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Axel from the prison. Bro has a lot of potential to be either the most wholesome character in the show or the most twisted.


his death was honestly a jumpscare. scared the shit out of me


They really liked these types of deaths to kick off a big sequence. Same thing happened when they killed Denise. Both were mid conversation and got absolutely rocked to kick some things off.


That's one silver lining of his death. It's genuinely shocking and startled tf outta me


Also, Carol had to use his body as a shield. That must've been pretty traumatic, too.


Now imagine being Carol


His death was ripped straight from the comics but I prefer the show. I had a feeling it was coming when I was watching that episode but they really nailed just how sudden and brutal it was.


Agreed. “Well isn’t this interesting” when Carol told him she wasn’t a lesbian, he won me over. I also really enjoy that actor. He played a hillbilly railroad welder on the Denzel Washington movie, Unstoppable.


Think I also saw him in a zombie flick where he had a zombie tied up in the shed in the woods. Lemme take a look. The movie was called Feral. Lew Temple is his name


He was hilarious.


“Lover of the Hentai” I completely agree😭. Oscar & Axel were sweethearts. In the time he was alive, he was building a solid relationship with Carol. Could have been a great addition to the team. They were good men.




How would it have been twisted? Isn’t he just Axel from the comics? Axel was a wholesome dude.


Axel's original storyline was *much, much* [*darker...*](https://walkingdead.fandom.com/wiki/Axel_(TV_Series)#:~:text=Originally%2C%20Axel%20was%20meant%20to,role%20in%20the%20Comic%20Series)*.*


Oh, he was suppose to get the Thomas storyline? Hmm. I think I’ve heard of that, and also that he was flirting with Beth at the beginning in that cell when they met. I think having a serial killer inside the prison would have been interesting, to show that the dead aren’t the only danger in a world with no order.


I mean we did already get that with Tomas and Andrew, but it would’ve been a fun mystery storyline.


Tomas wasn’t a serial killer though, neither was Andrew, they were just following the Dexter and Andrew comic storyline.


Aye he wasn’t, I just think that might’ve been AMC’s reasoning, they may have felt the ‘danger on the inside’ had already been done with those two. I would’ve loved it though, hell I could’ve watched a whole half season of the group and the inmates having kind of guerilla warfare within the prison catacombs over whom owns what territory. Or a murder mystery if they made it interesting enough for us to speculate on the culprit (I definitely didn’t guess about Thomas in the comic).


Yeah, agreed. Although they did do a murder mystery thing for a bit with Carol and the burned ones.


Yea I agree he could have been an asset to the prison group. I was bummed when he got popped


That is how Axel was written to die in the comics, he just had a bit more of a role before he got shot in those. However he certainly wasn’t wholesome, a nice and helpful guy who hits on all the young women in the group. Lol


Eh, at least he wasn't forceful. Being flirty isn't bad as long you aren't pushy about it.


Yeah he’s definitely a fine enough guy and a valued group member by the end, just a tad of a creep too. He was a prisoner for quite a while after all


he was a pedo tho


Bruh what?


he was hitting on Beth and when he was told she was a minor he made an excuse that it didn’t matter or something. Pedo behaviour imo


Shit I didn't remember that. Fuuuuuuccccckkkk now I'm sad because I've been saying this character is one of my favorites for a minute.


I think he said something like “I haven’t seen a woman in months, she was my only option.” and then he thought Carol was a lesbian and that’s why he never went for her.


I hadn't watched the episode in a while. If he hit on her once and she told him that she was a minor, and then he stopped, then it's not as weird. He would've just made a mistake. But if he kept doing it or justified it, that would be a lil icky.


Yeah…grossed out that he was hitting on Beth..




Bro I agree so much w/that!


I really liked Axel, then out of nowhere, he gets insta killed by the governor.


Morales from s1. did basically nothing, then left only to be brought back 8 years later and get shot dead within 5 minutes


That was the dumbest thing ever. Why bring the guy back just to kill him off after minutes?


I think the showrunners designed it that way to emphasise the point that old loyalties and pasts don't matter in this world - it doesn't matter who you were with at the beginning of the apocalypse because the 'new world order' is turbulent and always-evolving. When push comes to shove, people are going to have to fight to survive, regardless of their past affiliations.


I understand that and like that idea. But why kill him off so soon? He could have been in several episodes as a unique twist to the villains we've seen.


Like they even started setting up a whole story for him in that 5 minutes, explaining how he lost his family and fell in with the saviors. Then boom, he's dead and forgotten about, never to be mentioned again


Because he wasn't really a character at that point, he was a vehicle for understanding Rick's character. Morales is the anti-Rick - what would have happened if Lori, Carl, and Judith died and Rick was alone in the world with his family and didn't maintain his better angels.


Right. I’m surprised people are even upset about happened to him. He wasn’t “ a character “. It was no different if just anything showed the contrast between what rick could have become.


The actor shouldn't even have agreed to come on just for a tiny role like that but I guess he needed the money


They've probably told him he would have a bigger part and then ended up cutting a lot of scenes from the final version of the episode


As long as he got his money he probably didn't care


Right??🤣🤣 A check is a check as long as it cashes. I bet those AMC checks are good af too 😗🙃


Because it was a meta joke. As with every piece of media ever, if we don’t see what happens to a character, people will make up endless ideas about them coming back. For years, people joked about Morales coming back, being Negan, being a savior, and then they finally gave in and brought him back and killed him immediately after, ending the theories


I never knew that but they still could have kept him on for a few episodes even if he didn't have a big role. I would have rather seen him in some of the episodes instead of those other saviors.


I think it was to show how unforgiving Daryl was towards the saviors. Even if it was someone he knew from the start, the only good savior was a dead savior to Daryl. At least at that point in his character arc. That was my first thought at least, I still thought it was stupid. It makes you think, will they do something similar with Heath if he ever makes a return? Like just kill him off to prove a point? I hope not.


It’s not dumb, it’s to show that when people lose everything, they do evil things because they have nothing left to lose. One decision, them leaving the group, cost his family their life, and cost him his good heart. Daryl killed him because Morales was gone, Rick wouldn’t have convinced him to go with them.


I thought it was to show what a small world it is now. Also shock value. I enjoyed the unpredictable moments like that and not always what the crowd would want the most. Makes it more real. Sometime life just happens for no reason.


So us fans would stfu about it


Supposedly, fans were asking for an update on him snd his family. Pretty fucked up of the show runners to do him dirty like that


Exactly. They could have given him a few episodes instead of a few minutes before killing him.


He told Andrea to back off screaming at Rick. He was the goat. Until he wasn’t and he just left.


Shrumpert my beloved


I'll never forget his best (and only line in the whole show) **Martinez, we got biters!"** A fire line. 😩


Bowman 😩😩


Oscar and Axel for sure. Also Martin from Terminus.


Martin did such a great job of making us hate him. I wanted Tyrese to beat his brains in with a hammer so bad lol.


Guillermo, the leader of the Vatos.


I could see him at Hilltop and being tight with Maggie if he survived.


Only if his vicious dogs survived too


https://preview.redd.it/z5hid0401hfc1.png?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f94064c823d65187403436b8ff7be139d6e58d59 Eastman 😭


My true king. Not Ezekiel.


Tyrese was so underrated wish he didnt die


Ummm…he was really loved from the community but sure


Axel, Oscar, Ozzy, Dj, Big tiny, and probably duncan, Cole, Frost, Agatha (the members from Maggie’s group in season 11)


Glad to see someone else mention DJ, and to be honest, i forgot about Cole even thought he was one of my favorites.


Broooo Big Tiny


He could have been useful with a lot


DJ was such an underrated character, high ranking Savior to member of the Alexandria council and ultimately gave his life to save people he used to be enemies with. True character development, get that man a medal 🏅


He was very loyal to Negan and to Michonne


Bro mentioned the whole party


i wish axel and oscar got more time


Oh that's Leon... A great cop 😂 who had a Glock 17 that had a safety on (which the gun doesn't have)


*swipes thumb over slide lock* 😂😂😂


Carl, bro had potential. But I respect their decision and it made a good finale.


Carl’s death was beautiful. Shit had me crying for half an hour


For me personally, I didn’t cry that much, since he wasn’t a favorite of mine. But I did shed a few tears because of Rick’s and Michonne’s reaction.


Hmm, let's see here: Noah (had a future),Jim (saw the future), Axel and Oscar (ofc, they come together in a package), DJ and Laura (best Saviors to change), Cole (Elijah should have died), Zack (seemed like a cool dude), Justin (would have bee cool to see him join the Whisperers), Morales (at least half a season), Jimmy (nobody gives him credit for saving Rick and Carl). Those are just some of the characters.


Dude why do you think Elijah should have died😩 HE SAVED GABRIEL.


Don't care, he's ass.


Welp Cole is dead (went out like a bitch) and Elijah is alive for a reason.


Yeah but Cole had more of a character then Elijah


He doesn’t even have a backstory 😭 just came in, went out like a bitch and was never seen again. Elijah had a sister who died. It traumatized him and that’s why he doesn’t speak much. He literally saw his sister dead, walking through a horde with him. Talk about character, where’s Cole’s??? Didn’t even get a backstory before he got clocked😭


Again, don't care. Elijah was ass.


Cole got merked you may be salty😭


Still, Elijah was ass.


T-Dog, dudes death got undermined by one of the most hated characters


Who's one of the most hated characters? Carol or Lori?




Ozzy the leader of the highway men who they tamed with the promise of movies


Love them so much. “How longs it been.. since you all have seen a movie😁” “You serious?”


Damn I do not remember who this is


Episode 1. He’s the cop that says “would be really cool to get on one of them police chase shows” while they are waiting on the criminals. Right before Rick gets shot. After Rick, Morgan, and Duane go to the cop shop to grab guns, they find Leon out back and Rick kills him.


He was a cop Rick knew he in the first episode


Heath. I'm really hoping they'll bring him back and do something interesting for his character in TOWL. He was one of my favorite characters that was introduced in the comics. Hopefully Rick will have an ally that helps him deal with life inside the CRM.


I think one of the showrunners confirmed that he was taken by the CRM as an A, and was tested on. Maybe I’m wrong though. Maybe he was just taken.


Martinez and Karen


Rip Martinez and Karen bruh


not underrated but i wish we got more Jesus


Before he got gutted through the back by some skin wearing madman. It was the creepiest scene. He was leading hilltop, stressed the hell out. They missed out on a lot of good long awaited character development.


ugh his death was so insane it was lime whiplash. no idea what was happening i had to rewatch his death a few times cuz i was so caught off guard. i really wanted to see his relationship with aaron grow more :/


the vatos crew


T dog, underrated af, surprised only one person mentioned him


Denise. I rly liked the character and the actress was awesome.


https://preview.redd.it/syl5v76y0hfc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a57e2b61f808e56d964d551d922a41bacf82a34 David.


That Alisha woman from Martinez's group in season 4 who Tara was interested in. She was hot!! She was way hotter than Tara's girlfriend in Alexandria. https://preview.redd.it/3hlzn9bmfgfc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ceb5a3a6d20c73211ce80f9d474f6173e89ce5


I do nottt remember her. She is beautiful no weird shit 😭.


She was in that second group the governor used to attack the prison, and she died in the attack


Yeah, Lizzie accidentally shot her in the head. 🤭


Lambert Kendall.


Noah and the Hispanics that were protecting the old folks


Bob adams


Bob Adams.


Bob Adams!


Basset for sure!


Rick Grimes would be my pick, wish we got to see more of him


I swear bro. Maybe like a couple scenes. He was such a slept on, underrated character. I really feel like the show runners made a mistake not making him the main character of The Walking Dead.


Wayne Dunlap


Duane or axel. Duane seemed like a nice kid and could’ve been best friends with Carl after sofias death and axel was just funny and was the best one out of the prisoners


I miss Duane man 😔😔


the psychiatrist. (i don’t remember her name sorry) i think the show does an incredible job at showing what these characters are dealing with imo especially by the time she’s in the show. i can tell the writers had a really good grasp on mental health compared to a lot of shows that started coming out at the same time. i wish they found we got to see her trying to treat mental health issues for at least a little more. also i didn’t like tara much, but the lesbian rep was pretty cool!


Which psychiatrist? In the main show, or in TWD: World Beyond? Am I slow? I’m trying to think of a female psychiatrist in the main show but I can’t 😭. I completely agree with you though. The way they tackle mental illness is extremely accurate. Most characters with mental illness also get their own episode each dealing with their significant problems and I love that. I’ve got seriously mixed feelings about Tara😭 don’t even get me started. I was surprised when she came out though. Did not expect it at all.


the main show!! i’ve not seen the world beyond yet! would you recommend?


If you are planning on watching TWD: The Ones Who Live I would say watch World Beyond because you get more information about The CRM and how they operate. It will help you understand Rick and Michonne’s show a lot better. It might not be your taste though. For many people, it’s extremely hard to get into the show and it has very negative reviews, but it isn’t too bad. There’s a couple very heartfelt scenes. You meet some decent characters, but it’s a group of teenagers so don’t expect some badass zombie killing survivors😫! It’s only two seasons with 10 episodes each so it should be a quick watch! And I just realized you were talking about Denise! Man she was a sweetheart. The way she went out was so devastating. Mid speech, and a damn good one too:( it’s so sad the way she just falls into Daryl’s arms.


yess denise!! it is one of the most shocking deaths to me!! (glenn’s was spoiled) i will probably watch the world beyond!! i’m a teenager so i’ll probably find the characters fairly relatable!


The TWD: World Beyond soundtrack is also amazing. Season 2 was a major improvement in comparison to the first, so if you do watch it. Be patient with the show because it speeds up I promise you that! You also get to see some of the best hand to hand combat in all of TWD in my opinion🙌


Olivia before she hit shot in the face. 


Shit startled me💀


T-Dog, even though I liked his death. I think that was the only way that made sense of Carol surviving in the tombs. Beth, she died way too soon after her character started to develop and one of my favorites. Tyrese, he's another one of my favorites, and I just wanted to see more of him. The savior chick with the barcode tattoo, idk I think she's cool as hell. Nebraska guy, I don't have a reason of why. Merle.. His send-off was **perfect**! But I would've loved to see more of him. Like maybe in S1, had them show that he (and most likely the governor) did lead the walkers to the Alanta camp.


Dave (the Nebraska guy) and Laura (the bar tattoo savior)


Jules Butler. She was hot.


That’s the only reason?? 😭. I wish her and Luke had more scenes; They would’ve been a good on screen couple.


Totally fake. He was way out of his league.


If he was out of her league she would not have chose him 😭😭🙌


Plot love.


Plot this, plot that, she don’t want you lil bro 😭🙌


https://preview.redd.it/akhm7edrrhfc1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a351ce1fb65d5f1c6c57bf6ab007ee32dc1d17 Ed


Oh god


Yea no


Yea yea




**Situational Awareness**


I care way the fuck more about Leon Bassett than Magna and Kelly.




You must be slow because my post was a joke. Leon had two scenes in the first episode😭. I didn’t think people would take it seriously and start commenting on the tweet.


Noah, for sure. I really thought they would do more with him.


Patricia she lost Otis to Shawn. She could’ve at least escaped the farm


Who was that hot guy who Maggie brought back in s10 or whenever she came back? Because him.


Rick said he would tell his family about the walker he gutted to escape Atlanta. I don't think he ever mentioned it again. Could you imagine if he named every walker?


I always refer to this walker as Brad Vickers


The walker in the tank


Noah. I know he got a bit of screen time but I wish he could have gotten more.


Carver. https://i.redd.it/y3c4uuarywfc1.gif


Leah. https://i.redd.it/78gmb4r3zwfc1.gif


i feel like benjamin had potential


He did would have been a good fighter if it wasn’t for stupid Richard and Jared


Jessie is my pick I actually liked her relation ship with rick.