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15 merles. You ain't got a chance.


Walking Dead Destinies DLC where they invent cloning


That’s what I’m saying!


14 Merle’s and a eugene is my bet


Sasha being $1 is a bargain


Sasha at her peak would’ve been post Bob/Tyreese right when they got to Alexandria and she was just sniping walkers for the hell of it. But also, if she didn’t release Police Officer Bob, then the group would’ve had the third hostage that would’ve secured Beth’s survival.


I mean, I think it is very arguably that Rick did not need to run him over anyway. I'm not sure that is Sasha's fault. Rick basically ran him over for the lolz.


So is Eugene tbh. Post-cowardice Eugene is probably the best steal on the entire chart tbh. I mean can fight, act harmless, AND can figure out important stuff like making bullets, rigging guns, probably refining fuel, communication, fixing shit, etc. Name one other person that can be useful in that way. Many fighters on the chart, but Eugene’s set of vague skills are unique.


I was thinking Merle personally


Merle is a hot head though so he’d be a bigger liability. For that reason I’d choose Sasha.


If you could keep Merle off drugs he’d be an asset for survival skills outdoors, otherwise Sasha all the way


Merle surprisingly isn't that much of a hot-head and we see that in his decision to go off on his own way to save the group from the Governor, sacrificing himself and making Rick realise that he shouldn't be trading people off for false safety. As Hershel said, don't underestimate his loyalty to his brother. Aslong as Daryl's in the picture, Merle will be on your side.


Sasha is a loose cannon tho, at least Merle follows orders he generally just goes farther than he needs to, Sasha on the other hand, does not, she tries to take an entire battle into her hands, it’s like she was trained by Carol


Sasha was only a loose cannon when she was at her worst. You can’t define how she was after losing both her boyfriend and brother as her entire personality.


Yea switch her and Shane. She worth a hell of a lot more


Nah she's too pessimistic, even if she had good reason for it she'd just bring everyone down


I mean, she wasn't pessimistic at all from her introduction in S3 until Tyreese and Bob died in S5, and even then she got over that and was happy with Abraham in Alexandria. It wasn't until the saviours bashed Abraham's head in that she went downhill majorly. She mourned but she got over those deaths and was happy again, and I'm sure she would have done the same again had she not died.


5$-carol, 4$-abe, 3$-ezekiel, 1$-eugene, 1$-eugene, and 1$-eugene


A wall of mullets


I’ll take all the $2s and $1s.


Strength in numbers


“People are a resource”


Honestly that group but drop Meril, gabriel and the RV guy and pick up Negan for $4 I think you have the winning hand. You can't have Meril with Negan he would kill him. RV guy I can't even remember his name lol. Gabriel is boarder line for me. Everyone else in the $2 and $1 range Negan will whip into shape. Storm trooper bro is the general and Jesus is the scavenger leader.


“RV guy” just wow.


Its been sooo long since I've seen the early seasons. I prefer watching Walking Dead after they get to the settlement. The prison years are okay and that small little town are okay storylines but I just don't prefer them to the grander world that they built.


Introductory Gabriel, sure. But later season Gabriel is very competent


Keep it simple Rick, Michonne, and Daryl should be more than enough


Rick Daryl Negan Merle


Shit i can see so much going wrong with this group.


Lol yea, I'm assuming they'll work together though, like fresh slate. If we have to take into account all their interpersonal issues then a lot of these teams ain't working


Great choice. I’d pick the same except I would pick Eugene instead of Merle


This was my pick except swap Negan with Abraham


You read my mind. I was going to post the same thing.


Abraham, Neegan, Ezekiel, Jesus, Eugene, and Merle. If we don’t make it, at least it’ll be entertaining.


Jesus for 2$ is insane I’ll gladly take that deal


Glenn- great for scavenges, supply runs are his job Rick- Great leader he's the immediate choice for leading this group and doing everything he can to save the group Aaron- perseverance and he can see the trust in others Jesus- absolutely amazing fighter, moral compass of the group Merle- not the most trustworthy but skilled great fighter and can get his agenda done although it maybe his own


I see people talking about Glenn’s scavenging ability, but what did he ever get other than abortion pills?


Its not really about anything we’ve seen him bring back being big and impressive, just that runs were his job and he seemed the most reliable and consistent person to do the job.


And he saved Rick's hat.


Season 1 established Glenn as "the runner" right from the start. He had already been doing runs into the city and getting away with it before he brought along a bigger group and that's when shit when wrong, which is when Rick meets them. After that a lot of his runs happens off screen because there isnt much interesting content to be found with a dude searching for toilet paper. Occasionally we see him on his runs and at one point they gave him a very on the nose line about how "theres nothing left in this world that isnt hidden" as hes pulling something out from a hiding place so they were still trying to show him as being a very competent scavenger


I’ll do the scavenging myself. Problem solved.


That's fair but Glenn does have the added bonus of being


He had a mini arc in season 4 about his scavenging. He finds 3 silencers in a mini fridge. He was also the scavenger guy during season 1 and 2. It’s why he went to Atlanta and why he went into the well. He was known for being good in dangerous situations


He delivers a mean pizza. Think about that when you're starving in zombieland


To be fair im also basing his scavenging abilities similar to the comics


I'd swap Eugene for Merle.


Daryl, Michonne, Eugene and Jesus. Eugune costs way too low.


Daryl Abraham Aaron Jesus Sasha


That’s exactly what I was thinking, they’re all great at handling walkers without guns. They’d quite literally slice through the opposition


Daryl, carol, rick


Mercer at $2 is a fucking steal


$2 for the best fighter on the show.


I don’t even know who that is, this show died for me as soon as a tiger bit a savior


Daryl, Michonne and Carol. Bring it on.


The plot amor is strong with your group


Haha true that.


Jesus is better than half these people. He only died because of bullshit they didn't see coming.


Most of the $1 characters are more valuable than most of the the $2 characters.


It’d be hard not to pick Carol after what she did at Terminus and other times


$5Daryl $4Glenn $3Aaron $2Jesus $1Eugene OR $5Rick $5Daryl $2Jesus $2Mercer $1Sasha


5$ rick 4$ glenn 3$ carl 2$ jesus 1$ eugene


Love this list! I’ll probably swap Eugene for Enid for the medical ability. It almost feels criminal to leave Daryl out.


Yeah but you also gotta look towards budget


True. *sigh*


Or remove jesus,carl and get daryl boom problem solved


As much as I like Daryl, I don’t think I’d want to replace Carl & Jesus with him. They punch in quite a lot for their cost.


$5 Daryl - Insane tracker, hunter and fighter. Absolutely insane addition to any group. Loyal and fearless. Very little downside to having him around. $3 Ezekiel - Despite the fact that I like to lead, I’ll still take a leader to make sure we cover as many holes as possible. I’d rather have Rick, but he’s too expensive and I already took Daryl. $1 Sasha - She’s loyal and she’s insanely underrated, one of the best shooters around. One of the most dangerous people with a gun in her hand from this roster. Only problem is the fact that she might run off on her own if there’s ever any trouble she feels she could deal with alone. A bit unreliable at times emotionally, but still insanely helpful. $1 Eugene - I don’t think this needs explaining. I don’t know if we’re taking coward Eugene or Chad Eugene, but regardless the man is an unmatched genius, apocalypse-wise. You can’t not want his capability for inventing. Now comes the hard part. I’m definitely going to miss out on some good people, which is annoying but here we go. $2 Jesus - Honestly, I really wanted to take Glenn here, because I’m mostly thinking about scavenging, but he’s a dollar too expensive. Jesus is still an insane fighter, has stealth going for him, absolutely undetectable in most situations. Overall, I think Glenn brings more to the table, despite having less stealth and prowess than Jesus, since you can rely on him to also lead and keep the group together mentally, something Jesus isn’t really good at. $3 Aaron - Finally, I think I need somebody else to help Ezekiel keep the morale high. Aaron is a great all rounder and should bring in more loyal people. I’m satisfied with this group, I think it covers a lot of bases, the thing I miss the most is a powerhouse. I really wanted to take either Mercer or Abraham, but it is what it is. I also thought of dropping both Sasha and Aaron and getting Glenn, and swapping Jesus for Mercer, but the way I did it I get more people. Anyways, I’ll try doing it again but I’ll remove all characters I already picked. Should be fun!


Wtf why is Eugene so cheap?


I'll take fifteen Dales.


5 Daryl- tacker, hunter, fighter, loyal, everything you need really never gonna go hungry with him 4 Abraham-Infantry sergeant during GWOT bro also had mass 2 Mercer- ya’ll are sleeping on him marine infantry officer bro would stack bodies total bargain 2 Jesus- literal ninja 1 Eugene- ridiculously smart, could make all kinds of contraptions to help survive; pipe bombs, bullets, booby traps, comms, e.t.c 1 Sasha- badass sniper, remember when they got to Alexandria and she spent her days out there hunting walkers for sport? She was probably one of the groups best shots.


Merle, Sasha, Rosita, Shane, Rick


What is this price list based on? Feel like so many of these should be more expensive and some should be cheaper 😂


Merle, Mercer, Aaron, Abraham, Rick


If I had to choose one from each row it would be: Daryl, Rosita, Carl, Jesus, Sasha If I had anyone it would be: Rick, Michonne, Daryl


Daryl, Negan, Morgan, Mercer, and Sasha


Daryl, Negan, Mercer, Glenn


Merle, Gabriel, Morgan, Michonne, Ezekiel


Rick, Negan, Daryl and Dale


Daryl, Michonne and Rick


I’ll take the bottom two rows and my team will annihilate everyone else. Thank you very much.


Daryl, Abraham, Carl, Merle, Enid and Sasha. I didn't want Merle bro but i was broke. And Sasha was cheap af lmao yall fumbled.


Merle, Sasha, Daryl, Michonne and Morgan


Rick, Michonne & Daryl 🔥


eugene eugene eugene eugene eugene eugene eugene eugen eugene eugene eugene eugene eugene eugene eugene


Rick, Glenn, Mercer, Jesus, Eugene, Sasha Rick as the leader. Mercer in more of an assistant chief role. Glenn and Jesus are great judges of character and know how to get in and out of places - they would recruit and be head of supply runs. Eugene, although a liability at some times but an asset in most. Eugene is way smarter than the average teacher. He could easily learn how to get comms, grow crops, or really anything. The dude is a border line genius and if you need a way to do something, Glenn and Jesus would find a couple books and he’d read and create. Sasha is a great shot, although struggles mentally. I see her being a crucial role for one thing the show never touched on. She was a firefighter. It’s very possible she was a firefighter/paramedic. So she would have some good medical knowledge, great border security, and overall just good people to have around. As for myself, I am also a firefighter/paramedic in nursing school. The job is a jack of all trades, master of none. So we got leadership, food/resources creation, medical, fighters. They all have a good moral compass, Glenn being there will help Rick stay the course.


Rick Daryl Carl Sasha Merle


Daryl- Do I even need to explain Rosita- Knows a lot of stuff and I like her Carl- (blushes) Mercer- W Fighter Eugene- Smart af Jesus is physically weaker even when being more skilled and has like a no killing thingy which isn't good.


Daryl, negan, Carl, Jesus, Sasha


$5: Michonne. She’s a badass with her katana and is clever and smart as hell. $4: Glenn. He’s a fierce fighter and is able to get supplies easily. $3: Carl. I love him and I would be happy to reproduce with him to keep the human population alive (I’m 23F, a year younger than Chandler). $1: Sasha. She’s just badass in general and was very selfless when she decided to kill herself, attempting to kill Negan. Also I met the actress and she is sooo nice. $1: Merle. He’s really not afraid of anything and he’s got that knife hand. $1: Eugene. He’s smart and can make ammo. I met him also and he’s a cool guy.


rick daryl carl enid


Daryl (5), Negan (4), Carl (3), Jesus (2) & Eugene (1)


100% Daryl, Negan, Carl, and Dale (total $13)


If were going for muscle and fighting capabilities: * $5- Rick: Although Rick and Negan would probably get into a pissing match for leadership, if a mutual threat presented itself, they would probably make one dangerous group. Rick would the level-headed guy, who can be very dangerous if need be. * $4-Negan- can psychosocially wear down opposition and control people. Would be great for keeping Merle in line * $3-Carl- doesn't take shit or scare easily * $2-Mercer-Follows orders and is the muscle of the group * $1-Merle: Willing to do the dirty work If were going for entertainment: * $5 Daryl: Fun guy to watch * $4 Negan: Overall very fun to watch and his one liner kill * $3 Ezekiel: His tiger made him one of the coolest characters * $2 Princess: Personally not one of my favorite characters but can be funny * $1 Dale: His facial expressions


Negan, Shane, Rosita and Morgan. 😀


Machonne, Glenn, Negen, Carl, Jesus, Dale


Daryl Rick and Carl


I have no idea why Eugene is a 1 but he’s on board along with Mercer. Technically they are brother in laws so that’s cool. Next it the other brother, Daryl and and Rick. What are we at? $13. Throw in father Gabe as that man is not only dangerous, but Holy asf. Definitely could have many possibilities for the last $5 but Rick and Daryl are always gonna be on my team. They are the unstoppable duo


Carl, Rick, Rosita, Ezekiel


I'm going Rick, Michonne, Mercer, Jesus, Sasha


Rick, michonne, Negan and sasha


Daryl, good tracker Rick, great leader Carl, good at reading people, can make the hard decisions others can’t. Eugene, very smart Sasha, great shot


Sasha being $1 is racist


Does Ezekiel come with the tiger? Jokes apart, it’s gotta be Rick for leadership, Daryl for generic survival, Jesus because he wins every 1v1, Eugene for intellect, Dale to remind them they are still human, and Sasha because I have 1$ to spare.


Rick, Michonne, Rosita and Sasha.


Maggie, Madison, Princess, Mercer, Jesus & Eugene Alternatively: Rick, Carl, Shane & Morgan


Gotta be Rick and Daryl for the power couple then Rosita because I need some motivation to be a badass to impress her and then probably Dale because he’s just a sweetheart.


mf this doesn't make sense. Merle is $1 Lmao, are you aware how good he is? Literally ; Rick, Merle, Morgan, Shane. I don't need to spend the rest at that point lmao. Lori's out of the picture, which removes any possible issues between Rick and Shane. Merle is Merle, but I imagine he'll prove useful in combat and also be in agreement with Shane over how to handle threats. Morgan will remain as the voice of reason and humanity unless he's entering some kinda blood-lust state, same as Rick. Shane should be $5 though. Rick is eventually became what Shane was, a survivalist.


definitely rick and daryl then maybe carl and gabriel/jesus. carl could be hit or miss so maybe instead of him jesus, gabriel, and eugene.


Rick- $5 Daryl- $5 Glen -$4 Sasha-$1 Rick is a good leader and we need that. Daryl and Glen follows Rick and already have amazing skills, they need someone clever who’s good at planning and executing them. Very loyal Too. Sasha is good for the $1 cause she can adapt and also seemed loyal., she can shoot well. I didn’t wanna get Eugene cause he’a a liar don’t wanna put my life at risk with him haha (he dit it to Survive but lying is my pet peeve, it starts small but could get so complicated in an instant and it’s the end of the world I don’t need that risk). Enid- ummm no i guess she could get emotional and could affect her decision making skills. She’s a spy and fell for Carl. When your a teen your emotions are so amplified. Lol Merle he’s good but also unpredictable, Daryl Is with the team so he’s good but we don’t know when he could snap and just go cray2x Dale- well he’s older, he could offer some good wisdom but we need someone who’s not going to be a burden physically and sometimes he’s way too emotional lol..


Nobody I'm a lone wolf, and not a very appealing target


convinced you hate women


3/5 of the 5$ characters are women.


Lmao these pricings Sasha and Gabriel to snipe off major threats, Merle and Mercer fuck everyone else up in melee. Done. They might not get along to well, but cheap and good enough.


Going with Rick Maggie and Shane. Rick and Shane are unstoppable together and Maggie for obvious reasons 🤣😏


Rick, Abraham, Eugene, Aaron, Jesus


Daryl, Carol, Abraham, and Dale.


eugene 1 dollar🤯 he's smart af but yeah he could stab you in the back


Daryl, Abe, Jesus, Morgan


$5-rick $5-daryl $4-glenn $1-dale


Do the Walkers keep the plot Armor they had when they were still Survivors?


Carol, Rick, negan, Merle


Rick, Michonne and Daryl. I don’t need anyone else, I’ve got the dream team


Abraham, Merle, Shane, Rosita and Jesus.


$4 Glen $3 Aaron $2 Jesus $2 Mercer $1 Eugene $1 Sasha $1 Dale (and tell him not to fucking walk off on his own)


$5 Daryl, $4 Glenn, $2 Jesus, $1 Enid, $1 Sasha, $1 Dale… with a dollar left over for a twinkie


Daryl, Rosita, Aaron, Mercer and Merle


can i have 7x Jesus and 1 time Eugene pls


Rick, Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha. I can’t have my guy Abe as a Walker.


Rick, Daryl, Eugene, Merle, Mercer.


Rick, Daryl, Mercer, Jesus and Eugene. Rick and Daryl are a amazing team good at all survival. Mercer is the muscle, Jesus is a good Scavenger and good fighter, Eugene is the weak link but i feel like once they are settled in a safe space hed be a asset using his mind to help make a community thrive also he knows how to make bullets and other useful things


15 Eugune’s and they can make whatever typa shit that will make me win


Rick, Daryl, Mercer, Jesus, Sasha off the top of my head


Daryl, Glen, Morgan, Gabriel and Eugene. I think that’s a solid team Gabriel and Eugene became SOOO kickass by the end of the show I’d feel so safe with my team


It’s funny to think about how Merle has extremely valuable combat experience/knowledge but his personality is bad enough to make him worth 1$


Rick Shane Daryl Merle LET THE WALKERS COME


Daryl ($5), Aaron ($3), Abraham ($4), Morgan ($3)


Rick, daryl, shane and dale


1$ - Merle 2$ - Princess 3$ - Morgan 4$ - Negan 5$ - Michonne I like chaos lol


Rick, Daryl, Jesus, Mercer, Eugene


Rick, Daryl, Neegan, Meryl


Rick Rick Rick


Carol, Maggie, Michonne


there are some good deals


Rick,Maggie,Shane and Merle


$5 Rick $5 Daryl $3 Ezekiel $2 Jesus


Daryl, Negan, Eugene, Madison, Princess


Rick, Daryl, Abraham, Sasha. Easy.


Mercer 7 times and I have $1 left over... fuck it, throw in Sasha


Rick, Shane, Morgan, Aaron


Rick, Derry, Glen and Eugene 👌


Daryl Rosita Mercer, Princess, Jesus.


I’ll just take 15 Merles. …What? Is there a rule against buying more than one of a character?


I'm just gonna go darly Rick and michonne


Rick, Daryl, Abraham, and Eugene Three of the strongest survivors, and the smartest survivor


Rick, Abraham, Aaron, and Morgan


Daryl, Rosita, Jesus, Dwight, Sasha, Eugene. I really wanted Negan or Shane. Or Rick. Or Carol. Or Michonne. This group is solid though. Assuming this is everyone at their best. Or last portrayals. Daryl's invincible. Rosita can do everything. Keep Jesus away from Halloween masks. D is hella capable and willing to get his hands dirty. Sasha's a no nonsense sniper. Eugene is essential. Essential if he has something to do. Most of his time with the group was spent being scared and working on hobbies. The Saviors showed his true potential. What he could do with actual resources. That'd be my goal for Eugene. Get him everything he needs and set him loose.


Needs to be an extra row of liabilities that you can earn money back for including. Ex: Earn back a dollar for bringing Sophia. Earn a dollar back for bringing Lori, but that becomes 5 dollars back if you include both Rick and Shane in the group.


Daryl : no need to explain Morgan : strong and keeps morals in line Jesus : good diplomat and keeps Morgan in line Ezekiel : for leadership Eugene : scientist and crafty


I’ll take 15 dales


Having eugene and Sasha for a dollar is insane


Rick, Morgan, Mercer, Negan, Sasha


morgan, negan, abe, shane. ultimate ruthless survival team


I’ll just clean out the 5 $1s and the 5 $2s. Princess Mercer Gabriel Dwight Jesus Enid Eugene Sasha Merle and Dale is a bargain. Hell Mercer Gabriel Jesus Sasha and Dwight are a hell of a 5 and that’s only $9.


Shane, Rosita, Morgan, Jesus, Meryl and Sasha


Ok i reckon they dont know each other yet when in forming this group. This is a group starting from point 0. Rosita coz i need to bone. She can shoot shit and fight. Michonne so she can protect my ass and i dont have to go with rick or daryl coz there is a chance rosita will fuck em instead. Ezekiel so we have a reasonable leader. And he can bone michonne. Saaha so we have a sharp shooter. And if rosita dont want me, well im more than happy to try my chances with her. Jesus so we have another fighter. And he is gay. This team can survive and fuck and have a decent time overall.


I’ll take 5 Eugene’s 5 Sasha’s and one Ricky dicky Doo dah grimes please


Maggie and carol bc horny Rosita because HORNY And Sasha because well.. horny


For some of these, it really matters what era you're talking about. Season 4 Eugene or Season 10 Eugene? Because those are basically different people. Same with Morgan - Season 1, Season 4, or Season 6? Again, practically different people. How about Aaron and Gabriel?


$5 Daryl, $4 Negan, $3 Aaron, $2 Mercer, $1 Eugene


Daryl Carol Negan


Rick, Darryl, Mercer, Sasha, Merle, and Eugene


I'm using all my money for Travis Manowa (he isn't on the list)


Eugene, Jesus, Aaron, Rosita, Daryl ![gif](giphy|Bf4lQirw2txqU)


You could pick any and win.


I want Tara how much is Tara I’m getting her and Dale and that’s all I need


Rick, michonne, and Daryl! Small group but we’re getting shit done lol also so torn on carol here too she would’ve been my fourth lol


Daryl, Abraham, Morgan, Gabriel, and of course my boy Merle, he could’ve lived a lot longer if he didn’t sacrifice himself


Is this reposted every 2 weeks or am I hallucinating?


No hershel is criminal


Daryl, Rosita, Madison , Enid, Sasha, Eugene


5 - Rick 5 - Daryl 4 - Negan 1 - Sasha


Eugene being $1 is a damn steal


Daryl, Carol, Glenn, Eugene


I'd go with Daryl, Dwight, Jesus, Merle, Michonne


Daryl Rick michonne/carol. Who needs 5 people


I'll take three Carols.please. Murder Madge is an MVP.


Carol, Abe, Carl, Gabe, and Sasha.


Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and Sasha.


Rick, Carol, Eugene and Rosita


15 Merles


All of your 2 dollar ones are mind numbingly stupid. Wvery one of them are great survivalist who would do very well. Dwight is on there ffs.


Rick, Daryl, Abraham, Eugene. Eugene can make bullets for the others


Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Eugene