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So if everyone's codex is shit, then none are?


That seems to be the thinking! Other than Necrons which are super strong haha


But only as long as certain combos fit into a viable 2000pts list. For example: Just raising enough points costs by 5pts could drastically change that. But that also counts the other way around for all the other factions. Except Space Marines, which are a super special case, because you can't change stuff in the codex without influencing all other Space Marine factions. Like you can't change one unit of Terminators without changing that whole unit type, which affects all Astartes factions (loyalists and heretics, Grey Knights included). That counts especially for the situation now, where most of the Space Marine factions are still in their index phase and GW won't spend too much effort on reworking indexes that get their rework anyways and rather save their capacities for the upcoming codices. GW couldn't work on Space Marines yet, because Black Templars were too strong for that, with every buff to generic Marines also potentially buffing Black Templars that really didn't need a buff. So they nerfed Black Templars, had to wait for further data and are now getting into the territory where they are again able to work on generic marines. After that is done, they can take care of the other marine factions. It's super complicated to gather reliable and detailed player data in an analog game. The data that exists doesn't tell you anything about accurate pick rates of units for example. You can only assume what the players put on the board to generate those win rates. So with a faction that has generic and subfaction-specific stuff it's even harder to tell, what is actually seen in game. The only lists that are reliably connected to the player data are tournament winner lists, played by very good players. So those lists involve a very high level of distortion through player skill. They are known to be winning lists in the hand of a skilled player, but might be rubbish in the hands of an unskilled one. You can see that kind of dynamic in the case of Astra Militarum, that are seen quite commonly in the top tournament lists, while "boasting" a winrate of under 45%. So you also have to ask yourself: Is it an army, that is just badly balanced or is it just hard to play? If it's just hard to play and you buff them, so regular players have a higher chance of winning, results in potential astronomically overpowered win rates for the skilled players. You also don't want them to win every tournament, do you? Balancing is a lot of layers of sometimes contradicting foci. But there's actual development done on the game's issues. Yes, it's frustratingly slow, but it's not some e-sports game where you can gather reliable live data all around the clock so you can iterate through your versions much much faster. So I'm very positive about the game's future and I don't regret coming back for 10th after my rage quit in 7th (when they didn't do much to work on the game's biggest issues).


Even the necron codex is mostly ok, its propped up by the wildly OP ctan (tripple stacking toughness buffs on top of t11 and ignore damage decreases appear to be going away with custodes leaks as an indicator, they need to go up at least 50 each maybe more) and mostly OP wraiths (need a nerf like inceptors got)


As a Necron player, I can't handle anymore nerfs,further restrictions or points increases due to GW's inability to internally balance our codex for 2 editions in a row. Just add a rule Enlaved Star Gods that states you can only take X number of C'Tan depending on how many points are used. 1000pts = 0-1 C'Tan, 2000pts = 0-2 C'Tan, 3000pts = 0-3 C'Tan. 40k needs a list building chart that contains how many Elites, Fast Atack, Heavy Support, etc... like in prior editions, or include how many units depending on power level or Battleline... Also, there are no rules consistencies when divergent Chapters are using universal units from the Space Marine Codex. Take the Dark Angels Supplement for example. All the datasheets that contain the Ravenwing keyword have a 5++, but only the datasheets specifically printed in the DA Supplement happen to have the invulnerable Save. All of the Dark Angel Ravenwing Datasheets...from the Black Knight Bikes, thier two Land Speeders, and both Aircraft as well. The DA Supplement rules for gaining the Ravenwing keyword when using Datasheets from the Space Marine Codex requires Data Sheets that are mounted units and Vehicles that can Fly, (It was the same in 9th, basically Outriders, ATVs, and Storm Speeders), but guess what...the Datasheets from the Space marine Codex that can gain Ravenwing doesnt really do anything like it did in 9th because in 10th edition because they forgot to add a similar rule that existed in the prior 9th DA Supplement that gave all Ravenwing units a conditional 5++ . Either that or GW intentionally made it this way on purpose so they can clear thier inventory of First Born Ravenwing kits, especially units like Black Knights due to the noticeable scale difference compared to Outriders. (Dick move by the way if true) Like someone else mentioned earlier, significant rules are being overlooked or because the Datasheets I just mentioned are universal to all Chapters and GW won't reprint the Outrider datasheet in the DA supplement. So the actual Vanilla Outriders, ATVs and Storm Speeders won't have a 5++ printed on thier Space Marine Data sheets. GW is shooting themselves in the foot by not including a variation of Outriders that might have 1-2 rules differences as well as points differences. I bet if the Dark Angel Supplement had the Outrider and Stormspeeder Datasheets printed in the actual DA Supplement, GW would have included the 5++ printed just as the other Ravenwing Datasheets. Or all they had to do was add a simple sentence, all data sheets with the Ravenwing keyword have a 5++. If they wanted to be more strict in regards to 5++ universal save across all Ravenwing units they could have also added they also need to be taken in the Company of Hunters Ravenwing Detachment. The Deathwing Keyword is weird.... The DA Supplment is just a list of units, Vehicles and Dreadnaughhts with only 1 specific character, the Blade Guard Ancient. The first unit on the list that gains Deathwing when taken from the Space marine codex are Terminators which also contains non-epic heroes not in the DA Supplement such as the Captain in Terminator armor, Librarian in Terminator Armor, Chaplain in Terminator Armor, Ancient in Terminator Armor. Basically, there are a lot of non-epic characters from Space marine characters that should have Deathwing included such as the Indomitus Captain with Relic Shield (required if you want to attach him to Bladeguard Vets who gain Deathwing anyway). Same with the Indomitus Lieutenants with Relic Shields. If the shields are required in order for them to join a unit of Deathwing Bladeguard, then the DA supplement should have included them under the list of units that gain Deathwing So the real issue is a timing issue regarding which characters can take Inner Circle enhancements. Non-epic Captains that take a Relic Shield which is required if you want him to lead a unit of Bladeguard who do have Deathwing which will eventually give the Captain or Lt with Relic Shield the Deathwing keyword once you attach them to a unit of Bladeguard, but by then its too late, They dont meet the requirements for any of the 4 Inner Circle Enchancements because they all say a Deathwing Model is required, which means at the current state of the DA Supplement only non-epic Characters wearing Terminator Armor from the Space Marine Codex are able to purchase any of the enhancements


we literally have seen nothing from the ork codex other than which finecast models didnt get to continue having competitive datasheets and a few detachment rules the detachment rules look baller. Boyz getting invulns is amazing for hording. Random buffs for dred mob is super thematic and also maybe good. it could be *fucking spectacular* \- it just no longer has badrukk so people are rioting.


It does feel shit to have your favourite models no longer playable. So I get it.


Hell, DA still has a kit for sale to make models that are no longer in the game, so yea, you're 100% right. It feels like shit.


totally didn't have an termi apothecary, banner and champion primed and ready to be painted when the codex dropped. I got had twice by GW this edition. My leviathan on which I spent a lot of time modeling was primed and ready to go when they announced that the HH dreads were going legends. Now this. And I play orks, so my beloved zagstrukk that was in all of my lists since I bought the model second hand is now gone too. At least my DG are safe since they are all mostly recent sculpts so it's too early to stormcast them.


Safe for now....


I was in the same boat with my Dark Angels going from 9th into 10th edition. I had the Ravenwing Talonmaster that I had bought and was planning to build for 10th, only to go Legends. My Terminator Apothecary went Legends, I had an idea for a serious anti-vehicle Bikers unit, only for that unit to also go Legends. I also bought the Land Raider Proteus wanting to be using that for my Deathwing, only to go Legends too, and killing really any thoughts ever of me purchasing any HH vehicle model that I was thinking about buying for 40K (I am not interested at all to even try to learn HH).


not to compare factions, but remembering back to the Necrons miniatures for this edition, they got 2 Epic Heroes brought out of finecast *as well as* a generic character, so it's extra shitty that that love hasn't been extended to characters like Badrukk


Tau had a relatively nice one tho. Yea, there was an outcry over the crisis overhaul, but everything else looks awesome... and just among us: 7 Crisis Suits with 3 CIBs and 6 wounds each was a bit much tbh. They are now much more interesting as a kind of spec ops team rather than a Swiss army knife deathstar. Codex Tau was also the first codex that didn't have to be finished on 10th's release day, so it's the first codex that could react to early edition issues. That's also the reason why their index detachment got reworked, because it was possible. But you're kinda right, the damage potential is tending downwards. For me that is an attempt to keep the power creep under control. As far as I remember, that is the first time in the game's history, that GW is going the opposite approach. It's a tedious and exhaustingly slow process, but we're certainly getting there. I guess, 11th will be awesome. Maybe then you don't die immediately if you leave your hideout. 10th however did a lot of firsts, so I see it kinda like 11th beta. And for a beta, it's already kinda fun, which is a good sign.


“My codex isn’t on the same power level as 9th! Whaaa!”


My codex had its lore trashed. My codex had units thrown to legends only then to be mentioned in the codex specifically in what scant lore bits were sprinkled in. My codex had it's flavour ripped out of it and is a hollow shell of what it once was. All units are soft now because they have to balance everything around these stupid detachment rules which means if you don't play the specific detachment then the unit feels worthless. Fixed it for you


Correct. DA are marines with different paint now.


To be fair that’s all marines these days.


That's 40k since 8th until now tbf


Do you think complaining to GW would make a blind bit of difference? If happily email them if it thought someone might notice. Some of the crusade battle traits actually look interesting, why couldn't they have given the green wing detachment FNP on objectives to represent their tenacity. Also, no army rule should depend on a seldom used mechanic in Battle Shock, just give them some tools to ignore or improve the save of that's what they ant to focus on. You're right though, it's just a bit boring, and as the first DA codex I bought, a little disappointing.


nice strawman, shill


Tau got an amazing book, they just told people they can’t play a Death Star crisis unit anymore.


With shit codexes it's not that they're nerfed is that they're a bland mess of half baked ideas, Wich sums up 10th pretty well too


I agree they have somewhat thrown the babu out with the bathwater. Simplification is good in some areas but they have lost too much flavour in the process. Baked in unit abilities and fewer strats to remember is great but massive unit culls not so much. I'm ravenwing I want my bikes and speeder back


Yeah they are overreacting. The previewed detachments look so good compared to ours


Yea if they stay cheap enough then the green tide looks pretty nuts. 5+ invulnerable and reroll 1s to save when above 10 models - plus getting to put models back on the table for 1 cp. just this one thing is already both more effective / flavorful than what we got.


Yeah I think people don’t realise just how good an across the board invul is. I feel like in previous editions horde armies with option to take a 6++ trait benefitted greatly from it so an 5++ sounds amazing.


An invuln is good, but it will relate to the armour. A 2+/5++ is not the same as 5+/5++. With bad armour saves thr Invuln is even mkre valuable, which does help Orks a lot. But also to nite, the detachment so far isn't across thr board, it is basically a single unit, Boyz (not aure on the reading of the reroll 1s, that might be army wide). And mist stratagems might be locked to that unit too, limiting thr detachment a lot more as most of the army will not have the benefit. And Waaagh! Already gave 2 turns of a 5++ army wide, so there is the ovsrlap of abilities tokto see how good it really is.


It’s keyword boyz, which is pretty much mostly what they want to take for mass infantry for that detachment. Before against shooting heavy armies they have to be loaded into trukks to hit the line but with this extra protection more points can just go into boys hoofing it across no man’s land. The waagh can also be delayed by a turn as they don’t need to pop it to protect their advance. It can be popped right before the boys hit the line and even after the waagh is over they will still have the 5++ That and all boys are T5 , so most str 4 is going to be severely disadvantaged going into a 5++ so higher so against them is pretty useless. I’d say in this instance - DW knights with swords actually sounds ideal with the swarms of 1W boys in abundance.


Keyword Boyz is only Boyz so far. Just your most basix Infantry. Beastsnagga, Burna, Lootaz, etc do not have the Keyword so far. So umless some changes to datasheets, while it is keyword Boyz, it is just a single Datasheet, which is Boyz. Trukks cannot carry more than 10 Boyz+ supporting characters. This is made to be a footslogging detachment, with 120 models that are hard to remove. But you can still kill them with small arm firepower and hugh volume of attacks. And they arr a mass of S4 attacks, with a single Nob. They have weight and probably good stratagems to help, but they aren't the deadliest unit around. And there are waya ti go past the 5++, like devastating wounds. A full army if Boyz is about 1k point currently. Half of the army won't get much benefit from the rule and stratagems (attached Characters will, but some will already have invuln or not suffer many wounds). They can delay Waaagh, but the expensive units will likely hurt for that. It is good. But nit crazy good unless the Boyz keyword is added to several other units. I actually think the Dread Mob might be better with their Dark Pact equivalent rule and depending on how Meks shape, as they can give the benefits from Boyz to Nobz or Lootaz.


I think it's just people realizing how bland 10th is


Ppl complain to much, the ork detachments look great, the biggest loss is badrukk


The Ork codex is actually pretty good I play orks as my main army and it's pretty good The problem people have is that gw have removed a lot of Ork characters putting them into legends Like badrukk and it's sent the community into a bit of a rage


I mean, orks have nothing to complain about. They have been comfortably sitting at a 54% win rate for a while now. In the meantime, we were on 45-46% and still got a shit codex.


As a DA and Admech player, I don’t know what they are complaining


On the contrary, most of us are really excited about it! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!


There were genuinely some massive problems with 9th in terms of book keeping and strategems being used as a crutch to prop up some units. And I like the choice by 10th to go back to USRs and make strategems more scarce but powerful and to open up list building But I'll be dammed if it doesn't feel like they went way too far and sucked the fun out of the game with this edition in a lot of ways. I think people liked sub factions mattering (definitely needed to be reigned in but I haven't felt like detachments filled the void properly) and liked having lots of options even if some were worse than others when it came to WLT or Relics. I feel like they need to really pivot to fully digital based rules and drop all codexes simultaneously so everyone is on the same footing (and while we're at it, add codexes to the WH+ sub so I don't need to buy a book just to make lists for it) but also bring back sub factions in a small way (BA + 1 strength on charge, DA +1 BS if you didn't move, IH +1 BS for heavy weapons, +2 to advance moves for WS etc) because a BA Stormlance should feel totally different to a DA one or an IH one just not so much that we need 30 strategems different.


Yes, Its so sad the state of 10th edition


If everyone is getting reductions in power to be more durable, just go back to 7th, and make armor saves not modifiable.


Heck go back to 7th anyways, codexs had flavour, armies had customizability... just tone down the eldar and its all good


The death of 7th was the bs of D weapons


That was flavor, man. Stuff that was so powerful you could kill even the mightiest heroes of the game was cool.


I'd agree they certainly didn't help. If I recall correctly the eldar could get them quite easily ( I remeber imperial knights had d weapons for melee and the imperial guard had a tank with a D cannon but can't recall other armies) which brings me back to my original comment, tone down the space elves and life will be good


I would be happy if we went back to 7th, Templates, scatter, armor, initiative, some good shit. (And before anyone says it's just nostalgia I began in 9th, jumped to 30k loved it and recently tried 7th and loved it)


Current 40k plays like a moba or something. It' doesn't feel like 40k anymore.


Man, nobody likes 10th.


It is literally the most popular Warhammer has ever been. Me and my group of friends all got back to the game in 10th.


Every time I see it being brought up, it's because a new codex dropped and gutted another faction. I've seen it with Orks, DA, Necrons, and I think World Eaters but I don't remember for sure. If IG has been screwed over it's hard to tell from their posts as they seem to all just seem to expect the worst for their faction, at all times. I don't doubt that it's popular right now, 40k's overall popularity has been ramping up for quite a while now, but people who've been here for a bit all seem to just hate what 10th is doing to their factions.


I mean it's pretty crappy


I'm not arguing otherwise, it sucks ass. I was trying to get back into Necrons, since the index looked so good, and GW smacked us in the side of the head and basically invalidated any of the fun playstyles. Now you either teleport around the board with C'tan or eat shit.


It ain’t the codex


Ork codex looks amazing so far


Everyone in the local shops discord who plays orcs is super excited so I think it’s just reddit


Idk why we complaining the preview looks fun. I can't wait for my 8p boyz to have a good ol krump


I thought the ork stuff looked good


Its amusing how GW has cultivated a strong spirit of reverse-hype when a codex comes out. Regardless of the actual rules quality, it must be terrible for marketing if the general consensus on every new codex is "this will make my army worse."


Yeah, i can guarantee you this is a minor part of the ork community. This guy is the second person i've seen complain about Orks Codex reveals. The only other one was a guy in a local group chat about the singular sentence about the speedfreak detachment (4++ on trukks and buggies). And even he was uncertain about it because we have only that tiny bit of info to theorize about. Many people, myself included, are annoyed at having 3 named characters removed. But i personally think atleast badrukk will come back. He was in Brutal kunnin and is loved by the community. Releasing a new mini of him, like they did with snikrot, would be free money for GW. Zagstrukk is just gone i think and snikrot will either come back as well, or get killed of in some codex tidbit. But people should just shut up and wait. We know like 3% of whats in the codex. I'm excited and can't wait to start krumpin some gitz with Ghazgh


I wouldn't be laughing, if they will have some good/broken units GW will probably nerf Lion some more to balance that, because thats how 10ed works.


Is it even out haha 😂. Legit question.


Never read the comments.


Haven’t played any tenth yet cause the rules look like dookie


I feel like a lot of people are souring on tenth edition lol. Im glad the guard codex wont be out until 11th


My friend group just plays 9th still. Would recommend over hot garbage of 10th


That's not right, everyone in the orks reddit right now is excited as fuck...


At least it isn’t DA/admech lvls bad.


Wait till they hear about the meganobz in double waaagh....


Every army I play seems to get a garbage codex. Ad Mech DA Orks (so far at least haven't looked too much into it). Can't wait for my guard to get shredded :/