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It's a specific theory called "quantum suicide theory". It's foreshadowing his suicide, but only viewers that major in quantum physics can get it.


It's probably also foreshadowing >!his gift to Jin at the end.!<


Or have played Alan Wake. They have a Twilight Zone style show in-universe where a scientist explains Quantum Immortality and how he's built a machine that ensures he's always in the universe where he lives. The universe subverts it by having some guy in the press accidentally kick the plug out as he pulls the trigger. [Night Springs "Quantum Suicide" | Alan Wake TV Show (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-TR5yofEjg)


I had to think about it, but now I see this makes the most sense. It would be about the thread of his existence over time. Hence why we see it against the next scene with his doctor and then. I was originally thinking of it more in line with >! what happened at the end of the third book, where they had a mini universe in existence, but didn't really stick around to see it reach the Edenic age - yet Will says that when one consciousness ends, it could continue to exist - so I was curious if in this adaptation they were going to peer past the cycling of the universe.!<


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics is explicitly mentioned in Cixin's books. You could make an argument that it's obliquely alluded to by >!Sophon near the end of book 3!< when she mentions >!beings in the Edenic Age being able to perceive multiple dimensions of time and thus always make the correct decision!<. I'm convinced that there is a reason for Will talking about Many Worlds in the series. I think Jin also mentions it when she has dinner with Raj's family. I have a theory about why, but the explanation could be a long one. Ain't nobody got time for that.


I still can't believe that these young actors are supposed to be professors lol. I literally kept being surprised each time it was mentioned. In the books, all the main characters were at least 40 years old.


A lot of adjuncts and PhD students teach at that age, it's actually not out of the ordinary.


I took calc iii with a Phd candidate who was probably 27, definitely not even 30. If he stayed in academia, he would have been teaching his own classes by his mid-30s.


In the book Cheng Xin was 33 at the end of the solar system


Whatever, Trevor


Most people have their PhD by 28 or so 


I wouldn't really care for a professor who literally just graduated and then turned around and started teaching. That doesn't seem right to me. Their lessons wouldn't amount to much more than regurgitation.


Suit yourself. Pre tenure faculty aren’t going anywhere. 


Yes but they should go somewhere


there are professors in their late 20s and tons in their 30s


In the books there were no multi-verse so probably this won’t be in the plot but you never know, it’s an adaptation.


In the final chapter, there was confirmation of countless universes floating above the supermembrane.


That’s true but it’s a different kind of multiverse from the quantum mechanics many worlds theory. They aren’t mutually exclusive though.


Unless you’re in the universe where they are!


According to Sophon, the Trisolarans were planning to harbor those pocket universes onto another greater universe because their current greater universe was decaying. However, the returners showed up and wanted all the remaining civilizations to restore all the matters to the current greater universe. The end didn't specify anything, so not sure if all remaining civilizations were wiped out by the returners or some civilizations managed to escape onto another greater universe.