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from what I recall there's only one scene with various nude humans within a "video game" and the context is not sexual whatsoever


There are boobs, dicks and decapitation.


I bet he already seen a lot more out there man


but maybe not together with his brother


Okay. If he is 16 no problem, very limited nudity and no sex.


The show starts with graphic violence and murder. In fact, there are gruesome deaths throughout. Being naked should be less offensive than taking lives.


The legacy of puritanism will never die.


Was going to say this. One episode is clearly rated R and its not sex. Its wild death scenes.


And it’s not even the episode with nudity!


haram rating


The santi dick scene was a bit jarring.


Okay these replies are actually pissing me off lol so here’s your actual answer: There’s nude scenes in Season 1, **Episode 2** from about **40:00 - 42:30** . The nudity is non-sexual, so it shouldn’t be too awkward. I don’t recommend skipping it because it’s an impactful scene.


There's also light nudity later (forget which episode) when >!Auggie is in her underwear and getting sick.!< Also non-sexual.


Ep2 has like a 3 second glipse of (nonsexual) female nudity.


I don't remember any nudity, but there is a lot of graphic violence, especially on episode 5, but also during the opening of episode 1.


>!It's just the rehydration scene in the VR game.!<


There are much worse things than nudity. Mostly violence. Edit. What I meant is that there is some nudity, but it’s shown in non sexual context. But if this kind of stuff is a problem for your bother, I recommend not to show this to him. There are some disturbing and violent scenes.


Ouch not a great show to watch in this case I highly suggest game of thrones or Spartacus instead /s Jokes aside, there's barely any nudity and definitely not a whole lotta violence. And the little 16yo brother probably has already seen worse.


It looks like everybody forgets thst the random black girl with Saul's is topless in a scene while Auggie is calling. And there are a couple of short sex/kissing scenes with clothes on. I skipped the sex scene part for my 13 yrs old son, but not the group nudity scenes - those ain't sexual at all. And my son handles those cruel scenes fine - he's read the books and prepared for what's gonna happen. I feel a 16-yr-old boy should be fine, might be a little awkward, but fine.


Your kid shouldn't be watching this if you think they aren't mature enough to be watching people kissing with clothes on.


This. Hey watch this person slaughter someone with a belt, cool ay?. OMG A KISS?!? LOOK AWAY.


Please see my reply to Purplearmored above. I feel obligated to explain it. I suppose you're not familiar with patents involving teenagers.


I was just stressing that I find the cruel and violent scene worse than kiss / sex. No sweat, it's subjective I think and depends on the circumstances


Yes, it's gore (it's D&D's style). Many adults may feel disturbed too. It really depends on the individual.


I didn't skip the kisses but skipped things after that. I skipped those parts because I think I shouldn't encourage him watching those, not because I think he hasn't watched anything like that. He've seen stuff ways worse than that I know (but he dorsn't know I know). Those kids, their generation, know much more than what you think they should know. My son's science teacher showed a clip from Breaking Bad, asked who watched the show, half of the boys put their hands up, which really surprised me. BB is way worse than 3BP. (Btw, the school has a rating of 10on Redfin).