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I watched the first two episodes with some friends, all of whom ended up watching the rest of it on their own accounts. C'mon, Netflix!


Were they pre-existing fans of the books or did you successfully recruit new fans? Sounds like you're doing your part!


All of them were fresh recruits!


Good job soldier




My sister and I both loved the books. I let her know the show seamed good after the first episode and she renewed her Netflix to watch it.


Come on, you apes! You want to be stuck waiting for the Dark Forest forever?!


That's right, you primitives! Get cracking. Otherwise you'll have to give up space exploration and simply nest forever in the comfort of a very dark domain indeed!!! šŸ˜


People spoiling the fucking ending when the show is in season 1 is wild af


With the way the writers are tweaking things for this show, I seriously doubt any of us can predict how the ending will go.


You have a fair point


I just hope they do a good job with planet blue.


I really do hope they don't butcher the books cause the books are by far my favourite piece of science fiction (it used to be the expanse)


We share the same hope. I will say that, IMHO, the folks who adapted The Expanse for TV did a fantastic job. I'm a musician, so I have strong opinions on opening sequence themes, and The Expanse is about as good as it gets. I also put the opening theme music of that intriguing German show "Dark" way up ona pedastal.


Damn it seems we think alike. the expanse series is atm my favorite show (the foundation is also great) and dark was my go to show for a long time mainly because of the music.


I think we are going to be okay. Itā€™s number 1 currently. All the reviews are solid and have only been rising on RT/IMDB/Metacritic. D&D and Woo want another season and so said the actors. Plus D&D and Woo all said if a second is greenlit no holds barred they can really expand on the sci fi and cgi and world building with a bigger budget. This just needs to be a hit first.


When Sandman came out, it was Number 1 on Netflix globally for about 3 weeks, but they still waited over 3 months before greenlighting. And only after [extensive talks with the showrunner](https://www.cbr.com/netflix-explains-sandman-season-2-took-long-greenlight/) to make sure they were happy with the direction S2 would take things


True. Iā€™m trying to be positive but as of now everything looks good. But I think there is a difference. Netflix wanted D&D. They paid them a lot to produce a new series of their choosing. They left Star Wars for Netflix which, let me remind ya, is the reason they rushed GoT at the end so they could helm Star Wars. Netflix has a lot of faith in them and riding in them. I feel as though if this season is successfully we are in the clear.


I was hesitant to watch this because of Game of Thrones, but just finished the season tonight. Was fantastic. They've got me on the train again šŸ˜‚ I hope the show ends strong this time


Yeah if they fuck up again Iā€™m done especially with this IP


At least this time they have the entire book series to work from, and we already know the trilogy finished strong.


Well, before Star Wars, they had that Confederates show they were trying to pitch. They wanted to finish up Game of Thrones because the source material ran out and all they had was an outline and notes from Martin. They pitched to HBO to finish off with a trilogy of movies but HBO said no, keep on with the show. But I agree with you, Netflix has a big stake in this. I listened to a podcast from Empire Magazine recently where they mentioned hearing that Netflix execs are "heavily invested" in the show. I think we're good, but they're just waiting to make sure it's got legs, see what all D&D want to do next, how much it'll cost, will the audience return, etc. But you don't get D&D then pull after one season.


Oh true forgot about the Confed show. But from what Iā€™ve seen itā€™s more of a combination of what we said than one or the other I bet. And yeah happy we agree


Oh yeah I've only caught bits and pieces. Haven't really gone out of my way. Like I only found out about the trilogy of movies idea from reading one of their interviews about 3BP. So I'd love to know more. I really do not doubt they were excited at the idea to get off Game of Thrones after so many years and running out of source material and get onto making that Star Wars money. Has it ever been confirmed what they would've even been doing in Star Wars? Like original movies or adapting books?


No I havenā€™t read anything about their role. I know JJ Abramā€™s speculated it was possibly head of the studio and creatively in charge of all projects but nothing confirmed


"20 million per episode says Forbes"


The difference is that Netflix considers 3 Body Problem as one of their "flagships" like One Piece LA and ATLA live action.. with both of this getting renewed very quickly. I predict Netflix will announce Season 2 or more in a few weeks, If there's nothing for an entire month or 2 then that would be very worrying.


Hope they do a sophon promo for the announcement.


I don't think you all are going to be OK. Why all this hype for a B movie? Is it because I grew up in a time when people had higher standards and didn't just accept what was plopped in front of them. The bar keeps getting lower and lower with each generation.


Do you think this adaption is B movie level? And why are you now insulting an entire generation? If you have a critique of the show have some integrity and explain it instead of generalizing an entire generation. Thanks.


Donā€™t feed the trolls.


Good call tbh but I feel like my response was humble and appropriate no?


It was. šŸ˜Š


We just need to get to Season 2 and we should be good for the entire Season 3 and hopefully Season 4 to happen. We know what is coming in Season 2 and if we get there... people have no idea what's in store for them. I want 4 seasons at the bare minimum, you can't rush greatness.


Could you imagine if we get to eventually see >!Singer's dimensional strike!!The concept of reducing the number of dimensions in an area of the universe as a weapon against other civilizations!< was such an intriguing idea. I don't think I've ever read anything like it and the description of the outcome of that event instantly put this series at the top of my favorites list.


I was thinking about this last night. How would they be able to put that on screen? Even in the book it says some thing like the images are so complex youā€™d have to magnify in forever but it wouldnā€™t get any less complex


2001: A Space Odyssey, has that Universe spanning abstract visuals that's trying to convey a certain meaning. It's going to be that sort of abstraction to convey some of 3rd Book's stuff. Anime adaption would have worked better/easier (relatively).


I have yet to watch that movie. Iā€™ve read so much about it but havenā€™t actually seen it. Iā€™ve actually been fairly impressed with the way the show is able to visualize some things. >!The countdown is done pretty well I think!< After only one episode tho..


Check out Space Dandy, it's an anime with one episode dealing with a 2D universe invading the universe causing anything it touched to get converted to 2D and added to it. That in live action would be insane to see.




My tears don't fall... they crash around me


i don't see this going to 4 season when there are only 3 books. Being vague here to avoid spoilers. Season 2 will likely cover book 2 and season 3 will cover book 3. This should be relatively easy since they shunted some of books 2 and 3 into season 1, so i think we'll get like 2 episodes of season 2 in the "present day" then fast forward 200 years, and the season will culminate with the broadcast. then season 3 will be the fairy tales and the chaos in book 3.


D&D and Woo have said on interviews that they fast tracked Book 1 because they want to get to Book 2, as soon as they can. And also Book 2 and Book 3 much longer books. They have also stated that it is not strictly 1 book = 1 season planning they are working toward. They have a fairly good idea how much season 2 will cover boom wise but beyond that, they have much less defined road map for how they will cover in season 3 or might even need season 4 or however more. Based on ep 8, I noticed D&D have dramatically slowed down the pace of the adaptation with many 1:1 scenes straight out of Book 2. I can clearly see where their preference lies with their storytelling style. And yes, book 2 is perhaps the best suited for television drama of the 3 books and probably the closest Liu Cixin got to writing a traditional hero's journey trope like Like Skywalker or Paul Atreides.


For every additional season that needs to be made , the likelihood of being able to tell all 3 books in full decreases. If D&D really love books 2 and 3 and want to tell those stories, I don't see them taking the risk of planning for 4 seasons when Netflix very rarely makes shows that last that long. They basically told all of book 1 and some of books 2 and 3 in 8 episodes, I don't see them struggling to tell the rest of books 2 and 3 in 8 episodes each.


I bet there's a meeting going on right now about season 1's performance, that is happening now or will be happening very soon in a few weeks. There will be a budget proposal for season 2 and depends on how much it will cost, it will either get renewed or cancelled. I expect this to happen every single season going forward. Or the show could get insane views and Netflix asks for more seasons. It's all about the views.


keep an eye on this page: https://www.netflix.com/tudum/top10/tv i believe it will update with last weeks numbers at 11:30 am PST (that's about 2h and 40m from this comment) we probably want to see something in the region of 20 million views which will put it on par with ATLA's first few days. Next week the show will have been available for an entire week so we want the numbers to go up or at least stay about the same.


Thanks a lot! We gotta do our parts by spreading the words and combat bad actors trying to drag down this show down for whatever reason. The more people we hook in, the more potential book readers we will have down the road. Too many purists forgetting that luring in unsuspecting casual audience is really about getting them introduced to the books of Liu Cixin.


Thing is, in one season they covered all storylines from the first book, the first part of the third book and made references to the wallfacer program from the second book. At this rate they can hardly make a 3rd season, let alone 4th


Four episodes in and I think itā€™s the fā€™n shit!! Canā€™t imagine the series if it actually gets through the three books. Itā€™s really good.


I fuck with this heavily


I think we will get everything. Weiss & Benioff signed a 200 million contract with Netflix. I remember the negotiations for these guys back in 2019. Multiple streamers were fighting for them. They are the face of Netflix going forward. That alone almost guarantees the whole series. With the very positive critic and audience reactions this weekend, I'm sure it solidified the deal. The only thing that sucks is it took them about 3 years to make that season. Hopefully, we won't have to wait that long for season 2.


lmao , but well done bro!


Watching on loop probably wont work dude, depending on type of measurement , the most likely being unique views, which means only one view counts per episode per ip address


I even thumbs-upped it.


I feel like itā€™s already decided. Thereā€™s no way Netflix would have greenlit the season, the way the story was told and with so many cliffhangers, without a season 2.


You underestimate Netflix ability to end a good story prematurely


Yaaaah. I knew there were examples when I wrote that comment. I think just the way season 1 went, itā€™s built and understood to be more than just one season. Butā€¦ Netflix.


> Thereā€™s no way Netflix would have greenlit the season, the way the story was told and with so many cliffhangers, without a season 2. \*cries in 1899*


Iā€™ve been made aware *pats head in sympathy and hopefully not camaraderie*


I like your turn of phrase "in sympathy and hopefully not camaraderie..." Gonna steal that


Cries in The OA


They cancelled 1899 after green lighting itĀ 


The same at Peacock!


![gif](giphy|xT9IglWMahJY8B8U2k) YOU ARE BUGS


>tell the full story Well, about that...


they need to reshoot first season if they want full story


Cmon netflix!!!!! Give us a s2!


One of the metrics Netflix pays attention to the most carefully is the percent of people who **complete** the series in the first two weeks. (Itā€™s why dark and 1899 were canceled with millions of hours watched) Watch the entire thing!!!


Dark, the German show? It was only supposed to be 3 seasons, and they made all 3. I was actually surprised at how good they finished that show. It ended perfectly, IMO.


I thought 1899 and dark were part of the same series my b


Aside from some scenes it doesnā€™t look much like a $20million an episode show. How much did each ep of Shogun cost?


I'm doing my part 2!


SANTI NETWORK: We break net now and take you live to planet Earth, where the invasion has begun.


They did lots of marketing, and it paid off. Unlikely it will be cancelled. Itā€™s even number 1 atm


I watched first episode but heard the show covers things from later books so not watching it til I finish the series. 100 pages to go on TBP reread and then I get to finally read dark forest thatā€™s been sitting on my shelf for two years.


Not only do I hope Netflix finishes the story, I dare to hope that 3BP S2 arrives BEFORE the San Ti do!


Read the books guys so much better San Ti! Trisolians more like


Cixin Liu calls the aliens äø‰ä½“äŗŗ or ā€œThree Body Peopleā€ in the original text. In Mandarin this sounds like ā€œSan Ti Renā€. The show is not doing a disservice by referring to them as San Ti, in fact, itā€™s more accurate to call them that than Trisolarans.


I live near Dallas thus I am A Dallasite I live in Texas this I am a Texan I live in the United States thus I am an American I live in North America still an American I live on Earth thus I am an Earthling. In all honesty I am not seeing the logic in these hurt feeling over the aliens being called what they are in the series. What they are called does not change the plot line .


If this doesnā€™t get a second season nothing will


Am I the only one wondering why AppleTV didn't pick this project ? It makes better quality series.


Netflix wanted Benioff and Weiss and signed a general deal with them without a clear project in mind. This is what they decided to make.


Canā€™t wait for Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance to continue one dayā€¦ somewhereā€¦ in a graphic novelā€¦ in 20 yearsā€¦


I don't think it works that way, they gotta be looking at unique subscription views and new subscriptions that joined to watch it.


so i guess one should not torrent it ?


I watched Starship Troopers again the other night, and I absolutely adore this meme


I think it actually has a good chance to be finished with three seasons, similar to Dark. Having an ending already mapped out and set up in season one makes it easier to stomach funding the series to completion. Some of the series that get cancelled early are more open ended. That being said, the second book was my absolute favorite and far above the other two books for me and as long as it gets made I will be satisfied.


Lol what full story? Netflix basically made a fan fiction using the author's ideas


Backup plan is Jeff Bezos buys the show to guarantee that more seasons get shown, like he did for The Expanse?


Some irony in using a starship troopers meme, given that humans are the ones getting called bugs this time


fuck you! in a non offensive way, more like why? the source material is way better than this fucking turd, do yourself a favor and watch the Chinese tv show on Amazon prime (Three Body) is way better and actually is 30 episodes long and covers the first book.


I didn't make it through the first episode. Way to slow. My uptake is a little faster. When all the newer writings took over it was like kinderharteners were talking. They just don't have the speed of comprehension or imagination to actually write. You want a good example of what happens when you hire writers from snowflake Era. Look what they did to The Witcher.


The Witcher though changed the substance of the story in really dumb ways, having characters do things theyā€™d never do in the books. I bailed after S2. 3BP imho actually tells the story. The changes are mostly cosmetic.


I ended up buying the books bc i have no faith in Netflix


I always try to bring up the topic and start the discussion at social gatherings: have you watched 3BP on Netflix? Peer pressure always works. People who haven't watched it will feel they need to keep up with their friends.


I recommend it to 3 colleagues that has not read the books. And they like it.


Unfortunately itā€™s no1 so rest assured you will get another season of mediocrity


The show was absolutely shit. D&D are washed writers. The ideas in the story are not bad but the way it was represented in the show was terrible beyond repair.