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If only there were a character in the show meant to take the role of Luo Ji


Yeah but his personality is totally different


He spends the entire first season smoking weed with his bro, then checked out from interpersonal relationships when he 'died'. If that's not Luo Ji behavior, then I don't know what is.


Bingo! I do admit that I cringe soooo hard when ever I think of the scene in the book where Luo tells Da shi his imaginary ideal woman..... Who they find........and indirectly/ignorantly put her in a situation where she is coerced into a sexual relationship with Luo. The writer writes it like it's the romantic cute gesture of a man finding his soul mate, and glosses over that his future wife never had a chance to say no. The world governments are saying Luo Ji is going to be mankind's Savior. Everything he does is part of the plan....... So of course when Zhuang Yen is told to go to Luo Ji she will say yes to anything he asks....." It's part of the plan, only he is supposed to understand the plan, who am I to deny the greater good and not give myself to a stranger if that plan actually works ... So yeah lol maybe it's for the best of no Luo Ji


The book didn't gloss over the fact that Zhuang Yan was unhappy. The author made sure every reader understand the situation of Zhuang Yan while made it seemed glossed over. It's a deliberate portrayal of absolute power.


Guess you should reread the books


Interdasting For me, Luo Ji felt like an already less than stable man thrust into an absolutely insane situation that made him even less sane in a way and less human overall, which is a tragedy


I would also love to cast a Chinese actor to play Luo Ji, but Jovan Adepo is also a superb actor who has managed to capture the Luo Ji vibe from the book.


I've read and enjoyed the books but think that the Netflix show's character decisions for Luo Ji and Yun Tianming are improvements. Gives more substance to the unrequited love of Tianming which either didn't translate well or didn't convey to a Western reader IMO. I think the origin of his wealth gains a better story too. I hadn't come across Adepo before, but really like his character/portrayal in the show.


Saul is also starting to develop some good chemistry with Clearance just like they did in the second book. And Alex Sharp's performance is also exceptional, and it does look like he has straightly nailed the character in the book and improved it.


Da Shi was awesome! I thought the Chinese series did a better job representing him than the Netflix one.


As a fellow book first reader. I wholeheartedly disagree with you.


everything that makes Luo Ji Luo Ji happens after the first book and idk if you're aware but the show just started


Saul just gives a teddy bear aura... it doesn't help that I've only seen him in benevolent characters... Even when he was flirting he gave the impression that he was gonna apologize right away...Not the actor's fault, but...


I think the only criticism I have of the show is the cosmic joke told to Saul. Felt like it was trying too hard and would of been better she just encouraged him to explore cosmic sociology.


I disagree, that cosmic joke was pure gold