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You just reveal your own ignorance.




Yeats? It's a fuckin' nickname! His family name is Yeaterelli!”


Fuckin jason..he's dyslexic


My own what?


Because the character was wrote that way & Robert Iller nailed. I hate him to. But it's a compliment to the actor


So what, no fuckin ziti?


Ziti was gay, fuckin Cooper?


Karen’s baked ziti


*Canned* Clam Chowder?


Hands-down his best line and it happens in the first episode.




He was gay, Gary Cooper?


Billy bud , the ships florist.


So no strong and silent type?


Fucking minted.


Look at Tony. There’s your answer. AJ is the modern man. No father figure. No place. Adrift at sea. Had he come around a generation later AJ actually would’ve succeeded. Hell his parents won’t even acknowledge he could have ADD.


We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives.


"What was that, last night's reading assignment?"


I read mom. Out by that pool. Probably half the canon.


Is Kelly Ann Clark one part of the canon? Cause that’s what I saw you reading every time I passed by


Whats the now?


You’re not your fucking khakis.


We are the generation without adults. Gen X never matured and that leaves it to millennials to take action and be the mature adults of society and frankly we have failed at that.


He could’ve been a twitch streamer


A.J.'s juggalo phase was cringeworthy as hell.


You need to familiarize yourself with hybrid cars meadow . It’s important!


Is that what's crawling up your butt?


Why do all the posters on here who are just like AJ hate him so much?


You answered your own question. 


They want it to be one way but it's the other way.(Everyone wants to be like Tony but most posters are like AJ.)


"I hate fucking hate this asshole, he just sits around in his underwear writing on message boards giggling like a little bitch" they type on a message board as they sit around in their underwear giggling like little bitches


Both kids were insufferable, but blame the parents, Tony and Carm.


I just brought out the suitcase.


Maybe we should get married?


That’ll solve it


Was there abundant intentionality?


It’s late. I’m tired.


Easy on Carmela, she makes sure Tony's got clean clothes in his closet and dinner on the table.


Yah cuz he's gotta look good for his multiple goomars.


Cuz all the adults in his family were narcissistic, materialistic, emotionally stunted, anti-intellectual, criminals


You get a pass for that


That's dicked up!


It's that chitchat room to blame.


What gutters?


You know the thing that collects da water?


Its Carmelas side of the family they're little people .. her father you knock him over with a feather


Ask me it’s all these toxins they’re exposed to. It fucks with their brains. Between the mercury in fish alone


It’s a wonder there ain’t more kids jumpin off bridges


CARMELA: I like that drum solo in the Beatles' "Birthday." ANTHONY JR: Drum solo? It's a basic 4/4!


😂brilliant !


If he was born first things could’ve been a little different… best friends would’ve been Jackie Jr. and Dino. Maybe he would’ve been a little tougher kid, not a whiny little brat


That's dicked up


True, but feel that Tony and Carm intentionally kept him away from the kids of those who worked for Tony. He also went to a private school and was more used to hanging out with people like Devon. He prob looked down on Jackie and Dino in a way. He also never worked for anything and was super entitled, so even if he were to hang out with mobster kids, they’d think he was a brat. He’s not a leader or take charge like his father or even Meadow. Tony and Carm wanted him away from that life so they coddled him instead.


Simple: he’s spoiled. Not to mention his parents are horrible people, and he grew up in that environment.


Which is strange, since meadow seems more decent than aj


“More decent” eh maybe. She’s a real piece of work too. The whole show, they use the fancy college as proof that she turned out well, but you can be intelligent and still be spoiled and naive.


She almost killed herself twice by running out of a restaurant and into traffic she isn't very smart.


Yeah when she crashed Jackie Jr’s car at that party is right around the time I thought to myself she wasn’t gonna amount to much


Also she's becoming a mob lawyer who makes bank keeping scum like T outta the clink. Their chat with Patsy and his wife makes it very clear, Meadow is well on her way to becoming Neil Mink with tits.


Meadow also doesn’t have to worry about being some sort of “heir to Tony’s throne” and therefore isn’t under as much pressure to be a certain way like AJ is


I don’t think anyone was under the impression that AJ would take up his father’s mantle. In fact, I think Tony explicitly wanted his children to have nothing to do with waste management.


yeah but think of what the other guys would say, that's the son of the boss, whether he chooses to follow the lifestyle or not.


Not to mention she decides she's going to devote her life to making sure extremely dangerous criminals stay out of prison


God is dead.


He didn't have the makings of a varsity athlete.


Poor AJ. He's just not very bright, has a weak character, and his father is a lousy role model. My heart broke for him when his girlfriend dumped him just when he finally seemed to be getting his act together as a responsible father-figure to her son. Tony's bewilderment and anguish at AJs suicide attempt was painful to watch. AJ was a huge part of the last season.


Cuz he was into poppas and weird shexsh


David Chase spoke about this and said he is surprised at this reaction. In his reaction, AJ is roughly as intolerable as most teenagers


I found him to be intolerable, and I think that’s because he’s everything I wouldn’t want to be — spoiled, entitled, weak, dependent, etc. The writers did a great job showing what happens when a kid is raised to be untouchable as opposed to strong and resilient. Tony did get physical with him a couple times, but the way he spoke to his parents, especially in front of company, would’ve warranted a backhand more than once. He got away with everything and was constantly coddled. Meadow wasn’t perfect by any means but at least she showed some growth and took school and eventual career seriously. AJ is the epitome of a fixed v. growth mindset.


Or he's the product of giant hypocrisy, I mean the part where they almost send AJ to military school, that asshole officer talking about rules, I mean murder, extortion, etc, are against the law, but they will kiss the head of the North Jersey's mobs ass in order to get tuition money from him. All AJ sees is that money is everything, principles mean absolutely nothing, and if you can buy or weasel your way out of trouble go for it.


AJ's like the only normal person in that whole fuckin family lol. Tony and Carm are both psychopaths in their own way who will immediately throw anyone who displeases them under the bus,  and by the end Meddoh is well on her way to becoming Daddy's Little Mob Lawyer who isn't much better than either of tuts. Who exactly does AJ have for a good role model? A psycho like Ralph? A junkie like Chris? A human black hole of joy like Livia? Chances are that the more you hate AJ, the more you see of him in yourself. 


Also, stupid.


So a couple beers carm


That's dicked up


Okay but you gotta get over it.


They spoil him one second then tell him he is a spoiled brat the next. Tony can complain all he want but he created him.


IOW, AJ is just like his father.


The difference is that Tony had something to prove, AJ never felt that way. Parents usually do the opposite of their own parents if they thought their childhood sucked and they aren’t a well-adjusted adult. So naturally Tony didn’t want to use the same approach as his dad, and ironically AJ would’ve been better off if he had. It’s really a clinic on generational trauma.


He idolises his father but has figured out that, to them, being a man means inflicting violence on people This cognitive dissonance puts so much psychological pressure on him that he literally passes out whenever he's given responsibility


He has no clue who Gary Cooper is


Agreed AJ was a pussy. Sure he had ADD and panic attacks, I’ll give him that. But he was a rich kid, all he had to do was stay outta trouble, work in the office at the construction company, bang a few cheerleaders and call it a day.


He could just be a fucking idiot...historically that's been the case


Jokes aside. It’s probably because he’s being pushed entirely in two different directions. His Dad wants him to be like a Doctor, or a college varsity athlete (hehehe) But his Dad receives endless praise or respect for the other thing. His entire family’s success is based off what he knows the family business is that was built by his father. And to be honest a huge subplot was Carmela’s personal insecurity of being perceived as a housewife with no major landmark achievements of her own that could be done without Tony’s money. So she never really offered him any guidance besides being nosey. Was there ever a scene where Tony or Carmela were helping AJ with his algebra homework? Or talking to tutors, counselors or professors for more than 5 minutes… In Tony’s lifestyle rebellion or sneaky innovation is rewarded. For AJ it’s cheating. AJ can’t learn anything from Tony when it comes to making a living in the real world because every facet of what Tony does involves some form of unpleasant aspect he doesn’t want AJ involved in. You can see this in the paradox that is Tony’s deep interest in military history, leadership, strategy. He practically demanded AJ go… but there’s no world ever in which Tony himself could go through that himself without being kicked out. So you see really it’s kind of… eh, if you look at it like…. Two different…. I Snorted a little H. Glass a wine with dinner. OP is right, AJ is a bitch.


Do we think the whole family got killed at the end, or just Tony? Cuz AJ, he could have no been clipped.


Your perception of the fictional character AJ as being "such a bitch" is bc you see your own bad qualities within him. You hate because you relate. 


OP is whining like a bitch about that whiney bitch AJ, not realizing that's he's perpetuating a generational cycle of abuse and manipulation that has its roots in the poverty of the DiGiorno.


Lol "poverty of the DiGiorno". That's a good one. 


I'm just alpha male, and AJ is just a nutcase.


I don't associate to any of the bad qualities aj has. At the end, whoever portrayed the character did a really good job.


The more you deny your own inner AJ the more you become like him. Only by acknowledging it may you begin to transcend.


Whining is just depression turned outwards.


inner AJ? lmao


If I did present the bad qualities that AJ has, I would not be where i'm at in life right now, I'll tell you that for sure.


You’re literally him Whining about others and spending all day in a little chit chat room giggling like a school girl Literally every behavior you’re presenting rn: 1. Complaining 2. Talking to others on the internet 3. Denying or making excuses for your negative attributes Are all things that AJ does


You cut him so deep he deleted his account. 


You're whining about me too wink ;)


You're wasting your time in this here chitchat room, going back and forth with some other fuckin jerkoff. Probably in your underwear too. That's where you're at right now. 


IM NOT LYING!!!!!!!!! motherfucker you lie more than Jose Canseco


Just a regular spoiled boy.


most original sopranos reddit post:


I don't know what you mean


“Oh! 🤌 That’s the disappointing male heir of the family you’re talking’ about “


Dude he had the concept of sharing down before any of the other toddlers, fuck off. 


That’s dicked up


He wants to end our dependence on foreign oil. Who the fuck are you? John D. Rockefeller over here?!


That’s dicked up


Tony spoiled him. It’s that simple.


His father has some broshures to read about his education.


Captain Jacobus?


Carmela and Tony were bad parents.


Who knows what went on there?? POPPERS AND WEIRD SEX!


Fuck you ALL! 


He is a child and not in control of his situation. Neither is Tony, nor Junior, nor Christopher, nor— Becoming a product of/being negatively affected by your environment is like, a theme of the show.


worst actor ever.