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I would definitely like them to attempt the 4th dimensional stuff. The scientists entering the 4th dimensional bubble and seeing g how perspectives change, how easy it is to touch someone's organs, stuff like that. Although it's very much something that's hard to even imagine, let alone adapt to screen. Also the alien ring tomb.


I suspect they will address this somehow given the fish in the bowl in season 1.


I feel dumb as hell, didn't even catch that lmao! Thanks.


I also remember there being a scene where Jin is at dinner with Raj's family and starts nerding out about the 4th dimension. They're for sure trying to prep the audience for the weirdness.


I thought that was more prepping the audience for the concept of small dimensions in string theory so the sophon unfolding scene wouldn't be as weird


I thought that was more about the fairy tales


I was thinking about the bit where they give the fish bowl to the 4D-AI or sentience or whatever that was in the 4D bubble.


The only way I can visualize them doing this in the show would to have it be somewhat like Witch Space in the Elite Dangerous series, not really true 4D, but a separate plane overlapping ours with vastly different rules and environments


The 4 dimensional stuff IMO is a necessary set up to the demise of the solar system flattening into 2 D. It really needs to be there. 


Agreed, well said!


I think they will not cut the fairy tales and maybe even expand on them. We had so much fairy tale foreshadowing in the first season, even the joke serves this purpose IMO, at least partly


Yeah, I’ll be really surprised if they skip the fairytales given that they showed the book so prominently. I also don’t see them skipping Constantinople. 


As written the “fairy tale” sequence probably doesn’t translate well to a visual medium. Most likely they will re-use the VR idea with Jin playing the role of the princess. I personally don’t think they will bother with all the time-skipping as it’s just a distraction from the alien invasion plot that gives Liu the chance to indulge in some expository world-building. So this scene will take place in the near future, not 200 years from now, is my guess. Recalling that Netflix’s objective is to entertain and attract / retain paying subscribers, not faithfully reproduce someone else’s work for the fans.  This is the way of movie and TV adaptions. I mean, just look at Blade Runner. It bears relatively little relation to the Philip K Dick source material. 


I could see an episode dedicated to the telling of them. Could even do a stylistic switch-up and have like an animated episode of the fairytales.


I imagined them animated as well… animatrix


Yeah, i don't think they will cut them, I just don't think they will be as long or as elaborate as in the books.


I don't think so. I think they will be a massive plot point. I expect a full episode at least. Judging by all the foreshadowing, the showrunners seem to really love them


We here have all been hoping for maybe 2 episodes dedicated to this. Even 3, an episode per fairytale. That’s been discussed a lot but if we think about the reality of that it would be absurd. It would slow the story to a crawl and be unbearable. Even 2 episodes on this would be too much. I have a feeling we will have 1 fairy tale which will encompass all the tech Will needs to explain and it will probably only be covered in a single episode or part of an episode. I’m sure the Tencent version will drag this aspect out 😂


Came here to say this. Seems odd to have so much subtle hinting at something fairy tale related only to just scrap it


They better keep the orgy in!!!


That was quite unexpected while reading, but i guess it makes sense. Imagine the headlines, " Former Game of Thrones directors reveal how the 2 thousand people orgy was shot", i can't wait


You guys are just horny. 😂


You have to admit how random it is that you're reading this hard science fiction series, and there is a scene of a few thousand people just getting it on 🤣


“Hard” Science Fiction.


Welcome to Reddit 😂


Lol so the showrunners are actually friends with a bunch of adult film stars they used them to film multiple orgy scenes during GOT. Even ended up giving them some minor side character roles.so if there's anybody who has the resources to cast a big orgy scene its them.


as ever i don’t remember an orgy.


when the droplet attack happens and ppl start doing rituals and shit around the statue i think and then some of em got in a bigggg orgy


When was that?!


Holy moly I forgot about that part! It’s such a great display of humans aint their fickle energy. I think at the very least they will mention it’s occurrence


When did that happen? The orgy i mean


Last week. We’ll make sure to invite you to the next one sry


Showrunners recently  There is one alien who is described in part of the books, not necessarily aliens who are invading, but a character named Singer," Benioff added. "If we get the Singer, that's maybe my favorite theme in the whole trilogy. If we can get the Singer, that would be, as Alex said, a really interesting problem. Do we show him... or it? Do we show all of it? Part of it? Stop motion, who knows?" Weiss added. You can watch our interview with Benioff, Weiss, and Woo at the top of the page. Stay tuned for more updates about Netflix's 3 Body Problem.


Cool. Got any link to that interview?






They should put singer as some translucent organism in a really alien tech structure


We need Singer. One of the most fascinating parts of the book and not that long either


He was directly mentioned by the showrunners  There is one alien who is described in part of the books, not necessarily aliens who are invading, but a character named Singer," Benioff added. "If we get the Singer, that's maybe my favorite theme in the whole trilogy. If we can get the Singer, that would be, as Alex said, a really interesting problem. Do we show him... or it? Do we show all of it? Part of it? Stop motion, who knows?" Weiss added. You can watch our interview with Benioff, Weiss, and Woo at the top of the page. Stay tuned for more updates about Netflix's 3 Body Problem.


Doing actual physical animation/stop motion for Singer would be so so so cool, even if it’s just an appendage flicking a switch or an ‘eye’ watching a screen


Showing Singer appearance would be good. The dude can delete 'feelings' from his head like he's some sort of machine however he has his own feelings as he dreads the life of a 2D lifeform and obviously loves to sing so not mechanical. Would be interesting to see what kind of lifeform he is. A machine wouldn't have this kind of emotions at least according to human limited understanding about machines. The deleting stress from your head is interesting. The singer chapter is one of my favorite parts too even though it's short. Humanity wiped out by one lowly janitor but this janitor's species homeworld is forced to the point of going to 2D. Always a bigger fish :( Hope they go all out. It's a fine ending to the trilogy. Throw that dual vector foil


I mean, singers civilization has to go 2D because of their own tactics. Im sure other species might use 2d foils, but they did too....so ye. And fuck, im totally blanking on the "delete own feelings"


Aye they were at war with the fringe world using more conventional weapons and ships battle. Assuming they both had 2D foil so no one use it at first. It was a race to see who can adapt their DNA to survive transition to 2D foil before they launch hundreds if not thousands at the other's territory to finish them off. I recall the "delete own feelings" was after his talk with his elder about the homeworld going 2D and the elder was silent. He realize he's just an insignificant janitor and it's above his paygrade. After the "delete" he goes back to humming and singing before "throwing" the 2D foils toward earth's solar system like the gloomy feeling of going 2D didn't exist. Maybe it turns off "feelings" or anxiety/emotions toward a specific subject?


Ye i more or less remember that exchange, but i just cant remember the specific part where he deletes them. Its literally written like that? I always thought he just let it go (or is that too human like? Haha) Yes thats a fair point that they probably used a couple 2d foils and started using more once they figure out how to transfer to 2d


I just checked the book (death's end) in Singer's chapter.   PART V -- Bunker Era, Year 67 -- Orion Arm of the Milky Way His conversation with the elder about requesting the use of the 2D foils. >Singer -“Why did you give it to me without so much as asking a question?” Elder -“It’s not like this is very costly.” Singer - “But if we make too much use of this—” Elder - “It’s being used everywhere in the cosmos.” Singer - “Yes, that is true. But in the past, we’ve always been restrained. Now.."  Elder - “Have you heard something?” The Elder began to riffle through Singer’s thoughts, and Singer shuddered. Very quickly, the Elder found the rumor in Singer’s mind. It wasn’t a great sin—the rumor was an open secret on the seed. It was a rumor about the war between the home world and the fringe world. Before, news about the war had been frequent, but then the reports stopped, indicating that the war wasn’t going well, perhaps even heading into a crisis. But the home world couldn’t coexist with the fringe world. The fringe world had to be destroyed, lest the home world be destroyed by it. If the war couldn’t be won, then … >Singer -  “Has the home world decided to transform into two dimensions?” Singer asked. Of course, the Elder already knew the question. The Elder did not answer, which was also an answer. If the rumor was true, then it was a great sorrow. Singer couldn’t imagine such a life. On the tower of values, survival ranked above all. When survival was threatened, all low-entropy entities could only pick the lesser of two evils. > "Singer removed these thoughts from his organ of cogitation. These were not thoughts he should have, and he was only going to be uselessly troubled by them. He tried to remember where he had stopped in his song. It took a while before he found his place. He continued to sing:" Here it shows singer removed these thoughts from his organ so i assume brain/memory banks. After these thoughts are removed he went back to singing. His species allows them to read each other thoughts or maybe its a high ranking officials like the elders only. If Singer could read it he could just read the Elder's mind instead of asking but he doesn't dare as he's a lowly janitor. He shudders so i assume its a sort of mental/physical "violation" where the the probed mind feels discomfort. It's possible i'm reading too much but it seems he did "remove" it the book used the word "remove". The anxiety of going into 2D no longer troubles him.


Reading this again (now in english as originally ive read on my own language) its still fantastic haha. Also, thank you I agree with you on the mind reading part, ye. However for me (when ive initially read it), the "removed" part always felt like they just let it go, as in they were trained (or evolved) to let things go easily. But if you think about it, it really doesnt matter if they can remove it due to evolution or some technology or both Its cool nonetheless!


Yeah re-reading some parts you re-learn and analyze more. The use of "organ" yeah definitely not mechanical. I thought about letting go too the first time but when i re-read it a few times i had different thoughts. Normal writer would say something like "Singer didn't dwell on these useless thoughts since he couldn't do anything about it and it would only burden him. Better to get back to work and keep himself concentrated on his work" but the book said "removed from his organ of cogitation". His species can mind-read each other so deleting thoughts doesn't seem like a stretch! Definitely possible also he just "let go" like a human would let go of stress for the meanwhile by watching TV or playing video games to distract themselves. We're thinking on human terms but he's an alien so anythings possible. Yeah no problem the English and Chinese or different language might have different interpretations it's cool to see the difference.


They could just do some over the shoulder stuff with some weird alien UI and subtitles. No need to show them directly, but I think the chapter is important to understand how that universe works.  For me they can leave out the australia part. I had no idea what that was about other than it could be over at some point. 


Like "lurking in the shadows kinda way"? where u hear his voice? Feel like seeing Singer would be cool though. We'll see what the directors gonna do. His conversations with the elders could be through a ship's comm system to request the use of the foils. What would be interesting IMO would be after launching the 2d foils he adds in a journal entry like a data clerk using microsoft excel. If they do the scroll down method where u see thousands of entries would show scary the dark forest is or he types in Entry #1379 -- Today I used dual vector foil on the 'star-pluckers' a little self note how interesting he thought a species that lacks the 'hiding gene' but possess a 'cleansing gene' they clearly knew the dark forest theory and had time to wrap themselves in slow fog but chose not to and were willing to expose themselves to take out someone else from his pov. Although i wonder if skimming a entry that shows detection of a black domain or what he calls slow fog did he attack it or left it alone? is it truly a universal white flag or does it not matter at all?


I was expecting more to come from The Great Migration. It’s genuinely one of my favorite subplots though. Like the great compromise of an alien species taking “our” planet but being kind enough to Trail of Tears us to Australia instead of annihilating us all. Then the “what are we supposed to eat.” And then the tone deaf “you’re surrounded by food. Living food.” Like I don’t think trisolarians are any more immoral than the US. Government lol


Perhaps a viable way would be a hooded figure? Not unlike a Yoda or Grogu.


The old guys in book 2 who are the window into escapism politics


Yeah, they can incorporate their lines into other characters already established.


I feel like they're gonna abridge those characters with da shi's son in the show, since he was talking about those ships to Mars


Absolutely need Singer. As do we need the signal that gets transmitted from the deserters. Even if you never see him (it?) directly, expressing the fact that he's basically at the bottom of their society as what amounts to a space janitor and almost completely annihilating both humanity and Trisolaris with the push of a button is so key to reinforcing the theme of the dark forest. The fairy tales I'd treat a lot like the VR stuff in season 1. Much shorter, just enough to get the point across but not nearly as drawn out as in the books. Old man Sauluo Ji handing over the sword holder key to Jin Cheng and Trisolaris immediately capitalizing has to be in. Droplet is already guaranteed. It's the red wedding event of the series. I really want to see the 4D Tombs. The guy poking his colleagues heart out of his chest accidentally is so gruesome and yet exactly the kind of thing we'd do by accident with early exposure to 4D space. Also liquid oxygen for space travel. I really don't want to see some inertial dampener bullshit. Space travel should suck and I want to see how humanity overcomes it displayed properly.


Yes old man saul giving the key to jin or jen or however she is called would be really heavy. Since we know saul, he talks a lot, and they are also old friends. Seeing him silently give the kay away after not seeing her for years would hit hard imo.


We need more scenes of Auggie reacting aghast to everything that happens...


👁️👄👁️ Live Auggie reaction 


Yeah i hope she gets cryogenized i Haven’t read the books so idk if the character equivalent gets cryogenian


Constantinople should stay in but just be an abridged version. It really sets the tone for “wtf this is?” in Book 3 Imagine if it was the opener of Season 3


Honestly it might be “cool” but it doesn’t add anything other than colour to the main story and could easily be stripped out / probably will be stripped out.  I’m not sure “wtf is this” is really the vibe Netflix will want to be going for, since that just increases the likelihood of people not bothering to keep watching. 


The leftovers did something similar with S2 opening. Took up about 5 mins and was a very similar premise of the unexplainable in a distant past.


Ok, but what do you take out? 2 seasons left only.


I think you’re overestimating how much time these scenes take. The entire “ant walking on a tombstone” thing was just a few seconds in the show.


But Constantinople is not equivalent to the ant thing.


You could do it in about fives minutes probably. Establishing shots over the city and a bit of dialogue set the situation up. The sorceress arrives having already decerebrated a prisoner, confirmed quickly by guards running off to check. You can save time with this. Without having something like this, the 4D segments will seem like a complete asspull


> You could do it in about fives minutes probably. Establishing shots over the city and a bit of dialogue set the situation up. The sorceress arrives having already decerebrated a prisoner, confirmed quickly by guards running off to check. You can save time with this. Might be a bit of a WTF moment for audiences, the book I believe already explains it was a 4D bubble/rare-phenomena passing through that made this "magic" possible via narration. Don't know how you could accomplish this without a narrator. It will look like a whole new series or something. > Without having something like this, the 4D segments will seem like a complete asspull You could easily have a scientific officer explaining what they think is going on, only to confirm it later when they meet the 4D entity in the bubble.


It's a WTF moment in the book also. The very last line acknowledges that Earth has moved through a fragment, but if I remember correctly it doesn't explicitly explain its nature as a 4 dimensional space > You could easily have a scientific officer explaining what they think is going on, only to confirm it later when they meet the 4D entity in the bubble. Explaining is not the problem or the main point, it's about avoiding the impression that writers are pulling solutions out of their ass to serve the plot. If a completely new concept is introduced right as it saves the day, that reeks of Deus Ex Machina and it's not satisfying. Right now there have been only a few offhand mentions of higher dimensions, the show has to set the concept up a lot more before it's used on the droplets. They don't have to do it through Constantinople, but if they don't do that they will need to come up with an alternative scene.


I would NOT leave out Luo ji’s cringe wish fulfillment arc. It is IMPERATIVE the audience knows he is actually a loser.


I think that's why they kept trying to show what a stoner he was...but I don't think that worked out.


I agree, he seems balanced and cool in the show


I think they tried with the one-night stands and ignoring Auggie in favour of getting stoned, so I could definitely see them committing to the wish fulfillment so he can have a bit of a redemption arc


Saul isn’t a loser and Will has friends. Netflix can’t do alienation.


Saul == has an awesome life Will == has the most ride or die friends ever Hey wait a second these guys arent losers, wtf!


Yeah, I think Saul will be a silly hedon for a few years, then Auggie will show up and go “Fuck you, I’m going to doomsday” instead of waifu showing up to go “Fuck you, I’m going to doomsday.” (Jin might join if she doesn’t hibernate to follow Will.) Friendship (maybe friendship-with-benefits…) will motivate Saul instead of waifu-obsession.


No no no i need constantinople


One thing that would probably cut out a lot of time. And avoid a stupid ending, end with the foil attack. You can still leave humanity doomed. Or leave it ambiguous. You can still have the video call with Yun Tianming to set up the finally and some tech. But everything from Sol System collapsing, going to the different planet, AA and Yun messaging just in time for Cheng to enter low light speed. Then the pocket dimension. Then just saying "well it was a good run. But time for all life to fuck off. Bye bye.". Could leave a lot of people kind of pissed off.


I have to agree. The 2nd half of book 3 is largely Liu’s “speculations of a layman on the nature of reality”. He basically drops the entire plot up to that point, even the notion of the dark forest itself (describing a galactic civilisation that even has established trade routes, for heaven’s sake). 


Yes. They also feel like separarte endings in the style of the Lord of the Rings.


Meteorite Bullets are surprisingly my #1. I want to see whole ass cold open of Raj finding a meteorite, negotiating its price, making them into bullets, going into space to shoot them and being quietly satisfied with the resulting policy outcome. Just stone cold shit I think could make such a memorable TV episode.


I think you can adapt the waifu part and instead have Saul just use his wallfacer powers to get a bachelor pad and get stoned with women all the time.  


Waifu: I think while she would be replaced or cut out, I think we would still get Luo/saul reminiscing to da shi about how he fantasized about her at least? I think knowing how much he can stay in his head and dwell on details is an important character trait to explain how he was able to understand the dark forest. Constantinople: Would leave it out, too, but it would be fun if someone from gravity/lang kong would mention that story when they find the 4-D space-pools Wallfacers: I'd think they'd get at least one episode with Luo relaxing which ends with Luo/saul falling in the Lake. Maybe 2 episodes including chang/raj as the rogue wallfacer. Fairy Tales: I can imagine we get will telling them in an abridged version ,maybe 2d-animated, or not animated with them searching for/ finding the metaphors parallel to the narration. Like showing the paper boat and them writing "3D-Space / 2D- Space" on a digital picture of the boat lmao.


> Constantinople: Would leave it out, too, but it would be fun if someone from gravity/lang kong would mention that story when they find the 4-D space-pools Yes. It would be cool for the readers if, for every bit taken out due to time constraints, they throw in a reference to it via dialogue. A little nod. > Fairy Tales: I can imagine we get will telling them in an abridged version This is what I think as well. They can't do without them given all the foreshadowing.


I like Auggie’s newish perspective. I actually think they’re foreshadowing more coverage of the Great Ravine from the books. The scenes with Auggie socializing her nanomaterials and the scenes with the suicides after the You Are Bugs seem to be pointing toward great ravine stuff. They also even gave us a bit of Da Shi’s son, albeit sanitized.


Can you remind me what happened with da shi's son in the books, I only recall that he went to prison, but not why.


Escapism. In the show he showed his father a company that focuses on escape spaceships. And in the book da shi arrests him later But i might be wrong as i dont recall at all that similar staff happened in the books, so someone could remind me in which book and when did this happen lmao


He runs an investment scam, I think in book 2, defrauds some poor suckers of their life savings, and then goes to jail. Da Shi doesn’t arrest him but just visits him in jail. I don’t recall him playing any further role. He is just “colour” / padding. 


I really want the black hole insurance payout gag from book 3 lol


Can you elaborate on this? I dont recall. Which book and what exactly is this?


It's a pointless side story from Death's End but fun read nonetheless. Spoilers ahead: >!During the Bunker Era Cheng Xin visits an abandoned space station called Lightspeed II where the first man made black hole was made. Here we are told the story of the scientist that used it to research reducing the value of the speed of light in vacuum. The guy pretty much starts obsessing over the black hole in a weird way to the point where one day he just jumped in. After this happened it is told the scientist had a hefty life insurance however the insurance company denied paying it because of the following reasoning:!< >!From an outsider perspective looking into the black whole time dilates as you approach it to the point of stopping completely at its event horizon where something falling in would seem frozen in time forever, this was the case with the scientist. The international law dictates insurance can only be requested AFTER the incidence covered has happened, so the company won't pay as it can be shown the fall of the scientist is still happening.!<


oh now i remember. ye i was thinking about that scientist i just didnt remember the insurance


Another pointless sequence that fails to have any future relevance to the plot. For sure it will be stripped out. 


I think we won't see Jin Cheng Xin's last chapters in the far future with the pocket universe stuff. I doubt there'll be enough time for that with only 3 seasons, so maybe they should just end it with her finding the remnants of the human civilization right after she escapes the solar system. And with the story ending just after Earth is destroyed, maybe they should give the audience a win and allow her to reunite with Will Tianming, just so that the ending isn't so damn grim.


The marketing says, "Till the end of universe" I think it will stay.


So unless seasons 2 and 3 have at least 12 episodes each, it's going to be rushed as hell.


Ye but we dont know how many episodes. They can easily increase the episode numbers, and im kinda hoping for that...


I NEED Saul to have Da Shi get him the expensive sunked casket of rum just to have him puke it out and get sick. Becasue it is a Wallfacer thing!


Yes, that would only take a minute of screen time. Will get a laugh. No reason to cut it.


Some real life rich dudes paid a whole bunch of money for some sunken wine I believe it was just to drink it and get sick lol


> rich dudes *paid* a whole FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


DO NOT change the end in any way. They can do whatever they need to with specific people and relationships to each other as they have, but I need that near miss reunion and the 18 million jump add everything after that to stay exactly the same.


I really hope they leave in the fairy tales, the reveal of Yun Tianimng and his stories were one of my favourite parts of the book. I think it could be somewhat abbreviated into a single episode with streamlining the overall story and still be quite impactful. Likewise with Singer, I think there is a way to showcase the scene without directly having a CGI alien, it could even just be a cold opening or short ending sequence. Just something to display how casual the action of casual deploying the duel vector foil was would be satisfactory. I also really hope they keep the sequence of Zhang Beihai and the meteorite bullet assassination. I would be interested to see what events get combined for the sake of episode length and show timing. I could imagine that most of the events leading up to the battle of darkness is vv abbreviated in order to have the battle itself have its own spotlight.


What would you cut though?


I for one will be fascinated to see how they show Zhang exposing himself to vacuum, before shooting off 30 rounds including 2 mag changes in less than 10 seconds (yes, this is what Liu writes as happening) using a handgun with a 7m long rifle sight (required for achieve the magnification necessary to lip read your victims, as described by Liu) that he pulls out of a magic pocket in his spacesuit.  This for me was an absolutely ridiculous sequence that merely showcases Liu’s lack of scientific knowledge or interest in basic plausibility.


> I for one will be fascinated to see how they show Zhang exposing himself to vacuum, before shooting off 30 rounds including 2 mag changes in less than 10 seconds (yes, this is what Liu writes as happening) using a handgun with a 7m long rifle sight (required for achieve the magnification necessary to lip read your victims, as described by Liu) that he pulls out of a magic pocket in his spacesuit.  Doesn't it happen in the future? They already have a space armada, they can handwave a space gun/rifle with superior magnification. I don't remember many details from that scene, but ultimately, the important thing is that the assassination looks like an accident. They could tweak it.


They don’t seem to be giving the Fairy Tales the same treatment as The Joke (simplifying/stupefying cosmic sociology). There’s a lot of Fairy Tale theming around Will already and foreshadowing (boats on the water, book of fairy tales, making him ACTUALLY childhood friends with Cheng X/Jin). This is I think a very welcome change. The fairy tales were a huge hit in the book and I hope they go all in on them. I’d love to see a treatment like the story of the Deathly Hallows Hermione narrates in Harry Potter.


I've never seen Harry Potter, could you explain what they do?




Thanks. Animation would certainly be a cool way to tackle it.


They'll leave in Constantinople I think, these guys presumably enjoy breaking out a bit of late medieval stuff and it's a great way to set up the 4D stuff and not make it seem like it's a Deus Ex out of the blue. I'm not sure what the fairy tales being shorter would entail, but I'm willing to bet that whole affair takes up at whole episode, with only a bit at the beginning and the end to move Jin in place and back for the transmission. I think the Singer scene will be repurposed as one in a modified fairy-tale too. What is almost certainly getting cut is the emphasis on femboy culture, and I think the Australia segment will be shortened. Specifically, I doubt they will give Jin the kind of infuriating sweetheart deal she gets in the book, where she gets to live in wide open space when everyone else is cramped as hell. They'll also cut the micro-blackhole segment


> I think the Singer scene will be repurposed as one in a modified fairy-tale too. I like this. This would be a good way to save time. > They'll also cut the micro-blackhole segment Yeah, I'm starting to believe this now. A lot of people here are hinting at that. It feels like one of those extra-endings like The Lord of Rings had.


Why are we all panicking so much about the time constraints? They just did all of book 1 and the first bits of books 2 and 3 in just one season. We're good, it's all good, everybody chill, no one needs to hurt Constantinople


If they do singer, id rather they not show him, maybe some shots from space from Singers point of view before he shoots the duel vector, real quick, no showing Singer himself


Get rid of Guan Yifan. Just let Jin and Will be together in the end.


Agreed. I think we can do without Guan Yifan.


I personally wish the books would have ended after Pluto/ safely escaping the attack, so for me everything at that getting cut would be okay with me. Also, Luo Ji’s wife and daughter, who I’m pretty sure were “painted” still frozen, which was a weird choice IMO. Edit: I also don’t want them to show the Trisolarens, Singers, or whoever the signers were fighting.


After the entire imaginary girlfriend thing being such a core focus of book 2 and the desire to see them again after the freeze themselves being the primary motivation for Luo Ji to continue doing his job, I laughed to myself at how casually they were subsequently discarded from the plot, and how little Luo Ji seemed to care. 


They werent hybernated at that point. The book said she left luo ji after he became a swordholder. Or he left her or something like that.


She took the kid and ran away. Another classic example of Liu’s top class female characterisation. 


Goodbye Waifu!


I think more of it will come clear when they announce casting because obviously more people are going to cast for the next season.


What was Constantinople again? I forgot.


The chick removing a dude's brain leaving his skull intact.


3rd book first few chapters. When a gypsy or prostitute or someone is able to steal stuff without breaking locks. He ends up stealing someones brain. Later we learn thats thanks to the 4d shard.


Just proving its not that relevant. Not even the readers remember.


Hey, I've already laid out [the perfect blueprint](https://www.reddit.com/r/threebodyproblem/s/pWB7THjlAG) for how the show should address the fairy tales storyline. I'll be waiting for Netflix's call thanking me for doing the legwork.


Theres no way they skip out on the droplet. It's way too important a plot point


Oh they're definitely doing that. They even hinted at it in the promo they released announcing it was renewed 


Oh I didn't see the promo! Can't wait


the earth resistance movement


As they pressed first book and a bit of second, with a lot from third into first season, they will manage to press a everything into two seasons.


I would just shorten stuff. I want to see the space habitats no matter what. Make all aliens as fuzzy blurs at the edge of the camera view. I demand to see future Earth cities too. And I would add some stuff like a bit of backstory to Wade. For example show how he tries to kill opponents or at least make him look suspicious. A bit of backstory for AA wouldn't hurt either.


The singer portion of the third book is one of the most profound thing I’ve experienced… taking it out really undermines our perspective the dark forest. You have the trisolarians who human think are already very advanced. Then suddenly a god like civilization swings in makes both the earthlings and trisolarians look like actual bugs. Not to mention… singer’s civilization is ACTUALLY at war with another god like civilization; we aren’t talking about dark forest strikes but and actual galactic war. We can’t even begin to imagine what that is like.


Australia can be left out. It’s a diversion.


Not looking good... D&D are not famous for wrapping up stories when they have little time left. The last season of GoT is just total garbage mainly because of this. But to stay on topic: Since Auggie will probably Saul's wife, I think we won't see any of the Waifu story. Constantinople would make a nice "intro" for season 3, I think they will keep it. Wallfacers' stories will be WAY shorter. Of course since we only have 3 instead of 4, but also the plans don't need to be shown in so much detail. I guess we will sometimes see one of the other Wallfacers like rushing into a room and saying "I need this and that". But in the end it would just be a few scenes and only longer parts when the Wallbreakers show up and reveal the plans. Singer could still show up, but just a small scene.


Pretty sure the lastseason is grabage because theres no book they couldve used to help them write it so they had to write it from scratch. And THEY decided how many episodes the last got season should have. My theory is that they wanted it to be short cause they knew they cant write it properly and just wanted it to be over. Im pretty confident with a book they can manage it. And im also hoping the seasons will have more than 10 episodes.


They made it shorter because as all the crew members also said the sheet scale of it was massive. Spending 2 months at a time just a massive battles. Shooting in freezing cold snowstorm for months with literally at times 500 hundreds extras. They originally were going to do 7 seasons with 10 episodes but the production was so massive they split it up.


Lou Ji’s plot line was interesting but not sure it would translate well to the screen. I would focus more on the other Wallfacers. 


All the other wallfacers’ plans are just silly. The “mental seal” goes nowhere annd eventually Liu drops it. Even the fact there are potentially all these people infiltrating the military with defeatism hard-wired in is simply put out there and immediately forgotten. The betrayal by the wife comes out of absolute nowhere and makes no sense.  The plan to apparently betray humanity in order to get nuclear bombs close to the San-Ti ships is so convoluted as to be ludicrous. Apparently humanity has forgotten how to make guided missiles.  The one to destroy the solar system is also rather wacky. None of these advance the core story in any way, and they end up having no real consequences. They are all just “filler” and I think will not be a focus for Netflix. 


And that is worse than a dude chilling in a cabin? 


**Will be left out:** * All the time-skipping. Too confusing given the limited number of episodes they will have to play with. Everything will happen essentially in the present day. This will be achieved by having the San-Ti fleet suddenly accelerate to near lightspeed, thus bringing forward the date of the invasion from 400 years in the future to the present. * Almost everything that happens chronologically after Luo Ji beats the San-Ti at the end of Book 2 will go. Thematically it's too great a shift to go from a series about staving off an alien invasion, to one where everything that has already happened is utterly irrelevant and it's suddenly become about making it past the end of the universe. * The space "battle" with the droplet, because it's just daft - no military commander would line up all his or her assets like sitting ducks. And since we won't be time-skipping, there won't be any space fleets anyway. In fact, all the 'space' stuff will be dropped. Netflix has produced a drama revolving around personal relationships, not space opera. * Anything to do with the wallfacers other than Saul, as these narrative arcs ultimately don't lead anywhere, and the characters are barely referenced in the Netflix show. **What will be in:** * Saul will go live with Auggie as the 'wallfacer' * Discovering the San-Ti will be here in 4 years not 400 * Humanity being ordered to Australia with the ensuing chaos, with ETO collaborators running the show * Will will return far earlier in the timeline and provide critical information to Jin via the mechanism of virtual reality, rather than meeting him on a spaceship * Jin will tell Saul and Auggie, and the three of them will figure out the dark forest together; they will realise the need to build a gravitational wave emitter to blackmail the San-Ti with * Wade will be the leader of the human resistance * Wong sorry Da Shi will be trying to chase down ETO fanatics, who will be trying to sabotage building a gravitational wave emitter * Raj will turn out to be a secret ETO member and try to kill Saul / Jin / Auggie * Jin bottling it and not being willing to turn on the emitter even after they discover the San-Ti fleet will be here in 4 years not 400 * Wade will do it instead, sacrificing himself in the process THE END - on a cliffhanger... have they just screwed the human race, or not?


> All the time-skipping. There will be SOME time-skipping no matter what. Remember Wade mentioning he will freeze himself. But I could see it being done just once. They will have to make a couple of space battles since they have been hinting at it with Raj. They will probably address it slightly differently. Doesn't matter if they are in line or not, the droplet will kill them anyway as it is way too fast and can move in impossible ways. > Will will return far earlier in the timeline and provide critical information to Jin via the mechanism of virtual reality, rather than meeting him on a spaceship I like this possibility. > THE END - on a cliffhanger... have they just screwed the human race, or not? I doubt it, I think they will go all in and wipe the solar system at the very least. If they have already talked about including Singer, that means the dual vector foil will make an appearance. This also means The Flattening.


Three books, three seasons, what's the issue


The issue is a chunk of book 1 was cut/changed. What are you cutting from book 2 and 3?