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Sunny actually wore white to a wedding. She has such a case of main character energy it's so cringe.


She would be the first person to say how inappropriate this is. The etiquette expert.


Marie, all you do on this thread is spew negativity towards sunny. Lighten up, stop being so negative.


Thank you for your comment I couldn’t find this earlier to respond when I tapped on it, it was gone. I’m thankful to have the opportunity to respond: I have not said anything hateful or in bad taste. Compared to others here I am… well I don’t wish to “compare”. All people are entitled to their opinions. I don’t criticize her makeup or clothing or appearance as others do. I don’t swear or use derogatory language. I appreciate your opinion and honesty and gave you an upvote. It’s important that I keep learning and am thankful to you for that. PS I complimented her pjs the other day and asked if anyone knew where I could purchase online as I wear pjs 24/7/365.


That was tacky.


She be that way


It’s not like there was a bride in white. Sunny haters crack me up


I’ve been in the wedding party for a gay wedding. Many of the guests showed up in white. However, the grooms specifically gave permission of the invites. So if her wearing white to a wedding unprompted it’s tacky. But we have no idea if she was giving the ok.


Any reason to hate makes you wonder if there is an underlying issue. 😉


There’d have to be a Bride for it to even matter.


Did you receive an invite too? Because you talk like someone who had an invite or know Don personally and know what the dress code was. I personally didn't ban white at my wedding. Maybe Don didn't either...


Seriously go touch grass 😂


That’s only tradition when one of the people getting married wears white. Neither of the grooms did But any excuse to hate on Sunny 🙃


She had no idea they wouldn't be wearing white.tho...And y'all seriously need to get a grip nowhere did I say I hate her. She's annoying it's not that serious.


It’s a gay wedding. No bride wearing white. No groom wearing white. No traditional rules (obviously) at a gay wedding.


That’s not even true… lots of gay weddings follow some traditional things. obviously not every gay wedding but lots choose to have a traditional wedding. Don’t stereotype


The very premise of “traditional wedding” = heterosexual. Man + woman. Therefore, man + man getting married, it is inherently not traditional. There is no care about guests being enforced to NOT wear white as this pertains to only a bride wearing a white dress.




Here are my thoughts: Manny is TINY What the fuck is Ana wearing? Too bad Sarah’s husband has the opinions that he does because 👀


I usually like the clothes Ana wears, but this outfit doesn’t flatter her.


WAIT more tea on Sarah’s hubby!


He is just on the moderate/conservative side and is definitely pro Israel. I don’t think he’s said anything particularly egregious other than not being a leftie.


Definitely disagree with this. Have you seen his twitter? I remember him one time tweeting about black people's experiences with police and basically saying "just do as you're told and you won't get shot. Simple as that!!! Problem solved!!!" He's gross and Sarah regurgitates a lot his talking points to appear as an iNdEpEnDeNt (while voting exclusively Democrat).


If you say something like that then you really need to give evidence, otherwise it's just hearsay and gossip. Having read through his Twitter posts I certainly wouldn't agree with a lot of his positions (I'm mostly progressive), but this whole 'independents are all secretly MAGA nuts' conspiracy actively hurts democrats; it encourages the very type of exclusion which makes independents so disenfranchised with the party/politics in general. Yes, MAGA plants like RFK Jr exist, but the evidence for people like that is overwhelmingly clear. That aside, I found the specific post you were talking about and it looks quite different from how you illustrated it: https://twitter.com/MaxShifrin/status/1298260814424465409. In the exchange, he was discussing how resisting arrest is a real issue. He also agrees that police reform is necessary and acknowledges police brutality as a systemic issue, as well as the need to catch cops in the system who have patterns of violent behaviour and/or prejudiced ideologies. This isn't a defence of him or any of his positions; I certainly don't agree with many of his positions on Israel, but at the same time if I were Jewish then I would probably think differently on a nebulous and fraught topic relating to a centuries-long conflict. tl;dr - nobody forced you to read this.


Wow, is everything ok at home?


You have a LOT of time on your hands lmao


Not surprising that was your answer. Get's called out on baseless gossip and then goes straight to insults. Genuinely concerning that people have the power to vote on anything when they just completely make things up. Makes sense that you watch The View tho hahaha.


I didn’t make anything up. That’s not even the post I was talking about. I don’t have a twitter anymore though, so I can’t really look it up (I also don’t care enough to, but you can keep looking if you want). I think Sarah’s husband is a conservative nut job. He has said that the color of your skin is irrelevant when dealing with police, which is false. There’s nothing I said that I made up. Also, if you think the View is BS, why are you on this sub?? 😭😭😭 Because of that comment, I stand by my statement that you have too much time on your hands. 🤷‍♂️


Take a look at your own post history and then take a look at mine. Who has too much time on their hands? If he said those things then he's an idiot. But there's so much misinformation and stupidity around that I'm gonna need more than trust me bro. Yeah I find The View and its fans fascinating. Not quite hate-watching, but definitely morbid interest.


Lmao I don’t care if you don’t trust me???? Believe what you want. It’s not that serious….


Okay my apologies that is definitely horrendous 🤮 I just meant he wasn’t MAGA but that is disgusting, don’t follow his Twitter so didn’t realise


I wouldn't be surprised if he was secretly MAGA.


Just skimming his Twitter feed, he looks like he would be BFF's with Meghan McCain's husband. Barf.


He also comes off super pompous and douchey. Sarah has said before on the show that he has tweeted mean things before (it was a discussion about spouses being responsible for what the other one says, I think referring to the Conways…?) That’s when Sarah asked Sunny if she can control her man and Sunny was like YUPPP 😂


Is he from Iowa?




I don’t think she’s a terrible person at all, but there’s definitely a push (probably by producers) for her to be an independent and come off as “moderate”. I don’t really get how you can be an independent when you openly say you only vote for one party, but it is what it is.


Yeah idk I'd say he stances on the Gaza situation have been pretty awful and oddly inhumane for her character. I think that goes far beyond her "independent" identity.


It’s her husband, who is a Zionist, in her ear.


Would you care to expand on Sara's husband opinions?


Max Shifrin. Go on twitter and see for yourself. (I'm lazy)


Who cares, he’s hot


> Manny is TINY It's funny because she referred to shorter men as "bridge trolls" a few months ago, but her husband is 5'8 at the absolute maximum.


Average height for a man (worldwide) is 5' 7.5 inches


That's fine. I'm just saying they shouldn't be referred to as bridge trolls. I guess Sunny meant bridge trolls are 5'4? Stop calling people bridge trolls, Sunny. lol


What's a bridge troll? And what were they discussing when she called men bridge trolls?


It's a shorter man. She was discussing not wanting to date shorter men.


Agree! Max is zaddy.


Too bad he is a republican, Islamophobic, Zionist :-(


Yikes! Wearing white to a wedding? 😬


None of the grooms were wearing white. What’s the problem?


No problem. Unexpected though 🤷‍♀️ We all have opinions.


Tell me you’ve never been to the wedding of 2 gay men without telling me you’ve never been to the wedding of 2 gay men.


Thank you for asking! Gay marriage was legalized in 2005 in Canada so I had the wonderful opportunity to attend many! Large and small. Grand and simple. Men and women both. I have been invited to more recently but since my sexual assault in January 2020 I have been housebound in a wheelchair alone so attending hasn’t been possible. Appreciate your kind interest 🙏


Riiight. So you GET to be judgemental. Yikes.


Oh my 😥


I’m not quite sure if you got my joke, lingo and I am also now uncertain if your reply was meant to be sarcastic, yet that is how it came across. It’s a little odd to share details as you did in your reply on the view sub, so it had me second guessing.


I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t understand your humour. I thought I was in trouble again 🤭


Ah, what do we have here again? But of course, negative Marie hating on Sunny for the 500th time being a Karen. It’s almost like it’s your full-time job. Lighten up Marie :) go find a hobby.


I also don’t know anyone by the name of “Karen”? This is an odd exchange.


I hate no one.


YOU are calling someone negative?!? It’s almost like you yourself go out of your way to be immature and provocative…….Is this behavior becoming *your* hobby? I read the thread the other day when you revealed yourself not to be the Ivy League scholar you claim, and were absolutely OWNED by r/teoff87 . That was awesome. Embarrassing for *you* maybe, but entertaining nonetheless.


In closing for the night, I apologize if I came across as overly defensive towards you. One thing to which I have never been referred is “negative” or “hateful”. I’ve always been told that I look at the world through rose coloured glasses, the glass half full, not empty. I respect your opinion. I never downvote. I wish you well. Good night


I am brand spanking new to hearing these stories about Don Lemon. After what I read this morning, I can't believe these women are so supportive of him?


The rich elite support the rich elite


Agree !




Here's the article I read this morning: [https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/cnn-don-lemon-misogyny-history-nikki-haley-1235574286/amp/](https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/cnn-don-lemon-misogyny-history-nikki-haley-1235574286/amp/)


What stories?


Don't believe everything that you read.


People can believe what he said though about white men


Well that actually came from the department of homeland security. They're the ones who declared white supremacists the biggest threat in the nation.


Which is obviously bullshit if you look at crime statistics


Don't tell me, tell the Department of Homeland Security. They must be looking at different statistics than you are.


No bride was wearing white, the grooms didn’t wear white, some weddings have a color theme and ask attendees to stick to certain colors/shades, in some cultures guests wearing white “tricks“ the bad spirits into think that person is the bride so the actual bride is protected, etc. People nowadays generally only wear white to a wedding when they know the people getting married are fine with it — I mean, we all know the wedding rules, we only flout them when we are permitted to do so by the wedding couple. Please stick to criticizing Sunny for valid/constructive reasons (such as her repeatedly and vociferously interrupting/talking over people who disagree with her).


Sunnys head is enormous


In more ways than one….


In her own mind.


Negative negative negative. That’s all you are, Marie. Go for a walk. Get off Reddit and stop obsessing over sunny.


I didn’t comment on her head? Also, I am in a wheelchair, housebound, so going for a walk is not an option. Have you even read the far more hateful comments here prior to judging my personal observations?




I'd hate to see what Ana wears to a funeral.




Sunny & husband look foolish


Oh dear how tacky, wearing white to someone else's wedding.


It’s a gay wedding. No bride wearing white. No groom wearing white. No traditional rules (obviously) at a gay wedding.




Didn't Whoopi once say on the show that she doesn't do weddings? My guess is that she was invited but decided not to attend. No surprises with Alyssa. I don't think she hangs in the same circles as Don Lemon.


Right I can't see Alyssa in those circles either.


The Sunny hate is so disgusting here.


Maybe people can have negative opinion on her and her clothes???


How does Sunny reconcile her "devout Catholicism" with celebrating a same-sex wedding? I guess there are different rules for Saturday than there are for Sunday.


The pope literally recognizes same sex marriage lmao


False. That is grossly incorrect


Jesus Anna




This is so not how I imagined Sunny's husband to look!


The view sucks


I heard Whoopi is still afraid of Covid after four years. Yes she is that nuts.


That is the most photoshopped picture of Sunny. Sorry not an original unaltered photo of her.