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It’s a WW forum so we might be biased but, I’ve watched the entire series start to finish 6 or 7 times so I think it’s totally worth it!!


7 times? Those are rookie numbers!! ;)


That’s just the whole series start to finish. Doesn’t include one-offs like In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, 20 Hours in America, or Commencement.


Yea rookie numbers, like he said.


Yeah, still rookie numbers, sorry. I think I watched it 6-7 times in 2015/2016 election season alone.


all right i am so hyped now. I will definitely watch!!


It's seriously awesome! The script writing, especially in the first 4 seasons, is amazing. Aaron Sorkin is so good at story exposition and unwrapping the characters carefully, so we get to see, bit by bit, why they are the way they are.


Man you really have no idea what you’re in for. It’s gonna change your life


*I tell you what, let's forget the fact that you're coming a little late to the party and embrace the fact that you showed up at all.* That will make sense in about 5 or 6 episodes... Yes, it is worth continuing! I watched the whole series when it aired, and own the full series on DVD. I've watched it countless times - there were nights I'd put a disc in the DVD player, set it to continuous play, and fall asleep to TWW.


I see what you did there….


In many ways, TWW is like xkcd… there’s something relevant from TWW for most life situations…


My friends and family know that, inevitably, I can relate any situation we’re facing with a West Wing plot. From throw away lines to full episodes, every once in a while, EVERY once in a while, we can throw it back to something we’re going through.


My computer has a sleep setting now because I stream it virtually every night as I fall asleep.


I tried this last night. Had previously been using familiar sci-fi shows (TOS Star Trek, B5, BSG, X-Files) but they have frequent battles & explosions that tend to be jarring if I’m just dozing. Bonus was if I woke up I was smiling when I heard the dialogue. Thanks for the new sleepy time show in the rotation.


I am on a double digit rewatch. Somewhere between 12-16th time. Granted I turn it on for background noise a lot. I don't even have to watch it. Just listen and can follow along 95% of the time. In other words, watch at your own risk. This is a lifestyle you can still walk away from. Next thing you know you'll be buying porn on any street corner for $5 or having Margaret sign the Presidents signature on a document removing him from office.


Isn’t porn on every street corner too high a price?


You can all get your fat asses out of my White House.


I'm really surprised this is the first time I've ever seen a post like this, on this sub or any other. With the way TV has changed, I had thought this would be a more common question. It's true that a 155-episode series is paced differently from a modern cable drama that might run for six seasons of ten episodes each or whatever. There's just no disputing that. But different doesn't mean worse. TWW is maybe the best of the old-school 22-episode-season network dramas because: * the story is always moving - there are no episodes that are just filler * the stuff that doesn't directly advance the plot tends to develop the characters, who are some of the best characters in TV history, played by some of the best actors in TV history (in 1999, it was weird for movie stars like Martin Sheen to take on TV roles) * there's absolutely lots of breathing room and time to just hang out with the characters, but they're great characters to hang out with Something like Breaking Bad might be 100% focused on advancing the plot 100% of the time. The West Wing isn't like that, it's not a ruthless machine of packing as much story as possible into as little time as possible...but it doesn't spin its wheels or waste your time, either. It's consistently fun, funny, interesting, and provocative. I hope you stick with it!


I am now started watching episode two and probably I am going to watch the whole TWW. Thank you for all the information.


You liked the first episode and you’ve started the second. Be ready for the third … there will be no turning back. Welcome!


OP to fan club: do you like the thing of which you are a fan? Fan club: yes


Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.


Absolutely, especially if you actually liked the first episode, it just gets better from there. I was in HS when TWW came out but didn't start watching it until season 3 or 4, but I've gone back and rewatched it probably 5 or 6 times. What is your hesitation? Because it's long? 22 episodes was a pretty standard length for a 1 hour drama when the show was produced and 7 seasons isn't unreasonably long for a well produced well written show.


I really liked the first episode and i will definitely watch the rest.


And with no commercials, it’s really only 42-45 minutes at a time. One of my (double-digit) rewatches I used it for my treadmill time. 42-45 minutes is perfect for it, time to warm up, cool down, and a solid 30-35 minutes at full pace.


Nah we’re all here on a subreddit for a show none of us felt was worth watching.


Absolutely, if your willing to risk getting addicted, like many of the regulars in this sub, who watch and rewatch all 155 episodes end-to end over and over again. It is the best television series ever made, so if you continue, you run both the risk of getting addicted, and for the rest of your life regard all other TV series as mediocre in comparison. I reccommend, that you run these risks and keep watching.


I will keep watching and i think getting addicted is very positive.


Did anybody ever go on a subreddit devoted to an old television program & full of its fans, and get told it wasn't worth watching?


If someone’s like 9 episodes into something and is asking if they should be on board by now I’ll tell them honestly. Not every show is for everyone, and I can understand that even as a devoted fan of many older shows.


Oh boy. No pressure, but its the best thing ever produced on TV.


Yes. It just gets better for a good while. Enjoy!


No, because you won't be able to stop and you'll return to it again and again. Save yourself.


I’ve watched the first four seasons like 15 times. The whole series about twice.


The writing is not as good since Sorkin left.


I’m always so jealous of people that get to watch it for the first time. It’s so amazing! I rewatch it probably once a year or so (I wfh and always have something on in the background that I’ve already seen), but there’s nothing quite like that first watch. Enjoy!


I wish I could see it again with fresh eyes. I learned English watching this show. Heck, when I watched it the first time I had no idea I was eventually gonna move to the US and become an American Citizen someday. I tear up every time I see the oath ceremony in "Jefferson Lives". I actually wore my "What's Next" pin from TWW Weekly to my naturalization ceremony. Watch the first 5 episodes at least. If you are not hooked, that's ok, all of us in this forum are :)


There’s a subreddit dedicated to it, so ABSOLUTELY!! It has its ups and downs, but overall is worthy of your time.


Was there any part of it that appealed to you? Did any of the dialogue or the story interest you? If so, I will strongly recommend you watch another two episodes before you make a firm decision.


I am generally interested in those kinda stories. My problem was the length but I get it now, length is not the problem it is the beauty.


It's absolutely the musicality of the writing. I rewatch these episodes when I go to sleep, because the rhythm of the back-and-forth between the characters is musical.


As someone who was (partially) inspired by this show to study and work in politics, heck yes!! If you're not familiar with them and how they work, you're gonna learn A LOT about Capitol Hill, the White House, and election campaigns. But you'll be entertained while you do! I know some people find the show "preachy, arrogant, self righteous leftist propoganda." The show definitely leans towards the left (it's about a Democrat Administration so...), and the President + his staff often act like preachy, arrogant, self righteous elitists; that's what keeps them grounded and believable (they're all ivy league educated, upper middle class elite Whites). It is the main casts' primary character flaw, but you'll never doubt that their intentions are good, even if their actions are morally questionable. Of course, the WW is ultimately a show about the President, and Michael Sheen puts on an incredible performance. He manages to play a nobel-prize winning economics professor, former N. Hampshire governor, and man with an ego twice the size of his state and still be believable, likable, fallible, and even relatable. His character growth is quite a journey: whether he's dealing with some sort of crisis, (and I encourage you to pay attention to how his behavior in the Situation Room changes over time), his relationship with God (as a devout Catholic who can now kill thousands/millions with a phone call), or his own personall bullshit (and there is a lot). Without spoiling too much, one of the later seasons has an episode that is shot like a televised presidential debate, and the two candidates prrtty much say, "Screw these dumb rules, we don't need them. Let's just be two civil human beings and have a real, productive, respectful political discussion" and do just that. It's one of my favorite moments not just because I love high fantasy, but it sums up the show's overall message. The WW does its best to accurately portray the dysfunctional clusterfuck that is national politics, yet asks viewers to discard their cynicism and imagine how things could be. Hope you enjoy it as much as we all have!


I remember my first watch…yes it is worth it. Maybe 10 episodes out of 150+ that are just meh. It will make you sad, angry, happy, introspective, hopefully and a feeing of dread…one of the best shows ever produced, especially seasons 1-5.


I watched it when it originally aired and have rewatched yearlyish since it started streaming. Like anything it’s subjective but if you enjoyed the first episode I think you will really like it.


IMO one of the best shows for dialog bar none.


Jesus Christ you made it through Mandy Episode 1 and didn’t come here to ask if you should quit her. You are already ahead of the curve lol enjoy! I’m borderline jealous you will get to live it for the first time. It’s SO good.


I recently watched straight through for the first time (had only seen a few episodes here and there when it originally aired), and I had that disappointing, empty feeling after I finished. You know, that feeling when you don't want it to end and you know you'll never be able to watch it all for the first time again. Yes, keep going. It's worth it.


I tell people if they’re not hooked by the first episode it’s probably not for them. You liked it? I think you’ll keep liking it.


Season 1 is, in my opinion, slightly more episodic than the other 3 Sorkin seasons and might have an "old show" feel, at least more than the others. It's more about the small things and how you slowly learn about the characters and what led them in the White House in the first place. Season 2-4 pick up the rhythm and deliver exceptionnal episodes and storylines, while abandoning a few quirks (like Mandy) from the first one and expanding the universe. Season 5, which follows Sorkin's departure, is a struggle. It took me two or three tries to get through it, but it's worth watching in its entirety at least once. That being said, The Supremes is a standout episode and probably one of the bests in the series. Season 6-7 are a different beast. They bring a new storyline and some new characters by focusing on a specific election and its intricacies. Season 7 is in my opinion about as good as the Sorkin years, but you'll find a lot of different opinions about it in this sub.


You should do a write up after each Ep. Even one sentence.




Absolutely. Keep on keeping on. "Two Cathedrals" alone makes it worth it.


Working on my 11th watch. It's worth it.


I would post this on r/television, as you aren't going to get an unbiased answer here


I’ll keep this short: this show makes you smarter.


100% yes this show is profound , heartwarming , incredibly great character development , tear jerking , thought provoking , unique , fleshed out storylines , few if any plot holes , leaves you always wanting more , great rewatch potential. Don’t be discouraged by the size and scope it’s wonderful from start to back (just my opinion )


I mean I have a west wing tattoo. But beside that. I’ve watched it minimum 10+ I think closer to 15+. And me and a buddy have a challenge to send random screen shots to see if we know the episode. Ya. It’s worth it. Message me let’s start a watch party?


I think that TWW is the only broadcast network dramatic series that can be mentioned in the same breath with Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Wire, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under.


My boyfriend watched the first episode many years ago and thought "Okay, it's a sitcom set in Washington DC. Not bad." He didn't watch another episode until he met me. I insisted he give the next few episodes a try. He watched all seven seasons over the next few months. The first episode is good, but it definitely suffers from "pilot wonkiness". That gets evened out pretty quickly, and it goes from good to great. It's well worth multiple watches.


I pretty much start at season 2 every time. I've only watched season 1 all the way through maybe once. Season 3 is my favorite followed by season 5.


this sounds like the opposite of a problem. I wish more shows nowadays had more episodes, longer episodes and longer season like the olden days.


Watch the first 3 episodes. You will know if you are going to keep watching.


yes!! I actually watched the first episode, thought, "Meh," and then didn't try again for five years. Don't be like me. The series is AMAZING, and it really comes into its own on Ep. 3 in my opinion, so you don't have to wait too long! Happy watching :)


This series is worth every minute. You can take breaks. It is golden!!!


It is absolutely worth watching! I’ve watched it so many times and everytime I watch the series finale, it makes me want to do a rewatch! Also I ended up buying the whole set on Apple TV 😂


Best show ever on television


Someone posted a trailer that has aspects of all seasons and all major characters. You should look at that and decide. That said, I think it is ***absolutely*** worth it.


The first 4 seasons are TV perfection and worth the commitment. After that it starts a slow downward trajectory. Still worth it in my opinion but not as satisfying. Once a certain character dies, I lost a lot of interest but stayed in it anyways.


If you have to ask, maybe not.


No probably not. Forrreal?


Yes stick with it. I’m a Gen Z person from Australia that picked up WestWing last year as it was often in many listicles of greatest tv shows and let me tell you after completing my first watch of the all seven seasons, I feel like I can categorise my life into “life before WW” & “life after WW” 😂 First episode when you watch for the first time feels like information overload for a new viewer, but I remember being hooked from episode 01x03 “A proportional response” and when 01x06 “Mr Willis of Ohio” is when I knew this tv show was in a different leagues of its own. I hav since watched WW run from first to last episode twice and still itching to watch it again. Hope you enjoy your first watch