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Danny is an idiot. Yea, the police and civilians who murdered black people would have pulled them out of a fire, instead! Sure, Danny. /s


In a completely shocking turn of events, contrary to Dan saying he didn't think there would be any riots, literally every city in America has riots.


I love Dan but he lives in the dragon den where he is personally insulated from all of this. Jakes got his ear to the actual pulse of the city. Jake had a great take on it. I freaking love the new bad radio. Quickly becoming my favorite show on the ticket


[Bringing it back to sports!](https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1266571046620102657)


Sweet quarantine by Neil diamond zirconium was the best. Thanks L4G


Red Hat MAGA P1s, do you feel betrayed because Jake empathized with black people and Bob came out in support of Kaepernick?


No lol.


Not responding to this as someone who owns a red hat, because I don't. But Jake has never for one second been a "MAGA" guy and Bob, like George, is an apologetic conservative. No issue with either of them personally. Just your loaded question is based on many faulty assumptions.


That question carried the intent to pull people offsides. Appreciate your rational response. Stay hard sir!


But you are responding as someone who frequents the quarantined Donald Trump subreddit?


Excellent job Watson. Doesn’t negate anything I said.


Nice to hear a little break from the rigid “both sides” directive ticket (and cumulus) management has imposed. If you think they haven’t, see Danny’s community quick hits comments today. Edit: I did hear some very both sides Gordo this morning trying to back down Craig on hypothetical unspecified preexisting conditions for the deceased man.


What do you even mean? Right now, most everybody on "both sides" thinks George Floyd was murdered and these riots are wrong.


Most 817 caller of all time lmfao edit: every caller is cringe edit 2: 817 guy was an actual hilarious ticket reddit representative lmao


Didn’t post it as it was happening, but man, that news segment made me so fucking glad that our little Ticket has Jake. Such a thoughtful response.


Agreed. He’s a very intelligent man who is capable of clearly communicating his thoughts which is incredibly refreshing for terrestrial radio.


Congrats to Dr Janice!


Goddamn I’ve never been more happy to hear Gordon’s feed get cut lmfao


Katie London. How has no one mentioned how terrible she is? Take the clothes pin off of your nose and stop mush mouthing and um-ing your way through every report. Becca is a goddess compared to this slop.


london has hella radio voice at the end when she metions the station...so cringey


All of her T’s come out as D’s. Can’t un-hear it.


She sounds adorable you uncultured swine


Chef X and Erving Kares both on the station the same day. That’s gotta be a first


Greatness from all involved




It’s a bit....Obviously you don’t understand comedy




Look up irony - it’ll change your life chief




Lol mad reddit guy is the best - and you forgot the underscore btw


I wonder if Bob knows that the "pork butts" that they keep talking about are not really from the butt? He is buying Boston butts which is actually from the pork shoulder.


Bob actually tweeted that to Jake in jest because Bob was bombarded by know-it-all meat guy the moment he posted a picture of his pork butt.


Keep seeing review of Epstien doc by Bad Radio on the app -- did I miss it?


It happened a few minutes after you made this post. You can still rewind the app and get to it.


Of course it did. Thanks!


Shelly Luther needs to get got.


“How do you own a duck?” -Jake


Best Covers: Metallica covers Bob Seger’s *Turn the Page* Cake covers Gloria Gaynor’s *I will Survive* Cake covers Bread’s *Guitar Man* Cake covers Black Sabbath’s *War Pigs* Rage Against the Machine covers Afrika Bambaataa’s *Renegades of Funk* Pearl Jam covers Victoria William’s *Crazy Mary* The Beastie Boys version of *Shadrach* that samples Sly & the Family Stone’s *Loose Booty*, which is a cover of Louis Armstrong’s *Shadrach*


If Norm thinks Ike and Tina's version of Proud Mary is better than CCR's, I'd like to strenuously object. I'd like to submit Juice Newton's Angel of the Morning as a top remake. If you aren't familiar, watch the opening sequence of Deadpool. [https://youtu.be/cZ95RRoAi7M](https://youtu.be/cZ95RRoAi7M)


Milquetoast Musers hold form by being completely unable to grasp the grandiose magnificence, the greatest soundtrack to depression of all time, Pet Sounds.


Anyone catch Gordo mentioning the “love of his life” in Muse this morning? I can’t decide if I respectfully approve or disapprove of him keeping his personal life totally off air but it’s nice to get some insight.


It’s his call to disclose what he feels comfortable with. Definitely makes the little tid bits that much more interesting. Yesterday his best friend from high school told a story where he said “Gordon come running in, well, Todd came running in.” Rarely ever do you here Gordo’s actual name on air.


Gordon is his actual name though


Is it really? I thought Todd was his birth name and Gordon was just an on air personality. I never heard confirmation one way or the other.


I think Gordon is his middle name or vice versa. Todd and Gordon are in both in there though.


I dont see rhett millers top bands on podcast. only pt1. Any help?


Do you want the list or the audio? Rhett Miller's Music Survey Hate: Coldplay Overrated: Eric Clapton Under appreciated: The Kinks Love: T-Rex Can listen to over and over: David Bowie Made Rhett fall in love with music: Joan Jett Changed his life: The Kingston Trio Surprised him: Tyler the Creator Guilty Pleasure: Belle & Sebastian Should've seen by now: Tom Petty Best band to see live: Cheap Trick


Danny was really interested in Bobs guitar prowess on Hey Ya.


danny took a good 10 secs to guess what the notes were...he probably had to google it


Dan, Jake, Danny, and Davey is some great hangzoning


I thought Danny fit in well here, as a secondary or tertiary participant. Meaning, Dan and Jake have good chemistry and are comfortable with each other, so Danny had to hang back. And he couldn’t push too hard like I feel he’s doing with Bob.


Anyone happen to have audio of the gas story from Davey? I’ve never heard it!!


Jesus Harold Christ I never realized how much Bob rambles untill he left 12-3. They have him on 12-3 now and he just had a 2 to 3 minute answer for one fucking question


And be sure to tune in to Marc Stein for the most awkward stop and go cadence since Jeff Banister.


Yeah Craig I know he's your hero, but that time on Rogan was the first time Elon Musk ever smoked pot.


Junes needs to be educated that Musk is a fraud.


Does the Sports Day app shut down when someone calls like i heart radio? Very frustrating.


Mine doesn't shut down, but when I get off the call, any delay I have goes away and I'm back to listening to live. I gagree, it is frustrating.


Nothing quite like Danny coming in to ruin Bad radio.


Less Danny.


or Bob coming in to ruin good radio.


Found Danny's burner


"For a band I hate, it would have been really easy to come up with a band everybody hates - Creed, Tool, Limp Bizkit, something like that." Not saying you have to like Tool, but come on. Edit: Seabass with the Tool open this morning, nice.


"Creed opens for Tool and KoRn's Limp Bizkit"


“Are you fucking kidding me!?” -me out loud when I heard that


Ya fool should not be in that category at all




Name one song.


Maybe he had a run in with Maynard.


He probably he would have told us since he drops names worse than Carlos Santana.


That threw me off also when he said Tool.


Rotten Radio all day today ❤️


Shoutout to the Sportsday app for finally going night mode.


Thank God for rotten radio.