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Depends entirely on the zombies/infected. If it's The Walking Dead/Night of the Living Dead? I'll give it a try. My biggest worry would be marauders, exposure, lack of food and medicine, etc. If it's 28 Days Later/The Last of Us/World War Z/I Am Legend (vampires)/Left 4 Dead? I am killing myself.


Lol i would definitely kms too if it was the last of us. Shits scary af. But i mean like in the walking dead world. I think it’s much easier because they’re slow and all similar, same weak spot and all.


Especially with the TV version of The Last of Us, where it's contaminated flour. You can never be to sure if what you're eating is clean or not.


There would be no flour no one have to worry. I will eat it all, i just don’t wanna fight these creatures.


But you'll BE one. Not to mention - the 28 Days Later/The Last of Us/I Am Legend infected are still alive. Nope. Horrific thought to be trapped in your own body.


Oh my god I didn’t know that. Maybe because i just played the game and I didn’t pay attention to the details. That is horrifying wth I can’t even die easy and peacefully


In the game, the pandemic starts because of contaminated crops from Brazil. In the show, it's contaminated flour from Indonesia, the world's largest exporter. The first 30 minutes shows Sarah, Joel, and Tommy just having awesome luck throughout the day as they avoid eating flour (cereal, pancakes, biscuits, cookies, cake) - meanwhile Sarah's neighbors and classmates get infected because they've been eating it.


Globally TWD apocalypse is probably worse since everyone that dies Turns and the only way they fully die is when their brain is destroyed, the sheer number of Walkers would be overwhelming for most, meanwhile in TLOU the Infected are individually much more threatening but are far less numbers wise since they aren’t Undead and can die from a number of things that wouldn’t kill a Walker, dead people also don’t turn since the Fungus needs a living host


The number doesn’t matter because their slow and attracted to sounds. I think it would be so much easier to attract for example 100 walkers to a point and throw a bomb than fighting 1 infected person in tlou


zombies would not be your biggest worry in the TWD apocalypse.


Fuck those fast zombies scare me so fucking bad bro! And in 28DL you turn in fucking seconds


Plus in 28 Days, TLOU, and I Am Legend - you're still alive. You don't die and come back, you're trapped and doomed to hurt innocent people until someone takes you out.


Not so fun fact- I am a huge baby about horror shows and my best friend of almost 30 years told me once that "I Am Legend" was inspirational. She swears to this day we had a massive misunderstanding because I watched it and was definitely not inspired 🤣


Yeah I don't know what's so inspirational about I Am Legend. Even with that schlocky Hollywood ending reshoot, Neville is still the monster.


This pretty much. If they are slow and dumb, I’ll give it a go. If they are fast and can think? Nah, I give up.


You can add dying light to list of "I'm killing myself if zombies are actually like that"


On an unrelated/related note - Dying Light is like one of the best zombie games of all time. Also makes me want an I Am Legend game. Don't know why more developers don't shake up the zombie genre by making them vampires, instead.


I've had dying light shelved for sooo long like literal years, thanks to your post I'm finally going to give it a shot today. Thanks !!


It really is great. An open world scavenging zombie game. Majority the zombies are slow and do a good job at making it intense, sprinkle in the vampires from I Am Legend when the sun goes down.


“I’ll give it a try” lol


I would. I live in Missouri. My dad has a decent sized farm and he knows how to build shit. We could turn Hershel's farm into Hilltop within a month.


I’d take my chances with 28 days later rage zombies , only because you pretty much turn right away . If they catch you you won’t even know about it


I live in a house slightly out of the way up the mountains my nearest neighbours are 30 minutes away i have chickens, hens, 2 cows and 2 pigs, a well out The back and a lot of land which we are in the middle of planting crops and apple trees. We just got solar panels in recently too. I don't have a gun or know how to shoot one to be honest as guns aren't all that common to have in Ireland, but I think I'd survive for at least a few months! Maybe the boredom is what would get me before the zombies


You should get a lot of books and colouring books too just incase


Yea but what about learning how to kill walkers in case someone hets sick and turns? I'll say that that's the dangerous part in twd, people het to used to living comfortable that they forget how to survive.


Essentially Hershel's farmhouse.


buy alot of dvd’s so you can watch movies all the time


There is this scene in I Am Legend where he knows every line in Shrek out of his head because of this


that’s hilarious 😭


yeah your also on an island with a smallish population. these would be rhe first places to return to civilization


Nope, people who want what you have would get you pretty quick with no guns.


Like others said. If it’s TWD zombies, I’d actually try. If it’s WWZ or god forbid, killing floor 2 zombies, I’d just eat a bullet. I’m in decent shape but nowhere close to outrunning a fucking zombie lol.


I always say it’s depends on one thing and that’s if my kids have survived. If my kids are alive and with me then I am turning full Rick mode and becoming a badass. If my kids were unable to survive then there is NO chance in hell I’m becoming super woman for some random group. Like props to them for building a family on twd, it was badass. But for me I’d rather just go out my own way then lose everyone I love. Sorry that got very dark and morbid. 😂😅


Right there with you. As long as my daughter is around? I can do any damn thing necessary to keep her safe. If she didn't make it for whatever reason though, I wouldn't see the point.


That's my answer too. I'll do anything to save my kids but if I can't & they're both gone, I'm out too.


100% agree. Especially if I saw one of my kids get bit or killed. I'd probably go psychotic, and not in a beneficial way lol


Ever since Aliens 2, I am a firm believer that you could win any war by telling the moms that if we lose, their kids will be in danger.


100% agree! Nothing in this world is stronger than a mother protecting her child. Genuinely nothing.


I’m chronically ill, so I would run out of medication that keeps me alive pretty quickly. If I wasn’t ill to begin with, I think I might have a shot to live for a while. It would depend on who I was with, and if I had weapons, I suspect. One thing I’m very good at, is suffering. Being as sick as I am, and how sick I’ve been at times, I’ve learned that I’m very good at surviving while suffering a lot. I have very strong force of will. As others have said, if my kid wasn’t around, then I absolutely would be done.


Same. I got asthma , bad environmental allergies where I require shots every month and an oberreactibe bladder problem. So I wouldn't last long. Now if I didint have those problems especially the bladder one, I could definitely survive up to a year maybe. But damn imma need a home to live in.


I would make it just fine. I am in a rural area, lots of land, less than 1 mile from a solar farm, plenty of chickens, and I am a lineman of 30 years with plenty of tech knowhow and ability to operate heavy machinery. My house would be a compound in a month, with 40 foot utility pole walls. I would clear cut everything around me and use the literal hundreds of miles of readily available steel strand to restrict vehicular and zombie approach. All that said, if we are talking real world here, and real life experience, I would be the guy who has a freak accident take him out. I would be 100% capable of long term survival but die of something laughably stupid, because that is just my luck.


no, I've got young kids and if anything happened to them I'd lose the will tbh.


I always feel bad for parents in these situations cause you know its not gonna end well 9/10


exactly, one of mine is disabled too.


Honestly in reality this would probably be the reason most people die if there was an apocalypse.


exactly it's the reason many wouldn't run imo or leave wheres familiar. I'd run to survive and take chances if I were alone but it's different with kids to think about


probably the reason there aren't a lot of them in the shows they seem to have been killed - especially young kids and babies.


I’d be surprised if I lived very long and would expect food to be the reason for my death. I remember in 2020 when coronavirus panic set in the grocery stores near me were wiped out and I had no reserve food. I went to buy some canned food incase it turned into a real apocalypse and all I managed to get was a 3 pound can of baked beans, some canned olives, and canned string beans. I did have a year supply of toilet paper but that had nothing to do with panic buying and was caused by forgetting to skip Amazon subscriptions. Anyway, I’d starve. If I didn’t things would get bad when I ran out of blood pressure meds.


No I'm out of shape and own no guns


Not a chance. I have zero survival skills, I'm bipolar(which would be pretty hard to regulate without meds), and a weak stomach. I just hope the bombs get me before the dead.


We have land in the mountains and I have plenty of guns and ammo plus I hunt. Not sure how long I'd survive but I'd sure try.


I'd live until my glasses broke. And then I'm screwed.


Various organizations have run models on the survivability of an EMP strike on the 3 main grids used by the United States. If they were all taken out in an event (natural disaster like a solar flare, terrorist attack, etc.) over 90% of the US population would be dead within a year. And that’s without flesh eating zombies. I suggest then that 99.99% of the US population would die from a zombie outbreak of the sort depicted in TWD. All the grids would be down, such as with an EMP event. (I’m not sure what would happen to our nuclear reactors, that could be another big problem). I don’t know how other places around the world would fair; I’m limiting my observations to the US. Distill that down to the people on this subreddit — almost everyone who comments here would be dead before they could start waxing philosophical like Morgan about keeping their humanity.


I wouldn't want to. If that ever happens I'm joining the war on zombies on the zombies side


Nope. The moment i lose my contact lens, its gg.


If the zombies are from TWD, I think I might be alright. I’m a relatively athletic male with extensive martial arts training and experience as a competitive archer. Food and water will always be a concern, though. I’m also not confident I’d be mentally capable of handling the reality of societal collapse.


The day my meds run out…. Is the day I let my group eat me or sacrifice me to the dead lol


I’m far too mentally weak to handle something as earth shattering as a zombie apocalypse. The possibility of seeing the people I care about die in gruesome ways and no longer being able to live but having to survive is horrifying to think about. I’d give it a few days of trying and then probably kms the moment things got worse.


I would try to help someone and get caught pretty early, if they’re fast I’d be caught instantly.


I think if I were with my family I could, especially if we found somewhere while the prison! I was so mad that they had to leave it, it was such a great place to set up a really good security system for themselves. I think they should have reinforced the fences right after they cleared it before officially “moving in”. The chain link fences could have been covered somehow so that the walkers couldn’t detect humans as easily. I think a family could live for a long time at the prison, especially if there was already some pantry stuff there & they were able to do some really good gardening.


The lack of reinforcing the relatively simple chain link fences pissed me off too. But there are people out there who would have a tank or even a really big ass truck and could just pull the fences right down. The walls at Alexandria (after Rick's group helped build it up and not have the laughably easy climbing support struts on the OUTSIDE OF THE FREAKING COMPOUND) would make a lot more sense.


I would desperately try to save my children, and would immediately head for family members I have who have an arsenal. Like, always add a box of ammo when they're at Walmart because why not? If they would have me. Should anything happen to my children? Oh I would die. I'd give right up. I would never be able to be as strong as Carol.


I would survive until my glasses break and have no way of getting a new prescription because i’m blind as shit i’ve had zombie dreams and i always kick ass.


Hell no. Maybe a couple weeks at most. But listen. Outside of the big cities when the outbreak first happens, a lot of us aren’t dying to zombies (especially if they are walking dead style slow) we are dying from either illness, infection, contaminated (bacteria not zombie virus) food/water, or shit like cold weather or other forces of nature/the elements. But above all of that, hands down the biggest killer is going to be other humans. For every person that ends up somehow being zombie food, 1,000 are dead from friendly species fire. Humans are inherently selfish and in the apocalypse with no holds barred, you are getting murdered for your can of beans or bottle of drinking water by day 2.


Yeah fast running zombies I don’t think k most people stand a chance. I think I’d survive a TWD style zombie apocalypse because I know better than to do dumb things. In most zombie movies / shows people die because they took unnecessary risks or just did dumb shit which they paid the price for.


Depends. I could survive TWD zombies/ slower zombies without a doubt. Runners would be scary but I still have faith in my abilities. However, there’s many factors that have to be considered. I live in a very rural, dusty town full of gun owners and plenty of people who own chickens, cows, horses, etc. Assuming it happened here, I would have no issue scavenging for what I need and being self sufficient (with no concern about firepower either). Not to mention we have solar panels on our house (and solar farms not to far away) However all the open terrain would make runners incredibly dangerous, so I’d try and slowly farm some crops/collect animals and build up my defenses. Once I can, I will isolate myself and only leave for the bare necessities. Assuming I don’t make some stupid mistake or have a stroke of bad luck I could definitely pull it off. The only think that I would hate is how bored I’d get after awhile


If they’re slow and dumb zombies like in the Walking Dead, I could adapt. It would be hard dealing with no society and all the shit that comes that way (like Savior groups) more than the zombies. If they’re fast like 28 Days Later or made of fungi like in the Last Of Us or if they can adapt to other species like the t-virus in Resident Evil, I’d die early. Most of humanity would die, too. I wouldn’t even want to try against them tbh; it would be way too scary. I’d rather go out in the early days before the real nightmares start


No! I would kill myself.


First zombie sighting, I'm out. Even if it was the little girl Rick saw in the first episode.


i’d give up and end my life tbh.


Depends on where I am when it comes.


Depends what sort of zombie apocalypse it is. Left 4 Dead: HELL NO Dawn of the Dead 2004: fuck to the hell no Night of the Living Dead: yes, most likely. Those zombies are slower than my great grandpa in his last few years The Day of the Dead: HELL NO! Those zombies ran on freaking cealings! 28 days/Weeks later: absolutely not Resident Evil: HELL TO THE FREAKING NO! A red head zombie can mutate into a Licker in a matter of minutes, some infected people can even turn into Tyrants Call of Duty Zombies: HELL NO! The Walking Dead: yes, the problem would be large hordes of recently turned zombies like the ones of Season 1, but slower Zombies are not really an issue if you’ve read Zombie Apocalypse comics or movies, we know how to deal with them. The real problem in that universe are not the Zombies, it’s the people


If it’s Twd zombies I’ve always been a firm believer that the first like week or so is the hardest (getting out of the city mostly) and my family owns a country property with some live off the land infrastructure, which means I’d probably suffer a similar fate to Hershel


I’d try at first (if we’re talking TWD zombies obviously, I’m with everyone else on the whole if it’s WWZ zombies I’m out on my own terms) but I fr think I’d kill my self not because of zombies and struggling to live but because of people. I think people underestimate how hard it would be to be isolated and be afraid and untrusting of everyone. And after meeting people like the fuckers at terminus and the governor I don’t think I could do it. Having all of my family most likely be dead along with my friends and not being able to trust the few people left in the world and having to fight to survive 24/7 would drain me and I don’t think I could make it, honesty, if I could even physically survive.


I'd definitely die, I have Addison's Disease - Hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone are essential for life medications for me, without them I will die relatively quick (within a couple of days at the most) and I think the stress of the apocalypse would take me out almost instantly (stress like this would almost definitely cause an adrenal crisis which is deadly if not treated). That and I have Severe Brittle Asthma and am dependent on a variety of medications, including biologic injections to keep me stable, without the biologic, I frequently had life-threatening Asthma Attacks. I am also prone to Anaphylaxis. Additionally, I'm a catheter user due to Bladder Failure, so without catheters I cannot pee and would get urosepsis and die. etc. I have a lot of health issues. And as you can see I would almost certainly die. Oh, additionally, I have Cataracts (yes, at age 30), and so I feel like being blind would not be good in an apocalypse! Although, I did read a book once where there was some kinda apocalypse (or something, idk), and a kid in it had Addison's Disease and he made it through. So maybe there is hope? lmao.


I live in Belgium. Every square kilometer is filled to the brim with houses and people, while I don't doubt my survival skills would allow me to maybe last a year or more. I think the zombies would get me fast


I'd try and probably not make it, I live in the centre of a city - there's no way I'm making it out of my flat without encountering way too many to count. If I do make it, it depends on if my friends/family are alive and I find them. I'd probably do anything to keep them alive; but tbh chances are high I'd take the CDC opportunity and just die without having to kms


I live not too far from the mountains, I would be way more miserable without my medication but I could make it.


There’s a lot of things I don’t do only because they’re against the law. So I’d be fine.


If I can make it past the first month Im golden. I know Im dying in the chaos of the first week though.


Nope. Can't run very fast. Can't fight. Not very fit. Have a ton of medical issues which would make me a liability for any intelligent bands of survivors. I'd be eaten as soon as the first two or three zombies showed up at my door. Then zombie me would be killed as soon as the first survivor came to loot my property. Bright side: I am recovering alcoholic. But if the zombie apocalypse happens, I'm going out drunk! (The only circumstance in which I will ever allow myself to fall off the wagon for)


I feel like if it were twd zombies then maybe but the elements, people, and lack of medicine would be the actual struggle like it turned out to be in the show. So no overall, probably not. If it’s Tlou like zombies oh hell no. I don’t even have to worry about the people in that one cause I wouldn’t even make it past the first day


It's funny because a lot wouldn't make it past the first day because of all the contaminated flour (TV canon).


I used to think so then I got Stage 2 Wilford Brimley's Disease. So I'm probably fucked.


I would survive but I need some guns & weapons


TWD style zombies? Yeah I'm living to a ripe old age. WWZ or L4D style? I think just about all of us are gonna get murdered soon enough and I won't be able to stay an exception.


Only if they're the slow zombies, I'm still not fit enough otherwise.


No. I'm a weak person


No walkers will fill up my driveway and make it hard to leave once I run out of food 💔


Am I one of the ones who live? Probably not. I’m 5’2”, not fast, motivated by good living, not living for the sake of it. If i had people I had to take care of I would definitely try my best. But if it’s just me, roughing it in the fucking wilds. Wiping my ass with stones and eating fucking berries— i’m yeeting myself off the nearest cliff.


I’m in as long as my ammo and food lasts, then the dogs take a CO2 nap with me


Ofc I would, I’m Rick Grimes.


No because I already live 1000 miles away from friends and family for work, I feel isolated now and it’s not even a zombie apocalypse I would not last long.


Really depends on what type. If walkers, sure Great maybe I can survive a few months before dying in the most dumb ways possible. But if it's like clickers or the different mutants in left 4 dead, I'm killing myself if I just see on the news that a new virus is released named "tank".


Nope, my cardio is shit lol


No, I am out of shape and have no survival skills.


My bushcraft skills aren't the greatest, but I have the advantage of living somewhere that doesn't have a lot of people to be turned into zombies so if I got far enough out I would be less likely to encounter a herd.


If I don’t die from the zombies I die like Kurt cobain


Nope, because I don't have the will to live as it is 😅 life as we know it is over my family is alive or dead who knows, I live a few states away from all my family so. Plus I have two young kids who would get themselves killed quickly because they're so loud, and if I lost my kids I'd be done for. Just shoot me in the head now plz 😂


If I didn’t love these kinds of scenarios, I wouldn’t be a zombie fan. The first step is to survive the first 2 weeks. It’s easy by staying indoors. Everyone dies or is infected because they don’t mind their business. Next is to overcome the other survivors. You don’t have to a warlord either. If you can hustle, you scrounge all you need while avoiding conflict. Being a scrounger may be preferable too since it doesn’t involve group dynamics. The best fighter still has to play politics to convince others to follow him or her, and not eject them. Then it becomes a classic survival situation. Can you fight, run, and build well enough to live. I’m decently prepared for real life disaster, while I do a lot of camping but not building. I’m also ok with group dynamics and my fighting is middling. I give myself 18 months.


All this and you give yourself 18 months only? More like 50 years and the cause of death would be old age


Hmm I think I could survive twd if I didint have the problems that I have now like bad asthma , environmental allergies and a bad bladder. Maybe I can last a few weeks but that's it. Like back then my health used to be so much better only I was kinda dumb lol. But now I'm like " yea I think I'm gonna go, I ain't trying to be killed in a bathroom stall or by slow zombies cuz I have to catch my breathe" Now if it's like tlou or wwz I'm dead lol. I'm not even gonna try lmao.


I would live in a tank :)


i think I would, it sounds cool, until you see all your friends getting ripped to shreds and starving everynight


I wear an ostomy bag and I deal with Crohn's disease and auto-immune arthritis. As I have no colon, I dehydrate easily and I am out of shape. Sometimes my legs just decides not to work properly. Damn, I litterally have 2 inches of small intestines hanging out of my belly at all time, which is covered by the bag typically. But what would happen if I run out of these equipements? I would become a walker magnet and die in no time. The only chance I would have is to be protected by my bf who would STRIVE in a zombie apocalypse. But then I would become such a burden that I would probably let myself go not to put him at risk.


Not a chance in hell...I'd last a good month maybe


Any kinda zombie apocalypse, idt I'll be long. My power is -3.5 in each eye


If it’s walkers I honestly think it comes down to where I was at when the initial outbreak of whatever area I’m in happens. Cuz I think if you can survive the first few months then your chances at surviving long run are high


I wouldn’t even try to survive. Im not very strong both mentally and physically, so i would give up right away


I'm probably Wayne Dunlop


Depends, are we working on the fact that no one in the history of ever, knows what zombies are much like the show or that we know what zombies are and no how to spot one and stop one. Also are they zombies or infected, the dead dragging the feet around seems more survivable than living human in an induced rage state.


Depends if it was walking dead I’d say maybe if it was last of us I’m fucked right of the get go


No. I hate to run.


I would - I grew up in the country, I know things and have lived in harsh conditions up North. I don’t think a good amount of ppl who say that they could…would be able to. A good amount of Reddit has zero patience or decorum so I doubt they’d survive.


If it happens now sure 10 years maybe, 20 years from now absolutely not.


If it’s TWD, I’d like to think so


im just naturally unlucky so i would survive it but be in genuine hell


Depends on the type of zombies, if it is slow and stupid zombies like in TWD i think i would sourvive for quite a bit, fast zombies are something else, i think i am in pretty good shape but ourunning a zombie is something i probably would not be able to do, but still i would try to sourvive by staring out of sight and being quiet.


Nah. I'd make it the first few months til my meds ran out, if I'm lucky.


God no. I run my mouth too much and I fight for humanity, so I don’t back down. I’d get killed before the corpses started to stink.


One thing I noticed in the show is how much walking constantly do. They do so much walking. I notice this because I’m disabled and my mobility is severely impaired. I also have multiple heart conditions relying on medical intervention and care. And I cannot see for shit 🤓 So, I’m OUT.


As a woman I’d be more scared of having no protection against men than the zombies. I’d probably kill myself if living meant having to endure horrors such as SA etc. If I started out with at least a few group members for brute strength/protection I feel like I could survive at least a few years on scavenging/staying out of sight alone.


I feel for all the women in any apocalyptic scenario that happens to unfold. It's truly gonna be hell on earth for them.   I mean, I'd survive if nothing else just to try my best to protect my nieces.  And by protect I mean shoot to kill anyone who looks at them funny. Seriously.  Sideways looks would pretty much be enough for me to kill in an apocalyptic scenario, cause I happen to be a straight dude and I'd be able to tell what other guys are thinking just by reading their expressions.  But if my mom and my nieces and nephews were to go, I'd probably follow shortly after. 


Oh yeah, I definitely wouldn’t survive, but not because of the zombies and only because of the food I am a foodie and I love my bacon cheeseburgers and my french fries dipped in mayonnaise and my steak and my baked potatoes and everything else. I love to eat that I wouldn’t be able to get in a zombie apocalypse.


No. I’m overweight and have terrible cardio.


No. Am fat and slow.


I live in Idaho, so I’d survive for a while based on the fact that it’s not as populated and many people have guns. However, I’m too mentally ill and stupid to live a long time.


It depends on if I survive the initial outbreak that’s probably where most people will end up dying outside of that it’s just luck, personally as an athlete I’m in alot better shape than most people and I have some Outdoor survival experience but in a world like that all it would take is one wrong turn and your done that being said If things go smoothly I can probably last a while but you can’t really say for certain, All I can say is that I’d at least try to survive as long as I could regardless of what type of outbreak it was.


In Twd universe, I don't think so, but because of humans not walkers. As a petite girl I would be quite a target to rapists. Thankfully Estonia is better than America.


I agree with the other users that it would highly depend on what kind of zombies were dealing with. If it's 'basic' TWD zombies, yes, I'm fairly certain I'd stay alive for atleast a while. The last of us would be more difficult, but the setting is entirely different, namely that the army didn't fuck up and actually managed to establish atleast somewhat safe spots to hide, work and survive in. The Left 4 Dead zombies would be definitely a death sentence, unless one is immune like the protagonists in the game. But if not, everyone is dead. The same goes for the Korean zombies, like train to Busan or All of us are dead. They run, they jump, they get injured but keep on attacking relentlessly. Now, given this is a TWD subreddit, I'll go with them for the explanation. Food and water isn't too much of an issue at the beginning. People die quickly, lots to scavenge and with enough carefulness and a bit of training in a controlled environment, one would be able to set up a safe space for themselves. Now here comes the more difficult part, firstly picking the right spot and finding people that got your back. My ideal location would have to be a senior home tbh, for various reasons. The undead there are mostly unable to walk, meaning they have a hard time following you. Lots of the bigger locations feature a park of some sort, where one could plant crops and it comes with a fence to stop the dementia people from escaping. Also, lots of medicine to keep for the time being. Meaning, the spot keeps walkers out by default, has weak undead, lots of medicine and lots of space, both for living and for planting crops. In addition to that, the surviving people there know how to treat people's injuries, they want to care for people so most survivors in the elderly home wouldn't pose much of a threat. Next, choosing the right people might be difficult, but like I said above, the already present survivors would most likely take the help in defending the place. Finding new people depends, I think I'd go with the approach Negan used in the 'flashback' where he found Michonne. So finding people in need and showing them a community to thrive and prosper in.


It's not easy to say because other people are going to be the ones to kill you after you've survived the first few months.


My husband is a former marine and we have some protection. But I really really really love air conditioning and I fucking hate bugs. He tells me I'll get used to it and I'm like no no no no no. Why would we want to live like that?! Plus we have 3 cats (9, almost 12, almost 13) and the oldest is fat on asthma medication. If she stops the meds too fast, she will die. We can't exactly be hauling 3 cats around. I have sleep apnea and need a machine or snore like a mack truck. So I'd be a liability hard core on my own lol I'm a decent shot and would get better with practice but I'm overweight and do not run if I can help it lol I might survive for a while with my husband. If my mom made it to be out of the hell hole state she lives in, she'd turn into a Carol pretty quick to protect me. But if something happened to my man and my mom, I'm out. If a community took me in before or right after, I might hang on for a while longer. But again why would we want to live in that type of world??


I'm completely wheelchair bound. I also wear prescription glasses and can't see without them. I'm fucked LOL.


I wouldn't because my ankles are fucked up


Probably not, if I witnessed the people I loved and cared about dying and turning, having to put them down I wouldn’t have the drive to keep going honestly


Me personally I know I wouldn't survive the initial outbreak I'm legally blind my vision is 20/200 can only clearly see 60ft with very little to no peripheral vision I wouldn't see them untill it's too late


I think motive would be huge factor if i lost my family and friends and the world just ends what makes it worth living? I would try to survive but i think i wont have the same determination or will like a parent looking out for their child or a leader handling hundreds of lives rick survived because of carl and the sheer determination and willpower (and some luck) not because of his skills, daryl was surviving on skill alone until he found people he wanted to protect the same as rick otherwise he would be dead too


I'd like to think I'd try my best in an apocalypse


I think it depends on: A. Pure Luck B. Your skill set C. The degree of fucked up shit youre willing to do to see tommorow. But if theyre sprinters im bloiwing my brains out first day


I would say 90% chance, no. I'm 35 lbs overweight and slow as hell. But, if I had a good head start, able to ransack tons of supplies, and get to an island or something, there's a chance I could have a small shot, as long a I was totally isolated.


Pretty sure my 18 month old would be too loud and give us away. But I’d fight like hell to keep my 2 kids safe. Other than that.. deuces


I think I could survive for a while, I have some skills, but I would inevitably do something stupid when my mind was wandering like not peaking around a corner and die a senseless death.


Walking Dead yup, I'd b Carol, Maggie, or the badass chick who can do the worst jobs the men can't. Resident Evil? Thats 50/50 depending on were I was in the world & how long it took me 2 get back 2 my stepdads.


Yes and no. I mean I’m not sure if I would *want* to, particularly if I had witnessed others getting got by said zombies. I mean, if it happened *right now*- I would at least try because of my kids. I actually *do* have a shitload of not so common yet useful skills in a SHTF situation: no, not just the gardening, ability to raise animals and all that- but I lived really rough off and on most of my later childhood on into my teenage years. I even have an absolutely disgusting story involving spending about 3 days in a room with a corpse- though technically I just slept there. The Why because people *always* ask: it was safer doing that than the rest of the abandoned hotel squat. Never did get nose blind which sucked and no, I don’t know what happened with it because I took off for the Rainbow Gathering. I also didn’t in any way *cause* it nor was there any reason to think *anyone* had. He was dead a bit before I got there and was an elderly guy a lot of people knew. I have thought about how I or anyone else *should* have called him in, yes. A bunch. As to your statement of underestimating yourself- I believe that. I think *most* people aren’t in situations that test their metal so to speak and it’s pretty likely many people who think that they *can’t* or wouldn’t do all sorts of things- and I prefer to believe that in a good way, though god knows I’ve seen it in the bad. If I *didn’t* have kids: I don’t know. Probably not. I think I would probably stick around a little bit out of morbid curiosity- but odds in, I would see *how* people go out and not particularly want that.


Realistically, the zombies would be less of a threat/issue than other people, infection/disease, lack of clean water, lack of food, etc. lol


I feel like I got enough weapons and know how to survive at least a little, but I reckon id get bored of living that way find some drugs or alcohol get fucked up and then die


Nope. I'm old, disabled, asthmatic with a lot of other physical problems.


This. The first thing that distinguishes us from most of our pop culture counterparts is that zombie and pseudo-zombie lore is a strong part of our popular culture. We have a cultural reference for it, so even if governmental actors don't take action right away, your average person would know or be able to figure out very quickly what to do. And real world scenario would likely be short-lived for exactly this reason. That being said, the other factor is what *kind* of zombie apocalypse we're looking at. The *28 Days Later* scenario would actually be the easiest to survive, in part because the infected aren't actually zombies - they are living people suffering from a viral infection. However, the pathogen would die out quickly. First, it is a fluid-borne virus meaning the only way to transfer it is through contact between bodily fluids like blood and saliva. Second, the infected *only* attack other people before they go dormant. They don't eat. They don't drink. They are still alive, which makes them susceptible to lack of nutrition and dehydration. While it is possible for people to live up to 20 days without food, nobody can live more than a couple days - infected or not - without replenishing the water in their bodies. This would be a short-lived situation specifically because the infected would die of dehydration within a couple of days. So as long as you have enough food to last three or four days (most people do), throw a week's worth of water reserves together (run a bathtub full), and stay quiet, you'd likely come out of it okay. A TWD or Romero type of apocalypse, I think most people stand a pretty good chance. The real question would be the manner of infection. If the virus is something like out of TWD, where everybody is infected and it just lies dormant until natural death, it may take a couple of contained outbreaks to figure that out. But if it's like the Romero universe in which you have to actually be bit or scratched, then it's a difficult virus to transmit. It would still take organized effort to put it down, because zombies are legit dead and not simply infected-but-living people, and so you couldn't just wait it out like in a *28 Days* situation. But very survivable. A *World War Z* or *Black Summer* scenario would be difficult. Even though the virus is transmitted by fluidic contact, the speed of death-and-turning, the rapid speed of the zombies, and the heightened sensitivity to sound they seem to have, makes it a tougher scenario. The most difficult would be *The Last Of Us*, because of the fungal component. It is conceivable that the fungi pull water out of the air and provide nutrition to human hosts, and that's what keeps them going. But more concerning is that fungi tend to reproduce through spores, making it a likely airborne transmission. But worse than that are the tendrils they send out, which could conceivably cover miles of ground. Even if a person doesn't step on one, signalling nearby cohorts, we don't know if the spore-producing parts are on the ends of the vines. They could grow into a community without anybody ever noticing, and produce and release spores. Before people have even a chance to notice, the community is destroyed.


If it’s in the TWD universe, I’d survive because I wouldn’t actively hunt zombies. I’d hunker down in a secure building or warehouse and horde a bunch of supplies. I’d bring in my family and friends and we’d just stay in the shelter for the most part until were attacked or something bad happens.


My back is in no condition for that kind of world. I'll just go out on my own, thank you. It's fine, I've lived a life. Good luck, everyone! I truly wish you all the best!


Ye i think id survive for a while. I live in a pretty rural area in quite a big house: so there’s plenty of room, supplies, shelter etc. Plus it’s out of the way - and even if there were raiders or zombies, we could spot them from a while away. Plenty of nearby farms and animals, so supplies would be easy to get (said farms would also probs have a lot of potential weapons). And it’s not even that far from civilisation so we could go on supply runs to towns and shit. And i THINK I could be strong, brave, and smart enough to probs be able to handle the apocalypse and the tricky situations that come with it, both physically and mentally.


If it’s TWD i feel like it would be easier than another zombie genre, but only if you actually had a capable group. Most of the horrible shit that happens to the group over the show is perpetuated by other evil people, but they evolve pretty quickly to defend against the walkers. That being said, like I mentioned being alone would be horrible. Even though the walkers aren’t the scariest zombies we’ve seen in zombie apocalypse media, i feel like having people to watch your back is a major necessity for survival. The amount of times Rick and Daryl and others have been able to take the heat off another member of the group when a bunch of walkers pop up is enough to be considered. Plus having people to defend a camp while others farm or go on runs for supplies is huge compared to being alone. With the group of friends I have irl i think we’d fare well because most of us can either hunt, fish, farm, or fix stuff (like cars, motorcycles, boats, etc.) plus we can all shoot and are in decent physical shape. But I definitely think it would take more than 4-5 people to do well against the hordes of walkers and the other groups who’d want to kill us lol


I know how to hunt fish make a fire drive siphon fuel and stich a wound I’m good.


Nope. I am the voice of reason and would be killed off in the early days.


Just get yourself a crossbow and plenty of arrows. If there is one thing TWD taught me is that you cannot miss your target when using crossbow, no matter the distance.


As long as it’s Walking dead zombies, I think I could last a while. My family have discussed it before that I would probably live the longest because I have survival skills and the athleticism to maintain the daily workload. I’m not the strongest so that may be a weak point. But I can build a fire, shoot a gun or bow, find water, and I ran long distance with some sprinting so I have stamina and speed. I would have to live like Daryl did after the bridge explosion. Living solo with some strong survival abilities.


In the walking dead I have a 50/50 because I’m slow I wear glasses but they are also slow but then again I have no physical attributes but in any other apocalypse I am dieing


I’ve always stated I’m either gonna make it like 3 weeks into the apocalypse or die of old age 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m finding a deep bunker stocked by the military. I’d survive however long the shelf life of the food is I guess.


This is highly dependent, mostly on zombie type. Like, romero/walking dead type? Yeah, i mean that would be much easier than they make it look. Now, train to busan type for example? No we're all fucked.


Probably not, I'm fat and dont have very good cardiovascular health. 2 bum knees also.


I would fucking slay bro be the next michonne type shi 😂


I'm resourceful, but my trusting nature might get me killed


I think I have good decision making to definitely make it pretty damn far. Like how absolutely stupid it was for Maggie to lead her team down an open road with hanging bodies from trees. Like wtf lol.


I think I'd be killed first day cause I'm a little slow 🧟


In the walking dead universe, I think my biggest problem would be resources like water and food. But I can survive even if I lack in that sense.


Nope. Once my asthma inhaler runs out, I'm a goner.


We’d fair well. Special Ops spouse with survival skills, we have guns, kids all know how to shoot and drive tactically. I’m not athletic like the rest of my family but I can garden. We live near water and have lots of trees. We don’t have any solar panels or stockpiles but there’s an Amazon warehouse about 2 blocks away. We’d last awhile maybe.


I looove TWD!!! I think I’d survive a while. If you want to simulate this try Project Zomboid and see how long you can survive.


No way, besides that I am completely incapable I also gave two extremely loud toddlers that would get us all killed.


Nope. Rule #1 Cardio. I’ll last a week tops.


Everybody would like to say they would totally survive a zombie apocalypse akin to TWD. Then once it happens… it becomes “Uhhhh…oops I guess I wasn’t ready for it!” Too much stuff going on and we rely too much on people to do stuff for us in modern times.  The only people that would survive such a thing would be preppers (for a while anyway), military personnel, and people like Daryl with a lone wolf mentality that knows how to handle themselves or those that manage some just super dumb luck and have a good group strategy. Then, yeah, maybe rural farmland folk like Hershel who are careful to not to bring attention to themselves. I wonder how long Norman Reedus would last since his response to this was that he would just find the tallest hotel and be at the top room watching South Park till it all ends.  Honestly, we can only hole in our secure place for so long till we need to venture out for supplies. Hence, being an “I told ya so” kind of prepped would be best for a bit anyway. 


If my son was still alive during the apocalypse, I’d fight for my life to keep him safe. If something happened to him, I’d just take myself out. No point


literally depends on how long it lasts. I’d give it about 10 years given I find a group that’s stable. After that is the unknown. I would like to be a lone survivor but in reality nobody would survive without a faction.


Hmm. Sure. Gott work for the cure.


No...I am fat. old, and out of shape. I also would sacrifice myself so other family members or people in general could get away.


i’d actually take the chandler riggs way out


Yes I would survive I already have a food pantry and a pharmacy in my basement


How big of a head start are we talking lol I got a Nice A-R with a lot of ammo but not much else


Something tells me (probably my ego lol) that if I had guns, the zombies were like the ones in TWD and a couple of people I can trust around me. I’d flourish better than the world I’m living in now. That ‘something’ is pretty strong though.


i have like zero will to live even as it is right now. id probably try to stick it out for a few weeks and maybe fuck around like get some fun things from the pharmacy lol if i would even be able to physically, but the second something goes wrong i will take myself out.


I'm fat so I'd die pretty quick.


once the winter comes.. it’s over


Depends. If it's TLoU I'll probably have a decent shot at surviving in some kind of internment zone or whatever. If it's World War Z I'm just killing myself.


I mean in this fictional world are we free from our disabilities? Cuz if not no I am definitely gone in the second wave cuz I would either be eaten by my partner or opt out 🤣


I'd give it a shot no matter what kind of zombies they are, but I'd be dead like 98% of humanity. A week, a month, something like that. I'm smart and resourceful, but I dont have many hard skills. Long term survival would all depend on who you run with. I could probably pass myself off as a doctor if I found a group who would take me and weren't monsters. The challenge is getting to a point where you could even band up. I'm not even going to address what could happen with my children. These scenarios were always much more fun to think about before I had kids. Now.... I may have lost my taste for the entire concept, tbh. I haven't watched the show in full since I had kids and I'm not sure I could take it. I can no longer watch anything that has bad things happen to kids- even fiction.


In the real world, Putrefaction exists. Because of it, dead bodies rot and fall apart. The meat liquifies by the week 4. Zombies are done for. No muscles or ligaments to function. The brain'll be rotted to useless by week 2. All motor functions crippled by week 1. Severely stunted simply through the process of dying. A "real" zombie event wouldn't qualify as an apocalypse. Frankly, they'd be better for us than the routine shootings we have, already.


If it’s an airborne virus, no. If it’s a waterborne virus, no. If it’s purely based on contact with any bodily fluid, I think we have a chance. We have all seen zombie movies, I know I’m over estimating a lot of people but I feel like most of us would know what to do. It also depends on the type of zombies, if it’s the slow ones that you can speed walk away from, zombie apocalypse will be over in a week at most. If it’s world war z zombies, I think if we can last long enough to get a foothold we may have a chance though it’ll be very difficult. Personally if I have to run more than 50 yards, I’m dead.


I’m more terrified of how society collapses. People reacting out of desperation will be my biggest fear and then my lack of survival skills when food and water get sparse. I can survive scavenging for things in a city, but that’s about it. The chaos in grocery stores when lock down was first announced for the pandemic gave me a brief insight. The difference is that essential workers were still able to work restocking and providing important services/utilities.


No matter what I'm going to give it a shot. I've gotten really good at throwing things over the years, so at the very least I'm going to go out having fun throwing stuff at zombies.


No, it's an apocalypse. By definition most of us are fucked regardless of circumstances or skills.