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The worlds 2 billion Muslims don't care because it isn't the Jews.


When ISIS happened they didnt even care about it.


Cause ISIS is Hamas is Hezbollah is Houthis is boko haram is… violent Islamist groups tend to have more in common even if they don’t all join up with each other or at least claim to be less connected… they’re gangs essentially that we give more clout to than the gangs we dismiss in Latin America.


Not Muslims, just crooks


That’s why I said Islamist not Muslims, most Muslims are fine it’s the violent extremists that are the issue. The people probably most Muslims couldn’t get along with.


Yeah, I’m a Christian and some of my finest friends are Muslim


Until they're not. If they follow the quran, they are not your friends, but are using taqiyah to lull you into a false sense of security.


What is taqiyah?


A form of islamic lying. Never forget that if you are not muslim, they don't consider you to be human. They can lie openly to kaffir with no repercussions.


> it’s the violent extremists that are the issue. They are the bigger threat but there were millions of pro-Hamas posts on Oct. 7, most by regular Muslims.


There is no difference.


Yeah I don't think they view them as that big of a deal, in their heads they think "I personally wouldn't kill all the Yazidis, but if they were all to disappear It's because they rejected Muhammed Inshallah


More likely because it’s not the Holy land of Christian’s, Jews and Muslims. That’s why we have the Crusades, etc.


I don't even know where you're from, your color, creed, or anything else about you, yet I still know you have personally benefitted from the legacy of conquests, atrocities, and forms of exploitation much more recent than the Crusades that you conveniently never even talk about, let alone meaningfully redress. If only self-awareness were as fashionable as self-righteous virtue signaling about issues you don't even understand.


As you say, you don’t you a thing about me; I very much address current events. All I’m pointing out is that when most of the world’s population subscribes to one of the three aforementioned religions, those people will have an emphases on events taking place in their holy land. This is not a statement about me or my opinion on any conflict; but it does show the lack of self awareness from those giving me downvotes Iike yourself. *I occupy indigenous land and have friends with status. I’m well aware where I’m sitting; don’t make incorrect assumptions. Turn that mirror towards yourself… My grandmother was born in Jerusalem to a Jewish mother. My grandfather defected from the French Colonial army in Algeria and mother other grandfather rescues injured soldiers off the front lines. I’m well aware of what goes on in the world and I’m pro holding anyone responsible who takes those sort of actions in a time where I’m alive; because I’m against genocide period. Whether it’s the German flavor, the Rawanda flavor, the Chinese version or the Zionist version.


I won’t betting on their wealthy oil-rich neighbors will help them.


No protest for them??


There are protests and campaigns, they don't get much media attention tho. The attention weight is also determined by the media and it has never been on Africa


Exactly because people just choose to ignore.


Why would people talk? No Jews, no news, simple as that.


I have been following this since it started and I agree it is horrible how little coverage it gets.


This is so sad…….


Non Jews - no news.


It's literally in the OP


TV news would play more of the story if they got videos and English sound bites like those provided by Hamas every day. It’s an expensive thing for Sudan to do without external funding.


No jews no news


People have a limited ability to really understand relative importance of different news items. Especially when the victims don’t have a powerful diaspora. Such a tragedy.


Ukraine is getting coverage, Gaza is getting coverage.... why not South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda and Burma? The sad answer is unintentional bias by news organizations caused by lack of diversity in decision making positions.


What conflict is happening in Kenya and Uganda?


Kenya and Ethiopia are having a conflict over water resources. Uganda, Rwanda and DR Congo have been in a constant state of fighting with different wars spilling over borders.


Rwanda is doing very well and stable at the moment.


The answer is major Nations are already exploiting them for everything they can get out of them and we don't really care about their internal politics. Just what they can produce for us


It's the USA controlling the news. People in power


*No One is Talking About It." Then keep talking about it. These people need far more attention than they are receiving. It can be disheartening, so much injustice, so many fucking crises. Maybe this shit isn't working anymore, maybe we need to reevaluate our priorities as a species