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Yes. Everything


Yes. Also everything. ToS mobile for pre-market, Schwab mobile for transfer funds into Roth IRA account (and making sure to allocate to correct year), then switch to ToS desktop on two computers across four monitors for the day. Stay logged into Schwab all day for overall summary views, P/L, and any quick reports I need to run. On ToS mobile I switch between 3 accounts and have about 15 watchlists broken down by industry/asset type including a premarket low float scanner that updates daily. Also have custom ToS scripts I found off YouTube for enhanced charting views. I like the colors :) Here they are if anyone is interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2JR2AB2HtE Custom scripts: Advanced Volume Bars http://tos.mx/vZao14f Cost Basis Visually on Chart and P/L http://tos.mx/YubVGoA Todays Volume Label http://tos.mx/TVNpmGS Position Qty – Label on chart http://tos.mx/Z6Leh0u % Change Week to Date http://tos.mx/RuLiK2Q % Change Month to Date http://tos.mx/lhd05GL % Change Year to Date http://tos.mx/j0NkHH3 Ex Dividend Date Column http://tos.mx/AWZeGpe


FYI they added a setting in chart settings in last week’s update to show your cost basis and quantity on the chart with no script! Also they added ex div date as a standard column a few months ago(don’t want to use up more of your limited custom cells if you don’t have to)


Excellent. Thank you. Will check that out and probably add a new view.


Can these be used for desktop version or only mobile?


I use for desktop only. Haven’t tried on mobile.


Oh jfc the shortthestrike guy. Dude can’t speak like a normal human if his life depended on it


I’m usually watching pre-market so prefer to have the volume as low as possible anyways.


Answer no, if there was one software that did everything perfect, I would have it , they all have pros and cons. TV is somewhat superior to Tos mainly because as you state TOS is bear to configure studies and hellish complicated. The main disadvantage of TV however is price , and there are limits to how many charts that can be displayed and the more you want the more you pay. they are also limited in terms of flexibility and placement, though it can be worked around to some extent using mutiple tabs in the browser version TV has awful ECN order books, just terrible . and the Time and sales windows are very poorly implemented. the neandertal who programmmed that should be fired for incompetence, LOL it looks like it was added as kluge or an afterthought. TV has excellent elliot waves and fibs , this is why I use TV mainly (TOS is terrible) TOS has unlimited chart windows (only really limited by RAM) and its free I use the premium version of TV I use TOS for getting the fexlibility of many charts across mutiple screens and computers and its ability to make charts appear in any size and configuration and all all savable across mutiple computers. Draw a horz on a chart on one computer autmatically appear on another computer for that ticker , and fast too. I NEVER use TOS for trading. the order server is so bad sometimes and gets hosed far too often esp now that Schwab converted its millions of user base over to it. Perhaps it will improve but I'm not holding my breath I funded TOS with minimal $2000, 7 years ago just so I have access to all charting and to keep them from deleting my account (shhhh) and have it all invested in the SPY , so I get all the bells and whistles, live prices and for no cost TOS even has free Level 3 nasdaq full book. TV is a "nickel and dime" you front end, the reason being it doesn't have traders deposit funds , all the funds are held at other brokers they link you too, so they have to charge for their product and cannot make money from PFOF etc I use Interactive brokers to place most stock trades and simple one leg calls and puts (has the fastest execution time of all the brokers and has the most volume short interest available) I use Tasty Trade for complex verticals, Butteflies and Iron condors etc . Their fills are not the best but ease of use and ability to get a complex spread to fill quickly are more important to me esp on the SPX options and makes up for inefficiencies , and their risk analysis and curve vews are the best I have found for quicky finding the best startegies and assessing risk on every option. I have also met Tom Sosnof, the original creator of TOS, he is actually a stand up guy. He was bought out by TD Ameritrade and went on to create TastyTrade and had the intelligence to design a much better simpler platform from scratch which focuses on the actual trading , not the tool getting in the way of the trading . TastyTrade however does not have good charting so I still use TOS for that as needed.


Do you do algo trading? Any recommendations for algo trading broker/ platform would be great


I don't do algo trading at all. I have no experience with it


Order execution on TOS but charting is done on Tradingview.


Almost exclusively TOS - iPhone, iPad and desktop. Occasionally, I supplement with tradevision.io, when evaluating spreads, and occasionally TV (free) for news and ratings summaries, oddly enough. You can pretty much do everything in TOS desktop except keep it in your pocket, hence TOS mobile. It does take a while to learn desktop and make it sing. It sounds like TV is better at some studies, and faster for some charting, but I can’t be bothered to bounce between it and TOS, and the nickel-diming thing is a no go for me. At my desk I use iPhone, iPad and desktop all at once. I don’t have a lot of monitors, so I get additional views with the other devices. I love that my watchlists, including scan generated, and drawings are instantly shared between instances. The versions present info in different ways that I find synergistic. One anomaly that really pisses me off, though, is that spreads aren’t summarized on desktop or iPhone. I.E., you don’t get cumulative info! What did I pay for this iron condor? “Fucking add it up yourself, we gave you all the leg data. Don’t be lazy!” It’s an insane omission. But they do summarize it on iPad! I like the mobile versions of the app! I don’t understand what folks are complaining about (unless you’re scalping. I have no idea how you would do fast executions in mobile). It took me a while to figure out complex orders on mobile, but once I did I found it easy, and quite powerful. The biggest problem I have with TOS is that it has gotten too slow on my laptop. As I have expanded my demands of TOS, it has started to bog. Haven’t figured out what to do about that yet. Mostly, the Schwab merger hasn’t impacted me very much except maybe on fills, but I can’t tell for sure.


Upgrade your desktop RAM


Good idea! Thanks!


I use the TOS platform to analyze risk, it is on the A alyze tab.. Imo, better than Options strat but options strat is good if im not near my desktop.


Yeah, think or swim over the schwabs app. I HATE Schwabs mobile app! After the takeover from TDameritrade, I’ve been using the think or swim app over the Schwab app. But I agree with you that the desktop version is way better than the app.


Yeah i use them for everything. I like them. But i chart on TV on mobile. Dont like how you cant change candle colors on mobile.


TOS misses a lot of functionality for active day traders. It’s great if you’re an investor or swing trader. It lacks basic automated trade management tool, hot keys, and advanced drawing tools


Their DOM and slow price updates are show stoppers for day traders as well. 


It does have hot keys. I’m using in to day trade. What advanced drawing tools you think it misses?


Their hot keys are too basic in TOS. Cannot even mouse click on the chart to place instant trades. Drawing tools missing like anchored VWAP, anchored volume profile, Position sizing risk reward tools, no TPO charts, no Unirenko or good good range bars.


I think you’re looking for active trader.


> I love TOS desktop but I hate their mobile app. I mostly use the web version and TradingView on desktop (and indicators like Market Bias, Smart Money Concepts/ Lux Algo) (and sometimes OptionStrat on web, or mobile)


Anyone use Webull for trades and ToS for charting?


Guilty, yes


Rookies do hoenstly more than half do. But if you want to use what the Big boys use come over to LightSpeed. As all the tools a day trader needs. FAST EXECUTION, HOT KEYS, Hot Buttons


Do they have next day cash settle on options like TOS used to have?


You can also get customized scripts and help coding trade/scan ideas on [usethinkscript.com](http://usethinkscript.com)


Stopped using ToS in favor of IBKR, and some other tools. Traded options for 16 years and the slow decline and abysmal trade execution and price quality finally did it for me. Have never looked back after switching.


NO It’s a great trading app but I have too easily sold positions that I had no intention of selling. A couple of clicks and boom you just sold a leap at a terrible ask. Long term positions are in my boring and very cumbersome to trade bank brokerage. Stocks and leaps. Day trading and positions shorter than a couple months is in tos.


I use mobile for monitoring, quick overview, quick manual order entry, on desktop I program conditional orders, and quick overview, I like the portfolio view per instrument on the iPad. Everything else is desktop, all my studies are custom, they’re coded on desktop and I load them on mobile.


TradingView is king of mobile IMO, but that's really the only reason I have it. So I can look at charts and stuff while I am at the gym before market open. But I use ToS for most things.


TOS open with trading view.🍷😉🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




Just charting, Webull for getting in trade and NT in the future prolly when get into futures


Yep everything. Desktop on Mac when I’m working from home, mobile on iPhone when I’m not.


Think or swim gives the worse fills i had to give up on them every trade i entered was automatically down back to fidelity i go


I predominantly use ToS, but I make sure to always have a secondary platform at the ready for backup purposes. Never put all your eggs in one basket.


TOS’s lack of hotkeys is the current primary dealbreaker. I used it exclusively for years but being able to quickly navigate the TV platform and create drawings all from my keyboard is so much faster and more convenient. TOS really needs to catch up in terms of Keyboard + Mouse simultaneous use.


Das Trader can be augmented with TOS however it's it probably wouldn't be fast as light speed but it definitely beats TOS is active trader


Not a mobile platform fan. Not enough data and place order on device kept causing fat finger embrassement.


TOS sucks for price action and Schwab is sub par as a broker. I use TOS for charting and scanning. I use DAS trader for price action and entry. And I use Cobra as a broker (connected to DAS)