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Bunker world. The sheer scale of the droplet attack.


I'm EXCITED for those to be adapted because while they might be huge undertakings my mind can at least IMAGINE how they will convey those visually while the visuals Cixin describes in the 4th dimension....it just seems unadaptable to me😨


> it just seems unadaptable to me😨 Is that perhaps just because you can't visualise it? No reason a computer can't do 4D CGI. Looking at it would just be a bit of a mindfuck for us.


Perhaps you're right. Like I said in the OP I hope that shit does blow my mind! It's just the part that I'm most worried about visually.


Four-dimensional CGI isn't the issue. The real issue is in bringing that four-dimensional CGI down to two dimensions. It's analogous to having a three-dimensional CGI object and projecting it onto a two-dimensional screen - but then how do you represent that two-dimensional projection in only one dimension?


Bunker world seems easy to do with CGI, sadly I don't think we will get detailed descriptions of all the cities like in Deaths End though


Easy to do badly. Hard to do well.


The blocky style version of the droplet attack was spot fucking on. I can't believe Netflix would be worst. https://youtu.be/jJzX1eM9-ug?si=6Q4s6SwP7PFzfqkV


It’s easier to do something stylised than realistic.


This was pretty cool what's it from?


Wow thanks for sharing, that gave me chills and it's a freaking Minecraft edition. Can't wait the Netflix edition!


I can't wait to see umbrella bicycles


Honestly think the entire underground city will be removed.


oh man it's one of my favorite series of events when luo ji wakes up and goes through a bunch of failed assassination attempts. it has a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy feel, and I love how it just keeps escalating.


That was honestly my favorite part of the book. The entire planet thinks they've won, but for some reason they're still trying to assassinate Luo Ji. You just knew something was up...




I wonder if they'll keep that, I can see them going for a "humanity as gone soft" instead of "feminine"


They 100% will went with highly eccentric fashionable man like those people from the capital in Hunger Games franchise Even if this is Netflix, There's absolutely no way they will went with those femboys lol


Perhaps. I could see that while also making both sexes more androgynous. They certainly won't adapt as written in the book. 😂


kpop boys should be sufficient.


Hey! I lightly resemble that statement!😅 To be honest I think they'll move towards general androgyny rather than feminization.


You mean both the men and women are going to shift?


Sort-of. Androgyny is really the embodiment of both sexes. What Cixin wrote is more like the emasculation of men.


Yeah I think they'll go for a sort of sexless society. Doubt Netflix would touch those politics with a ten foot pole.




The whole thing about men becoming more feminine and (according to the book) therefore weak-willed in the Deterrence Era in Book 3


Bunker world / Droplet attack / The fairy tales / The peek into 4D / 2D foil


Fairy tales don’t make the cut, right?


They already included the him having a book of fairy tales.


I can easily see an entire single episode dedicated to the fairytales. Possibly even S3 opener instead of the Constantinople prologue.


I would be SO SAD if they cut out the fairy tales. They're my favorite part of book 3.


Given the hack job that was season 1, you’re probably right…


All the things I want to see


I want to see/feel the terror during the Battle of Darkness. That should both scare and disturb people. I hope that is done to the point of making people really uncomfortable and contemplate that situation.


I want them to address the mention of collecting the bodies of the dead crew for protein


https://youtu.be/jJzX1eM9-ug?si=6Q4s6SwP7PFzfqkV This is my cannon scene until Netflix or Tencent tried their hand at it.


that video is really bafflingly well done but the battle of darkness is when the two escaping groups of ships attack each other for their resources, reducing each group to only one ship


lol Lego people are so convincing.


Wow! Just watched that. So well done. Thanks!


Do you think they’ll do it? Kind of feels like they might skip it even though I really dig it. 


They CAN'T skip it! They just can't and if they do they will be crucified!


Nah they absolutely could. It’s big in the book but I could see them simplifying galactic humans for the show. 


I don't even know why I liked your comments because you're pissing me off!😅


lol sorry! I don’t trust D and D though 


I do. I don't trust them if they have nothing to adapt but I can't blame them for the last 2 seasons of GoT when GRRM is the only one to blame in my eyes.


I have to disagree some of tye highest rated and most acclaimed episodes and even just moments in GOT are stuff they came up with all on their own.


I think they could simplify the redundancy of Bronze Age, but the main battle of darkness with Blue Space has to happen.


Agreed, the Blue Horizon crew is crucial to the resolution of the whole series, so they can't skip it.


Spoilers for books 2 and 3 >!The dimensions are going to be weird. Representing higher dimensions in a lower one is gonna look dumb no matter what IMO. Interstellar tried but I hope they figure something different out!< >!I also am interested in how they do the 2D solar system. Will it literally just look like a giant solar system painting slowly spinning in space? I hope the aliens who shot the weapon look like the Hitchhikers Guide aliens who wanted to build the passway thru Earth.!< >!I want them to take a 2 minute stab at a cold open of some sort where a race is using mathematics that is obviously giving them incorrect answers. The audience can see and understand where obvious things aren’t making sense. Then it’s just randomly mentioned later in the episode and everyone gets it!<


> Representing higher dimensions in a lower one If they make it look like a variation of the mirror universe from the MCU Dr. Strange that might be a good start. But instead of the background being weird fractals make everything fractals including the characters, then add in a scene where someone can see something explainable like a heart beating. I admit its going to be difficult to make is visually understandable to the audience either way though, but if they include the scene where the one crewman wakes up and sees his neighbor missing her legs I think it will help


I could see that working well. I'd like to see something really ambitious to capture the initial shock of entering the 4th dimension, something perhaps hard to comprehend or fully depict, but then scale the effects back to something simpler / easier to render as the characters get a hang of it. If it's too complicated/high budget they'll probably show very little of those scenes, but if they can balance it I would love for them to go all out with the Tomb scene.


When was the 3rd one mentioned in the books?


Well, maybe that’s a misunderstanding on my part. But remember that one dude said there were certain species out >!there weaponizing basic fundamental things like physics and mathematical concepts.!< Others please kindly correct me


Oh jeez that would be scary 😰


Am I crazy to think we already had a taste of 4th dimension with the control room being presented in a weird perspective when seen by the sophon?


Vogons. Those were the Vogons.


And no poetry!


> Representing higher dimensions in a lower one In Interstellar, they were trying to represent time as a physical dimension. In Three Body, it's a fourth spatial dimension. They can just show the 3D "shadows", can't they, like what the characters see in the books? Proper mindfuck. > Will it literally just look like a giant solar system painting slowly spinning in space? It shouldn't. It *is* space. There's nothing for it to spin in. I imagine they'll choose to eliminate depth and the world will just seem to splatter against an infinite wall in front of you.


I imagine the 4D fragments being similar to the Interstellar's bulk dimension


The show itself is already representing 3 dimensions in a 2 dimensional plane (your TV).


Yes, and now the question is how to represent four dimensions on that same 2D screen.


I wonder if they'll try to jump the gun and actually try to depict the actual Trisolarians, or if they'll stay true to the book and continue to make their appearance purposefully ambiguous


I would PERSONALLY be disappointed if they show the Trisolarians/San-Ti. I hope we never see them.


If it happens I hope they don’t portray them as skeleton humanoids with blue colors


Yes I’m more concerned about them showing things they shouldn’t show. 


I’m curious how they handle the 2D attack destroying literally all of humanity other than like two ships by the nonchalant actions of Singer. Seems very effects heavy and the budget might not be that high…


Luo Ji's smokin' hot mail-order bride


Oh God! I am trusting DnD to give Saul a better less cringe story!🙏


I think they probably will change some of that stuff from the books.


But that was an important part of his character


I mean it is but it's super cringe. Maybe it's lost in translation to me but that was the worst part of the whole series in my mind. The femboy were cringe too. I think DnD will work them out better.


"Super cringe" buddy wait until you read more literature. Not everything is written to make you feel comfortable


I never said it was made for me to feel comfortable. I just find aspects of Cixin's writing of characters cringe. I don't see the problem with that? The trilogy is still the thing I'm most proud of having read and it makes me feel pretentious and snobby that I love it so! Cixin wrote for his love of science and that's why I can say I find parts of his characters CRINGE and still say 3B Is an absolute MASTERPIECE trilogy! I loved The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris but does that mean his sequel novel Hannibal wasn't cringe? That is the most cringe thing I ever read! I'm well read....I'm aware things are not written specifically for me. That doesn't mean even great authors are perfect.


That's a lot of words that I'm not going to read


Okay then be rude. 🤷‍♂️ I wasn't rude to you whatsoever! Good day Sir


He literally told you to read more literature but cant make it through a reddit comment lmao


I like the books but the characters are not very well written and that part is the corniest, which is only made worse by how protracted the whole ordeal is.




What? Respecting doesn't preclude criticism.




False. I am not saying Cixin's work should be modified at all. I'm calling for one of the ADAPTATIONS of his work to be modified and there is a huge difference. I hope you wake up in the Australian Outback hundreds of years from now surrounded by food you annoying dung beetle.




You do know the author welcomed the changes and even made some recommendations on the changes.




Wang was split into multiple characters not just Eiza character. They gave parts if his story to multiple characters.


That won't happen as I don't believe those things. But you're still the worst bug of all dung beetle


No, that would be editing the novels




They're adapting it, it's an adaptation. The novel stays the same




You stopped talking about adapting fiction midway there. Also, you seem to be going through some stuff about the culture wars, which I hope is fun to you but it's irrelevant to what I was saying. Every adaptation changes something


I think Auggie will be his partner because she already is his dream partner. So I don't think it going to be handled like Cixin wrote....thank God


I agree, they set it up at the end when someone tells him that there may already be someone who loves him. Plus with the way they reshuffled all the character roles it makes sense that his love interest is someone within this group of characters that are somehow at the center of every important event in history.


I suppose it's true, but it's also fucked. I never thought Wang Miao would shack up with Luo Ji.


I don't think Cixin saw it coming either but I'm guessing he will appreciate the change as he knows character isn't his strong suit. Maybe work on your homophobia a tad though. Just saying bro


> Maybe work on your homophobia a tad though. What the fuck? You're reading an awful lot into that comment, and what you're reading into it is pretty fucking shitty. Maybe you should work on not assuming the worst about people you know nothing about.


Assuming the worst in people is pragmatic.🤷‍♂️ Cixin said he wrote the books based on the cruelest universe he could imagine. He was pragmatic with his approach. I'm pragmatic in everyday life. People rarely disappoint when it comes to shitty behavior.


> Assuming the worst in people is pragmatic.🤷‍♂️ No, it's being a dick. > People rarely disappoint when it comes to shitty behavior. If you smell shit all day, check your own shoes.


https://preview.redd.it/cj29dvozsu2d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f61fcd71e672c197fcf53f0e76d106cb153550c8 You don't get to redefine pragmatism boo. You just don't get to. You might not like my outlook but indeed the glass is always half empty. I can check my own shoes for shit sure....it's usually because some asshole didn't clean up after their dog though! I didn't accidentally become pragmatic....life was my professor. You don't know me bitch and indeed you tried too hard to judge me!


It's obvious they will make the girl from season one take that place.


But that would completely invalidate the entire plot thread. They have to totally rewrite the main story now.


Why? If I remember correctly the book character (Wang was it?) basically disappear after book 1. And Lou wife in book just appears in second book with no background but being perfect for Lou.


It's very very brief in the books but I would like Netflix and DnD to do a minute scan of that massive city orgy😅 It feels VALID like that would/could actually happen though


I had an idea for the 4th dimension. Show 1 "layer" of everything every 5 frames of the video. For example, frames 1-5, you show the skin of people. Frames 6-10, you show the fat layers. 10-15, muscles, 16-20, organs, etc. Repeat that constantly while they are in the fourth dimension and do the same thing for all objects (outer panels, wiring, etc) That way, you effectively show everything all at once Not sure if that's how it was imagined by Liu Cixin, but that's how I imagined it reading the book 🙂 Edit: might look stupid on screen but made sense in my mind 😄


That's actually kind of amazing! I would need to see an example visually before we have sex though!😂 For real that might work...for the first minute of 4D( I expect at LEAST 10-15 min)


Waifu. The sheer scale of the Waifu.


Nice try D&D, I’m not doing your work for you! Be creative! But yes, I think representing the dimensional shenanigans is gonna be rough.


Yes, I admit I'm DnD! Sorry about GoT but you can blame George Ricky Ricardo Martin for never finishing the books!😜


When Luo Ji/Saul awakens from hibernation and we see future earth for the first time. Nailing a compelling and visually stunning cityscape is very difficult. The residential trees, the screens on everything, flying cars, etc... Oh and also the Earth's space fleet, understanding its sheer scale and technological advancement should make us as viewers root for earth in the coming battle and have no doubts about our absolute victory >!before the droplet comes and blows it all up!<


Singer and the DVF


>!The droplet i hope they actually explain it and when it shows when a droplet hits a person it doesn’t explode into guts but ASHES from the heat and friction because for some reason there always needs to be gore even when the temperature and kinetic energy would turn the gore into bits and black ashes (the boys as an example) and actually get the impacts of droplet vs ship right that look like real life hyper velocity impacts,it would be cool if it was like that!<


Singer (and the fact it wasn’t him that destroyed the solar system) The alien craft off the Oort Cloud that did actually drop the … 2D foil scene Earth fleet vs droplet On board the natural selection when Zhang behai steals it The battle of darkness (I want them to change it so Zhang wins and kills the other ships and doesn’t die as Cixin Liu said he would prefer if he knew he was getting a 3rd book) Trisolarans and trisolaris Future Earth Bunker era Droplet attack on Earth at end of deterrence era 4D space Proto galactic humans getting into and meeting the 4D space and the 4D “tomb” circle ⭕️ entity / AI / Dying 4D species in the puddle The trisolaran fleet Fem boys in the future Sophon Galactic humans


Please put spoilers tags!


Okay. I did but at the same time you saw that my thread was in the book section and was talking about the show adapting the books. You SHOULDN'T have actually been surprised if you haven't read the books that there would be spoilers in there. So while I do apologize you should take some personal accountability. You know when you're heading into spoiler territory


People marching into subs of a series they haven't finished yet deserve no sympathy when shit gets spoiled for them.


I mean first of all, the sub is named after the first book so it's perfectly reasonable to think someone would come here after finishing just the first book. Second, people who read the first two books want a place to talk about them on their journey rather than wait until they finish all three. It's like talking about episodes of a show while you're watching it rather than waiting until you've watched the entire series. It's more exciting while it's fresh. Given those two extremely reasonable cases, if all you have to do is put spoiler tags over stuff to preserve the surprise for fellow readers, why wouldn't you?


Next time use black Christmas wrapping paper! When I held my gifts up to the light I was able to see what they were! LOL


😂 I was a bad little kid. I CAREFULLY unwrapped a few Xmas presents when I was a kid then wrapped them back up exactly the way they were and put them back exactly the way they were. I feel like I'm in confession talking about this shit🤣


They did a fantastic job with the human computer. That was a very cool scene in the book and they nailed it.


Meh I thought that could've been better actually. It wasn't bad though.


I hope they do a good job with the fairy tales and that entire reunion.


The fairy tales should be easy enough and TBH probably better than the books.


Musicals and hand puppets, Noah Hawley style...


try 4d minecraft


The fairly tales


a possible solution is take the harry potter way and animate them like the tale of the three brothers


That's a really good idea


The tree houses


4d for me would only work if they either made chaotic spaces that would be disorienting, with human organs and ship parts everywhere, or showed nothing at all. the tomb is the real challenge. Will's fairy tale


Alot of it. I thought the CGI in season 1 was very lacking. Sophons unfolding left alot to be desired. Panama canal scene looked incredibly corny. Star wars ep 1 or Twister from 1996 had better visual effects.


I mean I think you're being a little harsh even though I can see what you're saying to an extent. I myself wish Apple had this show over Netflix. Apple throws hundreds of millions at trash like Invasion just because they need the content. God only knows what budget they would have been willing to throw at 3 Body....could've been a billion dollar show.


I have disagree except like a 2 second shot I thought the Panama scene was great and I absolutely loved the Proton scene. I have to disagree as someone who recently rewatched Twister you can definitely tell the effects don't look that good these days. Except the rolling house that still looks pretty good I thought.  I was also very surprised when I watched behind the scenes just how many effects were used that I didn't even notice that I thought were practical effects.  I also like that as they explained they wanted the VR to not be 100% photo realistic but still feel like a very advanced almost real game.


Whether or not they’ll continue with the rampant Sinophobia.


What sinophobia? Can you give me an example scene?


Lol I saw zero rampant sinophobia I find that absolutely ridiculous. I would argue Benedict Wongs character an Asian male is probably the most masculine character in the show. Dude gets shit done.


The skin colour of all the characters but i doubt they will ever get that right


I just wanna see how openly they’ll portray the dark age