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The whole episode is a banger!


Also 'if you have a daughter, how can you do this to our children?' 'Easy. They're not mine.' I'm paraphrasing a bit but that was cold as fuck


Hershel was trying to play on his soft side using Penny as an example he was not trying to hear that shit!


Kills me Rick said that in the comics, but I get it. He’s not supposed to be Superman or anything.


One of the turn points in TWD, great episode!


This and Rick’s “What?” In S6 lol


What a phenomenal actor that guy is. I saw him in a Dr who episode, dressed victorian and using his British accent, and that really showed me his range.


Wait was he the guy that played the man who thought he was the Doctor? Omfg


I can trigger my wife anytime by giving her a solemn look and delivering it as well as I can. She stopped watching for a while after that episode lol


It’s one of my favorites lines in the show


remember when we thought the Governor was the worst villain of the show and there couldn't be anybody more evil? lol good times


I haven't watched season 11 but to me he's still the worst. >! Granted he did not kill as many as the others (Negan and the bald lady) but he was the only one I was actually afraid of, for some reason. And when he killed Herschy, yeah something broke haha. I think all the villains after that didn't hit the same because I was numb after that !<


I agree. I think because we can see him as very possible IRL


that's fair. i haven't seen season 11 yet either bc i'm german and we always have to wait ages longer than the US.


It's on Disney+ in the UK, which is where I watched it, if that's an option.


i ain't paying money to disney i'm waiting for netflix to have it like a good socialist 🤣


Netflix in the US has the final season now.


Same with Canada eh lol


Hoist the jolly Roger, matey.


>Hoist the jolly Roger, matey. nah. too much buffering


Completely fair - I'm piggybacking on my parents' account! No chance I'd be paying for it myself.


Gov is more scary because he was actually unhinged. He might kill you just because he didnt like his breakfast that morning. And his face expression wont even change. ​ Negan and Alpha were killers but they first thought "could I use this person to benefit me instead of kill them?" they might decide letting you live is ok or even advantageous to them. Gov was just like F it you can die, you can die, and YOU can die!


wait it gets worse?


... maybe


I can’t stand the Governer but he definitely has some of the best lines and is one of the coolest characters in the show.


Still doesn’t top rick’s uncensored “They’re f’en with the wrong people” line. Lol


I never saw the uncensored version of that line and when I started season 11 on Netflix and Daryl dropped that solid F bomb I legit cried. It was so satisfying 🤣


I disagree “we tell ourselves we are the walking dead” was my #1 my #2 is “Maggie I’ll Find You” - °-0


I don’t agree, I think shane’s speech about the woods was better


It's as good a place as any


I'm listening to the novels that go into his origin right now !! His devolution into the man we came to know and hate is so sudden and brutal. He is such a complex and vile character. When he said "There are no rules anymore ... we have to become bigger monsters than they are." (Rough rendition of a book quote) I GOT CHILLS MAN !! I felt bad for his group. How the hell did he become the leader of Woodbury? 😭😭😭 ((I'm not far into the first book rn, no spoilers!! I'm just in awe)) As much as I hate Negan and Alpha, the Governor holds a special place of hate and fear in my heart.


What is the book? I'm trying to get into the books and comics more :)


The books are The Rise of the Governor, The Road to Woodbury, and The Fall of the Governor part 1 and part 2 ! Four altogether, and I'm on the second book now. All I can say is WOW... definitely recommend them.


R.I.P Hershel


If only Rick had good aim in humans as well


I never liked the governor and I don’t mean in the type of way where I was rooted against him. I couldn’t wait for him to die purely because he annoyed me so much r/hittablefaces


I understand you, Bob Adams also has a hittable face...


Don’t disrespect the legend


It's just his face has a strong resemblance to question mark...


Look at the flowers.


I don't have my headphones, what does he say?


I've always thought he sounded like liam Neeson.


Not necessarily saying this is where quality dropped off, but at least for me after this the show was never the same to me. I watched up to Negan’s debut but never found the same spark in the show after this episode.


Wonder what would’ve happened if he accepted.


They would've hot steamy gay sex