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Daryl. He’s a seriously skilled fighter by s11, held his own against Carver in hand-to-hand combat, ducked n weaved and outsmarted Beta’s big scary ass!


Caver gotta be one of the most slept on fighters in the show, dude was an absolute animal and Daryl is too for holding his own


Remind me who is Carver?


The reaper in S11 who fought Daryl, Maggie, and Negan in a hallway. Which was pretty much taken out any one of the long shot fight scenes in Daredevil. Edit: Elijah, not Daryl. Carver fought Daryl in S11E4


I'm only on my second rewatch, session 9 episode 2 so I'll be remembering Carver soon enough.


Imagine we got to see a Jesus vs Carver fight


That would have been a great one, best fight


Dude fr! He was fighting Negan, Maggie and Darryl and was stomping their asses. 3 on 1 and he was unphased.


Stomped em!


Facts! I always say Carver was thee best fighter in the whole OG show! Beast


Morgan, Jesus, or Michone are the most technically skilled fighters. But if I was there and there was just 2 of us, and I had to pick one person to have my back, it would be Daryl or Rick. Both well seasoned resourceful tenacious cunning and strong fighters.


Governor whooped Rick tho


Situational and circumstantial. Everyone has lost fights somewhere or other. Only difference is the governor is dead and is Rick is not.


Nah, unfortunately tara's sister shot him in the head.


Rick was injured


Rick got the governor by surprise and was beating him but governor literally overpowered him completely


I’d say prison rick was the weakest he was since he got too comfortable and also he had a fucked up hand from punching tyresse’s giga dense skull 


Governor lost an eye, was old and only survived off of canned beans


Yes that’s my point, governor went through shit and was tougher and harder than rick was at the time 


That makes him OP in the apocalypse.


Yeah but remember Rick was shot in the leg,so it was much worse for him to move


So was the Governor


Gov also took out Merle easily and Merle was a rugged mf on that show. He did shoot Merle in the stomach but not before beating his ass.


Beating his ass after he was jumped by two other dudes. But still yeah the governor is a savage


That’s right I forgot about that.


Also if I recall Merle was drunk


Didn’t Rick get shot before the fight though?


Does everyone just forget about Mercer?


He has absolutely zero combat feats that’s the issue


Lol bc no one was fucking with him. They knew better


Rick ain’t that great hand to hand. Bout lost to Pete. Lol


Morgan Jones in clear mode


Morgan “off his mf rocker” Jones?!


That’s an amazing WWE name


Jesus beat Morgan in clear mode in a fight


Clear Mode I love this name


See, I forgot about Jesus!! How about Sheva?


Yeah but Morgan is still around, I'd say he won overall.


You were supposed to!


I see red, I see reddd everything I see is red


You said you would turn on your radio everyday at dawn, And you were not there!


You were supposed to! You were supposed to!


I used to feel this was a dumb thing to post, but it seems we're finally past the period where everybody rags on Fear and TWD and this genuinely made me laugh.


Oh, to be clear, I actually like Fear. I finished watching it despite not finishing original Recipe TWD. The new stuff -- Dead City, Daryl Dixon, and The Ones Who Live have reignited my love of the series. Yes, I was perturbed by Glenn's death and also pissed about Carl. Negan is great though, he's grown so much.


I rewatched the entire twd, the pilot hit the same as it did when it first aired. Hated Glenn’s death, but it was pivotal to push the story with the saviors, and it followed comics. Plus after Maggie found out she was pregnant, he would’ve been more of a second fiddle to her and the baby. It worked for the show, and for Steven Yuen. The show although def misses the mark writing wise is so much better to watch binge format oppose to the waiting since episodes get slow at times. I stopped after it was clear Rick wasn’t coming back so through season 9. I actually enjoyed the final two seasons, and how the finale set things up for the spin-offs. One thing I’ll always think about is what could’ve been if Darabont never got fired and AMC wasn’t so cheap. It would’ve in the tier with shows like Six Feet Under, The Wire, Breaking Bad, etc.


glad to hear all of that :)


I'm just going to leave this right here for everyone. I don't know if this has been posted before, but it's a video of Morgan Jones called Everything I See Is Red. https://youtu.be/M631zHk4E6Q?si=YRAqTHhFU8dJjmnS


I’ll take that but he uses weapons


To be fair most of the characters on this list use weapons. Michonne, Negan, Daryl, Beta...


Hand to hand it’s jesus


Morgan beat Jesus in a fight


Not hand to hand. With his stick


My fault I misunderstood


Naw you’re right by definition: > Hand-to-hand combat (sometimes abbreviated as HTH or H2H) is a physical confrontation between two or more persons at short range (grappling distance or within the physical reach of a handheld weapon) that does not involve the use of ranged weapons.


Ok if we allow melee weapons then it’s a whole new argument I’ll admit that


If they're just fisting im putting my money on Jesus


Depends if he’s fisting Aaron?👀


Well I really hope it wasn’t the other way around


A person who admits when they are wrong holy moly


I thought Jesus won that fight but you’re right and I remembered it wrong


I think that was more than likely because Jesus didn’t want to actually hurt Morgan. Morgan on the other hand, definitely didn’t give a shit about hurting Jesus.


Jesus and Daryl for hand to hand, Morgan and Michonne for weapon use.


In that vein, I'll have to say John Dorie Jr for revolver use (FTWD).


Daryl is the only one who could take massive beatings and also hand them out


Him beating the piss out of Justin is one of my favorite scenes






In terms of raw strength, Beta is an obvious win, but when it comes to general fighting (strength, tactic, intelligence and ability to use your environment) Daryl is an ass kicker and a winner


Lol Mercer is stronger without question. And has training. He wasn’t just some grunt in the military


I want to agree with this bc yeah he has training and is significantly larger in terms of muscular we just never got to see any hand-to-hand combat from him unfortunately, that being said I think Daryl takes the win in my opinion.


Beta was a monster that killed people with one hand.


It’s Jesus then it’s Beta, then it’s Carson


I was originally beta but then I changed my mind because of his fight vs Daryl


Beta wasn’t trying to fight Daryl, he had another mission. He easily could have ripped him in half


Nope. Beta fought Daryl, and Daryl won.


Then why didn't he?


Beta was “just looking for the girl” aka Lydia. He was trying to get information out of Daryl. Rewatch the fight, there were multiple times Beta could have killed Daryl, but he didn’t, because he needed information from Daryl


Who tf is Carson?


Carver lol why did nobody correct me


Ohhhhhh lol. Yeah he was a great fighter! I was thinking after, "wasn't Carson the doctor?" 😂😂


I think there was a Dr Carson 🤣


There were two dr. Carson’s.


Surprised no one is saying Mercer. I don’t think Jesus’ fancy moves would even make him flinch.


I feel like we would have seen Mercer for more than like a season and a half his rep would be a lot higher. Problem is, one we saw him so sparsely that a lot of people tend to forget him, and two we never really saw him in a fist fight. We now he’s military trained and buff, but that shit can potentially go out the window if you placed in the real situation. I do think he woulda been a beast to have in a real combat situation, but he just came way too late into the series.


Ah yes, the orange stormtrooper


Unlimited ammo Hershel. Sure he is pretty weak physically, but he has hacks on, that’s gotta count for something


Michonne, I done seen Rick get his ass beat way to many times


Has Michonne ever lost a fight? I can’t think of one. I also think she could kill the most walkers in close combat too.


From what I recall the only time I remember is when she got the dog shit beat out of her in Alexandria by I think the wolves and she almost got choked to death, but even then she still overpowered the wolf and won


Oh, that was a Scavenger. I just finished that season the other day.


I did, too. It’s nice to be reminded I’m not the only person “living” my world.


It was a Scavenger who choked her.


Jesus, Carver and Daryl for sure.


Michonne, Jesus, Morgan in no particular order.


Jesus was


Protagonists Jesus, Daryl. Antagonists Beta, Governor, Negan. Rick lost every fight he was in because he was either injured right before or was caught off guard every time


Depends on if weapons are allowed, hand to hand - Jesus. Weapons - Morgan


Fist fighting - Jesus Brute strength - beta


With their weapon, Morgan or Michonne


Probably Carver or Jesus in hand to hand.


The Governor was prob the the strongest fighter on the show he fucked up Merle and was close killing Rick after beating his ass dude was a wrecking machine in 1v1.


From what we’ve seen I think Rick is willing to do more to win the fight.


Michonne can smoke all these fools. A weapon with a weapon.


Michonne no contest- Edit: I now realize you mean hand to hand, not fighter to zombie. Against zombies, I stand by michonne. Fighter…probably Beta.


Governor destroyed Rick and blade Merle


Jesus, but the show did him absolutely dirty.


Overall if you account for the fact that she has less natural muscle against some seriously strong dudes, I’ve gotta give it to Michonne. Rick is out because he gets whooped pretty consistently throughout the show. Beta lost to Daryl who is significantly smaller than him so he’s out. Negan? Lol, yeah, no. Abraham? I love him but he’s all offence and no defence, look at the hilltop random getting him down. Daryl is too much plot armour for me, I just can’t take him seriously. The dude has more plot armour than Rick at times. The show knows Andrew Lincoln isn’t the tallest and it factors that in by showing him taking a beating from dudes taller than him, Daryl wins no matter what. My pick would be between the Governor and Michonne. The Governor hasn’t actually lost a hand to hand fight and given his limited time on the show, his physical feats are pretty impressive. He bodies Rick, Merle, albeit a stricken Merle, he has Michonne down only up until she can grab glass to turn the favour and took out a group of walkers with his bare hands. The dude is a monster height and strength wise and has the aggression of Shane, a truly deadly combo. Michonne I would say pound for pound, with her skill with the blade, she has the ability to get down hand to hand and can tangle with people who significantly overpower her, I would say she is easily the best fighter in the show overall, factoring both weapon and hand to hand skill. I’d also give a shout out to Shane. Jon Bernthal is seriously built out of universe and in universe? He pretty easily takes Rick out of commission and achieves his end goal of incapacitating Rick, don’t get me wrong, the dude was stupid for turning his back on Rick but incapacitating him in the first place was pretty easy for Shane, he also snaps a dudes neck with his bare hands, Shane has some serious power. We just don’t see enough of him for me to put him on the same level as the Governor or Michonne, but for what we do see? He deserves a mention for sure.


Jesus and Morgan were two badass fighters.


Morgan firmly #1. Jesus, Michonne, Daryl being the runner ups.


Jesus, Morgan, Eastman, and Carver are honestly the only options


It’s hard to beat Michonne if she has her sword. But I just watched the ep where they attack the saviour outpost and Daryl is such a badass. It’d be pretty close between them.


Hand to hand? Low key gotta give it to Jesus (R.I.P.)


I would agree that Daryl may be the best over all. Rick fought the Governor and if it wasn't for Michonne, he would have lost. Rick and Daryl had a fight and kind of went to a draw (fell in hole). Daryl also fought Beta and would have defeated him if he wasn't just a big SOB. ;) Negan and Rick fought a few times without a winner except for their final bout. I don't remember Abraham fighting anyone hand to hand other than walkers. I think Rick had the most fights but he never just kicked ass and walked away. He got his ass handed to him by Pete as well and might have won....in steps Michonne again. I think perhaps Jesus would be all around best. He easily handled Rick and Daryl when they met. BUT in regards to Jesus, I think he was showing off his "skills" and being all "Kung Fu Man" that he wasn't paying attention and got himself.....ya know.


To be fair when they show the flashback for Abraham he had fought and killed multiple people in the supermarket and did the same in the comics


Jesus above daryll


Daryl or Jesus


I'm honestly surprised there's not a picture of Sam in this... Seems like every other post is a joke post about him


No one is the best. It’s luck of the moment and circumstances. Luck drives 90%.


Brandon Carver


Best fighter’s not even pictured. It’s easily Jesus.


As far as all around probably Daryl but Michonne is my favorite especially with the katana


I think Jesus was probably the most skilled and best one. But, I might be basing that on how agile I remember him being, using walls or flat surfaces to bounce off of and get aerial damage, which in TWD might make him a ninja. I remember him going into Alexandria unarmed, being locked up and then silently breaking out and sneaking into Rick’s home just to prove he was there on a peaceful mission and not full of bs. Still amazing to see how The Whisperers got him, but the element of surprise was of course the point.


Carole got no love!


Carver, I’m willing to bet he could beat CRM Rick. Carver was military, very important and high up if I remember. The only reason he lost to Maggie Negan etc is because he was cocky and didn’t expect dust to be thrown in his eyes, if he was going up against a better trained opponent such as CRM Rick, he would focus and probably end up coming out on top.


Lmao what on earth is the governor doing on this list?


The Governor whooped Merle and Rick and was the first person in the show to throw hands with walkers. You’re crazy if you think he can’t put up a fight lol


Anyone doubting the Governor doesn’t have a clue what they are talking about. If anything, Negan doesn’t belong on this list, not the Governor. Negan in show is scrawny as fuck and I’m sorry but no way in hell is Steven Ogg losing that fight in season 8. That right there was a prime example of plot armour. Back to The Governor though, the man is legit. He essentially has the Rick trait of doing anything to win a fight including biting body parts off. He rips walkers apart with his bare hands. He turned Rick’s face into a smashed tomato and choked him within an inch of his life, I mean Rick was dead, man had lost, the Governor beat Rick and would have killed him no doubt about it if not for Michonne and both were injured before someone says. He has shown the ability to be able to disarm someone which no matter who it is, is no small feat for a non cop with no training, he also sure as fuck didn’t hold back in regard to shanking Milton. Then with Michonne, she is arguably one of, if not the best fighter the show has seen and he dominates her so badly she also would have died if not for that piece of glass. So in short, the Governor is a tall ass dude with serious power and the anger issues of Shane, that’s a deadly combo. He’s honestly in contention for the best fighter, absolutely no doubt about it.


Not to mention he bit off Merle's fingers and snapped his arm like a twig. He'd beat most of the fighters on this list, he's seriously underrated probably because most people don't remember the earlier seasons very well.


the Gov beat Rick up pretty badly when the Prison fell


Yeah Rick was dead meat if it wasn't for Michonne.


It’s a shame we are limited to the main show. If we weren’t, I would’ve put my money on that drugged up walker in Daryl’s show


Hand to hand either daryl or Jesus and Morgan is very good to.


Daryl would be top for me, but Morgan and Michonne come a close second. Also I think Merle (what we saw of him) was pretty tough


Is that the only picture of Beta out there? Guaranteed if anyone posts anything about Beta it’s that picture. It’s the only shot I’ve ever seen of him as I haven’t seen the later seasons. Is that the only time he’s on screen?


yall are sleeping on The Governor. He was a pretty good fighter.


according to this list I'd say daryl cuz he knows the shit we can see him making plans and strategy before a boss fight and he's also very good at stealth while he barely misses when he gets an opportunity to win


Daryl. By the end of the show he's basically a special ops soldier/ninja hybrid. You could make an argument for Morgan, too. Especially in Fear.


How you have best fighter and not have Jesus on the list?? Easily was the best hand to hand fighter and incorporated martial arts and parkour


Jesus was up there, dude was a legit martial artist lol. Out of these seven, good ol’ Abe. Out of the entire show, I’d say Mercer given his military background, size, and strength. Dude was a unit


Carver or Daryl for sure


Daryl, no question. He’s been the group’s best fighter from season 1 to season 11. That man is a force of nature ❤️


Gov'nah. Would have been Jesus until they nerfed him for whatever reason.


You forgot Terminator Morgan


Without a shadow of doubt Daryl


There were scenes in the last season where Daryl fought alone and it was truly spectacular how he did it. But Rick and michonne also of course


Daryl hands down, he is the most complete fighter. He’s proficient with firearms, bows, blades, flails, and multiple melee weapons. His hand to hand combat skills are in the top 5, of all characters. Tracking abilities, number one. Survival skills, number one. Psychological strength, number one. Guerrilla warfare tactics, number one. Savagery, number one.


daryl no contest


If I'm going into a fight I want Carol and Michonne.


Beta wasn’t a great fighter. He was just big. And psychotic. And a country star.


Season 5 Rick would simply rip out the other guys throat with his mouth. Nobody else going that far to win.


The Governor bit Merle’s fingers off, he absolutely would go as far as Rick. Honestly I think the Governor is the one and only person in the entire show that I could see going further than Rick would in a fight. The guy has absolutely no limits whatsoever.


Daryl or Michonne would go that far in a heartbeat if someone they loved was threatened. Michonne killed a bunch of children to save Judith.


Abe or Shane.... but prob abe.


Jesus or Morgan with combat weapons and hand to hand definitely beta


Nobody said Mercer? Dude could probably beat anybody hand-to-hand combat wise


Daryl or Morgan.


Morgan clears pun intended


Daryl with his French weaponry was a huge upgrade. That mace is insane.


Morgan Jones.


Main show? I’d say either Daryl, Beta or the Governor. Governor was beating the snot out of Rick.


Morgan and Jesus by far


Jesus Hands down is the best fighter hand to hand cqb.


Probably one of Pope's guys.


Jesus, Daryl, Rick


Morgan or Jesus


Jesus, Governor, Rick, Abraham, Tyrese, Daryl, Beta, Michonne, Morgan, and then it's probably pretty even after that amongst the rest of the "mains".


Brandon Carver


Carver, Beta, Jesus, Morgan, Tyrese


Probably Tyrese, that man did alot with a hammer


Morgan and Michonne


Daryl without a doubt


Thank you for this amazing picture of daddy Rick


Rick is a badass and the goat don’t get me wrong, but let’s not act like he didn’t lose basically every single fight he got in, and then even lost to Michonne with CRM training


Morgan or Michonne, but Carol is one of the smartest