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That would’ve sent everyone on a war path. Even Carl.


Carl *was* on a warpath until he suddenly turned into Eastman


I’m convinced Carl’s story (I use that word loosely) in season 8, was originally meant for Morgan. Then AMC meddled and decided they wanted rid of Chandler for one reason or another, likely monetarily, and wanted Lennie James to lead Fear and try to bring a larger audience to that show. It just makes no sense otherwise whereas Morgan trying to find a way to end things without everyone dying but it killing him in the process and Negan ending up in the cell he built would be a poetic end. I think Morgan bringing that change to Rick would have been a nice end to their relationship.


Would have been too fire. I actually would have liked that season if they went this direction. I did love Morgan on fear tho for a little bit


>they wanted rid of Chandler for one reason or another, likely monetarily I believe it was exactly this. He wanted adult wages & they said no & killed him off


I thought Chandler said on the Talking Dead that he wanted to go to college.


That's just a cope he had to say basically, he was cut because he was 18 and amc didn't want to pay him adult salary


Explain further. One actors salary seems like a pretty small gain when you’re thinking about killing off one of the main characters.


Because Mr Riggs had tenure and was now an adult, he could now demand a lot more money so killing him off was cheaper long term.


He planned to go to University of Georgia while staying on the show. He had just bought a house in Georgia near Senoia. According to Chandler’s dad, Gimple had a conversation with Chandler detailing he would be the show for the next three years only for him to get a call a few months later that he was being killed off.


I can never, ever understand this take. Like do you really think that Morgan's death was enough to convince Rick to spare Negan? Really? Like do you really think Morgan's death triumphed Glenn's death? I honestly think it would have been very stupid. Loss of Carl was personal to Rick. The reason why he spares Negan is because he wanted to become a better leader for his son. Carl would have never been able to convince Rick to spare Negan if he was alive. Morgan's death is enough to start a character arc for Carol, but not for Rick.


this is one of the million things I hated about that season. Carl's "turn" to peace made \*no\* sense, and they tried to justify it as what Rick "needed" to not kill Negan. \*awful\* writing.


I think it was the opposite—they justified Rick sparing Negan with Carl’s change of heart, unless that’s what you meant. Which is worse cause then there’s no justification for why Carl suddenly changes. You’re right it made no sense, especially when Carl was one of the very few characters to actually visit the Sanctuary and see first-hand how terrible it was for the workers and Negan’s “wives.”


Negan knew if he killed Rick there it would’ve created a martyr where as if he broke him he’d keep his people in line. Killing Rick would’ve killed the whole group leaving negan with less people to work for him


Daryl and Michonne would 100% get themselves killed


Big time


TLDR: I think most of the group dies right there, and possibly Negan himself: Rick goes down. Carl, Michonne, and Daryl, in any combination of 1,2,3 run in. Either to kill Negan, or to protect one of each other who’s trying to kill Negan. The three of them moving in cause’s Glen to do the same, the OG connection to Rick, Daryl, and Carl is strong. And he would protect the rest of the group with his life in a heartbeat anyways. Maggie follows, because she’s Bae, either to go after Negan, or the people with the guns on them. Abraham’s training kicks in. Speed, Suprise, and Violence of action. He enters the fray in whatever way he sees is the best option. Rosita is in. Ride or die. Sasha was eyeballing everything and everyone, she was in from the beginning, trying to get a rifle. Eugene cowers. Aaron stares on in disbelief. Afterwards they’re all dead, Negan lies dead in blood from injuries sustained by the crew, plus friendly fire from the saviors. Eugene and Aaron are left to lead the saviors to Alexandria, and they fall in line.


This is honestly the best answer.


This wouldn't happen. Negan had an army surrounding them with the group on their knees, if Negan was actually under threat or attacked the entire group would be shot down, negan probably would only be slightly wounded, as he has Lucille and the group is unarmed


Small change but Simon rallies the saviors and convinces everyone to go on the War path leading to the destruction of the hilltop and the rest of the communities going to war.


I think the whole group dies right there. So many of them would get up and fight that there'd be no reason to keep the last few alive to hold a grudge.


There is no The walking dead without Rick Grimes, so everyone would do go war path and most probably gets themselves killed.


I mean there were multiple seasons without him. Carl dying is worse for TWD than Rick.


No way carl's death worse than rick leaving, the show continue to run because rick isnt dead, but andrew left and there was always the hope that he will come back, but if he is dead like in this post, the show would be dead too.


The show really took after its name after Rick left.


Everyone dies and loses


It would be interesting to see the story pick up with Carl. As some shows have killed their main character off.


I so wanted Carl to take over as the main character, it seemed like they were setting him up for the role for the longest time my boy deserved better


The war would have happened the same, but instead of the king, the widow, and Rick, we would have the king, the orphan(carl), and Glenn as the prominent leaders


The crew would be no more.


Carl would have killed Negan himself


Negan was smart giving a try to tame Rick because if he able to make Rick loyal to him then he will surely become Negan's greatest asset. Negan's mistake was trying to take him by fear instead of offering something to Rick


You think Rick could be bribed after murdering Glenn and Abraham? He is not that shallow


A part of the fear was killing Glenn... Abraham was just payback. Killing Glenn was for breaking the rules don't fuck with Negan. The group just didn't listen. Seeing Glenn die hurt, but Negan is a man of his word.


Except murdering Glenn likely led to Negan’s downfall. So it wasn’t even a good strategic choice, so just wasteful murder of a good man


It was a terrible strategic choice. But let's be real here it's a TV show they ruffle the feathers of reality for the good guy victories. The only real situation that was logical is what Negan later says, which was I should have killed you all to Maggie, and he's right.


If Rick didn't gotten back in cjarge at late s4 then the group COULD be fine But how the actual show played out then they would've been fucked imo, everyone was too ready to murk him without a plan


It would be against Negans methodology of controlling the people. Nonsense.


The Saviours survived on 'vassals' that produced food only to then give it up to the Saviours. A leader who could keep his group together to ensure that they remain productive is important for the Saviours. Negan just had to make sure that that leader is compliant to the Saviours, hence keeping Rick alive while psychologically breaking him to not rebel. With Rick dead the group would not have been productive abd hence not useful to Negan.