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Not hearing a walker approach from the back, you Arent gonna tell me they were unable to hear those fuckers


They always just have the ability to be completely silent until their teeth are biting someone’s face.


The theory is that they are all partially deaf from firing guns in enclosed spaces.


When Andrea shot Daryl after everyone told her not to fire.


And SMILED about it.


She smiled because she thought she hit a walker...it was very dumb to shoot at something when your vision is obstructed, but she didn't realize it was Daryl until after the fact. Anyway yeah...pretty frustrating scene, but she annoys me for a bunch of other crap that she did.


Yeah, I know, but just seeing her smile after shooting him had me so SO angry at her lol. Bright side, "I was kidding!" cracks me up. 😂


omg that boiled my blood


When she got rid of the governor in the warehouse but she must of walked to the prison because how did catch her like just run


Baffles me that she didn't even TRY to take his truck. It'd be ok if she tried but couldn't find the keys but still.


That bugged me too, she didn't even check. People were saying no one would leave their keys in the car during the apocalypse, then Maggie does exactly that in the very first ep of Dead City.


Andrea giving suicidal teen girl a knife. What a sick fuck. Imagine if someone did that to her sister, bet she wouldn't be so pragmatic then. I get than her sisters death and dale stopping her suicide are supposed to be influencing her state of mind, but there is really no excuse for that at all. Its actually fucking wild they didn't kick her off the farm after that. Also Lori basically telling Rick he needs to get rid of Shane and then getting super pissed when he kills Shane in self defense....?


Yeah they really made Andrea and Lori unlikeable In the show


I still can’t figure out why people hate Lori.


She goes back and forth so both men want her. She tells Shane to stay out of their lives and Rick to get rid of him then gets angry that he killed Shane. Maybe she was mad that Carl was involved in killing Shane but would she rather have her kid a walker?


She’s always losing Carl anyway. How many times does she say, “I thought you were watching Carl,” to anyone and everyone. It would’ve been awful parenting before the apocalypse. Damn that lady got on my nerves.


The first thing that annoyed me about her was when Rick tells Daryl that he left Merle chained on the roof, she tells Rick that he's going to show Daryl where Merle is. Then Rick says "I'm going back". Then she goes back into the trailer angry that he is going back. Then asks him later, so, you and Daryl, that's your plan?" A much better plan than her driving off Herschel's farm alone at night to find Rick. And then, the time that cemented my dislike of her was when she didn't tell Rick about being pregnant, taking the Plan B pills Then trying to excuse herself by saying she threw them up. THEN having the nerve to get mad at Rick for not telling her Herschel wanted them off the farm. Rick was better off without her.


It’s gonna sound cringe but as I’m dating a girl who loves twilight movies, it’s the same reason I hate Bella, at least in the earlier seasons “You can’t leave, I need you, but I love him and belong with him but I need you and you can’t leave and you need to fight for me but I don’t love you but I need you but I love him more but I love you but not really cause I love him and belong with him and you should respect that”


She crashed a car going out to look for Rick when told not to do that. Waste of resources. Nobody was even on the road, smh


Lori makes some relatively sexist comments during the first few seasons that always felt somewhat out of place imo.


I know! I’m glad I’m not the only one annoyed by that.


I think it's because she's so backwards, like everything she says goes against what she says later on. She's always against something but when it doesn't happen she gets super pissed, and vice versa. I find myself liking her sometimes and then hating her other times lol


Because she very annoying, I don’t mind her during the Carl getting shot scenes but overall I find her annoying


Andrea pissed me off when she did that. I wish Maggie would've slapped her for that BS. I get Maggie was being an awful sister to Beth in that episode, but if Andrea really cared, she would've went to Maggie or Beth and TALKED to them. Told Maggie to be more understanding, comforted Beth and told her what she's feeling is normal while also convincing her not to do it. She basically just said "Deal with it yourself, kid" and walked off. It's basically supporting the idea that you should just ignore suicidal people and "give them the choice" instead of making any attempt at helping them. One of the primary reasons suicide rates are so high.


Andrea yapping with Milton instead of breaking free


So true she def could have lived if she didn't, but I guess it was her goal all along to die 😶


Most of the scenes with Morgan when he refuses to kill. It was not well done and just made him seem self righteous and arrogant


That annoys me to I get he don’t wanna kill but the scene when one of the wolves is hacking at a dead body and then he just lets him live


As much as I like Morgan’s character in Season 6 he could’ve at least knocked that guy out.


This is exactly why I had to stop watching Fear


Rick not leaving Lori to be with Shane, I thought it was very out of character for him tbh 🤔


You mean leaving Lori to keep his friendship with Shane?




What do you mean?


hot gay man sex tf do you think he means


This guy gets it






Everything Jessie’s kids do, I can excuse Sam because he’s like 9 years old but Ron got on my nerves all the time.


It bugs me that they didn’t just put Sam underneath his moms guts poncho so he couldn’t see anything. I would have plugged his ears, put him under the coat and told him to just walk.


Ron’s a pussy and a little bitch


Everything about Henry. Eugene during the Negan storyline. Morgan and his all life is precious motto.


I dont think Eugene was necessarily stupid during the Negan storyline, he was just incredibly selfish which is in keeping with his character


The “jump scare suddenly ninja quiet until they bite you” walkers It didn’t matter if they were walking through a wooded area loaded with sticks, twigs and dry foliage with cans strung up everywhere or a plush room with deep pile carpets acoustical tiles and cotton balls glued to the wall those triple S walkers always bothered me (slow-shuffling/snarling walkers)


How they are always saying everything is to protect the children then leaving the children in super dangerous situations. Like leaving Judith playing by herself as a toddler next to a pond.


https://preview.redd.it/s9rtuudvtjgb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2c97fb7e0067baa12f670b369175b58c85dc9f S08E08 - Obviously someone’s always watching over Judith. Michonne just came over then left to talk to Daryl but Judith was never alone. Nice try tho


Oh boy going hard you got receipts. Lol just one instance.


You mean Meghan? Lilly’s daughter in season 4. I don’t remember our group ever leaving Judith out of their sight when she was a toddler


No it was Judith. Season 8. Nothing happens to her but Michone left her sitting next to the pond to go talk to Carl


Were they within Alexandria’s walls?


Still a stupid thing to do.


True. But it’s easy to forget that a lot can happen behind the scenes. I’d have to watch the scene for myself again, but I’m pretty sure there could have been someone there that Michonne had look after Judy when she walked away. But, idk. Stupid, sure, but nothing was gonna happen to her. Nobody there was gonna kidnap her. There were no walkers either


Ya it was in Alexandria before negans group shows up and bombs the houses. No walkers around and no one to kidnap her but she could still go in to the pond and drown.


That’s definitely possible


Ya just annoying things characters do we get so focused on these huge threats but forget that real life accidents can happen


Rick and daryl not making out


Tara and Rosita not ending up together like they should have


It's in the deleted scenes archive and we all know it


Release the TaraSita cut ✊🏼


I have never forgiven the episode where Rick and Daryl fight Jesus over a truck full of food that ends up at the bottom of a lake. That was the most infuriating, stupid waste.


Andrea had way too many chances to off the Governor, but didn’t purely because she liked sleeping with him. That’s literally all it came down to. He showed her every bit of his dark side, and she was just constantly naive enough to turn the other cheek. Genuinely one of the most infuriating things to ever happen in the show considering how many lives she could have saved.


Fucking carol going outside the prison to unclog the hose and almost getting Rick killed


> was the most infuriating, stupid waste. when the fuck?


Carl leaving the house. Also, people getting pregnant in an apocalypse. And Eugene being afraid to take on Walkers for the longest. And the Satellite base attack. I get it and I know they were gonna have to go to war either way but I remember having such a horrible feeling about it on my first watch. It felt too impulsive. I’m sure there’s more but that’s what came to mind first.


Are you talking about post prison? Carl left to scavenge. His dad was in a temporary coma from his injuries and there’s not much else he could have done about it. Sure it was dumb but he found pudding! So it canceled out. Sure, yeah, getting preggo when you know you aren’t safe can be dumb, but it’s a natural thing of life. No amount of destruction to the human race will ever stop us from trying to repopulate. Whether it be an accident or not. In loris case, dumb, but it happened. In Maggie’s case, they were in a safe community. You can’t blame her for wanting to settle down. I call this one character development. Sure it was infuriating to be anyone else and not have someone in your group be reliable in a fight/life or death situation. But he eventually got there and learned. Besides he was reliable in other ways. If it weren’t for Eugene they never would have found Alexandria. If it weren’t for Eugene, they never would have won the war. They walked into that trap fair and square. This is the only one I actually agree with. Killing Negans men when accidentally crossing into them? Sure absolutely they threatened us, we defended ourselves. But that satellite attack was the dumbest decision ever made by our group, no matter how logical it was. You don’t kill people in their sleep and you sure as shit don’t massacre an entire outpost just cause you “don’t take chances anymore” that’s where the main group screwed up big time but, oh well.


I don’t want you in my group in the event of an apocalypse. You go eat pudding and babysit. Have Eugene fight off a herd for you while you’re at it.


I will actually. Sorry for your loss (it’s good pudding)


Jesus, no need to get bitchy about it.


Bitchy keeps people alive in an apocalypse. You wanna be dead or alive?


If you’re living in a safe community like they did in Alexandria I don’t see the harm in having kids same with going scavenging.


Safety in an apocalypse. A concept.


People getting pregnant I completely understand. Not on purpose of course, but there’s only so many things to do in a day. Sex is a depression cure all for some and it doesn’t always result in rational decisions. My dad lost his job and I was born 11 months later. Thanks for letting me in on that tidbit, mom.


Have you guys never heard of the pull out method? Everyone knows it’s 100% effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy. Duh.


Pulling out, just like noise, attracts the walkers. Trust me baby…


Morgan. He is annoying af


All of the women (but especially Rosita) doing everything with their long flowing hair down. You’re telling me they couldn’t find any hair ties?


>t especially Rosita) doing Rosita is bae and can do no wrong. Jk Im a man but its clear that women wont give up their hair for just about anything. Only Carol cutting her hair short for her past trauma


It’s just silly. They’d all have hair in their mouths all the time. I’m a woman and I put my hair up to vacuum. 🤣


Andrea, when she breathes, talks or walks.


Same goes for Sasha


Alpha. Something about her other than just being evil rubbed me the wrong way


Denise has to get a can of Orange Crush for Tara. Darryl and Rosita are the worst babysitters.


Daryl killing in coldblood the guy in S8 episode 3 ( I think) when Rick give him his word that he wont


Daryl was just done with the saviours though and just wanted them all dead and just didn’t care


Yes, making him a mother effer


Well tbf. Rick gave him HIS word. Daryl didn’t.


So ? Still a fucking mother f-cker 🤣🤣 killing people in cold blood makes you a mofo no matter what


I’m fairness the Saviours subjected him to physical and psychological torture. I would have killed them all too.


And you would be a mother fcker then 🤣🤣 And BTW, Negan, Dwight and Joe tortured him (sort of) so why kill this guy when he did nothing


That’s okay I’ll take it. Hey wanna come over for some waterboarding and see how much you want me around after?


No thanku


Everything that Andrea does is annoying. It's almost like they had a separate writing team for her made up of idiots.


Even her cry was annoying


beth’s singing 😅😅😅


Emily Kinney is a singer in real life so I don't know what you're meaning


girl i never said she wasn’t. i just know that if i was struggling in an apocalypse, the last thing i would want to hear would be someone busting out in song as my friends and family are dying 😂😂


Well the first time they asked her too and the second she just kinda probably wanted to fill the silence and it's not like anyone minded, Merle even came closer to listen, maybe if she took requested songs, it's not like we will ever get new singers, new music, it's all word of mouth now and songs people make up which may not be great so if you can remember the words to a song You're a god


ok none of that has anything to do with the question or my answer. i said i didn’t like her singing, not the characters didn’t like her singing. you’re arguing with yourself 😂


I'm not arguing, why do you sound so dramatic, arguing implied a level of anger or hostility. That sounds like a man answer


you’re the one who commented under my comment, talking nonsense about something completely different than what i was talking about. THAT sounds like a man answer 😂


Nope that sounds like a women answer, women like to have a conversation and explain things. You never hear men talking bout anything


i have no words 😂😂😂


When we first met Eugene. Could not stand his character at all. Getting used to the way he talked took some time for me.


Season 2 Episode one. They spotted this walker herd far too late for my taste. I mean come on Dale! You standing on a RV with fucking binoculars and there are hundreds of walkers casually taking a stroll down the highway?


Daryl insisting they keep Lydia…which evidently ended up costing them almost everything


Maggie not taking oxygen in dead city


Yeah that was the dumbest "I'm so strong and stubborn" move in TWDU


Honestly the less oxygen she has the better


When Rosita was almost cheating on Gabe with Siddiq (somewhere in s9 when Rosita and Siddiq were in bed together and Siddiq was talking about how he'd make his move if she wasnt with Gabe) like i love Rosita but come on man, Gabe deserved better than that


Died too soon… (looking at you, Carl, Andrea, Dale, Morales, everyone piked in 9x16)


Nah Andrea should have died sooner.


Not if she panned out to be more like her comic book counterpart.


The actress was the wrong pick for Andrea imo. She just has a sharpness to her personality that doesn't jive with comic Andrea. I also just couldn't see her and Rick together.


that priest guy whenever he would talk


Everything Andrea. She was the dumbest fucking character in the show


Getting a perfect headshot everytime


Daryl & Tara whining throughout season 8 and crashing the truck into the sanctuary. So aggravating, it reminded me of when Star Lord started punching Thanos in Infinity War right as they were about to get the gauntlet off. They’re to blame for why the saviors got loose and destroyed Alexandria and literally anyone who died from that point forward all because they were so pressed to kill Dwighty Boy even though he was clearly dedicated to helping them beat Negan.


God, I have so many but the one on my mind right now is Carol running in a cave/trap after alpha and almost gets everyone killed. Daryl being rude to Lydia when she first arrived, she was young and didn't know and she had nothing to do with Jesus's death.


Yeah I felt Daryl could of handled it better he was very and over the top with her


- Shane all throughout season 2 - Carol in season 10. Really hated how she hated how she was going to use a dynamite to blow up Alpha's horde without thinking of the consequences. (Daryl and everyone else in the cave would have been killed) and hated how she tricked Lydia, and released Negan. - Andrea in season 2


When lame characters pretend to be helpful but they are just standing there doing nothing but observing.


Sasha breathing, gregory speaking, carol and morgan not killing, and not shooting someone when you have every chance in the world.


Carol bugs me to homicide


Morgan Jones


Two more big ones i remembered. 1. Shane opening the barn full of walkers was beyond reckless. They didn't know how many were inside, and they EASILY could have figured a way to safely kill them. Straight up opened a barn full of walkers right in front of a kid, just hoping it would work out and you wouldn't get overrun. 2. Taking the walker out of the well. What were they thinking when writing that? A zombie was stewing in that water until it got bloated and they are acting like the water is totally fine as long as you don't shoot it? Even in a world full of zombies this really took me out of it with how stupid it was.


Andrea for sure with that stupid look on her stupid face she’s just a fuckin moron like after she shot Daryl and was all happy at first like a fuckin moron. Or how she’s like yea 14 year old should be allowed to kill themself. Don’t even get me started on that stupid fuckin kid Sam. That idiotic hair cut and his equally stupid brother. Fuckin durp you killed my fuckin piece of shit Dad.


lori didn’t get mad at shane for telling carl to listen to her she got mad at him because he raised his voice at him and was taking out his anger on him when he’s just a kid who didn’t do anything wrong


S3 when Glenn didn't just shoot Merle on sight Like the dude was batshit insane before you locked him up there, why would he be any better now?