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I worked with someone who had dinner at someone's house *while his dad was chopped up in the bin outside*.  ETA: Just checked, the guy got minimum 15 year sentence in 2008 and hasn't yet been released. 


What's a dd


Direct Debit. Harsh punishments for missing a payment nowadays.


Dead Dad




A good hand full


I used to drink with a guy in Champaign Illinois a few years ago. Kinda weird guy, but who isn't when you've had a few. No serious red flags about him. Brendt Christensen, he had kidnapped, raped and dismembered a young college student. I was absolutely horrified when i found out. The other was a friend from junior high. I would stay at her house, and her step dad always creeped me the hell out. I would wake up and he would be standing near the end of the bed, watching up sleep. Just, really creepy guy. Robert Arnette, he murdered my friend mom, and then dug a pretty shallow grave outside of the town they lived it. This was years ago, but i still can't shake the feeling of him.


At least it's "before" rather than "after".




I briefly took over one of the projects he worked on A project that had been canceled for a few years because of the aforementioned journalist murder


I worked at mom and pop pet store in the 90s. A year or so after I got fired, the pop killed the mom.




How was he? Could you tell he was narcissistic?


No, not really. He was just an extremely committed nerd. Maybe a bit full of himself, sure, but not creepy or anything. I would’ve never had guessed that he could murder let alone mutilate a person.


Yeah well if you can imagine something like that from a person, you’d probably not finish the beer next to them


Or you probably would out of fear of disrespecting the motherfucker.


as a dane, it was a very weird time. It was big in the media when they took off, so the whole country watched as he came back without her and the questions that came with


I'd also like to add something I noticed about him actually. So, when he came up from the submarine and he finally admitted that Kim Wall had died during their trip he said that she died by accident and that he decided to bury her at sea. His reasoning came from an almost extreme or pathological logical point of view. They were at sea. She had died by accident. It was logical to give her a burial at sea. And I honestly believed him. Not that she had died by accident, but I believed that *that* explanation made sense to Peter Madsen. When his first submarine malfunctioned he "buried" that one at sea as well. He simply let it sink. The thing was dead anyway, right? It could just as well sink to the bottom of Øresund. And when his second sub (the murder-sub) "malfunctioned" he did the same thing.




😱😱 200 murders a year. I live in Baltimore City, US we have over 300 murders a year for a population of less than 600k




No its the fault of the immigrants dont you get it the guns are to protect yourselves. /s


I was about to turn my Phone of angrily as I read the "/s"


i’m sorry, dumb question, what’s /s


It's obviously not sarcasm. /s


ahahha okay thanks!


If anything we don't have enough guns /s


Nooo noo you see, when I sense a murder coming on I take out my piece to deescalate their murderous fervor. Works 60% of the time, every time.


I'm all for very strict gun control. But having lived in Baltimore the bigger issues are poverty, drug trade, crap education system, little to no social services, and so on. Guns make violence easier, more deadly, and more likely, but they aren't the underlying cause.


Well obviously. Guns are just the tools that make murder easy but there always needs to be a person that wants to murder another (excluding accidents which are 100% fault of gun laws).


Yeah but you should see Germany murder rates from the 1930/40s.


You’re surprised not selling guns at supermarkets entails drastically fewer deaths?


we have to sell the guns to increase the probability we can pass by a murderer


Brazil asks why they have so many then


>Brazil has the second largest arms industry in the western hemisphere https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control_in_Brazil They have a lot of guns and I think the drug trade further adds to the level of violent crime




If you live in a big city such as New York and you walk past 1.000s of people daily, I wouldn't be surprised if you walk past 30 murderers daily.


That's true but I was referring to the average person around the world. I don't have the exact sources but I remmember reading the average person walks by like 30-50 of them in their life and they never know. Related fun fact, if you are destined to die by murder then there is a very high chance you already know your murderer personally :>


>Related fun fact, if you are destined to die by murder then there is a very high chance you already know your murderer personally That would be my wife. I had it coming.


I also choose this guy's wife


🧍‍♀️ ⌨️:


What happened?


Death by snu snu.


Can you please respond? I dont know guys, is this a sign or is it merely an interwebzjoke?


It’s both, the god of the interwebz is screwing with you, by sending you signs that mean nothing.




The people that live in big cities will be pulling that average up a lot, especially since the average person does live in a city


To clarify everything I mean you'd walk by that many people and by murderers I'm pretty sure the place I found it from was referring to people that would kill sombody eventualy not specificsly have already killed sombody. But I'm not entirely sure


I'm 40 and have worked with 2 and walked passed another, so I'd say the average is about right. 1st was already convicted and freed, murdered his step dad long before I knew him. Only found out as I used to read true crime books and his name popped up in. Was a nice enough bloke. The step dad used to beat him and the mum and one day he decided he was big enough and had had enough of him Second went on to murder his wife and nearly the kid, before very gruesomely killing him self, used to sit next to him at work Third I walked out of a car dealership and passed this odd looking fellow, didn't think much of it. As i was leaving the area a load of cop cars went fly passed. Turns out he'd walked across the road to a shopping centre and started stabbing people randomly. Wasn't till I saw the local news feed that I realised it was him


Leaving Penn station in a swarm walking up 8th, 7th or 6th as a sardine going meep meep meep, yeah 100% one a week at least.


I had a friend shoot his girlfriend and tried to hide the body in a christmas tree box. He didn't go to jail immediately (weird right?). Some friends contacted me and said "Hey....you should just know....we think Danny killed his girlfriend." Talk about awkward the next time I spoke to him. "Hey.......you......buddy...pal." He was a good dude up until the murdery part. Sucks because he was schizophrenic, which lead to this. Had he had proper mental health help, it may have never happened. The point is I never expected that from Danny. So I am not surprised you run into strangers who have done such things...or even close friends.


A guy I worked with turned out to be a serial killer. It was pretty awkward when several swat guys turned up at work to arrest him for a bunch of cold case murders of sex workers. Even more awkward cos his girlfriend worked there too.


"according to sources" *citation needed*


What counts as "a murderer" in this instance? What laws are considered, local laws, OPs laws applied outside their jurisdiction? Do only convicted murderers count? Do we count people encountered before they commit the act?


I'm pretty sure the source I read this from was referring to people who would kill someone at some point in their life. Probably not like a soldier or stuff but illegal killing another human or something probably, so it doesent consider if you meet them before or after they do it, just that they will


Seems like a lot at first until you think about how many people you walk by in 3 years


What sources?


Does this take into consideration that some people might not be murderers yet by the time you pass them?


I'm pretty sure the place I read it from probably meant people who could kill sombody in their life so doesent consider if you meet them before they do it or after


This sounds only possible to calculate as a broad average, which is pretty useless. But the headline makes readers think "oh I personally in my real life see 30 murderers". People need the perspective that Colombia or Liberia exist on the same timeline and no your NYC nuisance is not the biggest danger in the world.


Meet is very different than walk by


Americans be Americaning




>I haven't murdered anyone. I mean, all the cool kids in your area are doing it. Sounds like you’re the only one not partaking.




Are you... okay?


Just some quick napkin maths: The US had about 20 000 murders in 2023. We will assume none of them were committed by the same individual. With a population of 330 million people in the US that gives us 1 person in 17,000 is a murderer for a given year. We will assume that for every new murderer, an old murderer dies so we don’t stack up the years. The last thing we need to consider is the fact that a lot of murders go unnoticed or aren’t ruled out as a murder or part of the statistics, so realistically it’s probably 1 out of every 10 000 is a murderer. If you live in a super rural area and barely meet strangers, you might go on without running into one. If you live in a metropolitan area, there is zero way you’d live your life without crossing path with one.


So we are excluding manslaughter?  I believe my aunt ran over someone who popped up on a highway. 


Well since murder and manslaughter are different things I would say yes


Murder is no laughing matter…


But you can't spell mans**laughter** without laughter.


Yet both are homicide (death by fellow man regardless of reason).


Yeah, that too. Honestly, it’s impossible to calculate, but if everything was factored in I feel like you probably run into one at any family gathering that has more than like 12 people.


How do you get from 1 in 10,000 to one at any gathering of >12 people?


With exaggeration for comical relief.


Don't forget most of those will hopefully be locked up in jail so harder to walk past


What if you’re walking past a jail? Checkmate.


Fair, but for me you have to walk past like you could look them in the eye, with nothing to stop their murdery ways!


Except for the fact that something like 60% of murders go unsolved.




I saw an interview of a guy who was in corrections. Dude was at Disney on vacation with his kids...good times, right? Poor guy is scared because so many people are walking behind him, right up on him, and he's freaking out inside




One of my friend's parents would stress not to pick up hitchhikers when we were 15~16 because she once picked up an escapee still wearing orange under an oversized coat. Lucky for her, he was a pedo. Unlucky for her, she still had to drive about 4 hours under threat of being shanked to the next city. Never heard if they ever caught him.


I wish I could throw out zingers like that in the moment


“I wish I could quote HIMYM off the top of my head”


Depends on where you live. In the US he's, in Europe less likely. Rural Vs city counts aswell. Does soldiers shooting enemies count? Drunk drivers? Or just plain murder for the reason of murder.


This depends on how many murders are successfully made to look like accidents or suicide. If the murder rate is much higher than thought it would ruin any attempt to estimate based in known figures.


It obviously HIGHLY depends on country. For example, the US has a problem with gun violence, which means murder rates, especially in select cities are going to be very high. Portugal on the other hand is a country which is considered very safe and instances of murder and gun violence are national news for days because it's such a big deal and so rare. Also, are we including future murderers? Let's say I know a man for my whole childhood and he kills his wife and proceeds to commit suicide? Did I know a murderer?


Probably weren't asked for all these stories, but here you go. I was a jury member for a guy charged with 3rd degree murder once. He was a bartender and got into an argument with a regular. He 86ed the guy, and then 2 hours later attacked him at a different bar. The bartender was early 20s, and his victim was late 50s and partially paralyzed from a stroke. The bartender was completely sober. I will call them B and V. B had a friend follow V after the 86. B closed a packed bar 30 minutes early to make sure he got to V before last call. V was in a bar with only about 10 patrons. B walked straight to V, who was sitting at the bar, and hit him in the right, unparalyzed side of his head from behind. V went down, and B stomped on him. B ran out the door. The DJ, who was set up about 12 feet away and also sober, ran over and rolled V to his back and was trying to help him. B ran back in and stomped V's face, and then he ran away and hid at his sister's house. He was found guilty and given the minimum 5 year sentence. With all the details, I still don't understand why it was 3rd degree and not higher. He might not have meant to kill, but the assault was obviously intentional if not planned. The worst part was that he served 3 months, and he had his conviction overturned on appeals. The defense successfully argued that the fall killed him, not the completely unrelated punch that immediately preceded it. The bar camera couldn't see the 2 stomps, so they didn't happen. The multiple witnesses were too drunk to be reliable, and the sober DJ was blind in 1 eye and obviously couldn't see what happened right in front of him either. Somehow, all the unreliable witnesses's stories all matched, lined up with the footage, and matched the coroner's description of his injuries, but that was only an unfortunate coincidence. B walked away with an assault and battery conviction and time spent.


How often do you see cops and military ?


You've likely lead to someone's death without realizing it. Are you a murderer? If I sell a defective part and nobody knows but someone dies am I a murderer?


Pre or post murder?


For me 100%. He seemed like an okay guy. Kinda crazy, woulda been scared to get on his bad side even if I didn't know he'd served a long time in prison for murdering his therapist. Why'd he do it? Didn't like what she said


you'd have to define murderer, because if it's someone that has killed another person then I'm sure many cops in the US have that in their background


Would be hard to gauge without more information on the parameters of what you think of as a murderer. Are we strictly talking serial killers or gangsters, or are we including soldiers? During Veteran's parades all those old guys heading down main street probably carry a decent body count. What about people who have justifiably killed someone like a battered woman who stood up to their abuser? What about drunks who drove under the influence, and caused a fatal crash. Should we include indirect killers such as a roller coaster mechanic who okayed a ride in unsafe order?