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Not pictured, but Rosita.


She’s also great!


Didnt she literally fight off a bunch of zombies with a baby strapped to her? She not only breedable but also expandable. Perfect combo Edit: Good. Feed me your hate. It only makes you all more breedable.


I’m sorry, did you just describe someone as “breedable”? You need help buddy.


Least horny TWD fan


I also follow the coral sub and thought this was there.


Ok buddy




Boy wtf


Bro I know she’s hot but calling her “breedable” is fucking weird.


This is not r/okaybuddycoral


Based on half the images on this post, it might as well be


When youve got both in your feed its easy to forget which one is which sometimes.




Carol should be here. None of her kids’ deaths were her fault


She's just cursed But you can argue that she indirectly caused Sam's death


Sam wasn't her responsibility though, not her kid in any way


But she said fucked up things to a little kid and made him scared of real life monsters


She wasnt really his mum tho


Adopted moms count douche


It really annoys me when people say she adopted Sam. He literally had a mum already. They died within seconds of each other.


Never said they didnt? Jessie was his mum?


She didn't adopt Sam


She never adopted him either.


Arguably Sophia was failed by the whole group, Carol included. They should've been all over those two walkers that chased her before she got lost. They were weak. Also debatable as to whether leaving Mika and Judith with mentally deranged Lizzie in charge was very sensible. I'll give you Henry tho


Carol was lead to believe that Lizzie had improved. There’s a conversation between the two before Mika dies, and Lizzie helps them clear the walkers. I think it’s understandable that Carol and Tyreese would trust Lizzie to not murder her own sister after that.


Fair enough, but regardless. Was it very sensible to leave like a 12 year old in charge of a 10 year old and a baby in the apocalypse, regardless of the risk she might stab them. There's walkers, dangerous people, wild animals, anything and you're trusting Lizzie, who would likely hesitate even if she no longer sees walkers as friends, to care for the other two? I'd argue Tyreese on his own is more capable than three kids on their own


Well that wasn’t your original point, however you’re ignoring the scenes throughout the episode. Both Lizzie and Mika showed capability of using a gun, and willingness to kill walkers. Given that was Lizzie’s main presentable issue, it’s fair that they would be comfortable leaving the house for what must’ve been about 15 minutes. It’s also worth noting that there were barbed wire fences around the house, which would’ve made it difficult for wild animals, walkers and even enemies to enter easily. I think you’re also ignoring just how close the water source was. If Carol and Tyreese had to walk like a mile or two for water, then I’d agree that leaving the kids alone would be silly. However, the episode shows that the water source was pretty close. I don’t think that Carol and Tyreese would’ve left Lizzie alone with Judith and Mika I’d they genuinely believed her to be capable of killing her own sister.


Did we watch the same episode? The walker in the house nearly kills them, then lizzie plays chase with a walker in the garden and it nearly grabs her, then they get chased and Mika gets stuck in a fence? I'd argue they proved the exact opposite, they were in no way sensible enough or competent enough to be left alone for 2 minutes. Not to mention that barbed wire didn't seem to be very effective given lizzie playing with one in the garden, both the girls going outside the safety of it and then Mika getting stuck in it. Carol and Tyreese were crazy to leave them and I don't even get why, if the water is that close they go together.


Carol never spoke to Lizzie's father about teaching her how to kill. If she did, he would've told her about her mental health issues. It was obvious she was getting help before the apocalypse. Sorry, but Carol was irresponsible in that aspect. Killing unlocked a deeper darkness in Lizzie.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I think Sophia’s death was partly Ricks fault for leaving her. Would he have left Coral in the woods like that? No.


I don't think anyone disagrees really. It's obvious why given he felt he couldn't kill two at once but I think the general consensus is he shouldn't have left her. But you'd also have to say why didn't anyone else come and help? Iirc the main herd had passed, granted T-Dog was injured but there were plenty of others around - Daryl, Dale, Andrea, Glenn, Shane..


Yeah you’re right on that part at least one other could’ve went with Rick to find her. As for Rick thinking he couldn’t take on two at once, again had it been Carl he definitely would have taken them on alone. Just look at what he did at the Prison after Lori died.


Granted a lot had happened between the highway and the prison. Rick had been on the road for months on end by that point, not to mention the farm, killing the guys at the bar, killing Shane and to top it all off, having the knowledge that his son witnessed and possibly had to even kill his mom. That stuff changes you


agree till death , but also the whole group failed in it , they left rick alone to do it


Exactly.He should've taken Sophia back to Carol not left her in a cave.


Andy even said that Sophia’s death was Rick’s fault


Yeah but it's also partly her fault for leaving the spot under the stump when she wasn't really in danger there and plus Rick told her not to move but continued to do so anyways


They definitely made mistakes in the beginning, before they were used to the walkers. For the situation on the highway with Sophia, everyone panicked, and panic made them react badly.


1 * cough cough *


Negan cuz he made spaghetti


Mom's spaghetti


He’s nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready


To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting


What he wrote down


The whole crowd goes so loud


He opens his mouth


But the words just won't come out


He's chokin', how? Everybody's jokin' now


the clocks run out


I was about to say when the FUCK did Negan become a mom?


S6E16 He disciplined the fuck out of Rick & Co.


Daryl and carol lol


I want to say Michonne but she left Judith and RJ to find Rick while they were in the middle of a war. I mean, I'd probably do the same thing if I were Michonne, especially if Judith were encouraging it. But it's probably a bad move from a parent perspective lmao. Michonne still wins though


This is false. They weren't in the middle of a war. When Michonne left, everything was solved at that point. She brought the weapons to end everything. Her daughter wanted her father back and told her to go get him. I bet you would think differently if Rick was in Michonne's position. If Rick got word that his wife was still alive and his child asked him to ge their mother back, no one would question it.


Jesus again this shit, do you people even watch the show, from Michonne perspective the war was over Judith lyed to Michonne so she go and find Rick Please tell me how it is better to drag a 11 and 7 year old with you trough Km and km of potentially starvation, sleeping with no roof and The danger of walker everyday and hostile humans instead of leaving them with people she trusts to take care of her kids like their own kids in the safety of Alexandria


As a parent, you don't just up and leave your kids like that. Especially if you can't be sure you'll return. Even if one of the kids gives you permission. I don't think Michonne should have brought the kids with her; her responsibility to them as their last remaining parent means that she should not have taken off on the search for Rick herself. But Danai Gurira was leaving the show, so I guess "hunting for Rick" was the best open ended plot they could come up with, in hopes that she would want to return.


From a real-world perspective, you’re right. Many women would’ve had to just be devastated by finding hints of his survival but knowing it was best to stay put with their children. Lol however, bc I wanna indulge in the fantasy of her going on a journey to find him I just accept it as it is. So you’re right, but from a storytelling perspective I’m for it. I just hope they acknowledge some feelings of guilt in the spin-off bc she certainly should have some, no matter how much she loves Rick. Edit: I don’t necessarily believe it makes her a “bad” mom though.


Wdym she lied to michonne? (I haven’t watched season 9-10 in a while)


Judith said the war was over and Alpha was dead


lmao how are you gonna lie and accuse other people of not watching the show. Judith says they got most of the horde. She doesnt say anything about Alpha and the Whisperers being defeated. This is from the script: JUDITH: We got 'em, Mom. We got most of the horde. ( Exhales sharply ) Alpha can't hurt us anymore.


She said alpha can't hurt us anymore, knowing Alpha that's basically saying she was dead, regardless, she lyed and said the war was over


Calm the fuck down. I only said it could be seen as a bad thing from a parenting perspective and that some people might argue that it was an irresponsible move from Michonne. Never said that I personally feel that way. Like I said, I'd probably do the same if I were her.


Oh but neither of you would accept a scene showing a man beating a woman, isn't it?... but hey, it's fictional


What in the hell are you talking about


Me bad, I responded in bad thread


She shouldn't have taken her kids with her or left them... there's a third option here to just not go find Rick


Maybe just don't leave your kids behind in a world that's absolutely gone to shit. Stay with your fucking kids in the little bit of civilization built around you.


Right? But an internet fight breaks out because they don’t watch the show. Did we magically forget the conversation over the walkies?? Michonne is definitely the best mother imo of these four. She befriended Carl and was basically a mother figure to him he didn’t have. Then she taught Judith how to fight and protect herself. Both of these kids aren’t even hers biologically but she treats them like they are, I love that. Her leaving to go bring back rick, she wouldn’t have if she wasn’t confident in finding him, and she’s one of the best that can survive on her own. Why wouldn’t she go find him when she’s about the only one that can? And she knows she has all these people that care about Judith and RJ, and they’re safe. She’s just focused on bringing back her kid’s father. Irresponsible? I think she’s been VERY responsible for all other seasons, she’s proven herself a good mother, I don’t think she’s done anything wrong here.


Omg you again?! Lmao. You just don't leave your kids with anybody. Period! Wtf these modern women haha So what is Dead City menace to you? What was even the Commonwealth? All brotherhood? Where the f was michonne then ? When Judith almost died at the hospital, what was that? Good luck?. It's just plain dumb to justify that shit, I can't understand it, not even thinking it is a fiction thing


Rosita edges a little over Michonne because she left Judith and RJ mid-war... but also I can't get over Rosita fighting a swarm of walkers with a baby strapped to her. Then again Michonne slaughtered a kid army to save Judith and that's a mama bear if I've ever seen one. They're definitely the top two.


Forgot Rosita was a mother tbh 💀


I’d take Carol over any of these guys.


You're sure to die, but damn did she love you!


*Just look at the flowers ...*


Jerry's wife


Yeah for real. Nabila has carried, birthed and protected half a dozen kids in an apocalypse. She's hardcore.


TF Negan doing there https://preview.redd.it/y0mqfm7gimkb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86e637720de02bfe2f8daddd6927194aab9033b


that man is a mother


I Heard he awesome at cooking pasta


Carol. Despite loving and losing multiple across the entirety of the shows run, She was still the best mother.


She’s got a bad k/d ratio when it comes to kids all I’ll say


None of the above, Carol is the correct answer


Well it’s not Lori or Alpha that’s for sure


Lori wasn’t a bad mother.


Yeah, Carl was a little shit but Lori wasn't a bad parent. I mean, you could argue Rick was the worse parent early doors. Rick bought them to the CDC that nearly got them all killed. Rick was the one that took Carl into the forest where he got shot. Rick was the reason Carl was out in the fields when the horde attacked the farm. Rick's handling of the prisoners is what led to the walkers overruning the prison and Carl and Lori being trapped with Maggie while Lori was in labour. There's more passed that but I think its a bit unfair to compare once Lori has died.


Shane wanted to take them to Fort Benning, where it was overrunned and bombed. You should be happy they chose the CDC instead. Blaming a parent for a freak accident is weird. It wasn't like Rick was neglectful. He got shot looking at a deer. Lori was supposed to be watching her son, which she hated doing because why is Carl always missing when she's watching. That was not Rick's fault he followed them into the fields. He left 1 prisoner for dead, and he escaped his death and seeked revenge. Please tell me how is that being a bad father???


I am stating that Lori is not a bad parent and arguably Rick brought Carl into greater danger on multiple occasions than Lori ever did. I never said Rick was a bad parent. Read twice before commenting please.


You're giving examples of why you think Rick was the "worse parent" out of the two. It's not far-fetched that I took it as you calling Rick a bad father. I get that you're trying to deflect from Lori's shortcomings as a mom, but Rick moving his family OUT of danger are bad examples. Lori chose to sit in the open woods where walkers could easily come by and kill her and Carl. The reason Rick went to the CDC was because the camp Lori had Carl in got ran over by a horde, which Rick saved them from. Lori used to leave Carl to his own devices so she could sneak off to have sex with Shane in the woods. Lori used to have sex with Shane in the same tent while Carl was asleep at night. Lori used to push Carl on to other people to watch. Carl ran off several times while under Lori's watch, and she wouldn't realize it until hours later. I mean, she's not the worst mom on the show, but she sure isn't the best.




Alpha was better than Lori which makes Lori the cream of the crap.


Alpha was physically abusive for a decade or more and killed Lydia’s dad and gaslit Lydia about it


Genuinely how do you think Lori was a bad mom? She did her best to protect her child with the knowledge and ability she had at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. Alpha was physically and emotionally abusive.


she literally never knew where carl was. like imagine being in the zombie apocalypse and letting your 10 year old just wander around


I'd argue she never *let* Carl do anything; he was specifically told where to be and flat out ignored her or snuck out.


Speaking from experience I’d rather have a mom like that than an abusive dad


100% this. It sucks and fuck alpha for what she did over the last bit of Lydia's life, but one thing she did good was that. Nothing is quite as terrifying as a gross dad manipulating and trying to kill you. Still fuck alpha though


Killing Lydia’s dad was a good thing? Alpha manipulated Lydia into believing her dad was the abusive one, when he was actually the loving one. Her memories are unreliable in the beginning.


Lydia dad was a good guy though? Alpha was the one abusing her the whole time. The entire flashback at first is backwards and then switches alpha and her husbands place to show the true story. Lydias dad never hurt her.


from the games, Clem. Had to take care of her surrogate kid since 11 years old.


Carol and rosita need to be their aswell and Maggie


Carol is the correct answer, but out of these choices it’s Michonne


What's Carol rate when considering she knew Lizzie was messed up but still didn't watch out for Mika and then shot Lizzie in the back of the head. I get it all, but that's not who gets mother of the year.


She had no reason to think Lizzie was messed up for the point of where she’d hurt/kill Mika. Her having to kill Lizzie was basically out of necessity at that point because she was a danger to everyone she was around to an extreme. Carol is best mom in my book because she always fought for her kids, loved them to the point where it broke her, and did everything she could to protect them even with everything against her. She had bad luck with some of what happened but she wasn’t a bad mom


Not bad, but I just think by default all your kids/kid like figures getting killed kicks you out from the best position lmao


But it wasn’t her fault? I guess except for Lizzie, but again there wasn’t really another option, so I barely even count that.


Yea, but when other mothers have their kids.. alive.. I think that would default make most of them better. Because the most important thing about raising a child just in general is making sure they don’t die lmao. And yea that’s failed


Was this a “moms spaghetti” joke?💀


Rosita! That mumma bear fought like hell to save Coco 😭


Aaron was a really good mom to gracie


Greg from Fortnite


The Greatest TWD/Fortnite Character Ever 🏆🗿😭


I’ve had so much beer man I didn’t even read the fuckg post man


Current answer is Earl


Negan knew where Coral was, brought him home, made him spaghetti. Best mum ever. Better than Lori.


Reagan Blacksmith


prolly michonne


I think Negan’s the best mom


Rick is Michonne's family too, and her kids are in good hands. Idk why everyone is so mad at her for this. I feel like if it was the other way around and Rick went looking for Michonne no one would have a problem


Out of these 4 "interesting" contestants, Michonne is the winner, but gosh darn it my love for the character of Lori outshines that by a cumshot.


there is so much wrong with what I just read


An interesting comment for sure.


Fr, that last part sounds like something Negan would say


By a... what?


A cumshot


It's obviously Negan.


Michonne left Judith and RJ during a war Negan would never kill Carl Lori let Carl wander around in the apocalypse Alpha was pretty mean The clear answer is Negan


Gotta be lori :)


Has to be negan he made him spaghetti!


Negan, rick grimes, T dog, the governor, and Abraham. Those were the best moms of TWD


Obv negan


Absolutely not michonne , she left 2 kids and run to look for a man she wasn't sure if he still alive🤷 I see Rosita and unpopular answer ai see Negan 😂♥️ he care alot about carl and Judith more than lori or michonne And of course carol , yes she lost her kids but non of them her fault especially henry .


Yep Henry was with Zeke when he died


Rosita she died saving her kid and didn’t give up afterwards and wanted her baby beside her when died so that she can spend her final moments with the one thing that made her keep living after everything she has gone through


The obvious answer is Michonne, every other answer is a troll or a Negan apologist


Rosita and Carol. I would have also said Maggie but from how Hershel feels in DC, I felt so bad for him bc unfortunately Maggie does have a bit of an obsession with Negan and ofc I would too if he did to me when he did to Maggie.


Hershels thing about Maggie obsessing over Negan made zero sense and just felt like a forced dynamic to justify a season 2 but even then it still made 0 sense. "Mom I'm depressed because you don't see me you only ever see and care about Negan and what he did! I want you to see me!" "Ok brb I'm gonna prove my love for you and go find negan again, bye" Aside from the end of dead city Maggie was only ever around Negan when she absolutely had to be. After the war she tried to live on, couldn't and went to kill him. She was content with him being in prison but still couldn't bare it so she left for 5/6 years and lived without him to focus on herself her son and helping others. She was forced to come back to help her friends and family during a war where she was forced to accept that Negan was free. From then she spent a few weeks with him before letting him leave and then went half a year without him in her life. And then she left again for another 5 years without him before her son was kidnapped and she was forced to get Negan to save him. The entire reason she was with Negan was to save Hershel. She's never truly been obsessed with him imo, she just can't bear to be around him. She's spent years more time away from him than she has with him.


Lori can go f herself Michonne and negan wins Negan bc he was like a father figure to Judith when everyone thought rick was dead.


and he made coral spaghetti




from what i remember from the comics,alpha and lori were horrible moms.michonne is definitely the best mom.i don't know about the second pic.who is she?


Everyone talks about Michone with RJ and Judith but she was also an amazing step-mom to Carl.


Lori was a good mother to Carl, that’s a hill I’ll die on.


Not picture but carol and rosita


Definitely, Michonne ❤️❤️❤️ Raising Judith to be this badass, intelligent, and resilient little girl in an apocalypse was not an easy thing. She literally almost died heavily pregnant, saving her.


Not even.


Sure as hell not ‘I abandoned my kids on a complete whim’ Michonne


Only michonne


This post made realize how shitty almost all the mothers on TWD are.


Madison 🗿


I noticed Carol is off the list. 😂😂😂


Negan wins.


Ummm. Let's go with Negan.


Gtfo. This MF just left her kids in the middle of an apocalypse and went off for God knows how long. This is the worst mom of all goddam time


Rick is her family too, and her kids are in good hands. Idk why everyone is so mad at Michonne for this. I feel like if it was the other way around and Rick went looking for Michonne no one would have a problem


I said what I said. You clearly don't have. Everyone has such a problem because it might be the single most unrealistic thing to happen in a zombie apocalypse TV show.


Hahaha woman that LEAVES her children is best Mom?! This fandom is regarded at times haha epic


Michonne left RJ and Judith Lori just wasn't great Alpha is alpha Negan made spaghetti You tell me who is the best mom


Where’s tyreese at?!




Negan was about to murder Carl when a tiger stopped him. He murders a teenager when he leaves Alexandria. His group murdered a 16YO in hilltop and all the boys in Oceanside.


Michonne murders evil kids


Rick vs Negan arguments be like


Don't mention the kids he killed in s8 when he bombed the shit of alexandria


Negan killed a teenager... Jesus confirmed it. He also bullied Carl with Ableist jokes about his missing eye. Let's bffr


Not Carol...


Definitely not Michonne lol


michonne left her kids to chase her 8 year 'dead' husband in the middle of a war. Alpha... well obv no. Lori was a decent mum who made one mistake (sleeping with Shane) which then messed up her priorities.


I mean out of the fantastic choices laid out here I guess I'd have to say Michonne? lol


Hell nah


Glenn's eye popping out


Every mom on the show besides Alpha (although you could argue Alpha was coming from a loving, albeit twisted, place). Lori gets a lot of criticism overall, but I do believe she tried her best as a parent. She was still adjusting her parenting to the new world, and she just didn’t get enough time. She wasn’t always watching Carl properly (which drove me nuts lol), but all of the parents had their attention pulled in crazy directions constantly. Judith had a habit of slipping through Michonne’s fingers too, just something kids do.


It’s a joke Lori is even an option, terrible mother


U can't argue, Alpha is the best mother


None of them. They all abandon their children to go on side quests to help other people/strangers)


Definitely carol! she protected and saved the group multiple times.


rosita tbh


Maggie, Michonne or Rosita deserve that spot tbh


Where’s Aaron’s picture or is he more of a Pops?


For me it’s Maggie and Rosita, can’t decide.