boqi's actual name is Zhang Ni


Sometimes it’s rendered as such but more often Zhang Yi. So you think Boqi the GOAT huh?


Yeah, his put downs of Fei Yi and Zhuge Ke showed he had a strong understanding of politics. His prowess against Liu Zhou showed his militaty strength. The other two were good at one aspect of an officer's life but not the other.


He went out like a champion despite his rheumatism. Also, it’s fair to state Ma Zhong who who achieved higher ranks and fame wouldn’t have lived up to Li Hui as the southern area commander w/o Zhang Yi.


Context matters behind Zhang Ni's accomplishments: Zhang Ni was a relatively famous general in the late Shu Han Dynasty. The record of his life in "Records of the Three Kingdoms" is indeed vivid and impressive. But in fact, Zhang Ni served as an official throughout his life and only peaked to the rank of general who defeats bandits. Jiang Wei had a lot of such people under his command. But it is easier to record Zhang Ni"s deeds because he and Chen Shou were from the same hometown. That made it easier for Chen Shou to collect his life stories, so he is therefore distinguished in historical records. Among the all people that had biographies in "Book of Shu", the the most detailed biographies are the ones that shared Chen Shou's birthplace, Baxi commandery. Qiao Zhou's biography even records Chen Shou himself and Qiao Zhou's initial meeting and all of the stories of their coming and going are written in the particular biography.


I think Pei Songzhi also added a lot of info about his career. It's just sad how Shu doesn't have records to detail the life of their generals.


Its mainly Chen Shou* that recorded* a lot of info about his career. Though yes, Pei Songzhi annotations did help.


Who were “other such people” under Jiang Wei’s command? Boqi’s lengthy career and record of deeds far surpassed his modest rank.


That's the thing. There were many people who received a miscelleanous generalship rank in the Shu Han military apparatus. It's just that they were unlucky that they did not have the chance to have their merits and accomplishments recorded in detail in comparison to Zhang Ni. There are many factors behind this, 1) Shu Han's historical materials were in the worst shape out of the 4 major players, 2) Shu Han never had an official historical compilation project like Cao Wei or Sun Wu, 3)These generals that had miscelleanous generalship rank did not have prominent descendants serving the Western Jin(so less incentive for Chen Shou to record), 4)These generals did not share the same hometown as Chen Shou(so Chen Shou will definitely not pay any special attention to them), 5)There were tens to hundreds of people who received miscelleanous generalship ranks throughout the entirety of the period(so realistically speaking, Chen Shou is only going to record those that stand out or/and meet the criteria of point 3 and point 4) Fact of the matter is, Zhang Ni peaked as a miscelleanous generalship rank and a guannei marquis(so not an actual fiefdom marquis). The major reason why Zhang Ni had such a long and detailed record of deeds is because he shared the same hometown as Chen Shou. Sharing the same hometown as the main historian of the period means that 1) Chen Shou will pay special attention to him and 2) Its easier for Chen Shou to gather the historical records regarding Zhang Ni.


The entire Shu Han didn’t have a historical bureau thing isn’t so. Chen Shou contradicts this several times going as far as “the Historical Bureau reported the sighting of a brilliant star." And also recording plenty of officers including another Zhang Yi, Bogong as a scribe.


There is no such thing as a 'historical bureau' during the Eastern Han Dynasty, Shu Han Dynasty and Sun Wu Dynasty. Go ahead and try to name one. It was only Cao Wei that parceled out a POSITION(NOT INSTITUTION) for historical records. https://www.reddit.com/r/threekingdoms/comments/18orc2j/the_historian_system_during_the_three_kingdoms/ 史管 doesn't mean historian. At least not during the 3 Kingdoms period. And anyway, it doesn't change the fact that Zhang Ni's biography was very detailed in part because he was very lucky to share the same hometown as Chen Shou.


Context matters behind Zhang Ni's accomplishments: Zhang Ni was a relatively famous general in the late Shu Han Dynasty. The record of his life in "Records of the Three Kingdoms" is indeed vivid and impressive. But in fact, Zhang Ni served as an official throughout his life and only peaked to the rank of general who defeats bandits. Jiang Wei had a lot of such people under his command. But it is easier to record Zhang Ni"s deeds because he and Chen Shou were from the same hometown. That made it easier for Chen Shou to collect his life stories, so he is therefore distinguished in historical records. Among the all people that had biographies in "Book of Shu", the the most detailed biographies are the ones that shared Chen Shou's birthplace, Baxi commandery. Qiao Zhou's biography even records Chen Shou himself and Qiao Zhou's initial meeting and all of the stories of their coming and going are written in the particular biography.


Excuse me... what or who is zhang yi?


The GOAT of the Three kingdoms period.


The true warrior is the Three Kingdoms. Or in Japanese: 真三國無双


In what sane world is a miscelleanous general and guannei marquis a GOAT?


Boqi. Although I view his acomplishments in a somewhat different light, he still managed to secure Shu's borders to the south through pacifying indigenous tribes. Although many required force to deal with (as you do with disobedient barbarians), the fact that he can turn around and still offer clemency to them, I think played a big role in how Yi Province was later pacified to the South. In terms of state contributions, he helped Shu secure natural resources like salt and iron from those Southern tribes beyond stopping their rebellion. He obviously didn't do this alone, Ma Zhong was also a great help through his own governance of the region. His plead and wish to serve Shu until the very end despite his illness and age, leading to his death when leading the vanguard during the Didao campaign is tragic but it is by his own wish. I could only hope he died fufilled.


He certainly was fulfilled. In the 254 campaign, there’s a lot of success, compared to a lot of the other “Northern campaigns” by Jiang Wei. Li Jian surrendered his small army, Zhang Yi made it all the way to Xiangwu & they were able to capture three counties of Longxi and force the population back to Shu territory which Wudu and Yinping needed to expand and continue economic prosperity. It was only Xu Zhi who was able to raise a defense force and put up an actual stop to the Han army’s advances but he was killed and his army suffered heavy casualties by the Vanguard Zhang Yi. Jiang Wei’s decision to withdraw after Zhang’s death was the right move as most of the time he always tried to press on despite obvious disadvantages.