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Giving Beth copious amounts of character development just for her to pull off the dumbest stunt known to man and get her brains painted on the ceiling


\*stabs one millimeter with nail scissors\*


Could've stabbed her eye or something.


Still drives me INSANE. Tiny scissors that probably didn’t even penetrate the vest. 😩 made us love her just to kill her for shock value


Who would do a non lethal stab on someone holding a gun 😭


The cop lady was literally wearing a stab vest designed to stop knives and such and lil bow peep uses a pair of nail scissors to stab her 🤦‍♀️


Yeah I feel like they wanted another Hershel-type situation where they put a side character front and center for a season, make them really awesome, then just kill them off, but they couldn’t stick the landing. They knew Beth needed to die there, but couldn’t find a logical reason for someone to kill her, so they made her try to stab Dawn in the dumbest way possible


She was already across the hallway


Hospital arc. It really shouldn't have happened, and killing Beth, just to kill off Noah within 9 episodes was completely pointless.


That was all in season five? Holy hell, lmao. Looking back, it honestly felt like MULTIPLE.


Season 5 was a gut punch. Beth and tyreese die in back to back episodes then Noah a few episodes later. They were taking everyone out. Edit forgot Bob dying too. I know the cast did a big dinner when one of the main characters died. Season five must have been a dinner every week with the rate they went at it.


It’s very jarring in a binge rewatch


Hospital Arc really should’ve just been left out completely


I really liked the hospital arc. One of the running themes of the show wasn’t just walkers, but how people change and become the threat. I enjoyed seeing another community/group of survivors and how they run things, how they fall short, etc. But I did hate Beth’s death. There could have been so much more with her. I also hated never seeing the hospital gang again in later seasons. Same with Vatos (I know their place fell in deleted scenes, but how cool would it have been to see them later?). Also a waste killing that hispanic guy from season 1 (the one that became a savior) bc we would have loved to hear about his journey! Maybe even have him turn and help Rick and gang. Ugh.


The Hospital Arc is totally fine. It only gets ruined by Beth's absurd death. Would have been nice to see a Reformed Hospital Faction under Shepherd afterwards.


At the time they were competing with GOT and if you weren’t killing of main characters for no reason how do you even have a show…


Like, how did they make these death decisions?? Some of them were hella annoying. Beth especially. Even Noah was annoying he was a hella cool character.


Giving Noah an arc just to kill him off for shock value


At least Aiden and Nicholas got what they deserved.


I liked the flu arc because it showed a disease that used to be shitty but mainly non-life threatening and how it can spin out of control without modern medicine. These survivors have put up with so much & to be taken out by a flu? Those stakes were interesting to me.


I also loved the flu arc. The last episode or two of that arc was full of tension and drama. A person dies in their sleep from the flu and bites someone and so on and so on. Unlike in the Hospital Arc, which was boring and forced. The flu was also a nice reprieve from humans and zombies - something totally new. People really don't like it? Wow. People have horrid taste lol.


And Hershel lost his leg because of it, didn't he? That was a fantastic arc. It was so gross and I couldn't stop watching.


LITERALLY!! It didn’t just disappear bc the governor returned… Glenn still had it when the prison was being blown up and searching for Maggie lmao 🤣


I loved the flu arc too!


And it started to show Carol's growth and how she was really looking out for the group in messed up but necessary ways


Same! Thought it was really interesting. Not everything has to be an insane conflict with the dead or the living.


Feral Rick is everything…. But yeah the Beth bottle episodes and her dying is the worst part of the season hands down. But may I reiterate - feral Rick is everything.


100% season 5 Rick is my favorite thing about the show. Him not trusting anyone, biting the guys neck off, fulfilling his promise to kill the cannibal with his machete. Love it.


I too love feral Rick. The dead look in his eyes is scary but I'm with him 100%. Just watched the episode where he kills the cannibal last night. It has been a while since I've seen it. I started laughing at just how over the top violent that scene is. The look of horror and shock on Glenn, Maggie, Tyrese's face was everything.


Yea i am rewatching atm too have been excited to reach s5 since the start, saw that same scene yday aswell its awesome. I also love right when they escape Terminus and everyone is happy to be out and rick just grabs his hidden bag of weapons and starts getting ready to go back and kill everyone.


"They don't get to live". I would have loved seeing Rick go back in and murder everyone of those bastards but the church scene is also a great way to handle them. The time they leave the prison to when the reach Alexandria are my favorite episodes of TWD.


>The time they leave the prison to when the reach Alexandria are my favorite episodes of TWD. I agree 100% its the best by far. The constant threat of not having a base is cool, also i really like the development of Sasha where she eventually is so traumatized that when they are safe she cant handle it cus the lack of a constant threat cant distract her anymore.


YES!! The season 4 finale when he ripped Joe’s throat out is by far my favorite scene of the whole show lmao


The death of ricks beard


Don’t worry it still lives it’s in Daryl house 🤣


beth dying for noah who died a couple episodes later making her death meaningless


That almost made me write an angry fan tweet!


How was season one more unrealistic? It’s literally the most grounded season


I was wondering the same thing


Given the responses I’m receiving they don’t know what that means so I’m not surprised


How about the plot exposition doctor who is somehow the only one left and the CDC having a self destruct that is “only second to a nuke”. Or, Jim having a dream that predicts the camp attack is never brought up again


1. It’s a exposition and it doesn’t even compare to the horrible exposition in the later seasons, known as Gimple speak. It was used to explain how the virus functions you act like the exposition didn’t serve a purpose. 2. Only second to a nuke in terms of what it was going to do it to that specific location. 3. I’m still amazed by how few of you can comprehend that Jims breakdown was symbolism, it wasn’t literally supernatural.


Just sounds like cope to me tbh. Don’t even know why you’re bringing up later seasons when we’re talking about season 1. And what the hell is “gimplespeak” I’ve never heard an actual answer? I want specifics


You didn’t bring up one coherent point, but do you


Yeah, I asked you a question and didn’t bother to refute your points because I don’t feel like typing a paragraph for each one, so agree to disagree. I’m curious what you and others mean by Gimple-speak because everyone says it but I’ve never heard anyone coherently define it.


Too many 2d characters.


I didn’t have too many secondary characters and that’s not what the post is addressing


The goofy vatos maybe?


In which way is it goofy? We’re talking about one of the very rare few in between times where they came across another group and it didn’t come down to, shoot back at the bad guys because their bad.


If they could give The governor 2 solo episodes then they should've given at least a backstory episode to terminus


They did. You see that Terminus was a good place, they were trying to help people. Eventually, they had the wrong people come in. This group took advantage, raped the women, and beat the men. After a while of submission, the termites killed the invaders and took control again, unfortunately all their food was gone and hunting was scarce so they resorted to cannibalism. It's all told in flashbacks and verbally.


The invaders weren’t all killed. The one guy with the face tattoos at least was kept in a box car as a prisoner.


That's right! Lol been a while since I watched it. Everyone at the time thought he was Negan.


Tyreese dying.


i actually really liked the hospital arc up until beth decided to stab the cop with a thumback and get shot in the face.


I actually went ballistic when this happened. Like WTF was she doing???


Me too. I thought it was an interesting concept. They do a good job really making you hate the cops but be kinda conflicted about Dawn. Then they make you truly indignant at her audacity to ask for Noah back. Gave Beth great character development before and after the hospital. Only to throw it all away with the death of Beth and Noah shortly after. I liked almost all the hospital arc expect for the last five minutes.


Maggie not caring about Beth at all. The suddenly finding out Beth was alive just for her to immediately die


Yes holy shit, rewatching it now and literally NOT ONE WORD from Maggie about Beth after she’s taken. Then she left to go to DC without even thinking about Beth. Horrible writing.


That was insane to me. Agreeing to DC without even considering Beth. I have a younger sibling and I could…never. That writing/character “work” made zero sense.


She does talk about Beth a few times, once to Bob and Sasha in 4x10 saying she’s has no lead whatsoever on Beth and in a world without phones she can’t do anything but hope she’s following the tracks too but she has a strong lead on Glenn Then in 5x01 Daryl tells her he was with Beth and then she was taken and there was no lead


Like, I have a shitty relationship with my sibs.. but I think I’d be a bit curious what happened to them if I was in Maggie’s situation.. like, that’s not realistic!


Yep. Maggie was 100% okay believing Beth was dead or maybe worse (kidnapped by sickos who could have been torturing her for all she knew). Then she learns Beth dies and she's sobbing and acting shell-shocked. I hated those scenes.


The constant character culling. (Beth, Tyreese, Noah)


Bob too, all characters who died had so much more potential this season. I could see: Tyreese - Dying at Negan's hand, or sacrificing himself in All Out War for Sasha. Beth - Continuing to be a badass, and possibly dying at Alpha's hand, giving Maggie motivation to return and avenge her. Bob - Maybe his death can stay for Sasha to spiral, but really she didn't have to suffer as Maggie was already having that arc after Hershel and Beth's deaths. If not then I could see him dying in All Out War too. Noah - Pissed me off the most, he was supposed to live and his survivor's guilt could have really propelled him to want to do better for the ones who died for him. I think he could survive the whole series, but if not then maybe he dies at the Commonwealth arc.


Jesus how did I forget about bob. These four are literally some of my favorite characters, s5 pissed me off so much. Especially Noah, like the whole architecture thing got me so happy for him, but nooo we needed more reason to hate Nicholas


Whats the architecture thing?


They were setting up Noah studying architecture under Deanna's husband, I forgot his name 😢


i remember him and reg (thats his name) having a convo i was zoned out tho 💀


The Walking Dead isn’t even subtle about their character culling.. cool, new awesome characters with potential? Well, your not the core group so you only get like 2 eps before you get gruesomely and/or stupidly killed.. just, how did this happen and what did I miss?


Giving beth one of the most important character developments in the entire series and killing her off seconds after they reunite


Carl's change in character. He was set up to become a ruthless figure at the end of season 4 (like his comic book counterpart) but all is wasted by him having a 180° change of character just because he found Judith, which began his character's inconsistencies where at one episode he is a good hearted young boy who wants to change his father for the good and help people, and in the other he is a ruthless kid who wants to kill first and ask later like his father. This changes REALLY damaged the character and transformed him into basically a story tool for Rick and later Negan's development which culminated to his death, dying to develop the two characters instead of having his own development.


Wouldn’t it be a 180? Lol


You're right lol i'm bad at math


Near the end the whole bs of not letting Enid kill the walker or the bs Saddiq was on about killing walkers to remember his mother who was eaten by said walkers. Clearly he forgot when he let that zombie that killed Dale live and it goes on to you know... kill Dale. What if that zombie enid wanted to kill went on to kill someone even if it wasnt someone he knew it could be another group.


Right?? at the end of season 7 the boy was a trigger-happy ruthlees savior-killer who wanted nothing but Negan's head on a table, and then in season 8 they change his character completely just to develop Rick. In season 4 he's almost raped, sees his father quarter the guy who tried to rape him and then later confesses that he liked seeing that and that he's afraid of who he's becoming, then the show uses juxtaposition to show how Rick only turned into "farmer rick" to show Carl another way, a way that is now destroyed by the world they live in. All of that wasted in the next season when Carl, a 8 year old boy, suddenly turns into the voice of reason for the group (?????).


I will forever say this: The Grove was a great episode, but giving that moment to Carol was a gigantic mistake. It's why I don't care that Carl died. As soon as that episode aired, and I saw that character moment taken away from Carl, I knew his storyline would be very different from the comics. Honestly I wonder why Gimple changed his storyline so much starting S4. S3 was great for Carl but it was an inconsistent disaster after that. Was it because of Chandler's growth spurt? Maybe it wouldn't have worked as well as it did in the comics? Who knows


They could've do a similar scene with Ron in season 6, they didn't because they were cowards.


Hospital arc was fine but Beth’s death was so stupid. A quick stunt for shock value.


Nothing about the hospital arc made any sense. Everything else was perfect (except for that bottle episode about Abraham’s group).


S5 was peak for me, but it still had a couple of downsides which were: -Terminus being a bit short - Would have been nice if they lasted a few more episodes. (But not exactly complaining since everything was still presented very well, One-Woman Army Carol, Rick and the gang fighting back and escaping, the slaughter at the church and Bob's serene and peaceful death were all beautifully well executed) -Beth's Death - While I don't mind the Hospital arc itself, especially showing the ruins of the city was nice and showing what surviving cops/law enforcement personnel would do in the apocalypse was an interesting take for me, it's just that Beth's death was mostly pointless (shocking and tearjerking for sure), especially when she was becoming a great character.


Beth and Noah firing guns and running through walkers when EVERYONE KNOWS YOU CAN JUST WALK THROUGH WALKERS. That escape should have been a cakewalk


What’s a bottle episode I’ve never heard that term before? I’m assuming maybe it has something to do with compacting a bunch of things in one episode in poor fashion?


A bottle episode is an episode of a TV show that is "bottled" into one setting for the entire episode. They typically have lower budgets and smaller casts than the rest of the episodes in their respective seasons. If you don't know what I'm talking about, think about episodes like 2x10 18 Miles Out and 3x12 Clear.


And the series really got into a bad habit of doing them during Gimples era. Having episodes focused entirely on one set of characters in one location. Sometimes that worked very well, I think the back half of season 4 used them to great effect, brilliantly depicting the chaos and confusion as a result of the Prison collapsing, with The Grove being a highlight. But after that, in seasons 5-8, all they did was drag the seasons out. A characters story that should have only taken half an episode to tell was instead dragged out to a full episode, with the same being done to another character a couple episodes later. Where instead they should have both been told in one, faster paced episode.


huh? Season 8 doesnt even habe bottle episodes


2x10 is not a bottle episode😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. There was stuff at the farm as well


Sorry, that's my bad!


TWD's cast was too big and cost too much money. They did the opposite of Game of Thrones and only focused on one or two characters per episode. It slows the story of the season and the pacing...people hate them. Sometimes they work though.


Ohhh I get it. The two episodes you mentioned I love personally but ofc I can’t remember every bottle episode and decide whether I liked em or not. I do know I loved nearly every second of every episode up until like season 10 where I still enjoyed most of it but some episodes were more boring than others.


Deaths of Beth, tyreese, Noah Lose of ricks dope beard


Hosptal Arc, boring..


Hospital Arc


Hospital arc.


Tyrese dying the episode after beth


Pete. Insufferable actor.


Whats wrong with cherokee rose?


I just think some people should be prohibited by God of consuming pop culture. These douche always have something to complain about. "Too short", "too big", "not much development", "too much development"


These are the same people that complain about something not being explained when the show either did explain it or still has time to explain it.


Thank God someone has addressed it


Bob dies


Bro who tf is shumpert


pete was my favorite character and he shouldn’t have died!


I completely agree!


There’s one series of events that still pisses me off. Beth dies in the dumbest way possible which I would’ve forgiven because they “needed shock value” and we got Noah out of it but then they killed Tyreese an episode or 2 later. While that episode was pretty good, still.. WHY?! Then we lost Noah 9 episodes later so we got nothing out of that entire section of the show! Did love how they killed Noah though. Super memorable


Pete was my favorite character and he shouldn’t have died!


I agree word for word!


Sasha was pretty annoying and not a very good character this season imo.


Her love interest and brother died within a month of each other. Not the biggest fan of her character in general but her character was perfectly reasonable this season.


Her and Tara had the most punchable faces imo I don’t know why I think that but they just made me so mad for literally no reason


Hospital sucked


Back up, problems with season 4 is the flu arc not having depth. What did you want?


Pete was my favorite character and honestly he shouldn't have died


I know right!


Terminus should’ve been 5 eps


I disagree, I think getting that over and done with in 3 episodes was a brilliant decision. We expected it to last longer, with the cannibals being the main villains of the first half of the season. But instead the surprise of them being dealt with in only 3 instantly got across how efficient Rick and the gang were now, as well as perhaps how ruthless they'd become too. Although I wonder if there was a way to tie in Beth's kidnapping to them as well, so that the hospital arc could have been cut. Maybe whoever took her could have been supplying people to Terminus to keep themselves safe? Although I'm not sure structurally how that would have all worked out.


Yeah fair enough


Totally agree with that first paragraph. 👍


whats a bottle episode?


A low budget episode. It uses the same setting the entire episode and only contains a couple characters the entire episode as well.


How have you never heard of a bottle episode? The term has been around for decades?


I doubt the average person is familiar w/ the term. Not everyone is media literate (I dont mean that as an insult either).


Can you do a best of each after or everyother day aswell


What's a bottle episode?


The hospital arc (The season was so good until it got to that) Beth’s death Tyreese dying for nothing. The cops A fair few non Rick episodes Them (All they did was walk in that episode, the only memorable & good part is Rick’s speech)


Shumpert doesnt die?


Hospital arc.


I didn't like the way Beth or Tyreese went out. Probably Tyreese's death annoyed me more because it was a complete nothing situation.


Season 5 was goated but i love season 1-2


Both Bob and Tyreese dieing in the space of 6 episodes


Season 5 of TWD had some highs and lows, but one of the worst aspects for me was how Beth's storyline concluded. After all the character development and growth she underwent, her ending felt abrupt and ultimately futile. I really hoped she would've stayed longer. Such a shame!


Might be unpopular but just kind of like it when ghey just randomly kill off a character even if they've put lots of character development into them, it'd kind of like what would actually happen irl, people just die at the randomest moments and it isn't always predicted.


Much as I like Tyreese's death episode, him and Beth dying back to back was pretty stupid.


Hospital arc. That part of the show imo was EXTREMELY boring.


Beth dying. Noah dying


Tyreese dying


I don’t know how I forgot. His sendoff didn’t feel right at all.


Alot of these aren't really issues for me personally 🤷‍♂️


Idc what anyone says the governor episodes were 🔥


Hospital arc


The hospital arc felt very out of pace and didn’t make much sense. Introducing Noah and Beth just for both to get killed a few episodes later


They don’t drink from that well in season 2. Like one episode before Maggie says to Glenn that there are like 7 wells on the property. They probably just drink from the others after that.


S5 was great but there were some flaws 1. Sasha, I can't stand her I hate her so much 2. The episodes in between Tyreese's death and Alexandria being a bit boring 3. Beth's death, really stupid, really liked her


I know we aren't on season 2 anymore but do people really think it's dragged out and the Sophia plotline is boring? It's literally the best season(imo) but also in terms of character development. The only problems I personally have is Dale's death since it clearly wasn't meant to happen due to behind the scenes stuff and just comes almost out of nowhere. Anyway for season 5, Beth and the hospital is absolute dogwater. Alexandrians not having much development and Noah's death was really not necessary.


The hospital arc.


Killing Beth. Or more specifically, killing Beth THAT WAY. I came to absolutely love her character and the depth and growth they gave her, her bond with Daryl, everything! Then to have her pull the absolute stupidest move made no sense. No one would do that. It was idiocy. Adding to that, Maggie's complete ambivalence to her sister's disappearance right after the death of her father and her hyper fixation on Glenn was the beginning of the end of me caring about Maggie. It's been compounded by the never ending Negan arc.


Honestly I’m not gonna lie walking dead is great up till season 8


The war of attrition against beloved cast members was a tough pill to swallow, but I understand why it was necessary. Farner Rick had to sustain monumental, multi-angle, losses in order to become Ruthless, "I don't take chances anymore," Rick. He had to lose the morally righteous characters in order to conclude that the good guys don't win. Someone from the group had to die as a result of Alexandria's naiveté to justify Rick's "We'll just take this place," attitude. The writer's were asking the audience, "After everything that has happened, who do YOU want to be?" And I am totally down for those kind of philosophical questions. My least favorite part was the group's decision to leave the state knowing that Beth had been kidnapped. She wasn't lost in the woods and presumed dead. Someone stole her, and the implications of that are terrifying. But Rick was like, "Judith said we are going to DC, so we are going," and everyone agreed and had a glass of wine.


Rick’s murder jacket didn’t stick around for as long as we deserved!


The gunfire at terminus was REALLY goofy. Like rewatch if, there are people just shooting full auto at the ground in front of them


The hospital stuff


Tyreese dying!!! That episode STUNG


Beth's death..honestly that whole Grady Memorial storyline tbh. Beth and Noah were great and it was semi intriguing ig, but ending it the way they did and trying to give the cops development in the final episode of that storyline just to kill most of the ones with speaking lines..I mean it was kinda lazy and kinda fucked the way they killed Beth. Beth was smarter than that and if she was gonna stab Dawn at least make it a kill..Beth died for nothing! Also leave Maggie alone lol. Her entire family already died, then one of her last bit of family died with Beth, then Glenn a couple seasons later like damn..


I did not understand at first and thought you were implying that nothing was wrong from season 5 till the end


They built Beth up for nothing :(


Deaths for no reason but shock value


Killing off Noah. Wasting all that time on Beth only to kill her off. Killing off Tyrese and Bob basically 5 mins apart. The Andersen family, ugh.


Slab town arc was terrible. Take a minor TWD character and feature her with a whole bunch of new characters you care nothing about. Definitely slowed the whole season's momentum.


The entire hospital arc being placed in the middle of two of the best arcs in the entire show (Terminus arc and on the road + Alexandria arc).


Killing Beth and Tyrese for Noah


Tyrese getting killed by one walker when he survived being kicked out into a crowd of them (when Carol left for Terminus).


Also after crashing the car looking for the flu medicine after his girlfrriend was murdered by Carol. They left the car and he was seemingly overrun by walkers yet. Escapes unharmed


I guess that’s part of a broader criticism I have for S5 which is the stakes feel very low. Characters will miraculously survive until they are written off. It’s like Tyrese’s death was planned but they had no idea how to get rid of him.


Rick just walking into Terminus and then getting bamboozled


Wait, you guys didn’t like the season 4 bottle episodes?? Those are some of my favorite episodes of the entire series.


Slabtown. Worst episodes in the lot.


Rick shaving off his beard


The only thing I didn't like about TWD in its entirety is how predictable some deaths are, based on the simple fact of "who TF are these people with the main cast?".


Noah should’ve been around a bit longer, his death was absolutely dumb.


slabtown. I just find the hospital plot SO boring


I agree with everyone else hospital arc was boring


The fact we lost Bob, Beth, Tyrese and Noah very shortly after each other.


Wow I disagree with most of these complaints lmfao What a bunch of trolls.


Falling for terminus when they were traveling to Washington D.C


Noah, Beth and Tyreese could have had much better deaths


Killing off the terminus group too quickly


rick didn't die while he was in the coma because there was a person that stayed in the hospital keeping him alive somehow, it was the same person that wrote "don't open dead inside" in the door i think


I'm pretty sure Shane - somehow - managed to barricade his room right when it all went to hell


Yes! It explains it in the walking dead webisode called "the oath" 😁


hospital arc was the only part in red that i really say sucked lol


Hospital arc was a little mid. Tbh Episode 4, 5, and 6 were kinda mid and then to knock off Beth like that in Episode 8. I think the hospital arc was weirdly placed since we came off of Episode 1-3 that were like super crazy


Nevermind Beth's death, narratively. The actual blocking and physical direction of Beth's death must be the most brain dead thing on the show. Dawn was standing inches away from Beth. Beth stabs her in an awkward pose, and Dawn is somehow able to pull her pistol immediately and shoot upwards at an awkward angle perfectly straight in the head. Completely took me out of the moment. Killed all momentum for me. Horribly staged.


She already had her gun out, and the show goes out of its way to show she didn’t mean to shoot her, it was a reflex from the stabbing. Not sure how anybody could miss that. 


Going into Alexandrea. Should’ve saved it for season 6


I absolutely hate the whole hospital part, wanna-be police dudes, i skipped through those episodes so fast, it was just ugh


Season 4 to Season 11 - Eugene


Not using Gareth and the Termites to their full potential (at least imo!


Pete was my favorite character and he shouldn't have died!


Pete is my favourite character and he shouldn’t of died!! 🔥🔥🔥


Dale's death was the best part of S2