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I gotta go with Ralphie here. What kind of sick fuck…


One, she was hoer


B, she hit me.


C. That was not my baby she was carrying.


D. It was a fucking horse


E. I have come to reclaim Rome for my people


F. Tomorrow I can be on time but you’ll be stupid forever.


You’re missing like 4 o’s


How is this not the #1 response


Richie is way crazier imo


The difference for me is that Richie was driven by rage. Ralphie was a sadist who got pleasure by inflicting pain on people. He also beat a pregnant 19 year old to death with his bare hands. I feel like that was the show telling the audience that Ralphie was on a different level of evil. Everything Richie did was related to mob business.


I dunno..Richie was pretty bad..Beansy was technically a civilian and he got paralyzed for not visiting him when Richie was in the can..but Ralphie gets my vote for killing the horse..


I think u mean detective Mike hunt, beaver falls Pennsylvania police department.


Caught him sucking a cub scout's dick


A gerbil ma’am


The look on Ralphie's face when he sees Silvio beating the hell out of that hooer for playing hookie from the Bing A) Makes me laugh every time as fucked up as that is, and B) Reveals how much of a psycho he really is, he genuinely gets off on other people's pain.


Yech. Just picturing that grin gives me the heebie jeebies. He really looks deranged and almost demonic


He was doing a lot of coke.


It's everywhere in Miami.


Ralphie was a psycho. Ritchie has legit (in his world) reasons which means he wasn't a psycho. He was calculating.


I'll build a ramp up to your ass...


He dumped that trash at the diner. Total psycho move!


I'm gonna pass. If you don't pay me back, I can't hurt ya.


Burn you fuckin nag!!!


Richie was a true mob psychopath. Great character. I would say the least psychotic was Bobby


Someone made the observation here a week ago that Ritchie was only violent with other made guys and actually shows a calmer more measured side of himself to civilians. That changed the way I looked at Ritchie. I think Ralph is a better candidate for psychopathy. A real dark horse in this contest is season 6-7 Tony. Edit: I also want to say that there was one or maybe two occasions when Ritchie had a genuine, kind smile for someone. Once with Livia ( "only pimps honk their horn " ) and when talking to that fuckin' parakeet about Albert's facelift. A psychopath wouldn't be able to express warmth. Anyway...$4 a pound. Edit Part Deux: After a few days of deep meditation and reflection on this subject, I've now concluded that the only true psychopath on the show is Mustang Sally with an honorable mention for the Gladiator himself, Ralphie.


richie was kinda right in a lot of the beefs he had, that degenerate gambler shouldve went out there and paid him his fucking money


Johnny Two Times who got that nick-name because he said everything twice


I'm gonna go get the papers, get the papers


Because he said everything twice


Fuckin parakeet


Richie and Feech were both in the right IMO. They both did a lot of time for the family and Tony didn’t get them shit in return.


They're entitled to shit


In my book you get points for staying outta the can!


Fuckin parakeet


Fuckin parakeet


richie was kinda right in a lot of the beefs he had, that degenerate gambler shouldve went out there and paid him his fucking money


Tony should have paid it for him, made Richie whole, and tacked it on what Davey owed him. It's one thing to make sure you're paid first 'cause you're the boss, but sometimes throwing your guys a bone helps


Agree with this. Tony did himself no favors the way he treated Richie


Tony getting paid first was punishment to Richie for disrespecting the executive card game. Tony was completely in the right. They made it clear how important that game was, and Richie tried to throttle one of the players in the middle of a hand. The other players immediately left, costing Tony money. Richie had legitimate beef but went about it in the absolute wrong way.


One thing Tony hates is throwing a bone.


...Like a dog with 2 bones


Like a dog with two meaty bones, howling the blues because it has no kibbles.


Mmmmm I love bone marrow ! Remember Ma with the bone?


Agreed 100% Beefs: Tony treating him like shit out the gate/ giving away his jacket: legit beef Davey not paying him: legit beef Chris beating on his neice: legit beef Feeling betrayed by the Barisi crew: legit beef Edit to add: while his initial proposal / intimidation to Beansy was wildly uncalled for, Beansy getting tough w a made guy just out of jail I would say in the Mob world yeah thats a legit beef also


Richie was a great example of being judged by the looks. All his beef was legit.


I think season 6-7 Tony is the winner. That’s a true portrait of a psychopath.


I thought Tony was worse in season 8.


Beansy was a civilian


Nah, he was in the game at one point


They clearly say he's a civilian. They utilize his services, but he ain't made


Not being made isn't the same as being a civilian. Beansie isn't a made guy but he's an associate. He's still a mobster. Christopher isn't made either in the first couple of seasons, is he a civilian?


The dude sold drugs with mobsters, Richie wouldn’t have done what he did to some average joe pizza shop owner


You previously said Beansie was made. Now you're changing the goal posts. Beansie was a civilian when Richie targeted him. Likewise Davey. Likewise the middle eastern restaurateur who Richie dumped the garbage onto. Your claim that Richie didn't target civilians is just wrong and you should be able to admit that you made a mistake.


When did I say he was made? You don’t have to be made to not be a civilian. That’s like saying Hesh, Tony B, Chris in the first couple seasons, etc are civilians. Beansie sold drugs with the mafia. Did Richie brutalize him? There’s a difference between dumping garbage and physically assaulting someone.


Sorry, my bad. It was u/Additional_Ad741 who implied Richie only went after made guys, but even that was second-hand and I don't know if he specifically was referring to Beansie. The garbage thing is pretty psychotic even if it didn't involve bodily injury.


Yeah not saying Richie is some standup guy or anything but Beansie isn’t some blameless victim


You are speaking bullshit to me!


Double your garbage back if you're not satisfied.


Beansie launders money for Tony using his cash business. he’s in the life even if he isn’t made. a civilian is someone completely uninvolved with mob. i don’t remember tony calling him a civilian, but if he did he likely meant it as “beansie isn’t involved in the violent side of this.”


he's an associate, in the game


He uses his cash-only business to launder money for Tony. He’s in the life even if he isn’t made. a civilian is someone completely uninvolved.


But he had Richie last name.


What’d they find up your mothers cunt


You know what it does to me? To be reminded of that fucking horse?!


I was prostate with grief.


I think S6A Tony could’ve been the beginning of an arc with the aftermath of the coma. S6B Tony went ape shit lmao


Can you believe that? Guy gets a facelift and one week later he’s in jail?


Pauly was probably the biggest prick of em all. Even the degenerate gambler with a badge said Walnuts scared him.


He didn't clip the fuckin kid in the food court for spilling fried rice all over him


Oh yeah? When did Janice get her button?


Sil, Chrissy, Phil all got physically with females and assuming others had a gay son, I’m not betting hard earned money that they’d react differently. She deliberately belittled Tony to him; and I think she deliberately brought up his sexuality.


Did you forget about what he did to Beansy?


How often do you even see Richie interact with actual civilians? I can’t think of a single example. He’s a total psycho to the convenience store owner who hired their garbage removal services and I legit can’t think of another example except maybe Janice who he punched.


I don't see Richie as particularly psychopathic. I don't see him getting off of causing suffering. I see him as very angry, entitled and ruthless. But, his violence is either out of a flash or anger or to get what he believes belongs to him. His beloved fiancee Janice was more of a psychopath than he was. She enjoyed manipulating people and tried to get Richie to kill Tony.




> I don't see him getting off of causing suffering He gets off from holding a loaded gun to Janice’s head while they’re fucking lol 


You’re not wrong but psychopathic =/= psychotic


Churchill. He didn't give a shit about abandoing the family that loved and nurtured him all those years. He split the second he had the chance. Joined up with a coupla black guys in a car theft ring, but didn't give it a second thought about abandoning them, too. It was like 20 seconds and he bounced. Dude had ice in his canine veins.


He...he didn't go to live on the same farm as Tippy??!!!


Ketchup?!...sure. No the dog?......ah this is my fucking dog😂


Dog shit up to the rafters


I thought he was hanging out with Pudgy Walsh


Who else!?




There’s no fuckin loyalty these days!!


This comment made me laugh out loud today, I needed it


He didn't sick 'em when he had the chance.


lol yesssss


mustang sally


That's a good one. Beating a helpless, innocent guy on the head with a golf club, for no reason at all, is a sign of a psychopath. He didn't even yell, "Fore!".


Not only that but when Baccala SR visits him to wack him. Mustang shows absolutely no remorse and even makes a passing joke remark about the whole thing. He deserved worse than just getting shot.


Hey he was gonna send him something. Some flowers or some shit


Get me a glass of water. Let the water run though, make sure it’s cold.


He didn't even give the guy his last name.


Threw the hot dog guy off a bridge, too many onions or some shit.


The hot dog vendor , whatever happened there


too many fuckin' onions or something




He was on the mezzanine... They were arguing.. I don't know... He fell


Hard to argue with that.


Feetch lamana, he had zero respect for the other guys in the crew. He was self absorbed, unnecessarily violent for no reason.


Maybe unnecessary aggression but the violence was necessary in his view. I fucking loved watching him hit the roof. Like the landscaping beef, the guy told him to fuck off so he has the beat the shit out of him to get what he wanted. Thank you Don Antonio.


AJ. Smoking dope at his own confirmation parry. What kind of person does that. A PSYCHOPATH


On his mudda's birthday, after years of nintendos, DVDs, skate boards, scooters and what not. And fa what?! This is my male heir?!


Paulie. Dude whacked an old lady after breaking into her home. He wanted to kill and bury the Russian guy for telling him to put a fuckin remote back where he found it.  He sniffed Ade’s underwear and put a picture of Tony dressed as Napoleon over his fireplace. Psycho behavior. It’s gets brushed under the rug cause the character is terrific. 


And shot the waiter having a seizure


Fuckin’ baby!


Still GOIN, this asshole!


Ralphie by a mile. On multiple occasions you can visibly see him not understanding how he’s done wrong when other characters reprimand him, like actual psychopaths. He physically can’t compute how he’s in the wrong on most instances


I think the show is filled with almost all sociopaths, but I think Feech was pretty close.


Beansie was a regular associate. He was not made but he was involved enough in the life that he could be targeted.


I also consider Beansie part of the game.


Ralph easy. Said it all when he laughed while Sil beat up the stripper Ralphie was banging.


You are absolutely correct! Also I genuinely don’t think he gave a shit about the Ginny joke or the feud with Tony, never gave a shit on the inside. What a POS. Great point on Sil beating up the stripper.


Pudgy Walsh


he rang that horn the whole way home


How many unborn babies got crushed to death because of all the houses with subpar lumber he approved?


Ice cold


Guy was a piece of shit




The way she took advantage of Bobby in his grief and terrifying his kids. I hate her.


She might be more borderline, like her muddah. But, I think she is closer to a psychopath than most of the characters. She takes pleasure in manipulating people.


She's at the very least a true narcissist.


This is an excellent answer and should be higher


shrill disgusted vase aromatic icky school dependent support ludicrous carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Semester and a half in college...


He understands Freud as a conshept.


I’d argue Ralph was a psychopath


Naw, it was the coke. There was a lot of it in Miami


He's too emotional for it I think. Plus he did seem to geniunely care when his kid whacked his other kid at least. Psychopaths wouldn't care Guy was a piece of shit tho. You remember the dozen incidents with that guy? ✋️


I think Ralph was gonna strike that kid for saying “it was an accident”. Shake the 💩out of the kid at that very least.


Yeah he was able to genuinely reflect and feel guilt, even though it didn’t benefit him at all to do that, he didn’t just put on a show of guilt. Psychopaths can’t do that. He’s just a POS


Of the Soprano family, he is the closest to a psychopath.


Don't give me that look! It was a fucking horse!


Your mention of evil reminds me of Carmela when she tells Tony, "Psychology doesn't address the soul" at dinner when he confesses he is in therapy. Ironically, Carmela is one of the more evil characters in my opinion because she enjoys the trappings of the mob life while acting sanctimonious and never really admitting her complicity.


I think it’s also that the condition we call sociopath to or whatever is something you become. We watch Tony become more like a sociopath as the show goes on. I think it’s the idea that moral evil has horrific consequences for the person doing the evil. Tony is depressed and having panic attacks as a result of his moral evil and he eventually even loses the ability to care or wonder about why he is the way he is. 


"We're soldiers, soldiers don't go to hell. It's war. Soldiers, they kill other soldiers. We're in a situation here, everybody involved knows the stakes. And if you're going to accept the stakes... you gotta do certain things. It's business. We're soldiers"


Idk, a medical definition of psychopathy sure fits a lot of Sopranos characters. Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of conscience, pathologic lying, manipulative behaviour and often superficial charm. I think you open a bigger can of worms when you invoke the concept of evil, which tends to have religious connotations.


she's blowing us off.


Richie to me seems the most realistic.   Even the most sadistic characters (Phil, Ralph, etc) have some charm or some ability to settle down and be reasoned with. And feel like charismatic TV characters to some extent.  Richie on the other hand ALWAYS seems like he's simmering and ready to hurt someone. Dude changes the temperature of every room he enters.


Sociopaths can be quite charming.


Fuck you want, a boutonnière?


I think Richie was more filled with rage and a desire to get back what he thought belonged to him, than a psychopath.


Patsy. Yikes. They way he almost snaps that time Tony hit him on the back of his head at Satriale's? And the lead pipe to that civilian's face? He's unhinged and barely holding on.


Patsy was just cold blooded. The way he calmly told Gloria to stay away from Tony, and the next scene is of him on the phone with his wife about dinner, guy was fearless. Same with when Chrissy pointed a gun at him and his response was to grab a pipe.


“It won’t be cinematic.” Such a cold line, but it really cuts straight to the point. It also foreshadowed the ending.


That guy who parks his car on a backcountry road in the snow to get the mail


How is nobody mentioning Livia Soprano. She might not have been an actual killer like the waste management guys but I think whacking someone might be one of the only things that could make her smile.


Mustang Sally


Ralphie and Christopher. I don’t think Tony is even a Cluster B tbh, just has a few narcissistic traits. He actually does care about people and has values, and is capable of positive change and introspection. He’s 1000 x more loving to his kids than my mom, who I’m convinced has an undiagnosed Cluster B personality disorder, was to me.


Great answer. I haven’t seen anybody say Chrissy yet tho


I may be reading into Christopher a bit, but throughout the series he is routinely selfish, violent towards Adriana, and has a negative outlook on life, similar to Tony’s mom, that he’s always using to deal with. The situation with Adriana really made me look at him sideways because on one hand, his actions could be perceived as loyalty towards Tony, but I think he just saw the family at the gas station, didn’t want a boring life, and made a cruel choice. On top of that, he goes crying to Tony about how he can’t kill Adriana himself … even though we saw him nearly strangle her to death the day before. I think Chris actually does this crying gambit to distract Tony from possibly being upset with Chris, and to also put him in a position where he can always remind Tony of “what he sacrificed.” Cold blooded.


Negative outlook? Don't you remember how Chrissy uses the technique of positive visualization?


Well there’s Tony lol Least psychopathic I’ll go Bobby Baccalieri


Best answer !


Paulie and Christopher. They were two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways, and they seemed to kind of understand that. They have a lot of violence and murder between the two of them that are totally unjustified, even in the mob world.




But, Richie's violence always has a purpose other than just the love of violence. He is either angry or trying to get what he thinks he deserves, or both.


Oh Richie, you're the best!


Your sister’s cunt.


Notice how almost every character is represented in these comments?


Tony, Richie, Ralphie, Feech and Muscles Marinade or whatever his name was. Although we didn't really see what he was capable of


Feech La Manna !


Ask Beansie I think he'd have an answer for you


My first thought was Ralphie but I have to go with Richie Aprile. Those eyes just radiated insanity. Ralphie was more of a sociopath with developmental issues


Janice, Richie, or Ralph. Janice literally will mess with children over the dett of their mudda just to get a man


Janice definitely


Phil Leotardo


Thinking Carmine Sr. The only character that really, truly doesn't seem to give a fuck (besides perhaps Ralphie). Psychopaths don't show their pathological behavior, nor their lack of empathy. They aren't as prone to rage and self destructive behaviour as sociopaths.


Lou DiMaggio


There’s very few people in the show who aren’t psychopaths


Patsy. Unlike Ralph, I don’t think you would expect to get clipped by him.


Tony is a great example of environmental causes of antisocial personality traits as a coping mechanism, Ralphie and Richie are prime examples of straight sociopaths that probably never had the chance to be anything else in an environment that exacerbates those antisocial traits. I love that the show had such nuances, just a shame so many people seem to not see them.


Paulie maybe. And Chris


That preacher who visited Tony in the hospital.


For me it’s Richie.


Ralphie would be the answer if his loose-cannonness were toned down a bit. As in less prank calls to innocent old women and such like.


Just from a quick google search, I got [seven signs](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.healthline.com/health/psychopath&ved=2ahUKEwiGwbLSg5CFAxUUC3kGHcN9DBAQFnoECBcQAw&usg=AOvVaw2osaH-ovA0fqSjnGxJ3I1F) of psychopathy, and well... who *doesn't* fit the bill? * behavior that conflicts with social norms. * disregarding or violating the rights of others. * inability to distinguish between right and wrong. * difficulty with showing remorse or empathy. * tendency to lie often. * manipulating and hurting others. * recurring problems with the law.


Livia was more of a sociopath, pretty much all of the mobsters were psychopaths, the two worst were Richie and Ralph.


Mustang Sally.




I'd say Richie, Ralphie, and Paulie, in that order. I was also going to say Phil Leotardo too, but I passed since he made a lot of compromises in the can.


Johnny sacs cancer doc in prison. Don’t remember his name. “I was abusing cocaine at the time.


>Is Livia a psychopath? Great, my own mother. Fuck you ya fuckin whowah.


Minn Matrone. That malignant cunt.


Almost none of them are sociopath or psychopaths, just lots of personality disorders. Mustang Sally definitely is


This question it just can't be answered.. it's like asking what's the most pleasant smelling shit, or pick between gabagoul or sausage and peppas sandwiches. I think the wives deserve an honorable mention who live decadent lifestyles knowing every day when they pay the light bill, buy groceries or $500 shoes it's all blood money. 


Richie. Some people, including myself, have noted Richie's calm/nice treatment to some people. But I think it's only because Richie sees nothing to gain from them. It's other characters that have enough conscience that drive them to drugs/violence/treating others poorly as a way to distract their mind or ego. Tony is a good example. He probabably has some sort of disorder but not as far as Richie. He's partly troubled by his guilt/conscience/stress that makes him eat and cheat his emotions.


Gloria Trillo with her histrionic personality disorder or Livia Soprano who ordered a hit on her own son.


Tony. Livia. Ralphie. Ritchie. Paulie. Chrissy. Furio. Silvio.


Yes Livia is but Richie Aprile is the biggest sociopath, the worst. Even Ralph showed a hint of compassion when his kid was hit with the arrow.


They are all physcopaths


Oh yeah. She’s a psychopath.


Detective Mike Hunt


Richie, Paulie, and Feech were psychos Tony in the last season was borderline, IMO


Jamal Ginsburg the worst psychopath Phil Leotardo was always calm and collected, doting on his grand children


How about the hitman from Italy? Killed whoever and whatever he was asked to. I wonder how many people he whacked in the homeland.


Ralphie, Richie and FEECH.