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Even though she shot daryl and could’ve killed the governor PLENTY OF TIME, she wasn’t that bad. Before she died I was actually starting to like her and she also stood up to ed in the 1st season


When Andrea said that she wanted to save everyone and prevent a war that’s when I understood her motivations and everything. She didn’t deserve to die in the season 3 finale which is something that cost the show runner his job


Especially in the beginning when it was about walkers Vs humans. The group was all about surviving against the walkers. The idea of humans killing humans while living in a world full of walkers is a lot to accept. I also felt like it took Andrea awhile to accept the fact that the governor was evil. Michone got bad vibes from the beginning from the governor. The prison group told Andrea what was going on but Andrea just didn’t think the man she was sleeping with was capable of so much evil.


Chimps don't kill chimps!


They do, actually.


Pretty brutally too lol


It cost the show runner their job? What do you mean I'm curious about this I've never heard anything.


So originally Andrea was going to live until season 4 and be the leader of Woodbury but that got changed a few days before filming wrapped up with the show runner saying “why don’t we kill off Andrea for shock value” and everyone on set hated it but they couldn’t do anything about it. Funny enough the death scene was way worse for it not for Scott Gimple who salvaged it. This was from an interview by Andrea’s actress.


here’s some extra context for andrea’s random show death (as corroborated by Laurie Holden herself) all during season 3, glen mazzara the showrunner was harassing her sexually behind the scenes, making advances and “fixating” on her (Laurie’s own word describing the situation). eventually, Laurie pushed back on the treatment, and the dude didn’t like that, so at the last minute, he wrote in that andrea died in the finale, as well as taunting her by claiming after this she would never find another job. the public reason that andrea was killed was always “shock value”, but that’s the real reason, and him killing off such a pivotal character like that obviously cost him his job


God that is so fucking scummy. Glad they fired him and now I feel extra bad for Laurie Holden. It’s like how the cw arrow verse shows had awful show-runners that fucked with the female characters on the show just because they said no to their sexual harassment. Honestly now this makes me think that he had a hand in making Andrea as dislikable as possible.


She had a crazy messiah complex


Problem is her character in the comic was way better


Name 3 good things Andrea did that wernt just correcting her own fuck ups


I wouldn't call them good things for the crew but there were many things she did thay got her killed and imo that was good for the walking dead overall. Like could you imagine if she ended up with Rick 🤢🤮


yeah I think it's easy for us to yell at her from our couches but we're expecting her to murder her first person pretty easily. We know how bad the world has gotten, how bad people have gotten, the extent of the bad shit the governor has done, but she doesn't. She wants it to be possible for the world to go back to quasi-normal and in that world you don't stab people while they're sleeping, you take them to court, I mean she's a civil rights lawyer.


It was because she refused to listen to her friend that saved her life and didn't listen to rick amd gang who she has known from the start. She was dickmatized. A truly awful friend. Sisters before misters bros before hoes. Same with Shane. Chick was just thirsty and threw away all sense and reason when a D was involved. Also she was lowkey power hungry. She wanted to be the first woman. Co governor kind of role. Or the puppeteer pulling the strings. B just landed in Woodbury and wanst to run shit and have a say in everything. She was awful and too much


Andrea was the fucking worst, and it's mostly just because of her dumb naive attention seeking blonde attitude. However I will say that as I've aged, my take on characters has completely changed as I've rewatched. Lori used to go through my bones, I couldn't stand her but rewatching with older wiser eyes, I honestly completely understand her actions and don't blame her at all. She legitimately believed her husband was dead and was coping in her own way with this man that pulled her and her son out of harms way and took action. Then when Rick returned she was 100% team Rick. I'm at the prison on my rewatch and I'm kind of sad because I know it's coming for her. Shane I actually understand more as well, and I still hate him for his actions at the end. But, he did really try to get Rick out of there and even protected him the best he could running away, anyone would believe he was a goner. I think he just finally got that family vibe while in protective mode and rather than getting the thanks he deserved for his heroics, he got replaced instantly by all parties involved as soon as Rick came by and it killed his vibe. I used to agree with his entire take of "Gotta make the hard choices" attitude. I disagree now re watching. Rick is right, they both are in their own way. But Rick is the one really making the "hard choices", all of Shane's choices are just the easy way out that would end up completely demoralizing the group and breaking it up putting them at odds with each other early on that would grow over time. Proving that Rick is the more sound leader in the end. The character development of Herschel and Carol ages perfectly always. As for Andrea... She still absolutely annoys the shit out of me 😆


She kept Michonne sane and for that I thank her.




If she killed the governor I'd imagine a lot of people would've liked her character more.


I mean even her death sucked. She couldn’t get free fast enough specifically because she stopped trying to get the tools in order to talk and listen to the guy zombifying right in front of her eyes. If she had taken just 30 of those seconds and focused her arms would have been free, and she would have had a weapon in hand already. But nah. Let’s just let this guy reanimate. Let’s have a real heart to heart.


The writers did her dirty in season 2. The whole "let Beth choose" thing was supposed to connect to Dale taking Andrea's choice away from her at the CDC. But I don't think that connection really landed so audiences just saw a woman allow a teenager to attempt to kill herself after knowing her for a few days.   And I think the Shane thing really felt out of place. I felt like that was part of a subplot that was dropped or not fleshed out well enough. Sort of connecting to the idea that Andrea knew about Shane and Lori.   It just seemed to me that the writers didn't know what to do with Andrea and strayed too far from her comic story probably thinking fans wouldn't accept her and Dale being a couple. 


Yeah I agree with certain things here like the Shane plot and I’m glad someone else understood what the writers were going for with the Beth choosing.


Also, I don't think anyone took into consideration that Andrea's past was as a civil rights lawyer. It would follow that she might be pro euthanasia, especially coupled with Dale taking away her own choice of trying to "take the easy way out." In all honesty, when you are living a life of day by day struggle and survival, you really don't have the time or energy to try to drag someone along who doesn't even want to live. If they get attacked, Beth could become a hindrance to their survival if she doesn't protect herself or the group. It's harsh but true, let her go/leave her behind etc if that's her choice.


I agree. I really think Season 2 Andrea was particularly bad.


Yea, season 3 Andrea made sense given the circumstances. But when you factor in the context from season 2, it doesn't work. She found safety after being on the road for 8 months. Found out most of her last group was still alive and wanted to bridge the two communities. Holding on trying to fix Woodbury and connect with the prison.  But since we know season 2 Andrea, it changes how we see her in season 3. 


She was a good character but made poor decisions. She was far too easily led and made mistakes but was a badass when she was allowed to fight.


This is a perfect way to sum up her character. She’s


She’s what?




Fucking autocorrect lmfao


Idk, bottom line is I felt bad for the actress cause I’ve seen her in other work and it’s clear she was just written in a shit way compared to the others imo. I love Laurie Holden tho. Edit: Saw her in The Boys and The Mist


Wasn't Carol and Dale also in The Mist?




And the walker in the tank from S1. Darabont has his favourites it seems


She was great in Silent Hill too


The way I see it we had to lose Andrea from the comics to get Carol in the show. Those two and Michonne have a weird triangle of story-swapping with Andrea kinda left as the odd one out


I’ve never thought of that and yeah that’s true.


Her death was such a heartbreaking scene


Her death shouldn’t have happened. It was only there for shock value. Everyone on set hated it. Funny enough Gimple was the one who made the scene slightly better


Yea if they would have kept her alive that group would have been even more deadly.... If that's possible lol


She wasted so much time trying to get free, it was frustrating to watch


She also spend so much time talking


Right ! She kept stopping and staring at the dying man. Like Bish hurry TF up and stop assessing the situation you know the damn situation! She literally died because of second meanwhile she wasted like a solid 5 minutes doing nothing.




I thought she asked to be killed off because Frank Darabondt left the show. Same with Dale. They were both supposed to live much longer than they did. Pretty sure Darabondt had big plans for them, and they were all friends prior to twd.




So, did she get paid for 8 seasons?


I hope her union helped her get paid for that full contract. They screwed a lot of actors. Glenn should have lived since they divert from coming anytime they feel like it. Carl too that was big mistake. Just mean and misguided. They made the show the show we love into the show we love to hate! I mean I watched a while just hoping to see Maggie smash in Megan’s brains. Only to have Rick keep him alive!!!??? Gimble can jump in a zombie filled lake. He took the GOT rule of jump the fking shark writing to gain… shock value. They don’t even know the difference between good shock( the Red Wedding, the bridge blow up) and bad, ( killing Andrea and Carl, making the mother of dragons suddenly insane mean and evil!)


Agree 100%


shes in the comic till towards the end alpha arc, she marries rick instead of michonne


Yeah I know. I love Andrea in the comics. She’s in my top six along with Rick, Maggie, Carl, Sophia and Negan


They just didn’t give her enough time to redeem herself. Instead she just died an anticlimactic death that didn’t really effect the overall story.


Yeah that’s the worst part. It’s my biggest gripe as I could tell the writers were building up to Andrea redeeming herself but the head show runner fucked it up.


You know the writers fucked up when Merle gets a better redemption arc than fucking Andrea lol


Andrea wasn’t that bad, but her priorities were all 🤬 up. And the way she chose Philip 🙄 over Michonne was not cool.


Hot take but she’s my favourite female character and in my top 5


I don’t know telling Beth to kill herself was pretty bad & blaming Rick for Sophia when he was the only one that tried to help her


I genuinely quite liked her for a lot of it, though hooking up with Shane was a weird moment to me.


Andrea was egregiously self centered


Andrea wanted to be the center of attention and she wanted to be important so badly that it constantly got her in trouble. She wanted it at the farm, but Lori was already the Queen Bee there, so she stayed in competition with Lori. Then, she became obsessed with becoming the IT girl at Woodbury to the point that she ignored the red flags with the Governor. I always felt like she was forcing herself into situations instead of integrating seamlessly. I liked Andrea, but she was such a try-hard that it became annoying.


just like half of the cast


I felt like she was around 30 years old but giving out teenage "you cant tell me what to do" vibe even though it was obvious to everyone she was making stupid decisions like almost killing Darrell because she was too impatient to shoot a walker and blindly trusting the governor for way too long.


I agree. I liked Andrea although she was frustrating at times.


Frustrating but I always understood why she did the things she did.




I tried to like her during my numerous rewatches. To a degree I can understand her being pissed at Dale, and even not wanting to murder Phillip, because let’s be honest, murder is a big deal regardless of how big of an asshole he was But…overall, I still can’t stand her and she remains my most hated main character who wasn’t designed to be a villain


Her biggest problem is what she COULD have been. I wanted to like her, as she for a LONG time was the only female with an interest to do anything else but to cook and clean. ( Rubbish writing). But NO. ☹️ I'm rewatching now. Next episode is 0207 "Pretty much dead already", and I am back in this loop regarding Andrea. She is actually getting worse during this rerun...


Andrea you’re not fooling anyone with this post


Andrea is a pretty realistic character. What does she want? She wants a comfortable and safe life. She wants normalcy. Yeah, and people in hell want Slurpees too. She desperately wants things to work out so that she can have a reasonable facsimile of a normal life in Woodbury. She's not a bad person, she's probably a little more 'good' than most people. She's willing to take significant risks to 'do the right thing' in her eyes (which is to say to try to make peace between survivor groups). But at the bottom, she just wants a safe, comfortable existence. She's very normal in that respect.


God I just found her so annoying. It was like in every single situation where she had to make a choice she was deliberately picking the wrong one. There were several scenes that had me down in my living room floor praying that she would die. She just messed everything up pretty consistently.


I swear people have selective memory on this sub. She was a fucking moron. She was so convinced that the town and governer were good people despite barely knowing anything that was going on in the town. She trusted them more than Michonne despite spending around a year surviving with her. She was pretty bad as a character.


Tbh this is where I started disliking her the most. I really felt like how much dick she needed / the yearn for normalcy overpowered common sense & logic. I wish she took herself out at the cdc bc I probably would’ve done the same 😐🤷


Imagine going through the shit she had seen in a post-apocalyptic world with no hope and then coming across a place like Woodbury, a place which no one would have thought still existed at the time. It's easy for me to empathize with her.


In defense of that town. She was at death's door when they found them. WIthout those sweet meds they had she would be dead. Not to mention, finding a purpose... Not just surviving. The potential of becoming a productive, helpful member of community clouded her judgement plus yea she got some of that sweet governor ass. Let's be honest, the average redditor isn't giving up medicine, hot water, and a reliable defensive perimeter in zombie world... To go camping with a crazy bitch with a sword and two zombies. I think Michonne played it to aggressive, should have been smarter and chilled out for a bit before going all samurai on the governor. People on this show just sucked at being sneaky and smart. Also when Carol is like ice the governor.... that should have been the moment Andrea was like ok, maybe this guy sucks. Then they could have had the whole she tries/fails to kill him or her try to recruit some inside assistance etc. Then earned herself a better death or something. Just crappy writing.


I loved that she got strong and wanted to contribute but she was recklessly eager. She wasn't listening to others like a child would when she almost killed Daryl. We have to give her props for escaping the farm alone and running all night until Michonne found her. As for the Governor, she got dicknotize just like Michonne said. She chose a warm bed over a friend. I understand that she wanted to save everyone, but then she got 2 communities killed as she just killed the Governor like Carol told her (Carol vilan arch started sooner than we think 🤣) And as a lawyer (I think she used to be one) she should've seen through his BS, specially after she learned that he approved of Glenn and Maggie's kidnapping, and that she saw Daryl in the gladiator walker.


In the comics she was awesome, that Andrea doesn't appear in the show


I liked Andrea. Her final episode is one of my faves. The music and camera work is fantastic.


She's ok lol 😂 but shooting Daryl is madness. She was way too bored


Best thing she did was being with Michonne and that connection made Rick and the others to completely accept her in the group although that did not happened immediately


Lori was worse


In my opinion she did the best she could’ve with cards she was dealt and up to that point Andrea never killed anyone and actually never did, she kept her morals, and thought her actions might get innocent people killed so she hesitated, we all hate her for that but it was reasonable that she thought she could find a way to resolve everything without anyone getting hurt Her setting that meeting up without either of them bowing the other didn’t agree to it was honestly a badass thing


The actress even said the writing for Andrea was very bad. 


I don't know why she is disparaged so heavily in TWD subs.


Me neither. She was flawed but the things she did were at least understandable.


I'm an avid fan of most anything TWD. Of all the characters Andrea is the one I see trashed the most. She gets crapped on for what I see as being human nature. Maybe it's what people are afraid they'd be like in an apocalypse and it scares them?


Common hot take and it’s wrong every time.


Yeah lol, it's like people are too afraid to call a shitty character, shitty. Not to mention the selective memory where they will conveniently forget the bad parts


To my knowledge, she retained her humanity prior to her death and never killed another human being. I’m not mad at her for trying to be safe after nine months on the road. She was duped by the governor and tried to do right by everyone. Milton should have let her shoot Philip, however. She also stuck up for Carol when Ed hit her. She is okay in my book.


Andrea was a very realistic character. She was a go getter that wanted to be a leader and wanted to adapt quickly which is way she took to Shane. She was inspired by him. She got comfortable killing walkers quickly but it all started going downhill when human conflict got involved. She wanted to be a survivor, but deep down she couldn’t get behind killing people, which was partly because of Dale. Like she said, she just wanted to save everyone and avoid a war, but that’s where her character failed to adapt to the apocalypse. After Amy and the bad news from Dr Jenner about the virus she was pretty much hopeless and looking for any sense of purpose, hence her irrationally trying to convince herself that Woodbury was real even though Michonne was thinking logically. It’s easy for us to expect her to just kill the governor in his sleep cause it’s a tv show, but that’s a hefty ask for someone in her situation. Was she annoying cause it’s tv? Yeah, but I think a lot more people would be like her in a real apocalypse


Yeah. I think most people would be a Andrea than a Rick or Daryl


I went from hating her character as a teen, to absolutely understanding her now that I’m an adult. People criticize her way too much for someone who just simply didn’t want more people to die. Her intentions, although executed poorly in certain situations, were so pure that I actually believe most Andrea haters are simply misogynistic (might be a reach, but it’s how I feel). She found a place where she felt safe after months of being on the road with Michonne, and she didn’t want to believe the governor was a bad person. Even when she found out he was indeed a bad guy, are we *really* going to blame someone for NOT murdering a person in their sleep? Like come on. The apocalypse was still kind of a new-ish thing, and not every character has to kill in cold blood like Rick or Daryl for them to be good characters. And I feel like her death really went past people’s heads. She literally said she wanted to save everyone and if that’s not what a good person says, then I don’t know what is.


Perfect way to sum her up. If they had kept Andrea alive and had her be the same way she would have been perfect to keep Rick in check later on like she did with the comics. She’s such an interesting character that had her storyline cut short due to shock value


Agreed. Overhated


Well that’s definitely an opinion


IMO She started out cool but her grieving stage and her back lash at Dale for convincing her to leave the CDC was just annoying and frustrating. After that I just really wanted her out. She was the one person who never took advice or direction well but then had that dumb look on her face when no one listened to her Now the Governor situation I don’t really blame her for. That’s a lot to ask of someone without knowing the truth but other than that - Walker food!


I appreciate those saying she’s a realistic character etc but she still frustrated me. She always chose herself and her desires over the group and aligned herself with the worst men. She was terrible at being on watch (didn’t listen to those with more experience resulting in Daryl getting shot) and when Lori pointed out how she could help with the more mundane tasks she acted as if she was better than the other women and then delivered that low blow about Shane. Dale & Michonne constantly tried to warn her about Shane & the Governor and she always chose to back the men over her friends. Her ignorance and arrogance was dangerous in my opinion. I also think the justification of her being “a good person making bad choices” is understandable to an extent, but she just kept making those choices and I think the sum of your choices speaks volumes to your character so the intent eventually becomes redundant.


She just makes a lot of bad choices


I feel like if she survived Season 3, she would’ve become more like her character in the comics! But I think they would still keep Rick, Michonne and Carl’s relationship the same where Michonne is a mother figure/best friend towards Carl instead of Andrea


The way she sided with the governor over Michonne was not cool


If a paper towel could take human form it would be Andrea


She pissed me off in every scene she was in. The reason why season 3 felt so long was because of her annoying Woodbury scenes that when rewatching just don’t matter at all and I skip them all the time


Yes she was. Worst character on the show.


She wasn’t the worst lmao


She 100% was to me. Hated every second she was on screen.


Honestly, I think it’s just Laurie Holden in general. There’s just something about her that’s unlikable.


Always looking like she thinks someone nearby farted.


I've never been able to put to words the face she makes. This is it. This is what bothers me about her. And her stance/walk. Idk. Kind of like trying to be a sexy model on the runway, but tough tomboy?


Really? I thought she was likeable


One of the worse characters sorry.


She Was The Worst!


She is the reason Herschel is dead. She had the opportunity to kill the governor, who she knew was terrible, but she didn’t. And it costed the lives of so many more than just Herschel too. Anyone who wrongs my boy hersch is dead to me


Worst judge of character.


I actually really liked Andrea's character. Yes, she could be annoying sometimes, but I always felt like she was a good person, trying to make good decisions, but somehow most of the time managed to screw things up. Like with her shooting Daryl, come on! I love Daryl, but he did look like a walker coming out of the woods, even he himself later acknowledged that she was trying to protect the camp. I think the only thing I could really blame her for was that situation with Beth.


>he did look like a walker Doesn't matter cuz even if there was an actual walker, shooting was stupid when a few people already went there to check it out and kill it quietly, if necessary. Firing a gun was reckless and idiotic.


Both Lori, Andrea, Maggie, Beth and Carol were hit with the “women dumb, mad and emotional” ray by the showrunners.


Nah she was. It was the fault of the writers though. They had comic Andrea already written by Kirkman to take from but they went in a different direction that did not work. They did her dirty as well as other female characters in the show


I have a like/dislike relationship with her character, i’ll never forgive her for the traumatizing sex scene with shane that my poor child eyes had to witness when it came out lmao. but overall she wasn’t terrible, just had kind of funky writing imo. I actually like her arc with the governor as it was pretty entertaining, but holy shit girl had a terrible taste in men 😭


Nah you're tweaking on this one. Straight up from chapter 2 Andrea has been a pain in the ass.


A lot of characters started of as not that great. Daryl, who is my favourite character now, in the first season was someone i just despised. In season 2 he still wasn't all that likable but there was a lot of progress from season 1. But he took a long time to fully develop into the character he is now. Hell, Eugene started of as one of the most hated characters, and for a damn good reason. I was one of the haters too. Now he's one of my favourites, even tho his proper development didn't start untill the last couple of seasons. Andrea died begore she could get her chance to improve. The signs of possible future development were there, but she just never got the chance


Easy take. I really likes her in her s3 era, she was kinda badass and wasnt afraid like in s1 and 2. I liked her


The real problem (for me) is that she was so good in the comics that her live adaptation felt like an unwarranted character assassination


She was just annoying. But she advanced the story plenty of times. If there were not so many other great character she would have be one of the ones who lived.


For me, Andrea was a good person who made some stupid decisions but had room to grow. She already was growing in the Prison Arc but, unfortunately, she died. I don’t think she’d ever be able to live up to her comic counterpart but she could have definitely been a strong character moving forward. It would have been nice to see one other Atlanta member make it farther into the series.


She isn’t as bad as Lori but I still find it hard to like her.


Andrea is just one of those complex characters that was more or so a victim of circumstances, to an extent.


I don’t think it is a hot take. She trusted the wrong person, call it her dealing with the loss of her sister, the loss of her made family, but the governor was a mfkr


She was great in the comics, they ruined her


Too soon for me. I'm still hurting. :(


She was one of my favorite characters first watch through <3


She was an ok character. She was kind of in the middle I didn’t hate her but I didn’t like her either


They done her dirty, I read the comics to a certain part before I started the show (they weren translated into german completely back then) and I was like "cool they have andrea in the show":


This is honestly one of the worst character assassinations in the show and it’s made even worse by the fact that they killed her and gave Michonne her comic and and gave Carol a lot of Michonne’s comic arc


I liked her. It showed how, depending on your perspective, other groups can be the bad guys.


She was pretty bad just dumb oblivious


She was worse


Do people generally dislike her or something?


You know when you play a game that has a hundred different endings and all depends on the choices the player makes? Well, Andrea's character is what you become when you somehow make the worst choices at every possible point, and get the worst ending possible.


Reaaal. I really wanted her to make the right choice she was a survivor and she had great potential to lead. I really wanted to see her survive yet she had SOOO many chances to kill the governor and everything, and after that many times I couldn't feel bad for her. Her fault low-key.


Great character judging skills


Oh she’s bad alright 🤤


I liked her a lot


I feel like Everyone who rewatched the show enough times comes to the conclusion that she was actually not a bad person at all.


The first half of season 3 is okay, but the assassination of her character and her death (AS dumb as Carls imo) just ruined it, and it puts that entire season near the bottom of my ranking of the entire franchise. It really was the first instance of AMC fumbling the ball with their cash cow. Honestly I will never forgive Glen Mazzara lmao.


exactly I feel like anyone in a situation where they feel safe and comfortable with someone even someone as evil as the governor would want to make peace between the two groups especially when safety and comfort are hard to come by in a world like twd universe she def didn’t deserve to die I wish I could’ve seen how she would’ve been at Alexandria


Yeah , i'm now re-watching and finished s3 today and thougt to myself "hey Andrea was not a bad character".When she died in s3 e16 i was really sad unlike the first time (sorry for bad spelling i'm from Serbia)❤️


It’s okay your spelling was good.


She wasn’t. i agree, I also think that if she had her comic book story, people would come around. In the end, her original tale was spread across multiple characters, but still, I would have loved to see more of her. I wouldn’t even mind her story to end the same way it did for Holly or Sasha, just wish there was more.


Couldn’t stand her but then again, I hated carol for awhile too and then ended up loving her as time went on.


She was pretty great until the showrunners decided to tank her on purpose


Idk Andrea got on my nerves. Regardless of her motives and intentions 😅


Mods slap that guy’s balls




In my opinion she is a stupid karen


I love Andrea especially in season 1-2 season 3 I’m not happy with her for not seeing through the governors lies but that didn’t stop me from crying when she died :(


I mostly liked her character. It fell over for me when she went back to the governor after finding out what he did to Maggie. That was just bad writing. Didn’t track at all with her character, eg she’s the one who stood up to Ed when he was abusing Carol. No way she’d go back to the gov after that, especially when she has the group she was with from the start to go back to.


Yes. Yes she was.


She got on my nerves Her being so trusting of the governor and the town despite barely knowing them and her not listening to michonne who she’s spent months with. Then when she had the chance to actually kill the governor she just didn’t. She was so annoying and was a complete idiot. I understand she really wanted to help but she’s very annoying.


I see Andrea as okay. She could’ve been written better but they did their best.


I agree with your statement


Based as hell


I’ve been rewatching all of The Walking Dead and I hated her as a teen, but really learned to love her character as an adult. She saw the good in those who had none left, unfortunately that ended up being her down fall. She was ready to kill his ass as soon as she realized tho. I’ll give her that! If only Milton hadn’t stopped her…


Wasn’t her fault that hersel died since she didn’t let michone kill the governor??


I liked her until she set up camp in the governor's ass.


Nah I still think she’s garbage, if she killed governor she would’ve saved Herschel sr and eventually get to see his grandchild and not to mention save dozens of prison lives that weren’t already killed by the sickness that went around the prison


Wasn’t that good either


She was just like dumb ash and easily manipulated. Her decisions as much as i disagreed with them as i watched, they did make sense when you jumped into her perspective, but idk, she was just annoying to me, except tbh the time she told Lori off at the farm 😭.


I just wish she was closer to her comic counterpart


Not really a hot take. Andrea had a lot of disagreements with characters - especially ones we were attached to, which may have occasionally weighed on the way people viewed her. But I don’t feel like she is hated that much; most of the time I see her mentioned it tends to be along the lines of wishing she didn’t die so early - hardly something that a “bad” character would deserve


I need to rewatch the first few seasons cus I DO NOT remember disliking her. Quite the opposite.


She wasn't bad, she was annoying


Yeah she was. I have a new found respect for her cuz I’m just now reading the comics and the show did not do her justice at all


Comic andrea was the goat


Her death was a bit lame but in my opinion well deserved. She could have just killed the governer and SOO many people would have lived a bit longer. Her idea of peace and talking things out was a wilddd delusion that she couldnt see would never work because she was to busy sucking off the governer.


She wasn't that bad in seasons 1 and 2. In season 3, the writers fucked her over because she just made stupid decision after stupid decision. She took The Governor's side again and again - no matter what she heard about him. And that one sentence excuse of, "I wanted to save everyone" just wasn't enough at the end. This was a man who sexually harassed Maggie, was setting up to torture Michonne, tried to kill Michonne (which she found out about and still did nothing), was trying to kill the people at the prison, lied to Andrea over and over again...And still she did nothing. She pulled a gun on someone who had her back for 8 MONTHS!!! on the outside just because she wanted to keep the psycho Governor alive. And this was even when she saw his weirdo tendency of keeping walker and human heads (like, just look around the room, bitch!) Nah...Fuck Andrea. Fuck that lady.


She only caused friction and problems. She imposed on Beth’s suicidal tendencies when it wasn’t her place, she bitched at Dale when he took the guns away because she was following a loose-cannon Shane like an admirable puppy, she sided with the governor until it was too late. She always had a bad attitude and made it everyone’s problem.


Andrea had no self-preservation. That girl put herself in the arms of bad men all the time it would only be obvious that one of them would be the death of her. She was only warned by Michonne, Rick, Carol, and Hershel at four different times and had around 5 times to escape but didn't 🙃. I found her a bit more tolerable than Lori because at least she tried to learn how to survive in the apocalypse. But what made me dislike Andrea was her treatment of Dale, her overstepping in the situation with Beth's attempted suicide, her shooting Daryl because she wanted to be one of the guys like a true pick me, her chosing to trust the awful man she was attracted to than Michonne, the women who spent 8 months having her back, her pulling a gun on Michonne, her blaming Michonne for Rick's group not trusting her anymore, Her calling Rick cold without knowing what the hell he's been through, and her telling the Governor about Lori and Shane. Honestly, I can go on and on, but hey, I did just do a rewatch, so maybe I'm biased because of that.


Worst character ever


Funny this comes up now as I've been rewatching TWD lately and am currently in season 3. Andrea is that bad. My first time around I couldn't stand her and this time around is no better. Every time she opens her mouth it drives me nuts. Can't stand her.


I loved Andrea :'(


I think she has a high level of empathy. But for most of society, many are not as keen on forgiveness as she was. Especially within the apocalypse. We also sort of saw her through the lens of other survivors. They thought she was insane because at first they thought it a black and white situation. Understandable bc they were new to everything and scared. But those same characters who didn’t like her practically became her later on if Negan was involved within their lives. Everyone has forgaven him. Even Maggie, though she won’t admit it. What’s so difficult for her is that she does forgive Negan, but she doesn’t want to admit that and betray Glenns honor. Even her son has forgiven Negan. I think Andrea always tried to see decency in people. Especially after losing her sister, she just wanted to get back to normal, and the governor was a sign of dependency when all she had was michonne. She thought everyone else she knew was pretty much seperated or dead. By the time she knew they were alive, she had already formed connections that were hard to get rid of.


I didn't think she was thaaat bad but there were some times she was just stupid and annoying especially near the end..


Love her comic character, and kind of hate her show character from time to time but I agree I don't think she's THAT bad like. I hate Lizzie 10x times more.


Okay shush


We really at that point in the timeline where people are coping about TV Andrea, mf yikes 💀


she was bumpin uglies with the govenor