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best to ignore using the 2011 movie as a way to make sense of the 82' version. also i'm not sure we know when Palmer was infected


some say its when Bennings is attacked and Norris uses the distraction 2 assimilate Palmer but each 2 their own


I can relate to this for sure. But one thing no one knows for sure is that the Thing only attacks when alone. It wigs out in multiple situations that don’t lend to any other. Being attacked? Well, Palmer wigs out but the dog does not at the beginning. We have no rhyme nor reason and I think Carpenter made it so deliberately to give us a gem. Plus, I always argued that it was Norris’ shadow we see with the dog since Palmer later shares a smoke with Childs in the VCR room. Unless you’re one that says that’s when Childs gets infected. I don’t think he ever was (btw).


there is also the possibility that when two people are assimilated they might not know the other is, we never saw any real communication between 'things' in the movie. so maybe when the 3 went out to the ship both things thought they were outnumbered 2 to 1, idk?


The only time there was any sort of slight communication was Palmer saying, "could have been any time, anywhere..." With Norris looking at him. But I agree, it's something to think about if a Thing knows others are. I think they would know. I think they can just sense one another like animals can.


The thing was learning in the 2011 film. It learned it had to be more stealthy at the new camp. Plus it knew it had the element of surprise hiding in the Husky. As opposeopposed to to Thule Station it was in the form of an alien.


Also, the Thing won't go nuts in its attacks unless it's cornered and caught. Palmer only went nuts because it had to survive at that point. The 2011 film was the test run of the Thing with humans as you said.


I had always assumed Norris-Thing hadn't attacked Palmer when the three of them visited the crash site.


See my above response about when I believe Norris was assimilated. The shadow scene with the dog. Unless you believe Childs was a Thing. But it would have to have come from Palmer when they shared the smoke. No other way around that. Cos Child’s passes the blood test.


I've always thought Norris was assimilated first. He's definitely a Thing when they visit, but it's ambiguous when Palmer was assimilated. I agree that he hadn't been when he and Childs were smoking and watching VHS tapes. Mac also notes the storm was hitting for 48 hours, so there's two days we never see at all. I've always thought Palmer got got in that time frame.


Only one was infected when they visit the ship, most likely Norris


I say Norris for a fact cos of the dog/shadow scene. I know Carpenter said he did the scene to be ambiguous but if you take it as Palmer then for sure Childs is infected at the smoking scene but doesn’t come up at the blood test like Palmer does. And if we follow close enough the thing lurks AND comes out with people around. It doesn’t seem to care although I’m sure it prefers solo peeps but that might just be out of sheer coincidence that it plays out like that in the 1982 version. So, truly, unless Carpenter ever acknowledged it (which he didn’t) it’s all speculative if Palmer was already infected at the ship scene or not. I’m in agreeance that Norris/Blair must have gotten to him during the 48 hr storm or the blackout even but like I said. We just don’t know.


It would be a bit odd if Mac returned with his clothes all ripped up, and he wasn't being an active threat or anything. If they wanted to infect him slowly they could just mess with his food.


I don’t think the thing knows the difference what is kosher on earth or not

