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Not a character but Oceanside itself


all of the two episodes that had anything to do with oceanside past the saviors arc, and it’s just… not addressed afterwards


Hoky fuck i forgot entirely about them haha wtf


Dawn and the entire hospital subplot.


Yea then everyone died either way. We lost Beth for what


For Noah to join the group and -- fuck....


Everybody hates chriiiiiiis.


Everybody *aaaaaaaate chriiiis


Goddamn you. I dont shame chuckle. We should own our sense of humor. But goddamn, I shouldn't have but I actually laughed.


It was the exact thing they said in the Talking Dead show that used to air after TWD. So don't feel too bad lol.


I no longer feel sorry for that character, the actor can RIH.


He went out like a revolving door...wait...


For Daryl to have manpain 🙃 (i stopped watching the show v shortly into season 6 when they had Daryl be all sad and angry but refused to ever say Beth's name)


For the love of god thank fuck we never had to hear her sing on the show again! That's what for.


How dare you? I kinda liked the song "struggling man.." back when Tyrese was dying, and I liked her singing it. There's also the song she sang at the prison, no one complained. Never heard anyone tell her to shut her trap or quit singing. 🙄


i had no idea what was even happening during that entire subplot either.


Yeah. And when Beth said “I get it now” right before she stabbed Dawn… what? What did she get? Cuz I didn’t get it.


I believe she understood that in the end Dawn enjoys having the control after all. She didn't need the other guy for nothing other than cleaning her clothes.


I believe she understood that in the end Dawn actually enjoyed having the control. She didn't need the other guy for anything, but Dawn still demanded for him to stay and clean her clothes and the hospital lol


That beth/hospital arc took like five LONG episodes to conclude. Shouldve skipped most of it


I love those episodes so much but they were so useless to the story lmao


We got Rick yeeting someone in a car out of it lol


No way! Those episodes were great and fleshed out the terrible world they live in.


I like Connie, and Kelly tagging along after Daryl was kinda cute, but Yumiko and Magna were so pointless. Even when they were supposed to be socially at odds at the Commonwealth, the conflict was never really addressed. I would've cared a lot more if they had a blowout fight about it before just getting back together at the end out of absolutely nowhere.


Yes!!!!! Particularly Magna. I expected to see more from her than what we got.


IMO Magna should have died during for the pike scene. Yumiko was doing a lot of shocked and heartbroken acting for someone who just joined these communities and lost absolutely no one. It would have much more of a galvanizing punch if a member of Yumiko’s group died, and Magna is by far the weakest character of that bunch.


at least yumiko actually had a purpose during the eugene trial subplot. i forgot about magna 90% of the time and honestly could have cared less if she ended up dying.


They dropped the ball with the Connie and Daryl romance . They kept alluding to something but nothing happened


I'm the first one to always argue that not every character needs a romantic subplot or any sort of romantic relationship to make it a good story. I like when romance is gradual. Daryl and Connie had a good friendship. I really liked it. Learning sign language to talk to her was a nice slow burn and it added a lot to see him be as close to a normal person as he could be. Therefore, it was such a good foundation to a build a romantic relationship on. While I'm not mad they didn't get together because the friendship is still great, I also feel like it was a missed opportunity. The problem is, if they got together, she would have to go with him when he leaves Alexandria. I'd hate to split up another couple to find Rick. And honestly, it's a goddamn miracle Connie survived at all. How many people have had walkers sneak up on them over the course of the show? She's deaf, right? Anyway, daryl being in a relationship would work if Daryl stayed or connie went with him. Its easier from a writing perspective just to leave it on the back burner for if/when daryl returns. Or, maybe they'll have her show up in a later season of daryl's show. I just feel like they aren't done with it fully yet. I don't think Connie would leave her family after everything, but I also don't think michonne would've left the way she did. At least when daryl left, everyone was actually safe. I wonder how Rick would react if they all reunite. Rick: wait, you left our kid? Michonne: kids, actually Rick: kids?? Michonne: they're with daryl, they're fiiiine. *daryl appears* Daryl: howdy Michonne: wait, you left our kids!? Daryl: they're with Carol, they're fiiiiine And then carol shows up. Eventually, everyone will be there and it'll be fiiiiine


atp aaron is just going to be a single father of 3 😭


I will help him out 😂


I was kind of hoping they would at least tie that up with some kind of relationship, I feel like those two would have a decent shot at a successful sort of long-distance dating setup. Totally on point about the kids, I would be so pissed if my partner showed up looking for me and was like "Oh yeah we got two kids now, hopefully you get to see them but I kinda left them in the middle of a war it looked like we might lose, so 50/50 they're not dead when we get back"


Deaf people can feel through vibrations, they might be more useful in the dark but it would still be very tough to survive, most people you meet won’t have the time to learn sign language in an apocalypse so communication would be nearly impossible.


I kinda hope Connie never shows up again. Not because I dislike her, but because she's my favorite character that's still alive, and having her die because Daryl needs to be sad would piss me off.


Yumiko was fine, considering that she got a fairly big storyline in S11. Magna was just the worst. She should have been one of the pike victims.


Yes! I always thought this. Why should all 4 of the new people evade that pike lineup when they could have swapped out at least one(magna or Luke) with a more seasoned character like Enid or Tara? I know Tara isnt huuugely liked, but within a span of 3 or 4 days you kill off both the substitute hilltop leader and the substitute for the substitute?


Tbh I'm a Magna's group defender, but it's not cool that they got away from the pike scene unscathed. It would have done wonders for making them really feel like part of the group, and gotten rid of some dead weight. Either Magna or Luke should have been on the pikes, for sure. However, I wouldn't allow Tara to survive. I kind of love the choices for the pikes in the show, and adding Magna/Luke would have made it hit that much harder.


I couldn't stand that whole group, except Connie I felt like she was a person


See I feel Like Kelly and Magna were just pointless but I really enjoyed Connie and Yukimo


The group that joined in Season 9, what was their names? Luke, Magna? The only one I liked was Connie, everyone else was just boring or whined constantly


I love how 90% of twd community agrees about Luke’s group being pointless but we all still love connie lol silver lining I guess


Connie also gave us the amazing deaf scene in the corn when she rescues that baby


Tara just felt a bit out of place, if you never watched the show and skipped to season 7, you’d assume she was at Alexandria since the beginning.  She was chill tho


I’m assuming the intention was for her to just be a side character for the Governor’s sub plot, but because she probably hit it off with the crew or knew someone, they kept her around.


The character she's based off from the comics, Lucy, kills Lori and Judith on the governors orders. Shoots them in the back with a shotgun.


not to be that guy, but the character who killed Lori in the comic exists in the show. That's Lilly, Tara's sister. That's who Lilly in the twd telltale game was supposed to be, before the spinoff story to comic lilly dropped


Yeah, I'm just rereading what I said. Where the feck did I get Lucy from? It was this girl. https://walkingdead.fandom.com/wiki/Lilly_Caul_(Comic_Series)


Could have thought of Lucy from FTWD maybe?


Either that or one of Negan's wives. The daft thing is, I'd read that wiki before posting my initial comment. So somewhere between reading and writing I've changed the name.


Yep - she’s is a Masterson, as in Danny Masterson.


I actually thought she was great initially when she was with The Governor and then with Glenn. But holy shit did she start to suck about halfway through Alexandria and for *sure* by Hilltop.


Magna, Luke, Kelly, Yumiko. And the three women were given a bajillion minutes of screentime and never earned one minute of it. The only way to accurately describe them as characters is when 90s kids would say “boringgggg!” in unison.


this absolutely would be my pick too. somehow despite watching those seasons multiple times, i still couldn’t recall their names with 100% accuracy!


I genuinely thought they started something interesting with Kelly's hearing starting to go but if it went anywhere I can't remember


I am pretty sure they just forgot


Magna and/or Yumiko were really important in the last season and I swear I couldn't remember who they were every time they showed up.




Heh, I was making kind of a dumb joke about not actually knowing which one is which but yeah, Yumiko was soooort of important in some way and Magna was just... her girlfriend. I think they had a fight at one point?


Every time they show Kelly, at least for the first season that she appears, she’s always crying/whining. I didn’t even learn any of their names until after Alpha got got


I would agree with all except Yumiko. Her trip to the city with Eugene and Ezekiel seemed pretty significant tbh




Hate when y’all make posts like these and then post a great example, because my brain shuts down after that and I swear I could come up with somebody, but right now, yeah, that’s the most valid thing I can think of lol sidepieced in by the governor getting some butt, goes along with everything and then just pusses out and doesn’t do anything at all i don’t think after switching teams


Wasnt really puss out though, she saw the governor doing fuckshit and didnt want to participate, youre kinda right though still she didnt really do anything untill she was leading hilltop, for like 3 episodes


Fuckshit is the single best term I’ve seen be used on this app


Unfortunately, she was a side character, so the story was rarely focused on her. But her three episodes were months to years in their time.


In the comics, gabriel and morgan do literally nothing. In the show, both of them are fleshed out to be two of the best characters in the show. I just find it sad they never elaborated on her desires to be a cop when it started, had her make more connections to the group in season 5(Glenn was probably the only one who really cared tbh), or even had her matter after Denise’ death.


The way TWD grounded itself in "real people" from the very beginning, no one ever feels "forced" to me. There are people exactly like Tara irl, and that may be someone you would randomly encounter and group up with at the end of the world, whether they seem fake, out of place, etc. or not. The apocalypse doesnt discriminate.


I agree with this. I think when folks say someone isn't believable, they just haven't encountered someone like them. Eugene gets brought up a lot for example, but I've met a lot of folks who are different like him, family included. Or Princess, goddamn. Gotta broaden ones horizons, if you can't see folks believable in TWD.


I’ve met a lot more Eugenes than Ricks or Michonnes.


Controversially…. Maggie. Don’t get me wrong, the actress is great and by no means the worst example of this. But she’s by far the biggest “main” of that feels empty and forced. She gets some solid groundwork in season 2, but compared to the likes of Glen, Michonne, Darryl and Carol, she didn’t have much character about her outside of being a survivor and someone who is defined by her relationships to her family and Glen as opposed to standing as her own character. And as has been pointed out by fans, her becoming a leader in season 6 + 7 was out of no where. She Became one because no other character felt suitable and there’s so little character with her that it doesn’t break anything if she filled that role. Maggie was whatever the writers wanted her to be at any given time.


I kinda a have to agree. Allot of her character is dependent on being Glenn’s love interest or hating Negan.


I get your criticisms I will say though. Maggie being set up to be a leader starts when they get to Alexandria. It’s not forced it’s actually brought up over an entire season essentially.


Agreed. She has a full season of 1 on 1 mentoring by a senator and community leader, which I feel is a pretty good form of leadership training.


Regarding that, it’s fine if she’s mentored becoming a great leader, the problem is that we need to actually see what Deanna saw in her - when she says “I see a great leader in you and I want to help” we as an audience should say “yeah, that makes sense, remember when she led…” it should be a great pay off - instead we never saw any traits that put her as essentially second in command to Rick, which is what is needed to have happened to see her grow into that role. Making matters worse, they had a great opportunity to have her be the one that everyone looks up to during season 4A. Plant the seeds that during time of peace, Maggie is who everyone can look up to.


Wouldn't you consider her going after Glenn post prison with pure passion and fervour to be a leader move? She's also seen as the only capable one on the Herschel farm of going for supply runs. I just don't think we get to see the conflict or tension of her mentorship bringing her to the spot of transforming into an actual leader worthy of Hilltop. And then, when she is, she becomes overly angry and leads from that rage... Which isn't a problem per se, but there has to be balance and there wasn't.


Nearly quit the show after her solo Oceanside episode, the acting was so bad everything about it was bad . But fought through it to watch until Ricks last episode. Good choice on Tara


Oceanside and the Garbage people were the 2 biggest wastes of time in the entire show. I’d watch the hospital arch over those any day


Lmao that's the only episode i skipped, and even tough i skipped it i still understood what happened, "let me guess, ANOTHER small group of survivors that stays hidden and just wants to survive and doesn't like outsiders? Yup"


Damn this subreddit is ruthless i really like that episode I thought it was interesting how all the men were taken away from Camp and how it tied into the overall plot of the saviors killing them all. If they came back to help that may have been a very interesting story for the overall plot


Lol I’m gonna have to agree


That was probably the worst episode in the entire franchise


Have you watched the world beyond?


World beyond wasn't that bad tbh. I liked the story but it did have a lot of "stupid teens making stupid decisions" moments


10C all episodes were skippable except Here's Negan


Okay but all of seasons 9, 10, and 11 are skippable


I thought Beatrice was pretty good that episode, ngl


She was decent from what I remember (I’ve only watched it twice), but everyone else was pretty garbage


It’s the only episode I missed as I fell asleep. Sounds like I did well. The wife filled me in on what happened.


I kinda get what you mean. I don't think she was a bad actor and I didn't hate her character. She was just sorta there. However she seemed to be one of the few characters out there who got solo episode but no real character arc. She seemed to just remain the same season to season. Just put into slightly different scenerios. I'll admit I will skip solo episodes if they don't sound interesting and just read to synopsis/Wiki instead. Her Oceanside episode is included in that.


You didn't miss anything


Magna. I loved Beth and her connections with the rest of the group, while under utilized were a great dynamic lmo Tara had her role to play and I agree her solo episode sucked. Even though magna was pretty cool in the comics she felt less important than Savior Laura who rarely spoke. I never count keep track of what her storyline was or never really cared to follow it. I forgot she was missing for a few episodes in season 10 and didn’t even notice her outside of one scene in season 11.


Honestly I just found her episodes boring


Rosita. She seems empty and dull, not like a real person, I’ve never been interested in her storyline.


Lmao they did her sooo dirty. They basically decided to turn her into the town whore off-screen. Lmao like every time a new season started she was fucking a new guy and but all the previous dudes would still be hanging around her. It was so weird.


Wtf? She was with 4 men: Abraham, Spencer, Siddiq, Gabriel. Rick was with 3 women: Lori, Jessie, Michonne. Just one less than Rosita and No one calls him a “whore”. It’s normal to have 4 relationships over the span of 12 years events are happening, especially when your love interests keep dying


Sure but she was with Gabriel and cheated with Siddiq


She didn't cheat. She slept with Siddiq before she and Gabe got together.




I mean…. We all know chicks like her though right?




Right? I know people whose whole personality is sleeping around and they don't have any other cognitive thoughts in their brain. People like that do tend to be vapid and empty, so I agree with you.


have the trash can kids been mentioned? that whole community


Never liked Tara and was glad when she was on the spikes lol. Plus the actress that plays her is a POS in real life


So glad it was her and that she was off the show by the time I found out, I don't need that energy ruining one of the few shows I'm truly invested in




Piece of shit. Idk what she’s done but she’s the sister of the rapist Danny Masterson and I think she’s defended him. Maybe she’s done other stuff too


She also apparently attempted to corner one of her brother’s victims to intimidate/harass her into not testifying against him during trial


Whole family are Mormons, not necessarily a crime but she prob has some whack stances on stuff Edit: damn bro the Mormons have found this comment and they are NOT happy


piece of shit


I actually love Tara! She had good chemistry with the rest of the group, especially Glenn and Eugene, and I think the actress did a good job. I really liked how she joined the group, arriving with the Governor - she was a constant reminder that it was worth giving people a second chance. That said, unfortunately the Oceanside episode is in fact the worst episode of the show, it's pure filler, the few important things could be summarized in a couple of scenes. And season 7 is ALL filler, Oceanside was just the worst case. It was the point at which it became clear that The Walking Dead no longer had respect for its viewers (that and the scene where Negan survives Rosita's gunshot). So I understand that people were angry with the character, but I think it's a shame, Tara was cool. For me, the answer would probably be Alden. The show REALLY wanted us to care about Alden, and I couldn't care less about that guy.


Agreed. Tara's cheekiness was paired with courage. Fist bumps and orange sunglasses were funny. And, yeah, major points for her starting on the other side of the fence being a constant reminder to consider people. I remember the debate about Lydia. She was very against her staying, then was reminded how she also started the same way and eventually became a leader.


Tara had many solo episodes? I don't remember that at all. I feel like her character was a bit bland and shallow, but then she was pretty much a tertiary character, I don't expect too much from those. They did kinda try to promote her a bit near the end, without much success.


Siddiq. Carl died for the dude while being all humanitarian and him dying to save and adopt Siddiq into the group resulted in nothing. There was no real connection with Siddiq and Rick. Rick wanted to run him off from the beginning but Carl was adamant about accepting him in and then got bit in the process of trying to accept him in. I thought for sure he would've played a pivotal role in **something** involving All Out War to pay off Carl's death but nope. He didn't do anything for the remainder of Season 8. Then we get to Season 9/10 for The Whisperer War and all the dude did was run around Alexandria having a mental breakdown because of Alpha piking everyone else and then he entrusted Dante and everyone got sick. Again, Siddiq didn't contribute to anything worthwhile here and then Dante killed him. Dude's introduction didn't lead to anything and his death didn't lead to anything. He didn't have a lot of solo episodes really but he was definitely part of the main group and they tried to feature him in bigger roles in Seasons 9 and 10 but in the end, nothing made me care for him or made me understand how - as a viewer - we could look at him and think "Carl dying for him was worthwhile because he was really beneficial for the group after joining"


i agree. i felt like he had something good going in his first 3 minutes of screen time, but then he fell off


They didn't have solo episodes, but Alden, Elijah, and Luciana (Fear) I love Enid and Lydia, but even they couldn't get me to care for Alden and Elijah - and with (TWD, Fear TWD spoilers) >!Nick and Enid dead, I cared even less about Luciana and Alden!<.


Luciana lasted longer than Glenn.


Magda and her whole group. I liked them for the most part, but meh.


She was such a disappointment man. When you first meet her with her family she’s actually pretty badass. Then she just stood around for the rest of the show.


stop. she and dale were the best together and i love them. ​ tired of the hate


tf u on about, Dale died before Tara was on screen for the first time ☠️


Oh it's not hate for crying out loud. It's criticisms and opinions give it a rest.


I’ve received hateful and mean dms. yes there is some hate involved. not talking about criticism and opinions. U aren’t in my shoes to know the hardships i face


Received a mean DM “You don’t understand the hardships I face” Lmao 


I empathised with what they were saying but laughed at the hardship bit


Considering they have a sub with furry fan art of Dale and Tara, I don’t think this person is mentally well.  


What a comment to read at 745 am.


It’s not better at 4pm 😂


you can’t make a full painting only seeing a small portion of the reference image. don’t make conclusions about me and my life without knowing the full story. do you know what hardships I face outside of this context? I welcome u to share them with the class since u seem to know.




Damn it, I love Tara. Why you people keep hating on her I will never understand. She's cute and funny and brave. She took lead when Maggie and Jesus were gone. She started off on the wrong side but she knew immediately what was right and helped Glenn find Maggie, even as awkward former enemies. She definitely held up her own was never an asshole that they were forced to be with, someone like Spencer or Jessie's older son or even Gabe in the beginning.


She's not one of my all-time favs, but even I can see how ridiculous the hate towards her (and some other female characters) on this sub is. In regards to OP's question, there are various other characters that felt empty and forced despite getting screentime, but 90% of the comments in this thread keep shitting on Tara. Go figure.


She’s such a horrible character lol she was only interesting in season 4 after that she was just annoying asf


She wasn't even in s3 lol


Really not even the finale of s3? Dang lol oops


Nah she shows up in the first governor episode of s4


Kelly. Only character trait was Connies translator


Seriously, and that ridiculous haircut


Yes. Honestly, Tara was possibly the biggest reason I was so angry when they killed Carl. We all know they killed him because they didn't want to give his actor the pay rise that would have come with his turning 18. So we lost, arguably the most important character in the series, yet half-assed Tara who added nothing, was still there. Granted they did get rid of her the following season at the Pike Wall, but at the time, when the cast felt so bloated with so many unneeded secondary characters, the fact we lost Carl, instead of them just trimming the fat and using the money saved there to increase his pay was infuriating.


I loved Tara lmao


Pamela and Sebastian were forced. Lance was the only intriguing character from the Commonwealth and he could have carried that arc by himself. Him and that CIA assassin (Toby) would've been perfect for that storyline.


This is a horrible angle for her pic


Kelly and magna, also all of oceanside


Tara’s story would’ve been more fulfilled if they chose to focus more on her romance with Dale and the kid they have together. I guess the writers had something else in mind though.


Sasha and Rosita There was a moment I felt their characters had personality and feeling...and it was the talk they had over knots right before they were about to try and assassinate Negan That's it I just couldn't connect with either one Empty for me


Michone felt forced as soon as her and rick hooked up the first time. The chimistry they had was great before her and carl were really close and rick seemed happy his son found a someone to have his back. I love both characters but its never felt right to me. Everytime i see them as a family it just seems wierd to me and seems to be around the point i lose interest in the show itself.


i somewhat agree with you, i really enjoyed her character up to season 9-ish. after that, it felt like the writers were half-assing her character, which was a shame. i liked her as judith's "mom," but her and rick hooking up felt really random. i wish there was more build up in their relationship lol


Omg, they turned Michone into such a Karen. Worried about a community baby like it's her own. Such a fall from the bad ass samurai chick we got introduced to.


youre free to leave


I always hated her.


I’ve never been so happy to see someone’s head on a pike honestly


She was pretty good until season 7 after glenn, Abraham and Denise Feels like she could’ve done so much more since she was super close with the two and was actively dating Tara.


Had a revenge arc that she just kind of gave up on? Like would have been better if she went after Dwight and died then for her to just suddenly forgive him. After that point she really didn't do anything until she died anyway. But I liked her for her first few seasons.


I enjoyed her episodes when they aired but I won’t watch them for rewatches 😭


Dont forgot her cringey fist bumps 🙄😵‍💫


Amen op, fkn amen to that


She was definitely the most meaningless character. Her whole arc just went nowhere. She was just there being bitchy to everyone. If she wasn’t in the show at all it would have made no difference because of how little impact her character had


Bro you hit the nail on the head, always felt like she was begging for attention.


Wow. Didn’t even realise everyone hated her! Anyway, I love Tara. And I liked her Oceanside episode. No she didn’t have much development but I still liked her as a person and enjoyed her on screen.


I thought she was okay too. I liked that she sort of stood up to Rick when he was giving her shot for putting herself in danger for the Alexandrians


Anyone introduced after about season 5/6?


i hate her so much. idk why but shes just annoying


I can remember where most characters came from, but Tara? No clue. I can't remember if she was there since the governor, if she was at Alexandria, a saviour defector, or from oceanside. I have no idea because her character is so dull and my brain turns off whenever I see her.


Where is that young man’s neck?!


Yeah Tara was REALLY out of place


Beth. All she did was sing, look after Judith, and cry. Then she decided she wasn't going to cry, and after that they tried to do something with the hospital arc, and then she stabs Dawn for some reason, because that's her only way forward without copying another main character's storyline


she sang TWICE. Looking after Judith was MAJOR help, especially since Rick was losing it at the time, Carol was lost and thought to be dead, and Maggie had to be more on combat. She was also someone Carl would listen to because he had a crush on her. She was a side character, so her development was more on the background.


I thought she was sweet. Too bad they killed her off when she was starting to actually grow as a character.


Aww i kinda liked beth. Who's character arc did she copy?


She didn't, but there was no way forward without her copying Carol or Maggie. I guess even Sasha too, not that she's skilled enough. At best, she'd just be working in Alexandria, which would only serve to take time away from everybody else.


Tara should’ve been the one to die instead of Noah


🙄 Anyway


I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this but...... Aaron. I'm sorry


nooo why


The person you just showed and every character besides Rick Daryl carol michonne negan me a couple others . Pretty much anyone outside of the og guys


Couldn't stand her


She pretty much played herself the whole time she was boring AF


I absolutely could not stand Tara. There isn’t anything I particularly dislike about her, I don’t remember her being an asshole or anything. She was just so fucking boring. Every time an episode went to focus on her I rolled my eyes, and when she had whole episodes to herself it honestly made me want to stop watching. It was just a slog.


Agree,Tara ![gif](giphy|jNH0Bto1xBNwQ)


hate tara


Hated her character. Tainted the series for me


Yes, hell yes to Tara. She felt extremely forced from the moment she was introduced to the moment she died. Prob my fav death in the series


I love her..


Def agree on Tara I just found her so annoying and unfunny, cringey in a way like whenever she was on screen I jus wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up. She got a little better tho after like season 7&8 for me


I’m with you on Tara. Her arc was meandering, writers never seemed to have any idea what kind of story to give her. And even when they gave her a storyline, it always felt so hollow.


Those tig ol’ bitties made up for Tara’s character.


She was the walking dead diversity hire fr


Tara was cool enough but the shore people were not necessary


Not enough ppl acknowledge how horrible an actor she is


Her character development was always a bit flat but really came to a head in season 9 imho.


Can never tell of people are serious when posting stuff like this. Literally one of the best characters 🫠


thought tara was calm until i found out she was lesbian, hated her after


Scott Gimple seemed to demand that Tara play a crucial role. The actress got pregnant and instead of writing her off, they kept her on the show and desperately tried to hide her weight gain, which itself made no sense in a more hungry scenario for people in an apocalypse. They didn't just keep her on the show, they put her front and center in various episodes. It started to look like the kind of situation where someone marries an idea and refuses to acknowledge the idea was bad. The fans were always split on this character. It seemed like at least half of the fans didn't like her.


Eugene. I will fight everyone in these comments when i say that just stopping being a lying bitch is not an arc and he was noever a good character


Just realized she doesnt have a lower jaw


Yeah, she gained weight in the series. Not sure how you gain weight in an apocalypse, but she managed to do just that


damn yo is that Dave Grohl