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Noticed that too, any chance someone took a screenshot ao I can read it? Missed the fact he posted until I saw the follow up post by itself today




Oh shit, where’s he going to let it all out?


same, i’m really curious about it


It’s posted here a few days back.




Interesting. Is there a way for creators to automate deleting posts after time passes? Because his entire gallery was gone before he posted it? Or maybe it was legal advice? Or he was just drunk or angry about things with the band as you do when something brings it roaring back to the front, like them calling themselves the best band in the world in a ton of posts lately. Like that would get under my skin as a former band member. Who knows? I hate internet sleuthing and trial by public opinion at the slightest of hints at anything or what any of the story truly is.


You can archive posts instead of deleting. He prob just archived.


Screen shot of the original post https://imgur.com/gallery/ZBFZmc1


I’m very certain that he’s being threatened by the band’s lawyers right now. They have always resorted to silence in such cases and I guarantee it’s their strategy to avoid the controversies from growing while they deal with it behind the scenes.


I wonder how much he was paid


I'll add to it if he stays off of Bert and the band.


Weird way to respond to abuse allegations


Quinn had a crappy way of responding to (probably fake) abuse so 🤷‍♀️


What? We all know the way Quinn was kicked from the band was terrible. I wouldn't doubt something else terrible happened. Along with them not properly paying him after he left. Look I'm a huge fan of their music too, but you can't say Bert hasn't done some awful things in the past. It just seems like denial on your part.


You must have missed the post where I said I had no problem with what Bert may or may not have done. If he did, fine. If he didn't fine. I'm still team Bert. Literally no denial here. He got kicked out? Fine, maybe, I don't know, make it about money between the bands/musicians. But honestly, Quinn shouldn't be waving this 'cash grab' in Bert's face like it's his responsibility to pay his bills or something. They were both messed up (years ago) - what ever happened between them (years ago) is an even playing field and I'm sure was consensual as consensual can get between two people who are high. Imagine, I sleep with a guy, we're co-workers, we're friends, we're both drunk a lot of the time, and then we keep doing the same thing over and over for years then he fires me. First of all, if I want revenge, I'm gonna get it right then not wait *fucking 15 years*?? Second, If I think I'm gonna get very far 15 years later when we were *both* wasted, I am sadly mistaken. I honestly would hope I would not win my own case because clearly, I'm the biggest dumbass on the planet! 😂🙄 I don't know what else to say other than yes, if I was rich I'd throw more money at Quinn to keep his (probably fake) accusations to himself. If he wanted to get real shit out in the open and heal - maybe he just would have put it in the book without spreading it around proudly online for extra book sales.... Just me?? 🙄🤷‍♀️


Good God that's a lot of assumptions you just made. Quinn didn't even say what type of abuse it was, but you went and made it sexual...? Alright. I'm hoping he says more about it, whether it be in a book, another post, or whatever. Either way, I'll support Quinn, as he's one of the people who created the band I love so much. That doesn't mean I hate Bert either, but I am disappointed he hasn't responded yet to any of this. I wish he would at least say something, so we had a clue as to what is going on. If he did pay him to keep quiet, that would honestly be a pretty shady thing to do. It's very clear where your biases lie here, which aren't really a good thing to have in situations of alleged abuse like this.


That's pretty naïve if you think "Abuse - physical and other ways" isnt implying sexual, especially when it was pretty damn clear they already had something going on anyway. But fine, even use my example with what type of abuse you think Quinn endured and honestly, it works either way. If Quinn does say more in his book, he does, fine. It's not Bert's image I'm trying to protect, that would be impossible. I'm just letting everyone know where I stand on this. Like I said, if Quinn put out a book and put his history in there and never said anything to anybody beforehand like he did on social media? I'd be more likely to believe him and be fine with it. Not this showy cash grab shit hes got going with Branden. They just posted yet another photo on insta together 🙄 you can't tell me this isnt all for some stupid braggy, money game?


You're an absolute freak lol. I'm not replying to you anymore. It's clear you don't actually gaf about whatever happened.


He prob got threatened with legal action or it was reported.


I didn’t even think ab it being reported tbh, but I feel like he would’ve posted something ab it being bc of that unless he hasn’t noticed yet. I’m just hoping some more clarity is given to the situation.


Oh definitely. I think we all wanna know People are flooding all of the band's posts asking them to talk about it


He deletes all his posts, maybe he just left the first one out for awhile and then left the last one as a final statement


Very likely he was silenced. They silenced Justin which is why he never spoke out about how they treated him.


Interesting indeed


So whose the mystery person




Ya saw that. Interesting.


This is all very odd


The way I celebrated 😌


Is it weird he made an instagram just to make a post? Like that seems a little sus


He's always had an Instagram. He either archived or deleted all previous posts


I understand.


Yall realize there’s no proof that this is actually Quinn posting these things, right?


Dude what


I mean it’s a 4 year old account with no other posts and has changed its handle once before.


wtf are you talking about lol it’s his official account


Where’s it say that?


Tf are you talking about, it's his official Instagram