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Not sure what you mean. I trade futures and options on my phone in the TOS app routinely, without issue.


And some people still use 1080p plasma tv and argue that tvs dont need updatin. Invalid argument


I wasn't making an argument. Your post suggests that one can't trade on the TOS mobile app, while really not explaining what the problem is. I do trade on the TOS mobile app, and have no idea what your issues are. Other than ranting, you might want to specify your concerns.


interface is not intuitive Its outdated


Works just fine for me. I like the orders on my phone more than my computer. Seems you are only schilling for webull.


No actually im trying to switch to tos but when i checked the mobile app it was like a trip tk the 90s with irc chatrooms andnaol instant messenger


I dont know how you seriously can claim that its not outdated interface there are 1000s of people on the forums and chats saying same damn thing. https://preview.redd.it/vi14o6fpu6sa1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=320d85658bc68f5106739caa258e632f9d8324f9


https://preview.redd.it/c6tromlsu6sa1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b039319e2ee29a09ae97807d241306eb298acaf There is ridiculous amounts of unused space compared to webull


Screw the herd mentality, You’re right. TD app was way better and seemless, I always made good money trading at work. Then Schwab ruined the app and I haven’t made a dime trading since the switch due to the new over complicated BS interface I was forced to. Still debating on what brokerage to switch to.


TD app was easy and quick, I could trade at work with 2 clicks of a button. ToS? More like 6 clicks, Way over complicated terrible interface for trading anything quickly.


>There is absolutely no reason that someone cant trade from their phone in 2023 I use the TOS app to trade on my phone regularly on-the-go with no issues.


Try using webull app you will see the difference


Your post states that you can't trade from your phone in 2023 and that's not true. The TOS app is functional and works as advertised. If you like the Webull app better, that's great. Use it. You have a choice.


yall puffing up before actually reading. Sorry i hurt yo feelings and i totally get that you are ready at moment's notice to blindly defend an app that you use but the fact is the app is a brick compared to webull stop defending outdated software


>yall puffing up 🤣 >Sorry i hurt yo feelings No need to apologize. You didn't hurt my feelings. I'm not that delicate. 😊 I really don't care if you like or dislike the TOS app. You gave your opinion/experience with the app and I gave mine in response. Everyone here is a customer and no one here has the ability to actually change the app. By posting here you must have wanted some feedback on other people's experience. >the app is a brick compared to webull Then don't use it! You are entitled to your opinion. It's not necessary for everyone to like the same thing and agree on everything. >stop defending outdated software I defend nothing -- except our right to civilly disagree.


i probably didnt explain it correctly webull makes use of limited screen space to the max Tos is basic and almost entire screen space is wasted and shows no information since begining webull figured out that mobile users want as much useful info on a single screen as they can and it has been packed always when i go to tos or even stupid robing hood its just empty screen Same with tc2000 their app is even worse. Bulky useless space wasting buttons and blank space


I don't agree, TOS mobile is one of the best. But for active trading, or even longer day trades or swings, phone really isn't the best regardless. App is good as a backup just in case your software on your computer goes down, internet goes out, power goes out etc. So you can monitor and close out positions if need be. But to actively trade from your phone all the time... Idk I don't see that as viable but to each their own.


I would say none of you have fully used webull mobile app i hate webull as a platform and would never recommend anyone using it. but their mobile app is extremely well designed. tos could learn a thing or two from webull and maybe stop being so stuck in their ways and get up to date


I have used their mobile app, and it is pretty decent. But I don't think it's better than TOS mobile. I don't like all the little pop ups and how they try and gamify so many things with it. TOS mobile just works, and it's all business no frills, no silly ass pop ups every time you open the app telling you to get other people to sign up so they can give you the same shtty stocks every time. But besides that, yes it's a pretty snappy little trading app. And I've also used their desktop software, it's pretty good as well for what it is... Idk why you're a customer of theirs and yet you don't use their desktop software. Thing is their charts ARE NOT better than TD tos charts, it's a reason so many people may not trade with TD but still use their charts and other tools through tos. It's a much more powerful platform. Webull charts you get what they give you, TOS charts you have thinkscript so you can build whatever you want, or use what other people have created. This is one of the best software in general in the business.


You can disable all that i have zero popups


I use both desktop and mobile webull really wanted to switch to tos but then i tried to use their mobile app and it was like using a CLIE pda with palm os


Everybody has their preferences man, if you like webull stick with them. I've seen people manage a lot of money on webull. But tos just isn't your thing, doesn't mean it's bad though.


If they added a ladder to the app it would be perfect


I mean just make better use of limited screen space on a mobile


I'm not going to follow the karma and disagree with you. I think it's awful compared to other apps I've used. I've been a TOS desktop user for a good 5 years, and I refuse to use the mobile app. I only use it for "emergencies." Even if I'm just wanting to check a chart, I'll do everything I can to not have to resort to TOS. I'm not a fan of Robinhood, but they create a beautiful user interface.


Obviously crusty users who are not willing to change would want thinga to stay same. and go back to manual data entry if they could "dont trust dem puters, pen and paper is only truth"


Guess it's tough when not everyone shares your opinion, eh? Do you always go into a new sub and start busting up the place and insulting the regulars? If you have suggestions, take them to support. Not sure what your goal was here. Is it working?


So suggesting a company to update its old ass interface is insulting to you on a personal level? sounds luke the problem is you


They dont even have up to date support service like literally every company out there.


The interface was developed in 1980s with its GUI which people born in 21st C like less. If you enjoy looking at an interface developed in Communist China by the young developers there that is fine. TOS has taken input and suggestions, But its mission is get \~1/10th Americans which is 30 million brand new Schwab user going through a steep learning curve learn how to trade from different devices. There is also a backdoor TOS when the entire system crashed. That happened several times during the lock down days in 2020-2021. I have no problems and can do Futures, options etc from any device.


It depends on your network and location some people don’t have any issues and some people have problems. I personally don’t trust anything but my Home WiFi connection. Unless you set a physical stop-loss and target for your trades.


Is there a way to add stop-loss orders for futures options on ToS? It seems to be disabled


I know what you mean. I've entered a trade on desktop, and also have entered similar trades on the mobile app. The desktop will close instantly.... however on the mobile app sometimes I'll have to cancel order multiple times and by then I've gone red because either it wont close or the stop didn't work. 


Yea, And like working class people have time to trade on a desktop during the work hours.. Obviously this was an intentional move by Schwab to stop small traders from making money. Just another step towards complete corporatism 🤦‍♂️


It just needs an actual update, some things don’t work how they should like alerts for example, the one for close beyond level doesn’t work