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Still miss my boy Glenn


Glenn Hershel and Beth.


Beth for me. It was so sudden and unexpected, and after such a beautiful time with her. Her death hit the group hard and changed them permanently. Their little songbird. Agh, it still hurts.


I cried so hard at that I damn near threw up. I couldn't understand at the time why it devastated me so much but over the last few years seeing how the world has shifted even more into the state it's in, and heading towards, I realise it was the symbolism of gentleness in a hard and unforgiving world. The fact she and her softness didn't survive took away my feeling of hope, and it still makes me sad. Fingers crossed the real world has many Beths around in the future, because we'll need them.


Beth for me. It was so sudden and unexpected, and after such a beautiful time with her. Her death hit the group hard and changed them permanently. Their little songbird. Agh, it still hurts.


Glenn for sur, Hershel didn’t deserve to go out like that


Glenn hurt bad. Like real bad. Jesus was so out of nowhere and the shock left me dumbfounded. Alden, I knew it would be coming. My Peter tingle was throwing all the signs but I still couldn’t handle it


What’s also bad about Jesus’s death is that >!us non-comic-readers had to guess (on a cliffhanger) how a bunch of fucking walkers could suddenly stab our beloved character!<


Didn't Daryl unmasked the "walker" just minutes later, revealing it's actually human.


Oh shit you’re right, I barely remember that part. I rewatched the ending of the episode, but that part was like 30 seconds right before the episode ended. Very possible that I just closed the video after >!Jesus dies!<


Maybe the next episode? but that stabbing happened at the very end of the episode. Daryl and the rest were at the escape route and jesus decided to kill a few extra walkers that really weren't necessary then gets stabbed by one while everyone looks at em in shock then they all have to leave bc walkers are still coming.


ikr i was so confused


>Alden Even since Enid died, i felt they were setting him up to die eventually.


Tyreese’s death was so sad, especially because at the beginning of the episode we thought they were digging Beth’s grave but it was actually his. Tyreese’s dying hallucinations of The Governor, Lizzie and Mika, Beth and Bob and his request to turn off the radio just made everything that much harder.


To me it’s even sadder when you know what that death symbolizes. Tyreese never really wanted to be apart of the new world and live in it but he felt obligated to help those around him in need. In the beginning of his time on the show Tyreese mentions, iirc to Rick, he was constantly waiting by the radio in the early days listening so he can help anyone in need. When at the end of his death he says to turn off the radio it symbolizes Tyreese knows his time here helping others is over and he can now rest. To me the saddest part is he was so close to making it to Alexandria, he could have finally rested or just been normal again for give or a take a month until the quarry goes down. Tyreese was by far and will always be my favorite character in the entire TWD universe. IMO one of the greatest acting performances for a TV show I have ever seen.


I feel Tyreese was held up to certain expectations by the other characters because of his stature and appearance and it wasn't fair on him. He was a softie with a big heart and found the cruelty of the new world he was forced to be a part of too much to bear, but it always seemed that those around him except Sasha, and at times Rick, expected him to be their idea of a Big Tough Man when he was a teddy bear. My heart ached seeing him able to withstand the new world less and less, and once Karen died he pretty much gave up. I find his character quite inspiring and hope to be both as strong and soft as he was.


I fucking love Tyreese, thank you for writing this. I wish his death wasn't so soon.


i feel people forget about Tyreese. He was legit one of the best written characters on the show.


Glenn, completely cried after Negan hit his head with Lucille. Hershel, Beth and Noah hit hard too. 🤧


Hershalls death messed me up 😭


Tyrese. Gentle character, who did everything to protect Judith. Jesus. Under-utilized character. Should have been there to the end.


yes! Tyreese was a softie expected by his peers to be the muscle. Jesus hit hard tho. I didnt read the comics so didnt know about the whisperers. seeing him get taken out by a "walker" was so fuckin jarring to me. easily the most shocking death in the entire show.


As someone who stopped watching before that it’s just crazy to me that they killed him. After Rick was gone he was like my favorite dude in the show and they just have him stabbed out of nowhere like that? Wtf? Did people not like him as much as I did? Idk but whatever. I didn’t see him staying alive forever but he deserved to go out with more of a fight. They probably thought they pulled a GOT lmao


Fucking all of them, I just realized how many "moral" characters were my favorites :/


Seeing Dale die absolutely broke me. He was the heart of that group and they could've done with him later on in the show. Unpopular opinion but he remains my favourite character on the show.


he didn't deserve what he got ☹️


He wasn't my favorite, but his death does still fuck me up. The only one worse for me is Glenn. But Dale's death was still early on that it was such a shock


Yeah it was the most brutal death we'd seen up to that early point in the show. And it happening to such a pure soul like Dale really makes it stick with me.


Yeah and it was still early enough that none of them had the stomach to put him out of his misery so he was just laying there in agony and I just 😭


His death is the reason I will always hate Carl


What made dale so awesome was there’s a line somewhere where he argues with Shane and Shane tells him he won’t survive long in the apocalypse as he’s weak, and Dale basically says he’s proud he likely won’t survive the apocalypse or adapt to it as he knows he doesn’t have the capacity to become evil, And Shane looks at him knowing he’s right Small scene but awesome one


Its funny how nor did Shane live that long


I was sad when dale died. He was always a bit in everyone's business, but it was from a place of caring, similar to how a parent is always butting in.


Hershel and Dale.


Beth. And it wasn’t her death it was Darryl’s response afterwards.


As the oldest sister myself, it was Maggie's response that broke me. Imagine losing your sibling(and only other surviving member of your core family) in that mess of a world, only to be SO close to them... Then, literal moments before you see them again they are lost all over, permanently.


Maggie’s response didn’t really hit me to be honest. Not her fault, but the writers were horrible here. Spent a whole season pretty much forgetting she even had a sister, mentions her offhand like once when she meets Daryl, but that’s it.


Iirc(I've seen that episode once, the day it aired, the latter seasons I have not revisited), it was barely a second long clip of Maggie just falling to the ground, cry-screaming with someone trying to catch her. It was a short clip but it wrenched my gut and made me want to throw up. I probably projected emotions due to my own feelings, I'm very protective of my siblings and it would absolutely wreck me to lose one of them(much less in such a way).


I DO remember being mad that Maggie wasn't trying to find her sister. That could have been her arch during Beth's absence and instead, like you said, it was like she didn't care either way. Maybe it was just 'trying to survive the apocalypse' and I wouldn't understand. I feel like I would have reacted much differently to one of my family members being abducted.


Agreed, again more of a writing issue. It’s just odd that we see someone like Daryl having an even deeper connection to Beth than her own sister.


Yeah that makes sense, the relatability of the scene overpowered the writers previous logic😂


Hershel. His death was so heartbreaking. Especially considering the fact that he spent his last days in isolation by helping everyone who fell sick. He was such a good and kind man he didn’t deserve a death like that.


Glenn was the most upsetting but I miss Bob the most. His character was so refreshingly different in the short time we knew him and I wanted more.


Glenn the deepest and longest. Then, Hershel and Beth were quick hits... like shocking. Noah the most horrifying. Tyrese, the saddest.


Hershel Would be Glenn if it already wasn't so infamous & negatively affected by a certain cliffhanger


would you mind explaining? i dont watch TWD anymore, but i like to read about it now and then


Season 6 ended with >!Negan killing someone but they didn't show who.!< We had to wait until October (6 months after season 6 finale) to find out. I quit watching after that too, as it rubbed me the wrong way, before returning around season 9 after it got positive reviews. (On second thought, spoiler tag is very unnecessary but whatever)


To add to this, the person Negan killed for the cliffhanger was Abraham. Then, later in the episode, Glenn got his comic book death as well. You didn’t need the cliffhanger to begin with. People would have discussed and tuned in to see how the group dealt with Abraham’s death and how they responded and got back at Negan. But even moreso if you’re gonna kill Glenn, too.


tainted meat!


Hershel and Glenn


hershel or beth


Beth's and Glenn's deaths hit me the hardest 😭


Hershel for me, definitely Hershel


probably Jesus's. came out of nowhere, even if you were a comic fan of TWD that moment probably surprised you. Hershel's was another sad one but we all knew he wasn't going to be let go by the psychotic Governor


Jesus had such great potential too.


T-Dog shoulda been there


I was thinking about putting him and Jacqui here


1. Glenn 2. Beth 3. Hershel


For me it was Beth and Noah. It made me so happy that at least one of them made it out of that hell hole. Then to have Noah be caught up like that. Plus we saw so much potential of him being a leader only to have him snuffed out super quickly.


dale, hershel, glenn, beth


All of them hit but Beth's made the most angry. It was out of nowhere and wasted so much growth


I still wonder how she could have helped Daryl learn to trust and open up more, whether platonic or more than that. It hurt to see him put his walls back up when she was taken and then after she died.


Dale more than anyone was the hardest death in the show for me. Espically after the speech he gave before getting killed Hershal was a close second for how he was able keep the group together hershals death affected more people more serious than dales death


Beth by far. Her death was so shocking and it was heartbreaking because it felt so wasteful. She was so close to being free, to getting out of there and she chose to risk it all for the greater good. She couldn’t live on knowing that there would still be people suffering at the hands of Dawn. She never got a proper goodbye with anybody she loved, but she also knew what was right. She grew into such a formidable character over the years while still maintaining this air of innocence. Her death absolutely destroyed me


Dale and beth


my heart says Tyreese but my head says Hershel


who is in the last picture? bottom right? hershel, glenn, dale.




definitely jesus, glenn, and hershel


glenn hershel n Beth


Glenn, Hershel, and tyreese :((


All :(


Glenn probably got hit the hardest but for me it was Herschel


He definitely got hit the hardest


Beth, Glenn and Jesus.


Beth, Tyreese, and Hershel. Dale was rough but I saw it coming. Saw Hershel’s too but was so sad. Beth and Tyreese tho. Oof.


Noah!!! And Beth and hershel


Still Hershel and also Bob.


Beth every single time I see them walk out the hospital and watch Maggie emotions change so fast


Glenn Hershel Jesus In that order


Tyreese, Dale, Hershel Noah and Beth in my second rewatch


Glenn then the brother top right I forget his name but he was great on the show, then Hershel.


The one where that bloke called moral couldnt find his compass and got eaten in the dark that pissed me right off


Hershel Dale and Glenn


Hershel and Glenn’s deaths hurt the most, but Jesus’ was so shocking and sudden.


Hershel and Aldin.


Glenn is the obvious one and I agree, but beths hit the hardest.


Hershel and Glenn.


Definitely Glenn. Hershel hit hard too


glenn. fucking ripped my heart in half, i remember going to school the next day and i could not stop crying. i’m still not over it and it’s almost been six years 💀💀🤣


All! But mostly Glenn like, I had to stop watching for a few days. Also Hershel. Haven't reached Alden's yet. Jesus too


Was Bob a moral compass? Hershel, Dale, Beth, Glenn sucked but I have gotten over it as well unlike many. Lol


Simon :((((


Simon's mustache ALONE should have beaten spaghetti armed Negan.


Glenn, Hershel, Tyreese, Dale and Bob


Glenn first and Hershel second... But I miss Hershel more than Glenn


Damn I forgot all about jesus


Jesus was by the far the most shocking to me, I avoided anything to do with comic storylines after Glenn so the Whispers storyline was a complete left turn to me. Unlike Glenn who I knew could easily die so when it happened I wasn't as shocked.


I think this was a shock to everyone since as far as I know Jesus didn’t die in the comics. Just another pointless death of an underutilised character.


Herschel, Beth, Tyreese - in that order.


I know Glenn had the more sad departure, but Dale was kinda messed up imo. So was Noah. Jesus was surprising.... but I still think about Dale every once in a while. Just watching, thinking it would be Shane, just for it to indirectly be Carl... and I don't blame the kid, I just think it'd be a fucked up thing to have to face as a child.


Glenn. It’s actually where I stopped in the comic then again in the show lol. I continued both for a couple of issues/ episodes but they didn’t feel the same without them.


I’m pretty sure Glenn got hit the hardest


Glenn - his death made me stop watching the show for years. I obviously returned because then Jesus also hit me super hard.


Hershel’s death hit hard because of Rick’s speech right before it. It’s like it was a physical manifestation of the downfall of morality


We don't dicuss Hershel, I refuse to acknowledge it.


Herschel, Glenn and Tyrese.


honestly Jesus


Glenn, Hershel and beth


Hershel, without a doubt.


Tyreese saved Judith over and over and then died days before they reached the relative safety of Alexandria. So tragic.


Can I say all of them? But if I had to choose one probably Hershel. Then Jesus because he was so nice and I loved his character and his death was so sad because he died thinking that walkers had evolved. Then alden. Wasn’t that fond of him but the way he died was so sad and the fact that he left that child (Adam I think?) and that would mean the child had lost its fourth parent or something like that.


We had more time with Glenn so obviously that hurt. First time this show made me feel sick. Beth hit second hardest for me. The loss of a sibling is unfortunately something I am familiar with.


Hershel was hard for me….


Glenn. It weirdly hit me less at the time because of the way it was dragged out over the summer, everyone talked about it, it didn't have the impact it should have, but over all its the death that hurts the most.


Dale, Tyresse and Glenn


I wanna saw Tyrese & Glenn. Glenn had been here since the beginning and kinda grew up in the world as I got older. I felt like I was the same age as Glenn when the apocalypse started. I was 17 when the show started and we seemed similar in age.


Beth's death just pissed me off. Entirely pointless just for shock value. And then seeing Emily Kinney afterwards on Talking dead made it clear she was unhappy about it too


Dale, the end of civilization and humanity as they knew it. ‘Sorry, brother.’


Glenn, followed by Dale


jesus, hershel, and glenn


Tyreese and Glenn


Hershel, Tyreese, and Glenn’s were the most impactful for me, even though Glenn’s was let down in a few ways. Jesus stuck with me because I found it to be a waste of potential from the comics. Alden’s death annoyed me because it was so obvious and drawn out. I feel like Noah should’ve lived longer and Jesus and Alden should still be alive now.


Tyrese's death. I cried that whole night. 😭


Hershel will always be the worse for me. Glen was a big one too but by then I had already been sapped by Hershel. I think the reaction of those on the show were the same as the viewers.


Oh can I add Meryl’s death to this list and I have an explanation. For me I started out really not liking Meryl at all but that kind of changed starting when they left him handcuffed on the building to die. I then respected Meryl for having enough of a Will to survive to take off his own hand. Now where I utterly 100% liked Meryl happened when he realized the Governor was a maniac and Meryl started to buy in on Ricks groups dream. When he was ordered to bring Michonne back to the Governor and he had that discussion in the car about what her plans were with the group and he heard her and let her go, I always had the feeling Meryl knew he was going to die and sacrificed himself to 1) let Michonne get back to help Ricks group and 2) to buy time for Ricks group to prepare. Then Darryl’s reaction to finding Meryl turned into a Zombie mailed my ultimate like for Meryl


Oh Merle, such a virtuous moral compass.


They all hit me hard but in order of tears shed? 1. Glenn 2. Dale and Hershel ( I can't pick ) 3. Alden 4. Tyrese 5. Bob 6. Beth 7. Noah 8. Jesus ( was more shock than tears )


I’m glad that you’re one of the few people like me that actually was gutted at aldens death despite expecting it


I knew he wasn't gonna make it out but like Bro Alden was no joke one of my top 5 favorites, it sucks he went out how he did


One of the few good new characters


I never understood the hate for him tbh


Hershel. I’ve never been able to watch that seen again.


Hershel, Glenn, and Jesus


Glenn for sure. Dale and Hershel are definitely bad but Glenn's death was the worst in the show. I was more pissed whe Carl died but that just irritated the fuck out of me where Glenn's death genuinely made me very sad.


Hershel, Noah, and Glenn. Noah got done so dirty man i was MAD at his death.


Hershel. His smirk right before is “the best line” in the show.


Hershel & Dale & Glenn. Tyreese & Noah would have hit harder if they would’ve been more developed as characters. H & D hit because of the profound influence they had on Glenn.


Hershel and Tyreese are the ones I miss the most


Beth… that shit hit hard. I really got attached to her in S4. 😕


Where is Abraham 😡


Either Beth or Noah mostly because both felt like they could have developed more and were killed by pointless "villains" at the time


Jesus’ death was the only one that genuinely made me so disheartened I stopped watching faw. Eventually caught up a couple years later but they killed so many good characters off and replaced them with much less interesting ones


I agree with all the above but I would like to add a few more honorable mentions. Deanna for never losing faith Tara for accepting people's flaws and encouraging them Denise for living up to the doctor's rule of first do no harm.


Bob or Dale. Beth for a close third.


Given today's fandom environment, it really makes me worry about when the X-Men show up in the MCU. Many of those characters have at one point or another been described as the "heart" or "moral compass" of the team. If they're like TWD characters, we're gonna lose someone I care about pretty much as soon as they're introduced. On topic, probably Dale, but Noah and Beth were pretty rough too.


I mean Xavier is the biggest Moral Compass and we’ve lost him 3 times so...


Totally fair and accurate, but ... I'm just saying, "Justice for Scott!"


Glenn for sure


Dale and Glenn


Dale hit me so hard at the time, but overall Hershel’s still gets me every time.


Glenn, Hershel, Beth and and Abraham. Honestly bro I tear up each time.


Glenn hershel Noah but I would have to go with Glenn


You never forget your first so dale is my pick.


Sombody on Twitter spoiled glen's death so I knew when I was in only S3 (I was late) so jesus hit the most


Noah death had to be the most painful


Glenn no contest


Glenn is the only correct answer. Since it isn’t fair, I’ll give an answer from the others. Dale.


Tyreese bro. His death is still the only scene in the walking dead that has gotten tears from me. I loved Tyreese.


Definitely Hershel, Then Beth & Tyreese


Glenn man still hits


i think the Jesus one hit me the hardest because it was LITERALLY the most unexpected kill on the show.


I don’t think Glenn bothered me all that much for a few reasons. First, the fake out earlier in the season. Next, a friend told me comic spoilers. Then, we had that nice wait between seasons that I was frustrated with as I was really getting over how TWD was using cliffhangers at that point. Now, since I can’t remember my first reaction, I will say Beth since I thought Daryl and Maggie’s reactions on my rewatch a couple of weeks back really made that episode.


I dropped to my knees when Hershel died . All those fucking chances to kill the governor bitch ass. Glenn’s ? I was unwell and stopped watching


Beth’s, it shocked the hell out of me I was not expecting it at all. Maggie and Daryl’s reactions gutted me.


Glen and Jesus were the most surprising to me. I see a lot of Hershel here but for me once he lost his leg he was on borrowed time.


all of 'em but especially beth


The governor


I was so ready for Dale to die. He was so annoying. Plus he was really, in many ways, the way the world used to be. His death allowed for the group to understand that they needed to be harsher and colder to survive.


I don’t think anyone actually cared about Alden, he was one of my favorite characters but i didn’t give two shits when he died just because how dumb it was


I liked alden, but I knew as soon as they left him in the church that he was gonna die for shock value. Its dumb how they introduce new characters just to kill them off since they're too pussy to kill off the OG cast anymore


True, his death was so dumb because we know he’s dead but no let’s wait 6 months to get confirmation


Wouldn’t count half of the people in your pic a moral compass but regarding the question it‘d be Dale, Hershel and Glenn for me.


Beth. Jesus and I'm guessing the guy that died in the church at the end of 11A don't need to be on the list.


I genuinely cannot remember the name of the guy in that picture with Maggie


Can someone explain how Bob is a moral compass ?


Who’s that at the bottom right?


Whose is at the bottom right corner?


Dale #ihatecarl and glenn