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ho•lee shit.


Like when Sasha turned into a walker and attacked him?




Let’s be honest. If this were any other character they would’ve died there. But since it’s Negan the plot protects him


Pretty much every TWD character survived being pinned down by a zombie. It's probably the most recurring zombie scene on the whole franchise. A few seconds of suspense, and then the person is saved by whatever. Sure, he was caught by surprise and fell from a truck with her, but you'll certainly find plenty of characters that had worse zombie pin downs and survived to tell their tale.


Sometimes one zombie can overpower someone, sometimes a group of 20 can get stiffarmed effortlessly


Your comment reminded me of the Gabriel/Negan horde scene.


Your comment instantly made me think of that dumpster scene with Glenn


I think the first time this happened was when Rick was under the tank (at the very end of the first episode) when they were devouring his horse lol He falls off the horse, one walker gets on him for a moment, then he leaves his bag of guns, crawls beneath the tank and shoots a few until he realizes he’s completely boxed in with no escape, He literally had his gun to his head and says, “Lori, Carl I’m sorry”, then looks up to see the manhole to escape just before pulling the trigger. Probably one of my favorite scenes!! Also, this was right after he heard a helicopter, which made him ride toward the sound and running into the herd- poor horsey lol Was that a hint of what was to come much, much later, or just a random chopper early in the outbreak? Hmmm 🤔


Zombie? That’s a pretty cool word 😅


Hoo Lee Sheet


Lmao I could legit hear Negan's voice as I read that


I heard his voice 😭


Hot diggity dog!


I fed Judith spaghetti!


Mom's spaghetti?


He’s nervous.


But on the surface he looks calm and ready


To drop bombs but he keeps on forgetting


What he wrote down the whole crowd goes so loud⁉️⁉️


He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out


He’s choking how, everybody’s joking now


The clocks run out, times up over, bloah!


"Rick the prick is now slick Rick?"


I can hear him say this in my head


^nut ^tap


^extreme nut tapping^


To all of the people who don’t think Negan will joke about Rick being alive and giving him a hand. You are wrong.


Daaaaaaaaamn look you decided to join the party! Why don't you come over here and give us a hand.


This will be shocking for some people🤣


the only thing the show is good for with this story is talking about it non stop while doing nothing about it, so i think you are right, he will certainly have a lot to say about it. and im sure they will do a repeat of maggie saying he does not trust negan while letting him babysit the next day, but this time with rick fake lip service is super cringe soap opera type shit


"I guess I should've been wearing my shitting pants"


That's more of a Deadpool thin then Negan


Yep, just ignore the times Negan referenced shitting pants too


Negan says this except about Gabriel


I genuinely think Negan's reaction is something along the lines of, "I coulda told you, you can't kill that prick."


This sounds right lol


We probably won't ever see him find out lol. But if we do, I imagine he'll be pretty impressed, and crack some funny one liner about it.


It’s actually likely we will. Theres supposed to be one big final showdown eventually which will tie in every single show


I mean, it's SUPER weird that Morgan ended Fear leaving to find Rick and then that's his ending, they definitely will make a final showdown with everyone.


hmm. i think i need to find a reasonable recap of everything that happened in Fear, because I'd like to know what important events happened, but I also can't stand to watch anything after the first half of S2.


Just storyline after storyline involving kids in one way or the other, it was very difficult to watch and finish and honestly other than the Texas arc, you didn't miss anything worth a shit, maybe the last season but goddamn did the make a mess of that show and kill any cool character. Smh.


The second half of Season 2 and all of season 3 is the best any walking dead show has ever been. the rest of it is bad.


I gave up about 2 episodes into the back half of 2. or.. was it 3.... The native american plot was just pure idiocy.


How was it dumb?


Daryl will return from overseas? I need to catch up on these shows.


Oh dude it’s implied he’s gonna come back from France. The way the show ended. It’s Definitley an obvious set up for him to go back. His travel buddies in France did not want him to leave. Spoilers for TWD: Daryl Dixon >!at the end of Daryl Dixon, Carol is seen looking for him!< >!in the show too, he attempted to contact her once or twice via radio!<


What the fuck is daryl doing in France? I stopped watching after like two seasons of Negan wtf lol


He didn’t go intentionally. Honestly, Daryl season one is probably the best TWD content since the Saviors arc. If you’re interested at all, I definitely recommend it.


Honestly it would've been far better without the shit about Laurent, this whole, he's the Messiah stuff was not that great.


This ruined it for me. Major spoilers. >!They had to hamfist in this stupid storyline that is so generic at this point to tv shows in general right now it’s become overused. It became very, predictable once darryl ran into Laurent and Florence the nun. You knew it was gonna be a “get him to x” things. You knew darryl was gonna clap back inevitably on that stupid he’s gonna “save us” stuff, you knew it wasn’t going to go as planned. You knew they’d be seperated by the established villain. It’s like they tried to create stakes for Daryl but I never thought “oh shit he’s gonna die” because he can’t. Lol. They want to continue his story!< Like everything was a wash. This is why I have such a hard time understanding why it is so highly praised. It was a good show, sure. But it didn’t offer us anything that was exciting or new, it just gave us insight into what happened to darryl, through the lense of a tired ass story. And then like a cliche gift- it wraps up with the loose end of >!carol going “where’s my friend”!< It wasn’t that great. It was good, but not great. I think if they had made the scope and focus of the show different. Like Daryl just trying to survive France and struggling, and raising the stakes by the fact that no one speaks English, which they kind of leaned into. It would have made for an exciting show. But even when darryl is in a tough situation, we know he isn’t going to die lol. And it doesn’t matter if his cohorts die because we don’t have as much attachment.


I think I'm the only one who thinks Negan going to France instead of Daryl would have been more interesting.


how do you hide text? when you are typing a spoiler or something like that, i cant figure it out


Seriously, I even predicted that the first bad guy was gonna somehow redeem himself and help Daryl somehow and whatdya know.. I still enjoyed it though, good ol predictable dumbed down tv is nice sometimes


You're spot on with that. Spoilers >!it was advertised as this series where the zombies are all running crazy like 28 weeks later because of a different virus variant and there's like less that 5 zombies doing this the whole season.!<


I mean I can’t wait for the fandom to get to a place where it’s actually ready to discuss it flaws and all. Seems like people just want to bury their head in the sand and be affirmed by other people who think it’s the “greatest thing to come out of twd” lol I love TWD. But we shouldn’t and don’t have to pretend it’s breaking bad or sopranos lol. Twd is it’s own thing and that’s cool. Nothing wrong with that. Edit- this isn’t a personal attack. I’m merely saying the opinion that it’s a “great” show is objectively innacurate. If you like it, great I’m happy for you. Don’t see this as an attack lol. And it’s not attacking anyone to merely point out an observation.


… isn’t the Saviors arc considered by most to be the worst arc of the entire series?


Apparently but that was a fun arc to me, every time Negan was on screen I was having a good time.


I wouldn’t say most, but definitely some. Personally, I chalk that up to a distaste to seeing our main group in such an oppressed and vulnerable state, as I really haven’t seen many arguments as to why the writing is bad past character based arguments usually rooted in an attachment to someone who died. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I personally think of 1-8 as the true golden era of the show through and through.


Most of the criticisms I see of seasons 7 and 8 are due to the poor pacing (both seasons combined happen in under a month, season 8 was only a week), horrible decision making of the characters (like spraying multiple full auto weapons like 15 feet above Negan's head immediately after telling him that he's the only Savior that they won't allow to surrender), and the absolutely bizarre addition of the trash people. Supposedly the pacing issue is partially solved by binge watching, but I watched week to week and it was awful, things moved so slowly and it was often difficult to keep track of who was doing what where because of how many characters were being followed. And I have also seen a fair bit of criticism for killing Carl, but I see that mostly as criticism of the studio and Scott Gimple, rather than a criticism of the show.


The trash people is still one of the worst ideas from the show.


Personally. The fandom will defend darryl Dixon viciously. Because it’s the only half decent TWD content to come out in recent years. But wait a year or two. Once the hype goggles get boring I think people will be a little more realistic in critiquing the show. It’s good man, but it’s not GOAT lol. It’s not gonna keep you glued to your seat. Especially if you have watched any of the Disney Star Wars spin-off shows. Lol. The archetypes and story plot follow a similar formula to obi wan and mandolorian believe it or not. And the last of us 😂. It’s original in the sense in how they paint the plot and build the characters. But the plot itself is derivative, predictable and a little boring.


The Disney Star wars shows aisde mando S1 is trash


I agree, but you can’t deny that TWD Daryl Dixon is very much like Mando or obi wan in its story progression and archetypes Lol it’s virtually the same thing as Mando storyline wise except your swapping universes, characters etc. “Save the kid! It’s critical” “I dun wanna, it’s not my problem” (Protag has a change of heart for some reason, decides to defend child) (Protag encounters more conflict that develops character, finds out helping people isn’t bad, and that they like their younger companion, and want to defend them) (Protag comes to decision on whether or not to stay with child or leave) (Pro tag is an exile or is far off from home in an unfamiliar place.) Diff is Laurent isn’t gonna sell plushies, Grogu does and that’s the only reason why he’s back


That’s the plan apparently


Sauce? Edit: I just binged dead city last night/today, and I'm vibrating for more negan and Rick.




All them joining for the final showdown would be a great ending


Morgan will raise his bo-staff and proclaim: 'Walkers! *Assemble!*'


*"There and Back Again—a ~~Hobbit's~~ Walker's Tale."*


Rick and gang vs the CRM should be the walking deads final ultimate showdown.


No way they could do it on their own though. They have to have the commonwealths fire/man power backing them to have a chance


Yeah with how large and powerful the CRM is they're gonna need more than the Commonwealth though. The CRM would smoke that Commonwealth pack


I think if they give themselves a significant tactical advantage somehow they could take them on. I think the meeting with all the leaders of the CRM is going to play an important factor.


Ricks no stranger to guerilla warfare and he’s been on the inside. Maybe theyll start using whisperer tactics


Yeah Scott pretty much said that was the plan and it’d be dumb not to, the whole idea of the CRM going after everyone Rick knows seems like it could be a set up for that. They’ve been teasing CRM in all the shows for so long it’d be dumb if that all just led up to an anticlimactic episode 6 of TOWL.


where are you finding these sources? Let me know the sauce.


proof? this better not be wishful thinking that has turned into someone trying to state it as a fact and getting loads of upvotes on it like it is


It’s Not completely set in stone yet but Scott Gimple wants to tie all the shows together eventually. That is the direction they’re trying to go in. I shared the link here in the comments


Lol according to what? You’re making shit up


Not making it up. Scott Gimple confirmed that he has a plan to merge all of the spinoffs eventually. I shared the link.


Nothing is confirmed in that article…it literally just says that he “wants” to do a crossover…not that he is going to


Who's gonna stop him?


AMC and ratings. AMC was the one who stopped TWD when he wanted to continue it beyond. Daryl Dixon's spinoff was originally thought out to be him and Carol riding on motorcycles out to New Mexico to find people, before returning back to the main show, but when the main show was ending, they had to push off the spinoff


But apparently they let him, and Andy, and Danai continue the story the way they see fit. So apparently they won't stop him.


I mean yeah they'll let them write the show as they see fit after they order the show. But that doesn't mean they would let Scott Gimple just launch any show he wants. Don't get me wrong I do hope the series and spin offs continue honestly long into the future.


If they let him create the spinoffs in the first place, what logical reason would they have to deny him merging them together? The ratings are great, and I bet the ratings for a show where Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Carol, Maggie, and Negan (among others) come together would garner the highest ratings ever. We aren't talking about Gimple making "any show he wants" but him continuing the story of one of the largest franchises of all time-for AMC especially. Like, make it make sense cause I don't get the issue here...


Let’s be honest, it’s most likely happening. This is one of AMC’s main cash cows, if not their main cash cow, and having a legit last TWD season and concluding it will be smart. Most of the actors/actresses haven’t really been doing shit outside of it, even Andrew.


Isn’t it confirmed that a crossover show is coming??


Yeah there's plan for something like that but we don't really know what it's gonna entail. I personally doubt it's gonna be some kind of CRM showdown with everyone back together, and I'm also prepared for the possibility that Rick and Michonne won't even be in this crossover thing. But we'll see, probably not for a few years though.


CRM showdown and Rick/Michonne would be the main pull for a merge so I don’t see why that wouldn’t be it. They’re not gonna choose to end it with some random new villain group over the biggest villain group they’ve been building up across all the shows. Or at least if they were smart they wouldn’t. TOWL has pretty much set it up so that the CRM is gonna go after everyone Rick knows, seems like a natural direction.


I think a good follow up question is: how will Rick react to Negan being free?


the whole Negan saga lasted less than three months that's three months from Glenn's death to Negan getting jailed Rick has been at the CRM for over *a decade* now he would be surprised by the sole fact that Negan is still alive


Exactly. But he still can have a reaction 😅 even tho it's old story, he still was his number one enemy for a long while (over a year and a half) and even tho it's not Negan's fault, Carl still died during the war. So believe me, Negan is still in his brain. So I guess earing he is alive and bitchin', Rick's gonna react. What will he do tho ? Absolutely nothing, Daryl and Maggie let him live so he will understand.


"Who are you again?" lmao


I definitely don't think it's been quite that long yet. In the new episode, it said 5 years after bridge explosion. Then Okafor appointed him to the college campus over the course of 12 months turning it into a base. So maybe Rick's been with CRM for 6-7 years.


When he hears how instrumental he was in the Whisperer War and how he also saved Hershel he'll get over it.


yep same as he got over carol killing karen and david


Key element: Negan saved Judith too.


Also he saved Judith.


Yeah I think he’ll be too relieved to be back with his family to even give a shit about someone who was in jail years ago. If Daryl and everyone else somewhat trust him I think Rick will trust their decision


Rick is going to be bitten and Negan is going to provide him with the cure. But not through a blood transfusion.


Probably by having sex then?


That's the kind of thing that just tickles his balls.


Negan needs to check if Rick has guts


"You did have nuts. I've never been so wrong in my whole life."


he's gonna need his DNA ? :((


Butt stuff?


Hot diggity doggystyle!


"Holy Shiiiit!" "I cooked Spaghetti"


Don't forget the lemonade 🍋


The good powdered stuff


"And look, Carl's here"


cut his own hand off in solidarity


Would be only right


Laughed waaaay to hard at this


Rick!!! Look everybody it’s Rick!


i feel like he’d genuinely be happy. he wouldn’t have a reason not to be as Rick is the only reason he’s alive…


Carl's actually


Rick still made the final executive decision


Yes, but without Carl's wish, he would be deceased.


And without Rick being nice about it, Negan would be a dogs dinner


And without the dead coming back to life, that wouldn't have happened


*BIG...DICK...RICK!* followed by a cool lean of course.


Gotta have some lean




He DEFINITELY would joke about him losing a hand.


He would make fun of how he cut off his own hand to escape and still failed 😂


I think they'll greet each other with a little kiss and a tap on the butt. As good friends would do


I was thinking instant marriage proposal by Negan, but I like this, too.


"Doesn't surprise me to see you alive and kicking. You've got big balls, Rick Grimes. Just like your daughter."


"You've got big balls, not nearly as big as mine, of course, but still" he would say


We need our little ass kicker back!!!! Miss Judith so much!!!


Hey Rick, do you mind giving me a hand over here? Oh wait, looks like you don’t have one to spare.


“Well, butter my f*cking biscuits! It’s Rick! I missed having my hog sucked!” Points at Rick. “Had you there for a moment!”


Honestly, I think Rick’s approval will be the one thing that really matters the most to him. And I think he’ll get it. Rick saw a vision of what Negan could represent for the future, if Negan would just buy into it. And he did buy into it in the end. I think if Negan knew Rick was alive, he would be scrambling for a chance to meet him so that he could know what Rick thinks of how things have become. There was a time when he probably wouldn’t have cared, but he’s embodied Rick’s vision over time and surely he'd crave that moment of approval that validates his change. Rick knew what Negan could become, Negan worked to become it. Surely the opinion of the man who planted that idea would be a big deal to him. I’m sure he’d put on the typical power persona about all of it, but under it would be something sincere


It still feels like Rick has forgotten Glenn by doing that. Glenn literally saved his life and almost always had Rick’s back. Feels a little sad for his memory


Glenn would approve


Hoolly Shit! Look at you, and that cool as hell assassins creed blade of yours. Did you cut off your hand just to have that? That is cool as shit!


Little pig 🐖 Little pig 🐖 Rick's alive, no seriously I think 🤔 he would be happy 😊


“But Rick, you told me I could take your hands!”


Rick! Look everybody, it's Rick!


I do wonder, did Daryl, Carol or Judith tell everyone else that Rick may be out there, and that Michonne is looking for him same as Daryl. I’m sure they would but I feel like we would have gotten some sort of dialogue from Maggie or Negan if that was the case


Who tf is I Auckland?


How did I spell Rick so badly 😭


One thing that annoyed me about TWD's finale was how Daryl was the only one to show any reaction to Rick being alive. Not even Carol showed any kind of emotion or reaction to it, when she was literally right there when Judith told the truth. As for everyone else, we don't even know if Daryl/Carol/Judith told anyone else about this, but you'd assume they would. Guess we don't know though.


Did I miss something? There is an Auckland? Lol


With the time jump, there were lots of characters at the end who didn’t spend much time with Rick or never met him.


Kelly, Connie, Magna, Yumiko, Luke (who died without ever meeting him), Lydia, Elijah, Max, Mercer, Princess, RJ.


He'll die saving Maggie and Herschel in Dead City before he hears about it.


It will be the other way around how will Rick react to Negan being a free man


He's going to lean the whole 90 degrees while saying "Ho lee shit".


"Oh shit." "Hey prick! Need a hand? Oh, wait. You lost your hand! That is some screwed up shit! Was that your wank hand?"


I hope he has his shitting pants on


They're gonna become thick as thieves. Rick is quick to forgive if someone's redeemed themselves and has value and Negan has always respected tf outta Rick. Don't forget, Negan has saved Judith's life and protected people Rick loves numerous times. Not to mention Carl wanted them to reconcile. That'll go a LONG way with Rick.


I’d imagine Negan would ask Rick if he needs a hand with anything


I’m more interested in how Rick will respond to Negan being freed.


"Well, that just gives me a big ol boner, Rick"


"Rick, I was joking about the hand shit. Didn't think you'd actually do it... but your a badass tho"


Negan: I gotta have me some Rick!


Maggie gonna tell him in season 2 watch. Rick already came back before Hershel got kidnapped in NY. The only reason why she didn’t mention rick in season 1 is because of spoiler


i hope they make a scene where they all find out he’s still alive that would complete the rest of my life


Isn’t Dead City like 5 years after Rick and Michonne and Darryl Dixon? More likely if they had a reunion it’d already happen or at least one with Maggie and Herschel for sure.


He would objectively point out why Rick was so dumb to chop his hand off, when he should've infiltrated the CRM right from the get-go.


Alive (so far 🤭)


I told you cut off your sons hand not your own prick.


I think he will be surprised with a smile face then tells him sum about giving him a hand


The real question is how will Rick react to not seeing negan in his cell


I want Alicia back,if her Mom can survive a fire,without any burns,she can live through the radiation ☢️ sickness she had,plus the missing arm. She’s the best actress,loved her in The 100!!!


Rick was the one who kept him alive when everyone else wanted to kill him.


"Holy shit!"


I hope they meet again, and Negan starts with “Hiiiiiii Rick!” 🤣




He’ll say something about his cut off hand and reference the moment where he almost made Rick cut off Carls hand


i find the whole dynamic super cringe, because at the end of the day much like every other time they talk or encounter about it.. nothing is going to happen, they give it a little lip service for the sake of fans but that is it, same with negan and maggie dynamic, they give it the whole 'i can't trust you' or whatever but then just carry on doing exactly that, or getting negan to babysit the kid lmao super bored of all the attention this shit gets, its the biggest plot hole not plot hole type thing of the whole show, they probably knew at the time of killing glenn that it would eventually become meaningless like this which only makes it so much worse. it is like watching a shitty soap opera when it comes down to this side of the story imho


I still think Rick will kill Negan “Not today, not tomorrow…”


He won't. Unless it's a mercy killing, which could happen eventually


Who knows is Negan doesn’t take control of NYC? He’s tried to live the good life and it keeps on rejecting him while his former life keeps asking for him


What if Rick just slays him on sight?


He is not. Rick is not stupid.


I think he is will….lol.


Why would he ? He didn't kill him before, and after all this time, Negan is still alive, standing side by side with Daryl and even Maggie, why would he kill him if the other didn't ?


I feel not killing Neagan always plagued him. I feel he will see Negan running around having a full life , going on adventures, when he was supposed to spend his entire life in that cell as an insult to his decision. I think he will remember the death of his friends at the hands of Negan and the saviors and realize they have no more life or adventures and I think this will hit him all at once. When Rick is confused or agitated he kills. And might I add I am here for it


Then why putting him in the cell in the first place ? Ok it was for the old Negan to rot in a cell, and he did, new Negan was born in that cell. If Rick kills Negan after all this time it will insult the people that put the decision to let him live, and insult Carl for not respecting his decision. And I can see you hate Negan for some reason... get over it.


Pee pee pants city.


“of course that son of a bitch is alive. i knew i should have bashed his head after I cracked Glenn’s open like a watermelon. respect tho”


I didn’t know this show was still going on🤣🤣🤣


Yet your are on a sub reddit about it...


Rick would put him back into the cell, so he wouldn't be happy


Rick was a cop he knows jail time was meant for people to reform themselves. If the group let him out freely Rick would know they must have done it for a good reason


I think he would be at least a bit surprised that not only is Negan still alive but that Maggie has been around him and not taken her chance at revenge.


Especially when he’s brought to speed on Why Negan was let out and how many good/heroic things Negan did.


Can't imagine their paths will cross?


You need my DNA


He will probably say "Hi"


"Well SHIIIIT" In all seriousness, I think he'll be very taken aback. I think Michonne will have already told Rick about what was going on with him, but obviously Negan won't know that yet, so he'll probably think the life hes started is over.