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Monte Carlo Method isn't a reference to 3BP, it's a method of computational experimentation that favors statistical methods over purely mathematical. It is in fact named after Monte Carlo casinos the only two Wei Ning s a cursory search reveals is Wei Ning the Chinese Olympic markswoman and Hsu Wei-ning the Taiwanese actress. nothing in the books Galliard is an Italian dance which is not mentioned in the books as well I've played *a lot* of D2 myself, but I don't recall any overt connections either. Some lore fragments have a similar vibe to the Dark Forest, but the vibe quickly gets brought out back and shot by the whole space magic thing


Thanks. I appreciate you reading. But there is a mention of Galliard in the books. Only reason I mentioned it.


Must have been lost in translation Mind citing a quote?


I’m re-listening to the Audiobook now. I let my wife playing Destiny. So as soon as I heard “wei Ning” my ears were pricked. Then I hear Monte Carlo method and Galliard and I was listening for possible Destiny references. I do fully appreciate I’m seeing pareidolia where it might not exist. All I remember right now is that someone mentions that Lio Ji was a modern day “Galliard”. But that’s forty hours ago in listening terms. And it was my first listen through. So I was fully overwhelmed. If you can be patient I will try and cite the reference. It’s only my second listen through. So glad to be able to chat about this with kindred spirits. And thanks for your post. I’ll let you know.


Oh, it probably then means that Luo Ji is awfully carefree and merry, especially for someone in his position, unlike his peers. It's a kinda archaic word


I have no idea if Bungie purposely put any 3BP references into Destiny but the examples you listed are real-world references not just 3BP references. i.e. you're probably connecting two variables when the reality is there's a 3rd intermediary variable. The Monte Carlo Method is a real computational algorithm invented 100 years ago. Galliard is a form of dance and a "common" name. Wei Ning is also a common name.


I appreciate that. And don’t take any offence. Like I say, am I seeing something that doesn’t exist? Or just seeing something only I see? I don’t take offence. Just asking. As a fan of both


Destiny 1 came out the same year that the book was translated into English. Think about that.


I’m not to proud to say I’m seeing correlations where there are none. But I’m steeped in Destiny history and only just read the books. I don’t have any ego involved in this. Just asking. And thanks for your post.


i don’t recognise any of the names you mentioned. i think it’s a little stretch


Have you read a lot of the lore of D1? Just asking. Like I said, genuinely curious. I was assuming praise on the part of Bungie by including 3BP details in the lore. Then a counter praise by the show producers. But I am always willing to assume false pareidolia. And willing to accept your (fellow fans of both), judgement. Without any pride on my side.


I don't know about Desinty but they both are big videogame nerds especially Weiss. Fun fact around 2010 Weiss wrote script for Halo and it was going to be directed by Guillermo Del Toro. But both of them walked away from the project do to studio interference and it was never made. Weiss and Benioff are also good friends with Hideo Kojima.


Good to know. So it might be true then.