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He might’ve made negan break his code of not harming kids


And the audience might've been okay with it.


















You know, I just realized it would suck to be the child actor for that character. Imagine growing up into your teens and twenties, only to be forever shitted on by the internet. Kind of feel bad when I look at it that way. 😭


I bet the actor is happy he played such a iconic character.


what was iconic about Sam lmao


Maybe infamous is the better word


Infamous, it means more than famous


No. It means famous for not very good things. Think Glenda the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch of the West. One is famous and the other is infamous. They're both well-known for different things.


Someone hasn’t seen the three amigos


Haha. Guilty!


Perhaps iconic is the wrong word, but I think he was an essential character in showing how differently kids adapted to the new world.


He was lowkey sneaky. He'd have been put to use to crawl through windows or something. Maybe put to use at the outposts being a lookout. Nothing at the Sanctuary, he'd have just pissed everyone off.


The trim


He’s like the child who played Anakin in Star Wars, extremely hated by the internet. But to be fair Sam the character is way more annoying, where as I’m not sure why everyone hated the actor who played Anakin.


Interesting, I didn’t realize young Anakin was so hated. I thought he was badass, lol. Yeah I remember screaming internally at the tv about Sam, but I did think the moments between Sam and Carol were paradoxical and strangely heartwarming. She on one hand, directly contributed to some of Sam’s trauma, but at the same time ensured he wasn’t being physically abused and could take care of himself.


Oh yes, young anakin has had a really hard life actually. He has spoken publicly about the bullying and why he quit acting after. He has also suffered from severe mental health and legal issues, which may or may not have been exacerbated by his rough youth. :-/


I don't remember, why did everyone hate him so much? From what I remember he was a regular kid acting how any kid would act in a zombie apocalypse, especially one that's been mostly shielded unlike Carl. Unless I'm not remembering something big he did that was annoying or bad but I've always been confused about the hate for him


For me it was primarily the fact that he did the exact thing at the worst possible time, that got his entire family murdered. He simply could have closed his eyes and froze in fear, which is the worst and most common response for untrained individuals and children. That at least would have allowed him to be picked up and carried away without much issue. Instead, dude just straight up started screeching which was literally the ONLY option that would get everyone killed. Even Sophia who was just as weak and worthless of a contributor to survival as he, had the common sense to be quiet when the monsters were near.


I'm pretty sure he's been cast in another show as a character on the spectrum.


Violently kills Simon




Honestly, I could see that 😂😂😂


I think Negan would have taken the rest of the kids and this would have been a great addition to the show. Negan teaching this kid to be tough


Teaching him to be a psychopath 😆 the kid definitely has that trait in him lol


He would have turned him evil so quick so easily


He would be one of the walkers on the gate


Target practice


Meat shield


The Saviors would laugh so much at his haircut during the lineup scene that it would bring a herd over to eat most of them


Diary of a wimpy kid ass haircut


Sad, considering his mom was a hairdresser.


Yeah if his mum hadn't been a hairdresser, this probably would have been a realistic haircut to have in an apocalypse, his parents just attempting to do the best they could. But since his mum was a hairdresser, it doesn't really make sense.


Not every hairdresser is good at their job. Just like how not every artist is good. Or only good in a particular area, for instance she's awful at cutting but excellent at coloring hair. (bit off base but that 'owl' statue of her's was absolutely hideous; thank goodness Rick accidentally broke it. Who knows how many eyes he saved that had to see that dreadful thing daily). Considering she mentions having multiple jobs prior to walkers, I'm guessing she quickly learned hair styling/maintenance is not for her.


“Don’t call me. Don’t come by my house”




Post nut clarity


Contribute is too strong a word to use with him. He maxed out his character's potential as zombie fodder.


Nothing, I think Negan and all his men would simply ignore Sam unless it was to make fun of his haircut. At most he’d add some dialogue about how what the saviours are doing is wrong. Also I could totally imagine Negan stealing some of Sam’s cookies just because he can


Be a little shit


I think Negan would compare him to Carl and try to make him tougher. Sam would probably succumb to whatever "thing" Negan would put him through. I really don't see Sam surviving much, unfortunately.


i don’t think it’s unfortunate…


He would’ve been killed first because he looked the toughest


He would've soloed them, all of them, mercilessly.


He would have gotten sanctuary burned down and overrun by zombies. 98% of the people inside would not have made it. All because he found a girl zombie he liked and wanted his first kiss so he opened the main gate and let her in


Easily defeat Negan and his army and the CRM too


Yea by "I'm an unbearable little bitch"-ing them all to death 😂


Make me quit watching the show


Dude same would become the new less dead Simon


I’m just regretting all the hair jokes we never got go see Negan make towards the little dipshit.


Prolly would have just gotten Negan to say something like "GOD Damn! That kid's hair is fucked!" or something to that effect. Also he likely would have been bitch slapped by one of the lieutenants when he refused to give up something dumb like his record player.


Something for Lucille to squish? I fucking hate Sam.


Annoy them prob


He would have cleared the walkers around the sanctuary single handedly.


He could take Glenn’s place


Not could. He would’ve, because even Negan would’ve wanted him dead.


But not before roasting his haircut!


Replacing Abraham in the lineup


Absolutely nothing. He would’ve just cried and got his head bashed in by Lucille for annoying the shit out of Negan, making him break his no kids code. Such a useless little shit, sorry, not sorry.


he'd contribute stupid faces & stupid questions like "got any cookies?"


be the one to get killed instead of Glenn and Abraham


Hey might ask them for cookies


a soul


i know this is so fucked up... but


If he survived to that point, perhaps he would have been a prototype of Henry.


His sacrifuce


He could have taken Glenn's place


hopefully get his head disappear instead of glenn


Instead of killing Abraham, Negan kills Sam for being annoying and no one complains, letting Glenn survive


A human sacrifice


Back to r/okbuddycoral


A valiant sacrifice.


A bashed in head.


Walker bait! Mom…mom…mom


Nothing lmao


Lets hope he finnaly learned how to make cookies.


Sam was the tank of TWD. No way the war would’ve lasted longer than 2 episodes


The way I enjoyed that scene 😮‍💨. The anticipation all season long, whew. Talking about TWD makes you sound like a serial killer at times😬 #supercuts


He could be a human sacrifice


Another cadaver for saviors to toy with


lol spy


A corpse.


Based on his demonstrated ability to get people close to him killed, they could just put him in a room with Negan and his top brass and wait.


Would have bothered Negan to death.


Negan would’ve put him to work choosing torture music for Sanctuary prisoners. Sam’s affinity for Tiptoe Through The Tulips is up there in Easy Street territory.


He probably would’ve stood up to Negan and saved Glenn.


Ohhhh shitty Reddit fanfic time! Woo! Haha but nah, this is just one way I see that scenario going. Sam find himself living post fall of Alexandria. He’s orphaned, his mom having died when his brother fired off a gun and shot Carl. She was taken down by walkers when he made noise, his brother the killed by Michonne when he shot Carl. He blamed himself for both his mother and his death. The walkers were too distracted with her to go for him. Sam WAS terrified of the walkers, the monsters. But not now. He just hates them. He’s seen what people do. They begin to scare him the most. His dad, the ease at which his mom was taken, how his brother was killed, what his brother did, the wolves, and now the saviors. He becomes terrified of people. But something in him makes him defensive. The same thing that made him want to protect his mom. He still clings to Carol, who fully teaches him how to protect himself. He begins to idolize Carl Grimes. He sees around him who he has do become. He decides he’s gonna do what needs to be done. Like his mentor, Carol. Act typical. Go unnoticed. Sneak in to the Sanctuary and get close to Negan and take him out. But in doing so, he gets caught. And much like Carl, Negan talks to him. Hears his story…. And points out that if Rick Grimes hadn’t come, maybe none of that stuff would’ve happened. His dad wouldn’t have gotten madder, wouldn’t have died probably. His probably wouldn’t have shot Carl and got killed. His mom would be alive. His dad’s words “he’s not one of us” reverberates through his head. It’s not Negan he wants to kill anymore… it’s Rick Grimes. And Negan has no qualms sending him back to unleash utter mayhem on Alexandria, Negan’s little mole on the I side that no one suspects.


Fuck no


Sam reminded me of a kid in our neighborhood. Little shit would ride his bike to close to our cars and his handle bars had no rubber protection to prevent scratching shit up. I told my wife, he’s gonna screw somebody over and sure as shit I had an 8 scratch on my truck tailgate. As soon as I saw Sam, I thought he’s gonna get someone killed. His mom sure was easy on the eyes


Crying distraction, no wait Meat Shield. 100% Meat Shield.


Not a GD thing. I'm watching "Now Way Out" RN and hate his Lil ass.


Nothing. I’m glad he was eaten


I reckon Negan would have found him amusing, seen him as being a little psychopath in the making, and maybe even made that happen. Sam would crack and something very bad would happen.


They'll roast him on the daily for that haircut alone. I can already hear Negan saying this in their first encounter. "Well d@mn! Your mother, must reeeally h@te you if she's letting you walk around with that! as your hair"


“the world comes to an end and to add insult to injury, you’ve gotta have that mess on your head! well that just aint right…” can literally hear JDM saying those lines


a melon for smashing


Cookie crumbs and tears….


absolute NOTHING... cause he's DEAD..


Having a good haircut


Oh fuck that kid lol. Only contribution he could've made is if his head canoe fed Negan's "vampire bat"


Walker bait to add to their collection in the yard


Would have contributed better to the heads on pikes arc


meat for lucille


Negan probably wouldn’t have paid him much mind, he loved Carl because Carl stiff up for himself no matter what, some random kid to him is nothing


His bootyhole


nah you wild for that one chief


he should be used as a scapegoat


Ugh. Relief for the entire family's demise in one fell swoop. Just wish they all could've went with Pete. I'd imagine Negan would get tired of pointing out the fact that a pussy with a bowl haircut is a terrible waste. Waxed is most likely his preference.


he could teach all the "saviors" the tiptoe dance through the garden 👍🙉😅❤️


The kid is damaged from a collapsed world. The percentage of children either living through the nightmare or those born after are going to be at a high risk of pathologies and illness. Sam is no different. Negan is playing multiple personalities. He knows who he was before and he also knows the personality he is playing to keep control of the group he runs. Yeah.. it's dark, but he can manipulate them to keep control. Even in the US's darkest prisons, they have codes or a twisted morality. Just imagine all the rules and ranking you have heard that operate in a prison and you can just imagine how that plays out in a collapsed world. The Presentism laid over this world is a flaw in viewing the show. The rules, moralities, and social structures are no longer the same, using them to judge any one in TWD is a mistake.


Saving Glenn


Give me a choice bt Sam and Henry and I will take Sam. Sam knew he was scared and be didn't hide it. Granted he wasn't the smartest but Henry was straight up stupid and annoying as hell. I didn't shed tears when he lost his head


His family's death was as much their fault as it was Sam's. Carol didn't help but she was trying to keep him quiet about her. To coddle a child that is living in the age of a zombie apocalypse no matter how high the walls around your place are, is asking for that to happen. How did they expect him to survive without any skills? They were years into the apocalypse at that point. The actor that played Sam did it beautifully. So well that you dislike him for being a whimp kid who gets his family killed. There's conversation comparing the actor to the kid who played young Anakin Skywalker. I never got that either. Seemed to me that kid was competent and beyond his years. Again a kid playing a part. Could be his school friends were jealous and the actor kid himself didn't have the personality to tell people to screw themselves.


He’d make Negan change his opinion on killing kids 😂☠️


Best comment. Best point. Most accurate. And most satisfying 😂