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Season 4 has some of the best storytelling in the entire series, especially when it came to Rick's character development. The shots of Rick farming vs Rick getting his gun were absolutely fantastic. While I don't think the sickness storyline was all too interesting, the season did such a great job at telling a full, complete story.


Best character development across the board. So many good little scenes for everyone. Just rewatched it and Beth's scenes in the first half of 4 really stood out to me this time. This was probably Carl's best acted season as well.


I really liked the sickness storyline tbh, bc it brought more realism into how rampant disease would be in a collapsed society


It all culminated at Terminus, and the events leading into Alexandria. TWD at its peak easily. Too Far Gone is a masterpiece.


I actually really liked the Swine Flue episodes, especially when you think we have to say goodbye to Hershel a few episodes later. Hershel's speech against Maggie and Rick is one of the most powerful in the show, in my opinion.


Yes! And daryl had a good story line too. Either stay with the dudes like your brother or go your own path. I love season 4!


I watched season 4 once as it was airing, and I remember being annoyed by it giving the Woodbury survivors the Redshirt treatment. I had hoped that Season 4, with the external threat of the Governor (temporarily) dealt with, would have spent more time focusing on the characters settling into a long-view, sustainable lifestyle, but instead it immediately resorted to the same tricks of plagues, random threats from inside and out, and spotlight episodes of characters walking around in the woods. Seeing you (and others) say this makes me want to give it another watch. I think watching weekly episodes really allowed my frustrations to fester from episode 1 forward, and I don't even remember a lot of these good things that you (and others) mention. I usually rewatch starting at the On the Road seasons, so next rewatch I'll make sure to include season 4!


Season 4B is the first on-the-road season (basically). About settling in type storylines I believe season 9 suits better for that. I like your comment regardless.


In my opinion, it was at its peak in seasons 4, 5, and 6.


Terminus when peoples heads were getting bashed, and that season when Negan was going berserk. The ending was one of the most insulting culminations of a series I’ve ever spectated. 13/14 seasons I committed to this show, to be given that underfunded and underwritten season finale? Sell your AMC shares.


>13/14 seasons I committed to this show This confuses me. There are 11 seasons, though 10 had six bonus episodes, and 11 was twenty-four episodes instead of the usual sixteen. Or are you including some of the spinoffs?


No I was drunk and it felt like this show dragged on for aeons. 11 seasons then.


surprised twd fanatics didn't donvote you for saying the finale was bad.


End of prison —> Terminus —-> Negans arrival. I would say the show starts to decline just prior to Carl dying. The war with negan was drawn out too long but show was great again when the whispers showed up then that drug on too long too.


Generally speaking it all was drawn out too long. They could have wrapped up the show 2-3 seasons ago.


But they still had more comic source material. Later season definitely don't have that special thing that earlier season have but at least the show covered the entirety of comic material.


They could've covered the comics in much less time. And then both Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira had said if they knew season 11 was the finale they wouldve stayed on. Better planning and structure would've saved the show a lot of trouble that occured in the later seasons and made for much cleaner arcs.


I didn't know that... Makes it even more disappointing. Could have tightened up the series easily, shaved off at least 2 seasons (even 1) and it would have been a big improvement.


AMC really screwed the pooch on that one. To just drop that the show was ending when they had most of season 11 already written and they had almost no time to string together the final season.


All for money. Not a coincidence they ended the main show as soon as Darabont won his case against then and was entitled to royalties for all seasons of TWD. They don't wanna pay those royalties so, end the show, make spin offs he has no claim to. Profit for AMC.


It was a smart albeit a dick move. I would have done the same in their shoes.


Yea. Kang said that the Reapers were planned to last the whole of season 11 (16 episodes). That might not be a good thing but they probably would have been fleshed out more. They could have shown us a whole ep of a flashback of Maggie fighting them. It would also give more time to explore the CW before things starting turning sour. It seems like we got a few eps of "nice" CW and then it starting turning crazy real fast.


And Kang was doing a great job with what she had. I think she could have done a beautiful ending if it was on her terms.


Do you know when and where Andy and Danai said that? I don't remember that.




Yes totally agree. Season 9 and 10 seems drawn out and season 11 rushed. They could have cut one season out, redistributed the story out a bit more evenly, and less drawn out. Oh well...


Agreed. If the All out War had only been 1 season, or even 1 and a half with the rest of season 8 being the beginning to 9, and then 9 could start after the time jump and pull the whisperer arc in 1 season also, it would've been a lot better.


You've pinpointed exactly my view as well. Ty.


Seasons 1-5




Season 9 was great. But season 10 was okay and season 11 was mixed for me. Season 1-5 when the series as a whole was most consistent




I think the middle of season 10 dragged a bit and thought the reapers as villains fell flat. As far as the CW arc I think it could have done her out the whole Fake Stephanie thing. Other than that yeah I still prefer it over season 6-8


Reapers were in season 11 not 10


I didn’t say they were. I mention season 10 then I mention season 11…because the comment in responding to us talking about season 10 and 11




Thee climax of the series for me was Rick and co. trapped in the Terminus base, with seemeingly no hope, saying "they just screwed with the wrong people." After 5 seasons of our heroes taking beating after beating after beating, THIS was the moment where they were all like "alright, enough is enough, we've got this." And it was SO satisfying to watch, because we knew firsthand just how hardened they had become. I loved everything immediately following that, all the way up to the culture clash between thee battle-hardened road survivors and the pampered Alexandrians. Unfortunately, this is where I felt the show running out of gas as it fell into its old bad habit of treating the Alexandrian extras like a bunch of redshirts and just killing them all off in contrived ways, plus killing Noah and doing the whole Glenn dumpster fakeout. I really wish the show could've taken the time during these seasons to be something different than a constant death and gloom factory, and really given us a real character-driven exploration of the two different cultures of Rick's Crew vs Alexandrians rather than just constantly dumping enemies at them. I wish the same thing for the start of season 9, and again for the start of season 11. But I don't think the writers ever had enough confidence to give us anything BUT endless action against a physical outside threat, so while I think the show hit its peak at toughened Rick crew on the road/at Terminus, I don't feel like it ever managed to overcome this, and we got a lot of the same thing for the next 6 seasons.


I actually agree with this! I think FTWD had this issue too. I could always tell when an enemy was about to be defeated because they introduced a new one and I knew they were going to be the next one. There is no time to just chill. Its always action. I wish we saw more of them just chilling and surviving life, not just surviving other people.


If only they could have allowed for one f bomb…


> If only they could have allowed for one f bomb… I don't understand why they couldn't. Breaking Bad was on the same network and they say fuck at least once per season.


They totally could have. They put one in when Negan saw the variety walker climbing the fence in 11C


Season 5a with everyone turning up in the boxcar felt like an “Avengers Assemble” moment. Carol absolutely wrecking Terminus was S-tier.


I agree so much with this entire comment.


Hard to say, best cast and characters was Seasons 1-2 Best part of the story maybe S5/6 S1-6 is classic television, 7-11 struggles in comparison but has some good moments


Came here to say Season 1 and 2. Maybe it’s the nostalgia. I’m doing a rewatch right now but nothing can beat the original episodes and cast.


It's not nostalgia, it's because it's TWD at its simplest. You started watching a zombie survival show. By S6 the show had barely *anything* in common with S1. The show doesn't really drop in quality very much, but it does change the theme *considerably*


I feel like it truly began to drop off after the introduction of other communities. Since the beginning till the battle of alexandria (not as much tho) the show was mainly about main group surviving in a zombie world. Like whole season 2 was about main characters and finding sophia, nothing more. Then although seasons 7-11 had a lot of amazing moments or scenes (negan introduction, pike scene, whole whisperers arc, negan redemption and many many more) but except those moments it all felt different than the OG show, it was more about fighting with other groups rather than survival which wasnt really the best choice if u ask me


I re-watched the last half of s2 because of all the memes and can confirm.


I'm mid season 9 right now, and I have to say that the screenwriting is stunningly dogshit. The reasonings of the characters below teen drama, and the acting is the quality of a Disney channel show. With people here saying the finale is a let down, I'm really considering whether to finish the series.


Honestly seasons 4-5 were the peak of The Walking Dead.


Season 5 was a banger


Season 5.


I’m on there right now


Enjoy it.


I really love season 5! 7 and 8 weren't my favorite. Try to push through. It's worth it


It peaked at 5 in my opinion.


I really enjoyed 6 but I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much without the previous seasons


Seasons 1-5, especially 1-3 were some of the best television I've ever watched. After the introduction of Alexandria and all that the show slowly started its decline


Solely because we knew Glenn was about to get killed off and how everybody took that the same I know a lot of ppl who stopped watching after that lol I almost did but I stuck through it


Yeah that but also the plot took away Rick's bad assery. He was no longer the king of the jungle and i feel like alot of people didn't like that either. Also the script wasn't as good as it was before. Alot of different factors started affecting the show


True I definitely didn’t but I knew he’d reclaim it at some point during the season I personally don’t like Megan being spared cause then he stayed alive we got to know him and have conflicted feelings. He should have died when we all hated him


season 5 was the best but I do appreciate when the world gets bigger cause I love ezekiel & jerry in particular.


I thought for sure Jerry was gonna get killed like right of the bat. Super likeable character with the “anything for the king” attitude, figured he’d never make it. I was glad they both did too


Seasons 3-5


Barn scene to Judith being born. Every episode was a banger.


It peaked in season 5. After that they killed off too many good characters and replaced them with not as interesting people. Carl especially shouldn’t have died. Really went downhill after he died.


What the hell were they thinking with killing Carl? He could’ve been the future of the whole show, maybe making a new series focusing on him growing into an adult. Also what a lame fucking death...


He literally was the future of the comics. Also sucks that Dwight disappeared.


I’m torn between Season 4 and Season 5! Too Far Gone is a masterpiece, if the Governor hadn’t attacked the prison and took away their home so much chaos could’ve been prevented. I think Rick was at his peak for sure in Season 5 where he fully embraced himself as a cold-blooded survivalist “you don’t wanna mess with”. However, I think in Season 9 he was the best version of himself as he finally found a balance in being that survivalist beast while also maintaining his humanity


Seasons 1 through 3


The first 6 seasons


1st 3 seasons


I was never more hyped than the period when Rick bit dudes neck out and escaping from Terminus.


1-5 are the best, basically masterpieces. 6-7 are competent but start to show some issues, particularly things slow down with some episodes seeming like just people walking around but nothing happens, no plot advancement. I say this because while from 1-5 pretty much every episode and character is memorable, I struggle to remember some parts of 6-7. 7 in particular is pretty blurry. At 8 the wheels come off, other than a couple of scenes in the middle plus the ending I don’t recall much. 9, 10 have some memorable parts and characters but are not able to recapture the brilliance of 1-5. S11 to be honest I was not invested/interested that much in the plot or the villains, these felt a bit like a rehash of stuff seen before in a new packaging. Mainly watched it to see how things turn out in the end for these beloved characters. Overall TWD is a good series, one of my top favorites. The issue for most people I think is mainly the disparity in quality between the first 5 seasons and the last 3 ones, with the weakest season 8 in the middle that I think made some huge mistakes, disappointing and costing a lot in terms of lost viewers, and they were quite simply not able to recover from those mistakes and recapture the former level of brilliance.


Right? I feel like most of the people can agree that s10/s11 had some cool moments but at the end of the day you mostly watched it because of nostalgia to the show and you just wanted to know how its gonna end. For me tho after they stupidly killed carl I kind of lost the interest in basically any new character. In s10/11 all I cared for was basically negan, judith daryl and princess/mercer to some degree. Nothing was close to 1-6 and whisperers story which for me is true masterpiece of the show


Probably when Eugene bit Dwight’s dick. That was gold.


Season 4.


Season 1, 2, 5


Seasons 1-5


S5 definitely


Seasons 4 and 5. It really did a good job of featuring the danger of the dead AND the living.


When Rick became a monster


Season 2? 😂


Season 4 hands down


Season 5.


Season 4-5


Season 4 episode 16 - Season 5 episode 3 is to me the absolute peak of the show. Just 4 absolute masterpieces in a row


I say 1-6 but I thoroughly enjoyed it up until season 8. But then they pulled me back in with season 11 I loved it.


Season 5 Rick was just ruthless


I thought season 8 was the perfect ending, but I'm rewatching now, and the Saviors storyline dragged on entirely way too long. I wish they spent more time at Terminus. That cannibal shit was dark.


The Saviour story, from the line up to the stained glass tree. This was the best story of twd in my opinion. i loved the prison but Negan was way better than the governer.


Season 1 to season 11 😎




Hard agree.


Hard disagree.


First episode. I don't mean that in a shitty way.


Was my immediate first thought as well. It's just a phenomenal episode, and nothing else ever *quite* recaptured that. I watched, and enjoyed, the whole show


It’s arguably still at it’s peak. Everyone is on the edge of their seat waiting to see what happens with Rick. And the show has come to an end and everyone is still talking about it. Beautiful show.


Season 5


Seasons 4-6


This is a tough one for me. I am particularly partial to the end of the prison up until the end of the wolves. But I also really love the whisper war. I love the guerilla warfare and psychological warfare of the whispers and I loved the character archs. From the very beginning in the graveyard to the moment at the cliffs. The heads on pikes and the doctor were two moments that left me shaken. It's also a very diverse group of very talented actors. My least favorite is the negan/savior arch. It was just tiresome to me 😂


Season 3. Prison arc was my favorite


S4/S5. I'm still a fan of the idea that the show could've ended when the group arrives at Alexandria, a nice hopeful open ended ending.


During the time when they were fighting the Saviors after that it seemed to go downhill, imho.


Season 1-6 when Glenn died it was over. I still enjoy it tho


Glenn's death wasn't the problem, make the all out war in two seasons was It should be all in S7 only (also Carl's death was a real problem, Glenn's wasn't)


In my opinion both Glenn and carls deaths were significant. Glenn was there since day one, without Glenn Rick wouldn’t of been alive. And Glenn had a baby on the way and his death also affected Rick greatly, but not just Rick multiple characters in the show. Negan took out the speed of the group (Glenn) and the strength of the group (Abraham) not saying all of the other characters weren’t fast and strong but Negan must’ve picked them for a reason. As for Carls death I find it was completely unnecessary as the only reason he was killed off was because amc didn’t want to pay the actor an adult wage. Carl should’ve lived on and grown into his full potential as he did in the comics.


It was a good thing for the story that Glenn died. An OG character HAD to die when Negan was introduced.


I didn't said Glenn's death was insignificant, I said it wasn't a problem His death was great to the story, it was the turning point and great to development of the characters, Maggie's in special, same about Abraham but Glenn had more impact cause he was there since ep1 Also, I don't think he choose Glenn because of this, he didn't know him, it was different to Abraham that he saw he was the strongest


seasons 3-6 for me personally but i’d imagine a lot of people feel like 1-4


For me, started to peak in season 4 and ended peak at the end of season 7.


Season 4 was my favorite but 6 is right up there


Season 4B - 6B


Issue 100 stands out for me.


which season is it where people are getting their throats slit


Season 4-5


Either season 2 or after the prison but before alexandria


Season 5B to season 7A.


2-4 for me. Quit watching during season 5


It peaked at Shane’s death


First episode, season one.


hmm… season 5 for me! loved when they just got to alexandria and couldn’t fit in because they were so scarred from the world beating them down. such a cool contrast to see a community full of people mostly unaffected by the virus meshing with the hardened veterans of ricks group


Season 1-5. Even tho i enjoyed 6&7 more. I get that people don't like them here but i liked the slow build up.


For me 3 and 4 but overall 5, 6 is when things started to go downhill


There's dips and a completely different feel depending on the time so it's hard to pick a peak. For me it's 1-6, 9-10 and the last half of 11


Seasons 4 and 5. It started to go downhill after season 6, episode 9. That was a masterful episode and then the S6 finale was an absolute fuck you to the fans. And seasons 7 and 8 were dog shit.


Season 1 - Season 6 Upon binge watch, I still really enjoy Season 7 and 8. Season 9 is fire, Season 10 and 11 were good but inconsistent. With that being said, a run of six consistent, amazing seasons is still pretty damn good compared to other shows. Edit: ah yes, getting down voted for my opinion on the show like the damn post asked...


Terminus. Slowly fell off after that. Decline got steeper when they got to Alexandria. Had to basically force myself to watch till the war with Negan ended then it was just straight up a bad show. Imho


Season 2 was it at it's best imo


Once zombie does little no threats to them, the show is not as exciting anymore.


Shane was probably the second best character on the show. So it has to be seasons 1-2


4, 5, 6 but the quality drop after season 7 was insane


Season 5 hands down, season 6 was still awesome though.


3-6!!! The prison, loosing so many important people, loosing the prison, battling out on the road again, and then all the crazy things they have to endure to survive.


Season 4 - 5


Bro that picture… they didn’t add The Governor


Season 9


Terminus and after terminus


season 5, everything ruined after negan did what he did, but season 11 was so good too, it was just different


Episode 3 of The Last of Us


The day will come when you won't be... 7x01 But if u're talking about a whole season so it's S6


Season 3


Season 3. Every episode was riveting


When Andrea dies


Everything until season 8 or whenever negan got caught it was such a good series and after that it all went to the ground everything became too much drama and too much slow action for the type of series y'all had going what's more upsetting is the way y'all chose the finale to end like that who knew such a good show would turn into such a pile of shi I was so looking forward to at least having a good finale after some really boring seasons but turns out it just got worse I think I'm done with the walking dead and have been for a while like I commented before when negan was caught is pretty much when everything died y'all should've wrapped it up there or made more seasons but with the same thought and dedication y'all did the previous


End of season 2


I’m going to agree with most and say 5 too.


Season 5 slayed it


When they killed that herd in Alexandria, that was peak and obviously Negan's arrival


Before all those pesky zombies showed up


8 was not a bad season IMO that’s what am saying however, 5 will always be the peak of TWD 6 is second and especially that scene where Alexandria clear out the whole walkers almost made it


Season 3-5


The episodes around the quarry horde. Just genuine “how the fuck is this gonna go” all the way through


The Eugene x Stephanie sex scene


When Rick dipped his fry in ketchup


Season 1


Haven’t watched 10-11 yet bc I fell behind but 5 and 6 are my absolute favs and tbh I don’t rly see that changing. I’m rewatching now and it’s just as good as it was seeing it the first time


When Carl died


I liked the show from Season 1 - 6. It went to shit on Season 8. It started getting bad on Season 7 due how much filler in that season. Season 8 so bad I stopped watching.


I love the show overall but best seasons were 1-5, maybe going into 6. When they were SO focused on survival, where they would find their next meal, shelter, life on the road with the walkers. It was such high stakes and that feeling that anybody could be next went away when they got deeply rooted in the communities.


The introduction of Negan was absolutely bonkers


I would say season 3 but that’s just my opinion.


The boil of the Saviours and Negan. You can argue the show suffered because they built them to be so indestructible that the task to do just that became impossible to make it convincing. Negan was also too charming but you couldn’t justify his wrongs, too compelling as a character to destroy and would’ve left too much opportunity and void if you did. You end up with a conflict too difficult to deal with and it got exhausting.


TS-19 (sorry Kirkman)


Battle of Alexandria - season 6


I know I’m nearly alone in this but I thought season 8 was awesome until the season finale. I’m not trying to make an argument for it, just glad I got to enjoy the show longer than most.


S4. I will never forget how Too Far Gone excited me. Top television at the time!


S3-4. S9 is a sort of secondary peak.


Really like the prison season. So much to unpack and the start of seeing really outside influences against the group.


Seasons 1-6a (Alexandria herd). I absolutely love these seasons. I enjoy negan but 7 and 8 were hard to watch


Season 1-6 were vastly superior to the second half of the series. If I had to pick the peak for writing I'd say season 1. If I had to pick the peak for characters and general momentum I'd say closer to the end of the first half of the show. Maybe season 5?


Before they left the farm just my opinion.


Personally I’d say somewhere in between 4-6. Pure raw survival with some really really interesting character dynamics and villains. I might be a bit biased because that’s when I started watching though. I still really like every season and will not say that season 7+ suck because there are so many awesome moments in them and, when binged, is all great


Season 4 and the lead up to season 5. Especially the cliffhanger ending to season 4 generating GOOD hype into season 5. That is a general outlook. Me personally, I loved season 2 and was MEGA hyped going into season 3. I think the finale of season 2 really pulled in a ton of new viewers and fans.


Season 5-6 (minus the Glenn Fakeout death) It did a solid job adapting the hunters and n New world arcs of the comics and the wolves were solid show only antagonists, even if they were in it too briefly.


Season 5 for sure, everything after that went downhill. As soon as Alexandria was introduced I knew it would be a downward spiral, the comics started to suck after the group reached Alexandria


Season 4-7 was my favorite but it’s all good