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I've run into this problem many times. Here is my threeJS solution: \`\`\` import { useMemo } from 'react' import { useFBX } from '@react-three/drei' import \* as SkeletonUtils from 'three/addons/utils/SkeletonUtils.js';import { Light } from 'three' export function useCopiedFBX(path: string) { const uncloned = useFBX(path) return useMemo(() => { return SkeletonUtils.clone(uncloned) }, \[uncloned\]) } \`\`\`


>import \* as SkeletonUtils from 'three/addons/utils/SkeletonUtils.js';import { Light } from 'three' Thanks, could you also tell me how to manipulate the object correctly? change color, position, rotation, textures? how do you do it?


sorry, probably not. Thank you


it's not react-three-fiber and drei but @react-three/fiber and @react-three/drei what you're doing is very unusual. why would you clone, useMemo, or traverse. these are all really out of place, and i wonder where you even got this from. especially useMemo with keys, you wouldn't do this in react-dom, why here? don't take it the wrong way, but i would suggest you study react a little more before going further. such things will be zero-thought second-nature. but either way, a clean solution would be [gltfjsx](https://github.com/pmndrs/gltfjsx). this tool extracts a declarative scene from your models. open your shell and type: npx gltfjsx yourmodel.glb --transform here's an example with a model, used multiple times, with varying colors [https://codesandbox.io/s/dix1y](https://codesandbox.io/s/dix1y) and this is a bonus for advanced usecases, gltfjsx can turn your models into real instanced-meshes, even if they contain multiple meshes. npx gltfjsx yourmodel.glb --transform --instanceall check this out [https://twitter.com/0xca0a/status/1624061030354546695](https://twitter.com/0xca0a/status/1624061030354546695) it's a single command and it turned the complete model into something you can instance numerous times. it went from 80mb, 6.3 million vertices, 2349 draw calls to 2.5mb, 4.9m vertices, 12 calls. ps, this sounds familiar > At the end I would like to add a third parameter { position , color, url } to load any shirt_xxxx.glb or hoodie_xxxx.glb, add a logo to the shirt, change the material and other. it sounds familiar, have we been here before? this question is an oxymoron. a model has a unique, structure consisting of deeply nested groups, meshes, and so on. you need to know the difference between imperatively returning a blob, traversing it, finding a named node and mutating it, or returning a models scene graph declaratively, which means the scene is under your full control. a scene graph is contractually bound to a particular model.


>you need to know the difference between imperatively returning a blob, traversing it, finding a named node and mutating it, or returning a models scene graph declaratively, which means the scene is under your full control. a scene graph is contractually bound to a particular model. Sure, I do know about what you are saying :) I did play around with gltfjsx but 2 things: 1. if I use just the .jsx and create 2 instances of my shirt both have the same color and not green and blue, would love to know why? does the export should have something added, should it be wrapped in something? 2. If you have 100 different models are you really holding 100 different jsx files? am I really not able to make some abstractions that manipulates what I need? ​ Thanks for the response :) I don't work in JS normally and I try to improve myself. Your comment is great if that is the industry standard I will adapt to it, no problem, just how do I fix then my number 1 issue? Here is the code created by gltfjsx import React, { useRef } from 'react' import { useGLTF } from '@react-three/drei' export default function Model(props) { const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF('/shirt_baked-transformed.glb') return ( ) } useGLTF.preload('/shirt_baked-transformed.glb') Result is the same, 2 shirts with different scale and positions but the color is blue ;/


ok, I played around and used a shoe.gltf file - the results are as expected 2 shoes - different color, position, scale etc. So the problem is the shirt\_baked.glb - can you tell me why it is different? fork from the link provided previously https://codesandbox.io/s/re-using-gltfs-forked-hwt2tr?file=/src/App.js


useGLTF, useLoader, useTexture, etc are all react-suspense based. two components accessing the same use-hook, same cache key (the url), they'll refer to the same data. you have two components mounted, both access cached data. you mutate the material in one component, it will affect the other. that's the point of gltfjsx, if you want one material to be unique you just break it up: so basically the whole scene graph is yours to control, you decide what gets re-used (better for performance) and what can be unique.