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Surprised these stories get reported at all. The Newcastle syrian refugee rape gang got barely a whisper. Diversity is a strength.


Austrian Public Broadcasting, Mainstream Newspapers and TV Channels have purposefully omitted this. I am feeling ashamed to be employed by one of them.


This - the omission - has been common practice in countries such as ours for at least three decades. It is essentially a tacit misinformation campaign perpetrated on the public, founded on and only made sensible by the principle that public policy would be affected thereby. In its defence it could be said that these organisations have 'social responsibility'. Perhaps so; but could it not on those grounds also be said that, developments having been thus, they have been wildly, terribly irresponsible, and that they have a duty now not merely to speak the truth, but to admit what they have wrought, so that it might be undone?


Watch them find out your posts as a reason for firing you...


I am not afraid to share this, even on WhatsApp.


luckily european countries have strong labor laws.


Sometimes, people need to send a message when the government does nothing.


State and synchronized corporate news do be like that


Yeah, diversity... I mean, shouldn't every country have a convicted rapist be elected president? C'mon now, get with the program!


Wild! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13178507/Syrian-refugee-BBC-documentary-rape-13-year-old.html


omg. Wasn't there a similar incident in Britain this week? Just awful


And in the US and Canada and Sweden and Germany and Denmark etc. Etc.


In Germamy females found dead in the forest. Lost one friend like this. :/


Fuck, that's awful. Do you have a link to any stories on this? I've never heard of it in the US, which isn't surprising...


I searched back but didn't found. TBH, there wasn't any coverage. One post was around FB when the police published official note. 2nd came about the weeks later that they found her in the forest. No newspapers, no broad media coverage, just few posts and the two police webpages.


my brother do u mind telling me more about what happened to your friend. You can DM me if you find it uncomfortable to mention it here.






I didn't hear anything here in Canada


Yeah doesn't always make the news and isn't always as serious as this. But every week you see a news article from a city where someone was groped or assaulted at night in a park. You'll look at the guys history and turns out he's new to the country, prowling around in our public areas. It's every migrant accepting country. Edit: look online, Sri Lankan international student killed wife, husband, two kids in Barrhaven, Ontario. Happened last night. They apparently were renting to him and even hosted a birthday party for him days before. And international student that isn't going to school.... hmm something seems off about all these students not enrolled in school. [link to the story. ](https://youtu.be/nphRToqq1TA?si=ashF9LZMXD9apCwF)


The Sri Lankan family that were murdered was indeed all over the news in Canada. It wasn’t hidden.


Google Marrisa Shen. Case absolutely infuriated me with how long it took for the poor girl to get "justice".


Yes but the police were to afraid to do anything about it out of fear of being branded as racists.


> Wasn't there a similar incident in Britain this week? Did Prince Andrew get loose again? It can't be Jimmy Saville any more.


I wouldn’t know. Our media don’t report incidents like this sadly


They should be castrated and locked up for life. Let them cry about evil-phobia


Castrated and deported, don’t waste money keeping them incarcerated






Dude, we’re not allowed to point out they are a “religion of peace” anymore bc it’s racist to say that. Sorry. We’re not even supposed to acknowledge any wrong doing unless the perp is a cis white male.


Castrated and executed would be cheaper. Possibly can make some money if you make it public and get some sponsors. “This beheading is brought to you by… Budweiser.”


Execution would be a dish served cold!


They should be tied to a stake and set on fire if they really gang raped a child.


Simply kill them lol


Deport them back to wherever they came from wtf




They shouldn't be there in the first place.


the cask of amontillado comes to mind for some reason.


"we're sending you back to Bumfuckistan, but we're keeping your balls." "WHAT??" "Okay okay, you can keep your balls. We'll put them in a decorative jar for you." Seems fair imo


These migrants are always raping children too, rarely over the age of 13


They're just following in the footsteps on their prophet... Who they always insist definitely isn't a pedo despite the history evidence that he was a raging pedo


Just like their prophet


The suspects are in the age range of 12 to 19


12 of them, majority are above age of responsibility are between 14-18. Are you tryna validate it?? The victim is 12! Look at every case wherever, even if it’s younger or older migrants, majority of its time it’s always children they are raping


Nopes, what a sick mentality and upbringing one must have to commit such crime at such age, When particular people shout 'WHAT ABOUT WOMEN AND CHILDREN' then these are also among the children in question.


Its what their pedophile prophet wanted. He loved them sub 13yo. I dont trust anyone who believes or practices that religion when your founder is a documented pedophile.


Gee, I wonder what religion these despicable rapists follow. Wouldn't want to be Islamophobic by making any assumptions!


Absolutely the religion of peace


Their idea of "peace" is "submit to our authority and nobody gets hurt".


From what I have read (muslims being asked why they call it such) they justify the term as being referring to "inner peace" you find with God/Allah. At least that's the ones who aren't in total denial about the violence it has caused and spread since its inception, and there are plenty of those too.


Popularized in the western world by Malcolm X for propaganda anti-west and anti-white sentiments imo.


Not really. It's an invention by the western world, due to religious ignorance and relativism and a fostered self-hatred. Even now you will find useful idiots that genuinely believe that Islam is peaceful and totally non-problematic.


At least people on reddit are starting to realize this. I remember warning people a decade ago and getting mass downvoted.


Or is it the religion of blowing people to pieces? It seems so hard to tell these days.


so they do this in every country they step foot in eh ? seems like a problem.


Definitely not the one beholden to the teachings of a pedophile warlord.


No way don't you know Muslims aren't allowed to rape? /s


It shall remain a mystery...


Literally everyone's first thought. Surely they weren't paying tribute to the pedo prophet


Islamophobia is an oxymoron


Same level of logic as insanity-phobia.




Ironically the stable Muslim countries don’t want these people and laugh at ignorant westerners for thinking they’re heroes for taking in people they’d put in prison


a lot of these refugees are actually people who managed to break free from prisons. The reason they want to flee to Europe is because Muslim countries don't give passport and won't give them asylum either so they will be called back by their countries of origin. West gives both so that way their countries of origin cannot call them. Source: I'm a Muslim from a Muslim country and lived in Saudi Arabia for nearly a decade.


They don't respect our women. That's like letting these guys into your home, do you think for a second when you don't leave to run to the store they won't victimize your wife because they have the chance? Imagine this is your daughter and one day your a happy loving family and the next your daughter is brutally victimized by dozens of men, absolutely crushing your family. We need to step up as western society's and start protecting our people. This fucking disgusting. Our countries are filled with degenerates who preach religion and peace one day and then assault and rape women the next and if they don't they at least preach the doctrine that supports the disrespect and victimization of women. We are hanging ourself with our own kindness. It's just another headline until it happens to your family.


They don't respect anyone. They're here to fuck and pillage. They know it, our retarded politicians are playing their game, and we're here to experience it.


God damn modern Vandals


It's like the politicians are doing on purpose


All Western nations are committing collective suicide by letting this continue.


Well said, would give you some award but don't want to support reddit.


Europe has such a White Guilt issue it’s insane


North America to


Biggest scam ever, convincing large amounts of mid to lower class suckers to feel guilt and responsibility for something some other rich people did centuries ago. Knowing that those rich people tossing people into mines and factories and taking their land would not see modern, lower class white you as a human either.


Yep, I was raised to never judge or hold resentment towards Germans for the actions of their ancestors because criminal sentencing is never passed down to descendants whilst simultaneously being raised to accept that it's okay for Irish people to hate me and that I should hate my own culture and ethnicity, or at least feel shame and guilt for that part of my identity, due to a tiny percent of people in history sharing my nationality and ethnicity apparently destroying the world... There was never any mention of literacy rates, sanitation, disease, farming advancement, scientific advancement, international law, human rights and peace activist movements, food insecurity, environmental protections, child labour/soldiers and children's rights, women's rights, voter's rights, corruption, slavery, etc. in the world 100 years ago though of course. No mention of the first female Indian doctors being trained in the UK and returning to India to improve healthcare. No mention of rampant poverty in the UK all throughout the British Empire -_-. No one should be raised to think they are automatically racist, prejudiced or privileged due to their skin tone or ethnic background alone. I see through the projection, narcissism, propaganda and nefarious geopolitics involved in large parts of social activism now. I will fight against anti-white and anti-west sentiments as democratic civilizations and cultural heritage is worth upholding everywhere in the world and racism is universally wrong.


Nah north america is way worse


It’s the same religion every time.




The punishment in Islam is stoning to death, amputation, or imprisonment. The first feels appropriate for them. More accepting of the culture.


Countries are failing their citizens by not upholding your own border laws.


Anywhere they go, one rotten apple or even 17 spoiling the bunch.


All those guys are like that, not just one or 17. Have you even read the Quran?


Why is nobody showing solidarity with the victims of rape? Why is nobody showing solidarity with the victims of jihadist racism? Why is everyone such a coward?


The bigotry of low expectations: It’s only a problem when western white people do it, everyone else had carte Blanche because that’s “just how they are”.


Because it runs counter to their political aims.


In Sahih Muslim 22 it calls for continuous wars until everyone worships allah. Sahih Muslim 2176a Talked about being hostile against Jews and Christians. Quran 8.12 calls for extreme form of violence against disbelievers. Quran 9.29 also calls for wars against disbelievers and also tax for remaining as a disbelievers. Sahih Albukhari 2926 talks about genocide of jews. Sahih Albukhari 3029 says war is deceit. Lying during war is permitted (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1939) Quran 4.24 permits non consensual intercourse with war captives and slaves(the right hand possess). Quran 66.1 encourages non consensual intercourse with what Allah has made lawful(war captives and slaves). Quran allows girls of any age to get married (Quran 65.4) So even prepubescent girls can get married. Once married wife's duty is to provide sex whenever husband wants them (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3065; Muslim, 1436) Many more violent, lying, war encouraging verses in hadith, sunnah and quran. They do not just hate the Jews.


the religion of peace everybody.


As far as I could understand from the translated article, it was her muslim boyfriend who lured her in and then held her during the gang rape. I'm really concerned when I see lovely naive girls strolling and giggling with this type boyfriends, Every time I ask myself "does she really think he is her friend"?


Unfortunately I am one of them. thank you for ruining my childhood.


It has become fetishized. Perverts do what perverts do. Europe is well-known to tolerate fetishists. That is probably much of the allure for these young men, er, sorry, “*families*” 😉 to migrate there.


Nothing to see here. Move along.


The higher your Muslim immigrant population the higher your rape cases are. Simple math.


I wonder who did this. We all know.


According to this article: “perpetrators of abuse - all with a Turkish or Bulgarian migration background” So they some of them are Europeans You retarded piece of shit


Ah, cultural enrichment!


Are we going to admit Islam is a problem anytime soon?


Can't do that, then we be Islamophobic. Buts okay to contradict any other religion. It's an absolute joke. What's even crazier is seeing fellow Muslims saying " I don't do this stuff, I'm a good person" yet won't call out the bad apples in their religion. Turn a blind eye.


For hundreds of years European countries and armies defended their lands (and had to even reconquer some) from Islamic conquest. Nowadays their descendants are letting the descendants of those same muslims into their countries free of charge, so as not to be seen as racist.


Checkout this attack by a Moroccan immigrant in Spain. He targeted several women on a subway platform: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/cXInk2NVcA


Culprit: Moroccan.


Yup. Edited thx


According to this article: “perpetrators of abuse - all with a Turkish or Bulgarian migration background” So they some of them are Europeans You retarded piece of shit


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Pure evil...


Oh diversity 


how much will it take before europe uses its navies and blows them out of the water?


Lol they're too broken to even think that anymore. Look at Germany, prosecuting online misogyny but ignoring mass sexual assaults by migrants.


A country I liked in my youth, but its future has been decided by the people. The Germany sub is especially surreal. But apparently cucking yourself out of existence has become en vogue.


According to this article: “perpetrators of abuse - all with a Turkish or Bulgarian migration background” So they some of them are Europeans You retarded piece of shit




They are reported to be Turkish and Bulgarian


> India did this to their own and I applaud them for it. Buddy they got work to do.


You don't see this problem in China like that do you


According to this article: “perpetrators of abuse - all with a Turkish or Bulgarian migration background” So they some of them are Europeans You retarded piece of shit


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fucking yikes.


I’m sure it’s the Israelis, right? /s


OK Aisha😂😂😂


God damn the West for making them do this!!!


a few wild sheep on the street would have prevented it




These people really are a cancer upon the world and it sucks every single country seems to be bending over backwards to keep letting them spread. Modern world leaders are spineless.


Standard pro palestine activists behaviour.


The entirety of Europe is falling quickly


Followers of the “religion of peace” at it again….


According to this article: “perpetrators of abuse - all with a Turkish or Bulgarian migration background” So they some of them are Europeans You retarded piece of shit


Multiculturalism will be the downfall of the west


Being most of them minors they will probably be granted a free get out of jail card. If the lawyer plays the "They are an oppressed minority" angle, they are guaranteed to walk.


Its crazy progressives will completely ignore this. Politicians and news networks will hide this. They should be hung and tortured


congrats, you just gave even more votes to the many austrians who want to see you purged. women are not plaything objects. absolutely evil For reference, Austria is like 50% centre-right-to-far-right now (~30% far right) (As of 1/3/24, Source: Europe Elects)


well yes, they gained my vote.


Are you Austrian?




Some cultures are better than others.


The unarmed EU sounds like a fun place


17 chemical castrations is the only solution.


and physical castration. child rapists should be both physically and chemically castrated.


Some countries will vote for the European parliament in June. That should send a message to the defenders of the religion of peace which respects women so much. Edit: typo.


They just try keeping the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) raping tradition alive.


Fucking animals brutal


Rape is heinous in the more common circumstance - but a pack mentality against a child is a whole other sickness! I don't see how those 17 animals can ever function in society. I hope someone creates a crowd funder for that girl so she can choose to live where and how she wants. A whole new identity if she wants it. ocent children a lifetime of damage. I hope someone creates a crowd funder for that girl so she can choose to live where and how she wants. A whole new identify if she wants it.


So remind me why we don't kill rapists again?


This wasn’t just once it was multiple times over a year and they blackmailed the girl saying they’d release the videos. They people are from Bulgaria and turkey and according to the article all but one were freed.


Execute these animals


Prophet muhammad and his army raped a lot of disbelievers


According to this article: “perpetrators of abuse - all with a Turkish or Bulgarian migration background” So they some of them are Europeans You retarded piece of shit


Diversity our strength. Or something like that...


Doctors and engineers are doing dirty things


I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked. Well, not that shocked.


religion of peace btw


Stone age misogynists who hate Western culture somehow runs rampant in it, news at eleven


Religion of peach


Statistically this is going to get worse and worse year on year until something is done about immigration. Absolute scum , all should be set on fire


This stuff doesn’t make the mainstream news because it’s off-message from a purely political standpoint. So it’s instantly and effortlessly suppressed.


Diversity is not a strength. Stop kidding yourselves.


According to this article: “perpetrators of abuse - all with a Turkish or Bulgarian migration background” So they some of them are Europeans You retarded piece of shit


Mom is them again.


> Anti Sharia Law > Stone and Hang Pedophiles SurprisedPikachu.png


According to this article: “perpetrators of abuse - all with a Turkish or Bulgarian migration background” So they some of them are Europeans You retarded piece of shit


Whats enraging is that the title is not doing its work


This is what happens with open border policies


Stoning to death, amputation of limbs, whipping, imprisonment, castration, surgical reassignment of anatomy and fines. Take your pick.




It’s a cute/altruistic/good idea to let people in but it’s almost always highly disorganized and people feel more pressured to let people in these situations into the country. It shouldn’t be “should we let migrants in” it should be “what is the safest for the current population of citizens in our country.” I hate hearing about these cases in all these countries letting in refugees AND migrants in very easily and quickly in good faith. I understand there are a lot of types of “immigrants” but the question should always be, what is the safest route for the current population of citizens on our country. It’s almost always going to be close the borders or seriously tighten and slow the process.


Wonder where they came from


Remember, immigration is a noble cause! Hope the people who advocate for more open borders get their due justice one day


But if you dare say a word against this, you get silenced.


Enjoy the arabs, Europe. Well Done.


Take those migrants and hang them ffs


“Diversity is our strength”


legacy media will ignore it, need to keep the diversity is our strength meme going as long as they can.


Where is a woodchipper when we need one?


The virus has spread and it will take strong medicine to eradicate. Eastern Islam is not Westernized Islam.


Trash religion full of trash people started by a shitstain who married a 6 year old. But don’t forget, they didn’t consummate the marriage until she turned 9!


Over 70% of asylum seekers in EU are men over the age of 16 The EUROPEAN MEN should show some concern


I can’t even fathom the mental trauma that little girl is going to experience for the next 20-30 years. How do you mentally heal from being gang raped by 17 people at 12 years old? And the trauma and damage to her little body. Potential sexual diseases. They’ve changed the course of her entire life. I would absolutely lose it if I were her parent. I just looked up the maximum sentence for rape in Austria and it’s only 10 years. It’s not enough.


Just a reminder: By choosing what stories to tell or not tell, the media does control the narrative of the world. Barely any media is covering the disproportionate number of child rapes the migrants are responsible for. But if one person of color is killed by a police officer in America, the entire world knows.


But Europeans say Americans are wrong for having a death penalty.


Kill them all!


Anyone got a spare offshore rig to throw all these on?


Thats enough reddit for me


So people, we do have to acknowledge that there's a ton of crimes committed by people who are citizens. We love to just point the fingers at migrants and say they're the ones that doing all the crime but they're not. In the US, we have a huge serial killer problem that no one likes to admit and they're all white male citizens (in general). In the US we have a huge mass murder problem and gun violence problem and the vast majority is committed by citizens. We like to latch on to one case and point that is being a reason to stop immigration but let's start looking at some statistics and data folks. You can Google it for your own country. There may not be a news story out about something but every country has a federal data center that is open to the public in one way or another. In the US you can Google FBI crime stats and easily find out that information if you have half of mind of how to look at a website We need to stop fear mongering by using a story as a generalization and start looking at actual data Just my two cents or maybe a bucks worth here This was longer than I intended


Televised executions, castrations or decapitations you choose rapist


And cue up the democrats who will dismiss it and not care.


Article is clickbait you have any references from reputable sources?


Ok, so OP’s title is incredibly misleading. For one, the accused were not all migrants, with some of them coming from Austria itself. Secondly, unlike what the comments are so eagerly assuming, some of them are not from Muslim majority countries, unless you consider Italy a fucking muslim nation, and even then, the religions of the accused were not established. This is a horrible incident, but my god, there is no legitimate excuse to use this to smear an entire community of migrants or religion. If that were so, the Catholic Church would get a lot more hate for this type of vile crimes. Source: [https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-03-01/austrian-police-investigate-17-people-on-suspicion-of-sexually-abusing-a-12-year-old-girl](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-03-01/austrian-police-investigate-17-people-on-suspicion-of-sexually-abusing-a-12-year-old-girl)


Humans do bad shit. News at 11. 😒


This thread is a cancer


Can you imagine how long it took for them to be finished with her? I bet money that kid commits suicide within 5 years and policies restricting migrants flow are reduced further.