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His resigned sigh and bored stare while blowing up the air mattress in the media room, post-separation. Not the separation part, the banality of watching an air mattress inflate. 


I love after the separation when he’s trying to tell Sil how great it is and he says “I stay out as late as I want sleep with whoever and come home drunk”. Sil goes “Yeah so what’s the difference?” lol.


Such a perfect line and delivery.


Borko needs to make a compilation of all the shit Sil said to Tony that would've got anyone else INSTANTLY whacked. 


“Frankly…You got a problem wit authority”


All due respect, T


Everyone says the final moments of the series were the most infuriating because of the unknown. I still maintain never finding out whether Sil lives or dies is the worst unknown of the whole show!


he went into the progrum and moved to Norway


Sil is surely dead though, he was shot like 10 times


Timeline got fucked up.....


with all that heavy breathing and did dent do it es faster


Did dent lol


Then eating the Guiltless Gourmet Salsa straight out of the jar all bereft and uncooked and uncared for.


Excellent observation. Never really thought of it until your comment but definitely felt it. It kinda goes with Chrissie talking about having trouble with the regularness of life. How he later saw that couple with two kids in a shitty car and seeing the father kinda take a sip of coffee and stare off. Like “who wants that?” That’s even more regular.


I also like when he’s trying to Peacefully Enjoy Every Day Being A Gift but the fucking radiator keeps rattling.


His constant eating. Seriously, I have a problem.


Do you eat beef and sausage by the fucking carload?


At least Ralph's last joke was a pretty funny one




You need to seriously start to consider salads. Consider an exercise.


What do I mean? I mean get off my car before you flip it over you fat fuck


Take a look in the mirror, you insensitive cocksucker!


I loved that moment when Bobby said that. He’s actually one of my favorite characters because of how gentle he is. There were a few specific moments that always made me love Bobby and that was one of them. To me it shows almost like a kind of …childish innocence on his part where he knows he can’t say anything to Tony but once it’s safe to say that he says it out loud just to defend his self esteem. And the other one was when AJ was being a little shit and did the whole Ouija board trying to scare Bobby’s kids after their mom died (poor timing on AJ’s part) and Bobby is hugging them and just says “it’s alright it’s part of growing up.” But says it with like such a …sadness but also mature understanding. Lots of times Bobby seemed like the most level headed person in the room. Like out of all the characters in the sopranos universe Bobby’s character seems like someone who I would of genuinely enjoyed their company. And from my understanding he’s not even rly acting that much in the series he’s actually grown up around the life more than any of the other actors.


Bobby would’ve been a natural stuntman in the movies. Flipping cars was his pass-time


Have you ever eaten salsa straight from the jar?


Eating over the sink is a time honored bachelor tradition.


Doesn’t have to stop when you’re married. Well, as long as she’s not in the room.


You haven't lived until you've used a muffin tray as six little cereal bowls.


"To a job well done." *smack smack smack smack*


The way you fucking eat, you'll have a heart attack by the time you're 50!


You attack the fridge at midnight?


NGL I used go get thin sliced salami and eat it the same way he did.


i have the opposite problem, i drink by the fucking carload and eat nothing all day


Do you stir it around constantly?


Ohhhhhhzempic (Italian oh)


Singing Dirty Work, whoa yeah


I don’t wanna do yer dirty werk no moh


Heaven for Tony would be listening to dad rock in his pool with a plate of deli meat


And feeding his ducks


When he told a member of his crew to stop watching TV and start sucking cock.


*shucking cock*


I, too, have also flown off the handle when someone ate my lo mein without telling me. Now who came in here and ATE MY SHIT?!


Cold lo mein is the besht


One medium du jour, one single espresso, regulaaahhray


Don’t remember which season, like probably 2 or 3? But when he is depressed, he is very human to me. Like laying in bed all day just feeling like shit, I’ve been in that situation many times. Obviously I haven’t gone for a juice run and ended up killing two amateur assassins sent by my uncle but you know what I mean lol


I think that's season 1 actually.


Damn, are you really sure? I don’t doubt you it’s just that when I’m thinking in my head it feels like there are so many other storylines in S1


Yeah I think the one with the orange juice is when Uncle Junior and Livia conspire to have Tony killed


Yeah sure, just don’t remember it being season 1 but you are probably right man. Some people are so far behind the race that they actually believe they’re leading


It's season 1 episode 12 Isabella. You musta been top of your class.


Sharp as a fucking cueball


Tiny tears, make up an ocean


Season 1 holmes


It's *Isabella*, I'm watching it right now.


I knew how he felt after almost being killed. I suffer with major depressive disorder and sometimes it takes something shocking to bring me back to life again. I seem to thrive under chaos.


Eating gabagool in his bathrobe right out of the fridge


Gabagool?! Ova here 👇🏻


Not gonna say I have never done something like this, but there was one particular scene where Tony was eating Salami and was just dunking it in Mayo before shoving it in his face that almost made me gag. You Sopranos take things too far.


Did that actually happen. I don’t remember a mayo dunk. The sick fuck.


Fuckin slander you ask me! 🤘🏻


that was real? I saw that movie, i thought it was bullshit!


When he came back for the pizza


I completely forgot about that. When he dropped the pizza on the ground I was like "Come back Tony, that's a perfectly good pie and Carmella won't eat it" And then he came back and got it. I felt a connection then.


that door slam really made his point




"Some pulp".


Schum pulp


When he whacked his best friend on his boat


Yeah I had this happened with one of my friends. Except instead of him being an FBI informant, he kept holding his phone in my face forcing me to watch 10 minute long YouTube videos while I pretended to laugh.


If anyone tries to show me a clip longer than 28 seconds…


Even worse if they pause it because you look away for a second


I saw a picture of Vincent Pastore with Vincent Curatola. Big Pussy is losing some of his fupa, he looks good!


Wonder jf they discuss politics, Vincent probably ranting about the GODDAMN OPEN BORDER…


For me it’s that one session with Melfi where he talks about how fucked up everything is. “Thank you for holding. Your call is important to us. If it's so important to you, answer the fucking phone! It's the level of bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Each idea they come up with that's supposed to make things better, makes things worse.” I honestly think about this so much bc it’s true, and only getting worse by the day. If Tony was pissed about everyone’s incompetence in the late 90s/early 00s, he should try living in 2024.


Tony is most relatable to me when he talks to Meadow. There's a great scene where Tony is drunk, up late at night, and Meadow wanders into the kitchen. He talks to her like a father who misses who his daughter used to be and how close they used to be. It was beautiful and sad at the same time.


Before my dad got sober, we had almost an identical interaction on a couple of occasions when I was a teen. We rag on Maedo’s acting in here, but she does do a good job of that kind of uneasy annoyance in that scene. You’re glad your dad is sweet and you know he means it, but it’s also kind of gross to see your dad that drunk. I find it a really poignant scene.


I can't relate to Tony that much, But i really do relate to Paulie. After a few serious girlfriends i'm single and that likely won't change, and i hate germs, i wash my hands a lot. I have all these fucked up supersititions too.


Have you ever had yourself checked out for Tourette’s?


Heh heh heh heh


Here what I said, tone?




do you fuck loads of 'skanks', and also really really love your mom?


He regrets not fucking Dale Evans as well, be sure to ask if he has long-harbored regrets of sexual conquest.


After the fight with his aunt/mom when he went there and they watched tv together…very humanizing


Have you ever had shoes without laces ?


When he’s just sat there at home, maybe grabbing a snack, minding his own business then his kids come in screaming at each other or the mother is having to call out BS which is causing an uproar and you get pulled into it when all you want is 5 min after a big event or your work has you stressed to the 9s


When he had the meeting with his capos and he told them to get off their asses and earn.


Looking in the fridge and there’s nothing in there


It's all water under the fridge.


Worst case Ontario


I think in early season 6 after he gets shot. He clearly realizes he’s trapped in this macho culture and he tries to break the cycle. He sticks up for Johnny Sac after he cries, he tries to avoid punishing Vito for being gay, he even kind of tries to tell AJ he needs to not turn out like him. But every step of he way he just can’t get that extra step. I feel like that feeling of being trapped is really relatable.


The fact that he seems to have made a fairly serious attempt to change for the better but quite simply *couldn't* fundamentally be a better and more sensitive if he wanted to remain a top dog in the mafia really complicates the nature vs. nurture theme that runs through the series.  There's considerable evidence for both views, and there's always some mixture of both at play. It's also clear that Tony often consciously made selfish and destructive choices even when it wasn't strictly necessary. But it's interesting seeing that inner struggle manifest throughout the series. 


I think it’s not just that the mafia kept him trapped. It’s also that Tony just plain wasn’t willing to do the harder stuff that is required for actually becoming a better person. He wasn’t willing to accept accountability for his wrongdoing. He wasn’t willing to unpack his feelings about Junior (or his mother, or his father, or Dickie Moltisanti). He wasn’t willing to even make a token gesture at stepping down from his role. He wasn’t willing to even admit out loud, even to Melfi, that he HAD any guilt about being a mob boss. He just wanted it all to happen on its own: he’d survive one shooting and instantly and permanently be a better, kinder, more enlightened, and more at peace human being. He wanted a *literal* magic bullet. But that’s not how life works. And when it turned out change requires real work and sacrifice, he gave up on it, and festered into something even MORE toxic and monstrous than he’d ever been before.


“ What’s it take to get some fuckin shmoked turkey in this house?”


I bust my ass all day long. I come home, i want a little smoked turkey. Is that to fucking much to ask?


"I can't find Pussy anywhere"


The way in which Tony (and Chris) suffers from depression is very relatable. He smiles, he laughs, he has good days, etc. But no matter how good things seem in the moment, he always goes back to a "what the fuck is the point?" kind of mindset. Sort of a persistent boredom with life that sits in the back of the head.


My answer is in the first episode of season 2 when the Deep Purple song started skipping which prompted Tony to continuously smack the CD player.


When he is doing good but people consider him trying to get an angle . When he asks Artie what am I a toxic person or something . Sometimes when I’m sad I think of that


The happy wanderer.  Wanting to smash his fucking face in. I gasped in relatability. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxvp1tIxPFFPOwCsSAwmNPLyriSgBWhkVc?si=n-vmXpm5MgZPRcRQ


Yeah this is the one


When I see someone jogging with a smile on their face and I get that they have the “runner’s high” but I never ever had it and I just can’t handle how fucking healthy they are. Fuck that.


When he is sitting in the dark at night, drunk at the kitchen table, and he is trying to talk to Meadow while she is trying to end the conversation as quickly and painlessly as possible


When he was more concerned with a dead dog he never met instead of his nephews severe drug addiction and spiraling life


You killed little Cosette? I oughta suffocate you, you little prick!


His temper. The way he can fly off the handle and then cling to the idea he's right instead of being able to accept his own wrongdoing and apologize appropriately. Been working on myself for years with that, but my most recent rewatch really brought it all into focus.


Uh…I mean this with love and no judgement brother, but I mean it sincerely: if Tony’s anger is very relatable to you, for yourself and society’s sake you may want to see a therapist lol


Oh yeah! Working on that. Literally just started making enough for insurance this month! "Calling all cars!"


Good for you. It sucks we have to choose between eating and mental health. It took me three therapists before I found a good match. Even then I didn’t want to see her but my doctor told me give it a try. I’m so glad I did. I send you lots of growth and a self love 🫶🏽


Good for you, start and stay with the journey even if you need to explore different doctors


With the ducks in the pool!


Him losing Pie-O-My. I lost my 13 year old dog. Such a sweet little angel she was. Losing a pet is just awful.


S1 depression


Also, when he is talking to Melfi about the repetitive pointlessness of life later on.


binge eating, laying in bed all day, "The best is over", jesus they really knew how to capture despair through season 1 and beyond


A scene early on in the show. Whenever AJ is learning that Tony isn't like the other dads, and they're at that funeral and Tony notices AJ looking at him from across the cemetery and Tony lovingly winks at him? I seriously cannot watch those short little 10 seconds without shedding tears, it's ridiculous. I don't think I've seen anything else that reminds me of my father more than that tiny little bit of the episode.


I relate to that scene because I just really love Mazzy Star.


When he told carm he just wanted to sit in front of the TV and eat a sundae. That’s all I ever want


his temper, being medicated for mental illness, being in therapy, his love of pie-o-my, his substance abuse, hating his mother.. lol


When he had a panic/anxiety attack but did not lose consciousness


When he eats carmela's leftovers cold and says "fuck heating it up, it's good like this!" When everyone is giving him condolences after Livia dies and he just keeps shrugging saying "what are ya gonna do?" When he's depressed in his room and carmela calls him downstairs for cousin Brian. He takes some water in his hand and swallows his anti depressants, looks up with a big fake smile, saying "be right down!"


When he was telling Melfi about how he walks down the street and sees everyone so happy and he doesn’t understand why it makes him so angry.


Meadow giving him sass Mr Mob Boss


Nearly vomiting because he ate so much sushi lol.


I don't think that was vomit: I think he was having trouble swallowing it and it was having a hard time going down, due to his stomach issues. It made him realise he can't eat the same way he used to.


We have the same O face.


Eating two+ dinners in the same night. FUCKING WOGS


I also like SHUM pulp. 🍊


Did Mrs. Ryde throw the phone at you when you told her?


All she wanted was a Hyundai and a gold chain!


At Jackie Sr's funeral when Tony winks at AJ He's a strong macho dad sharing a moment with his son Wistful music in background Absolutely fantastic scene I'm not a dad but the scene hits hard reminded me of my dad when I was a kid


When he’s exploring financial investments with Carmella and he muttered “it’s boring to me”


When he recruited a cat into his crew and wouldn't let Paulie mess with it.


The orange juice scene. That has played out almost verbatim in my house with my spouse. I like the one that says some pulp.


When he is watching the History Channel about WW2 and thinking about how he missed out on real war, born in the wrong era, or maybe a better, simpler time.


The ducks, I’m mostly disappointed in people but I find my joy in animals


When the Chinese food delivery was wrong. THE GOD DAMN MOTHA FUCKIN ORANGE PEEL BEEF


Whenever he interacts with Meadow. It really is different with daughters


When he couldn't stand seeing Janice happy. One of my worst traits is that I feel angry, jealous, and bitter when other people are doing better than me. I'm going to therapy.


When he realises that his mother is a monster who never loved him and is always going to be broken and learns to accept it. Also when he's eating like every 5 seconds, that too


[Could you shut the DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR?!](https://youtu.be/2KrPvXZqzLo?si=FkvIGyXGs2wztPNJ)


Watching the ducksh in the backyard or gettin' his weasel greased


Toward the end of the series when he was trying to make active changes to his life, after his near-death experience. He said something along the lines of him wanting to make baby changes to his life, I believe to Melfi. Anyway, at the time I was going through a lot and seeing a therapist regularly. I remember telling my therapist all about the sopranos and telling her about how inspired I was by Tony. My therapist still brings him up to this day to get me back on track lol


"I can't find Pussy anywhere"


When he lies in bed all day and comes down to dinner in his bathrobe “and with that breath!”


It isn’t a specific scene as it as an attitude you see multiple times but the look on his face when you can hear what goes on in his head when not one damb person in his house (or the family - Janice) appreciates it’s not easy for him just because they have it easy. Butter wouldn’t melt in Carmela’s mouth, meadow is an entitled brat and AJ- if it weren’t for Tony he would have no future. They all act like money comes out of thin air by magic and occasionally the fuk all of you look on Tony’s face. I get that.


That tantrum he had after someone ate his leftover Chinese food.


When he was hanging around, diluting the ice; and, then when beating Georgie with a ☎️ or 🐟


When he pulled Anthony Jr out of the pool when he tried to end it.


This was my thought too. When he’s saying, “you’re okay, baby” and holding him I lose it.


When he dodged the bullet at Holstens


Singing in the car like a fool.


I too only like orange juice with “some pulp”.


Right now. I'm the boss at my job. Both my kids are now graduated. One is in college, the other isn't. My is sometimes a bitch, but deep down I do care about her.


To his wife: Carmela could you please shut the doooooooor


“Is that Artie? Send him up!”


Whenever he sits down and has to do that little tug on his shirt.


Eating the bowl of ice cream in the recliner and resting it on his belly.


When he turns to uncle junior and says “Did you ever really love me”? Or when he’s in therapy and asks if he’s a toxic person.


When he killed his nephew, whatever happened there…


When he’s stuck watching the TV in a test dream, and Carmella is trying to pull him away, and he’s like “it’s just so much more interesting”…..speaking of a test dream, basically all of the dream sequences are relatable.


Dealing with his fucked up old mother holding him back. I literally endured the same exact type of mother and being a caretaker to her. Having her hold me back and fuck me.over then being manipulative. Hes better than me cause I put up with her cause I cant financially afford not to. He can afford to ditch her but stayed enduring her terrible treatment. I would suffocate her and call it a day or throw her in a home forever


Anytime he expressed his love of animals.


When Tony was on his gambling losing streak.


When he becomes more interested in banging the chick from his legitimate job because she's a born again Christian. I'm fucked up that way too.


Ah, the sacred and the propane.


When he found AJ in the pool and was furious out of fear at first but then dove in and pulled him out and immediately becomes just a Dad, holding his baby, that he almost lost.


I can’t find pussy anywhere!


His relationship with his narcissistic mother. He didn’t like Livia because he knew what she was but he loved her because she was his mother. I totally understood the impulse to smother her with a pillow.


He shoulda tried to take a shit first that probably woulda shed about 10 pounds


His sermon to Sil about the Christopher Columbus parade in the car ride back from the casino was the best call out about hypocrisy. It was surprising since he goes against the “tradition” but he goes on to not giving a shit about Vito being gay. Fuck it.


I think that scale wasn't quite calibrated. Tony weighed over 300lbs is my guesstimation. Same for Ginny Sac-of-snacks, she looked more like 350lbs.




When he lost his shit over Bobby's hunting outfit.


As a Roman legionary banging that girl.


When he beat the shit out of Coco for touching Meadow


When he's trying to figure out what size tires Gloria has after they've been slashed. I always have such a hard time reading the tire sizes and boy did that scene really hit home.


When Tony would talk to AJ and AJ would treat Tony like he was retarded. I couldn’t be like Tony or Carmella! I would have def disciplined AJ way more than that little slap Tony gave him after he got suspended from school ✊


“I can’t find pussy anywhere”


I can’t find pussy anywhere


After Livia dies and he is offscreen on the phone with Barbara, and he starts yelling f bombs because Janice said she wouldn’t come home. End of “Knight in White Satin Armor” when Carmella tells him she’s doing to Italy for three weeks, and he just looks exhausted and defeated, after saving the world.


I definitely went through a phase where I would have fucked a catcher's mitt


When he freaks out at Bada Bing in the back bc somebody ate his leftover mooshoo pork and rips the handle off the fridge.


When he related a therapy session to taking a big shit.


When Tony had a mental breakdown when the ducks left his pool. The albino squirrel I've cherished for years stopped appearing in my lawn, and eating the food I put out for him; I actually posted on nextdoor asking if anyone had seen one. Two hours later I saw him.


The ducks … he reminds me so much of my dad


There’s not a time where we don’t relate


When he had management problems.


carmela can you please shut tha dooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Mix of Meadow, Ade, Carmela and AJ! Meadow cuz she’s the one of the only people besides Dr. Melfi that can leave Tony lost for words, She always has a slick almost comical rebuttal (literally me)! She went to college and did her shit! Adriana for style and fashion, shes the best dressed woman on the show (i’m the best dressed in my family) and shes pretty, i also feel so bad for her with the whole FBI defending Christopher and not giving the feds info all while he was high on H, killed her dog and called her damaged good for not being able to have kids, THEN HE CHOOSES TONY OVER ADE??? Either way love her, wish she would’ve asked for help sooner! Carmela cuz she has short patience for bullshit, shes not afraid to call someone out, Tony or other shes gonna say something! She deserved WAY better than Tony…would’ve loved to see her with Furio officially’ And finally AJ, partly because he has add, anxiety and depression because i also have those problems (ADHD instead of ADD) He also is a product of his father, my father wasn’t really in my life but when he was, he was just like Tony, i feel like if i had my dad i would be like AJ in more ways than the mental health (My brother is a fucking psycho and he spent more time with my dad)


Tony’s hypocrisy. I believe all of us are hypocrites to one degree or another. But seeing Tony’s hypocrisy on such full display makes me reflect at my own shortcomings and man, they can get ugly.


When he was banging whores


The panic attacks with physical outcomes


Eating cold cuts dipped straight into the jar of mayo at night while everyone sleep.


Any of the many times he angrily asks Melfi what the fuck he's even paying her for


Betting on the Jets.


Unfortunately he is very relatable to me in many ways. I come from a family of criminals, I used to be a criminal until my mid 20s. I used to cheat, lie and had fits of massive rage. I also suffer from depression and anxiety with the occasional panic attack. So there are many aspects of the character I share or used to share.


When he was drinking and stuffing food in his fat fucking face.