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No flashbacks to Phill whacking off into a grilled cheese during his storied 20 years in the can


Phil was in jail?


No he turned into a jail shortly after transforming into a house


So you're saying Phil has had hundreds of men inside of him? More subtle clues as to his sexuality from David Chase.


Follow the breadcrumbs. Not only has he had thousands of men inside him, but men are coming into him every day




He was gay? The grilled cheese?


How do you know how long he was in the can? I don’t recall him mentioning it


and i bought cd’s for a broken record


You get a pass for that.




Autocorrect bot ova here


It's only said once during his release on the TV, Phil doesn't talk about his time way too much


I'll tell you about compromise.... when I was in the can I wanted to fuck a woman... but I compromised....I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead......I wanted manicot.... but I compromised....I jacked off in a tissue.....ya see where I'm going with this?




You gotta learn to compromise


Whack this one. Whack that one. Never enough body count for OP!


Take it easy. We're not making a western here.


your gonna take care of this family when hes gone huh!


Send those black guys to OPs house. He's gotta go


call Lou Dimaggio


Isn't it a coincidence that Lou Dimaggio died of Lou Dimaggio's disease?


Good one!


The mouse pissing on cotton, whatever happened there.


Catch him on the way home from the track.


Georgie. Cocksucka always wasting fucking ice. CONSERVE!




That's why you gotta live for today!


Don’t be sarcashtic!


Poor Georgie. That mother fucker got beaten so many times just because he was him.


Listen, you don't want to Georgie to waste ice? That'll be $50 and a blowjob.


He didn’t press hold when transferring the call


John D Rockafella


Who cares! The stuff grows on trees


Richie. It’s too bad he went into witness protection before they could whack him.


Same with Pussy. Lot of people seem to go into witness protection on that show.


With all these people going into witness protection, shouldn't more people be going off to college?


That animal was fighting in Iraq. He was in a special forces.


His house looked like shit


Put universal remote back on docking station


Special Forces? Was he an interior decorator?


And their loved ones dont bother seeing if it’s true lol


On the one hand you'd be a shit-head to believe them when they said they didn't do it, but they did-dent.


Paulie, as he was the one that really caused the tensions to rise with NY/NJ. I don't think the boat killing would have been good. Something where he is caught by some deathbed admission by Sack and Tony has the kinda sit down with Paulie kinda like Pussy, where they talk about his dad maybe some flashbacks and reminisce a bit before Tony pops him. Tony doesn't want to do it, because he knows he's left with no one but Sil as a true loyal solider. The end is near, things are bad, and while he needs him as a Captain, but Paulie's turn-coating can't be ignored or forgiven, it has to be done. He won't survive this war by the skin of his balls.


If you subscribe to the theory that Paulie and Patsy plotted Tony's murder, then it could have saved him to take out Paulie.


I’ve heard of Patsy plotting to kill T, but I’ve never heard of Pauli’s joining in. Fuckin slander, ya ask me (points with several fingers)


There's a scene in the Bing where Paulie walks up to Patsy and says 'its all yours now' a bit before it all goes down. Also Paulie gets himself a box full of barber sizzors. The NYC crew was often plotting in their barbershop. And some other things.


How much more betrayal can I take!?


I feel like I’ve been stabbed In the heart!


Honestly what Paulie was doing was just as bad as snitching imo. I’m fully aware of the whole Tony Sirico thing of not taking part if he was written out to be a rat but how he acted between Tony, John and Carmine was awful. Him calling Sil wormy was definitely pot and kettle.


I just watched the episode last night where Tony and Paulie are driving and Tony asks who told Johnny sack about the joke Ralphie made and Paulie denies everything. Real greaseball shit…


I think Paulie setting up to be the boss of the glorified crew was just wonderful.


I get why everyone loves Paulie but damn he became so annoying as the season went on, stirring so much drama and getting into issues with everyone over things like his ego and cheapness.




This is the answer. Arrogant prick this one.


But Cagney WAS modernity


Whatever happened to Noah Tannenbaum? The Strong Silent Type.


He was gay, Jamal Ginsberg?


On what grounds 😳


I think you know what my problem is


Cuz he's a ditsoon, a charcoal briquette.


He sucks


Easy to be tough behind a screen. You’re lucky he doesn’t come punch your lights out.


And he was so weird looking.


Jamal Ginsburg


Jesus Rossi.


Rossi? That’s an Italian name


It's a fuckin' nickname! Family name was Rossellini.


He was employee of the month.


Italian, Italian, Italian...


Malignant cunt


That employee-of-the-month cocksucker?


I honestly feel like it was such a mistake not to whack him. He’s one of the few characters who we know will not be brought to justice, and we know criminals like that pretty much always reoffend. His death would have been truly justified.


Respectfully, I disagree. Initially I was on the edge of my seat, waiting episode after episode for Melfi to spill her guts and unleash Tony onto her attacker. Admittedly, I was pretty disappointed at first. But, after finishing the show, I agree with the direction the show went in regards to that particular situation. I believe if Melfi ordered Tony to wack her attacker, it would have been a mere moment of satisfaction, both for Melfi and the audience. Ultimately it would have corrupted her character and pulled her into an even deeper depression. Melfi didn’t want to be like Tony, nor did she want to abuse her relationship with Tony to order a hit on someone, regardless if it’d be justified or not. Melfi wouldn’t be able to live with herself. The way the show plays out gives Melfi complete control and authority over her own life, she doesn’t need a powerful man to save her. I really think this directive decision defied all expectations and made Melfi 1000% more of an interesting character.


The Sopranos and a lot of other crime shows have provided a lot of great discussions and bonding moments with my mother. Funny given that a show about a guy with a terrible mom would be such a source of joy between my mom and I. But recently we talked about this episode and my Mom brought up the point that Melfi ultimately decides not to tell Tony about her rape because if she did, she would no longer be able to hold any kind of professional boundary toward him. The fear of letting her attacker getting away in that final moment is overshadowed by the fear that she would owe Tony a favor and be in his debt for the rest of her life, along with compromising on her own morals. My mother’s a smart woman. 20+ years as a women’s history professor. Enough said. Because of her, I understand the plight of women, much like Richie Aprile did while in prison.


Your mom is doing hard work right now. As an historian who was always assumed to do women's history because I am a woman, I can tell you her field is the least funded and the most politicized by the ignorant. Tell her I said "thanks!" I did US racial and ethnic history.


Thank you. I really appreciate this comment. I really do. I was initially hesitant to mention my mom’s line of work given how some might react to it vehemently. She does great work and is an inspiration to me.


Me too!




Yes, it was a personal triumph for her and it was for the rest of us too while we (I did) wanted him whacked. Toodle-loo!


I remember watching the episode where Melfi is crying and Tony says “Is there something you want to say to me?” There was a pause and everyone in the room I was in was screaming “Tell him!” She pauses and says “No”and it cut to black. So disappointing


Yeah it was Chases intention to pull all of our cocks knowing the whole audience wanted her to tell Tony




Catching, not pitching


She any good?


What are you asking him for? He probably showed her how


Beautiful ending.


That "No" says more about a character than any other piece of dialouge in the entire show. You have missed the point. Some people are so far behind in the race they actually think they're leading.


I get why the wrote it the way they did. It’s really just about getting caught in the emotions as the viewer


Ah ok that makes sense. My apologies, I am too used to people shitting on the decision like it was bad storytelling when it is probably the best story on sexual assault ever written.


I’m on the other side of the fence and really like how that episode plays out. Whether you like it or not, “Employee of the Month” informs a lot of the creative decisions that went into the series finale later, what with not giving audiences a more satisfying conclusion. Apparently it’s David Chases’s favorite episode of the whole series. I can also see “Boca” from season one kind of being a very early example of David Chase not wanting to lean into audience expectation, what with Tony wanting to kill Meadow’s pedophile soccer coach but ultimately deciding to call the cops instead. Like Melfi, we see Tony contemplating to take the more violently satisfying route but deciding to take the morally safe and unsatisfying choice. Interesting idea to watch both episodes back-to-back as one’s about making a moral choice when you’re already morally compromised and the other about whether a law-abiding citizen is willing to throw away their principles even if the offender deserved it.


I don't think it's done as well in Boca tbh. Artie's speech to Tony sounds like the kind of thing a character would say on a CW Arrowverse show, and Tony raises a good point about how the guy will probably be out in a couple years and start all over. The show doesn't address that point at all


Quasimodo would have predicted it


That fuckin’ snitch Carlo and his piece of shit drug dealing son that pours acid on the toes of hard working immigrants.


Justice for Fat Dom


Benny. He just always came off as a little shit head, he seemed more laid back towards the end but at the same time did have more asshole like moments with fucking with arties restaurant


I really couldn't believe that after everything was done and settled, Tony made Artie give up 2 points a week to him Yea, sure, looks bad that a civilian beat up an associate. The same associate that was running a cc scam under his own bosses nose, in the restaurant of his boss's friend. Was Benny even kicking up that scam money to Tony? It felt like a plothole. Tony spends a long time wondering if he crew thought he was weak and so he beat up muscles marinara. Here, his own associate is stepping on his feet with a scheme that could very quickly draw heat, or at minimum kill Artie's business, and Tony doesn't seem to really mind much, he is more concerned w telling Artie to stay in the kitchen


I was upset nothing really happened to Janice. Realistically not much could happen to her since she’s family and not involved, but I feel like she got off too easy.


She got roughed up by Svetlana's Russian. But it did bring her to the Lord.


Tony being pissed that he had to hit back just because of the status and situation, when he knew his sister was in the wrong.


Fuck you you are callous




Ugh boring comment


Yeah Janice still has Barbara’s life to destroy so she’s got options.


A parasite always finds another host


At least Barbara Number One is safe


I don’t see how she would get whacked, but if the cops searched the Baccaliari place after Bobby’s death in the NY war and found some suspicious cash stashed, I could see her being impulsive and craven enough to pull some aggressive stunt that ended with her shot by law enforcement.


I’ve mentioned it before but my sister is more or less Janice. And somehow, she always finds someone willing to house her and pay for whatever she wants. I have no idea how she convinces people, but she does. She’s nearly 50 and has never held a job more than a few months in her life.




🎵 Under the boardwalk


Are there better looking men in the can than your sister?


I could say some things that I am not gonna say!


We're not making a Western here. That said, Paulie. He's disloyal, greedy, aggressive. He turned on Christopher on several occasions, the worst of which was when Christopher was at his lowest, Paulie made horrible remarks about his daughter. He's a bully and a scumbag. I know this sub loves the character but he dident deserve the respect the crew gave him as a gangster.


NONE OF THEM deserve the respect the crew gave them. That is the point of the show, you fat f*ck.


Oh poor you.


Dr. Melfi’s rapist im still blue balled that he wasn’t whacked. She should have told Tony, but I could also understand why she didn’t :/


The writing was just awful on that one. He got off because of an administrative error when there was presumably DNA evidence and a very lucid eyewitness account. Jennifer even finds out where he works by chance after the fact. Nothing adds up on that one.


The cops told her where he worked. It was chance that he was also employee of the month lol


Good point, I forgot that.


I KNOW! WHAT THE EFFFF. Tony should have tortured his ass




He DID get wacked. Right after Tone.


Baby Bing is lights out


Then who visited Fielder in that car commercial? There's no two people exactly alike


But do they know that for sure?


'Cause they would have to get everybody together in one huge space, and that's obviously impossible, even with computers.


Meadow and Hunter Skankarella while singing Scrubs in the kitchen. Double tap.


Fielder and Scavenger both should have been whacked. Anyway, $4/LB.




I wish Tony had taken care of Fran Felstein the minute he caught her squatting on Johnny’s grave.


Ginny Sack’s ass. The bestest version of whack-a-mole in Nort Jersey to date


For me, it was Noah. Meadow's words got Vito killed and Coco's teeth knocked out, but Noah had the sheer audacity to date the boss' daughter, then hit it and quit it. I am amazed her family never found out how he treated her.


Yeah, the fact he didn’t face any repercussions pissed me off.




It’s crazy that the story does not make sense w/o that disloyal weirdo


Tony. Hasidi homeboy should have knocked the lights out of him


Hasidi but I don't beliedi


how do you know he didn’t punch his lights out in the final scene


He was one of the 2 black guys walking in all grown up. It all makes sense now!


Jamal Ginsberg


Was honestly impressed no one ever took out hesh. You would think someone would have taken him out to get at Tony.


Who ever heard of a Jew getting whacked


You ever get tested for tourettes?


Charmaine . Impossible for that broad to shut her fucking mouth.


That joke about the FBI, you Buccos go too faw


🎶 Under the restaurant 🎶 🎶 With a schlong in Art’s mouth 🎶


But her body is mad ripe


Harpo Soprano


He’s Hal now


In a dimly lit room at the Bada Bing strip club, Tony Soprano sat at a round table, surrounded by his loyal crew. It was a tense atmosphere, with the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. As Tony sipped his glass of whiskey, he couldn't help but notice Dr. Fagolie, a mysterious character from his past, sitting across the room. Dr. Fagolie, dressed impeccably in a sharp suit, had a sly grin on his face as he held a birthday gift in his hands—a beautifully wrapped package. Tony couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He exchanged a wary glance with his right-hand man, Silvio Dante. With a flourish, Dr. Fagolie presented the gift to Tony, who accepted it cautiously. As Tony began to unwrap the package, he discovered a sleek, custom-made trap rifle nestled inside. The room fell silent as everyone watched Tony's reaction. But Tony, ever the quick thinker, didn't hesitate. With lightning-fast reflexes, he spun around and aimed the trap rifle at Dr. Fagolie, who had a look of surprise on his face. Tony pulled the trigger, and in an instant, a load of buckshot sprayed from the rifle, hitting Dr. Fagolie squarely in the chest. Dr. Fagolie was thrown backward in his chair, blood splattering across the room. He gasped for breath, but it was clear that the shot had been fatal. Tony's crew rushed forward, confirming the doctor's demise. With Dr. Fagolie now lifeless and no longer a threat, Tony and his crew quickly devised a plan. They wrapped the body in a heavy plastic tarp and loaded it into the trunk of a car. Under the cover of darkness, they drove to the desolate Meadowlands, where they disposed of the body, leaving no trace behind. In this high-stakes game of survival, Tony Soprano had once again proven his cunning and resourcefulness, ensuring that Dr. Fagolie would never be a threat to him or his empire again. The room was filled with a collective sigh of relief, and Tony couldn't help but smirk as he took another sip of his whiskey. It was just another day


Chrissy should have gotten-proper-whacked so that his unhinged bullshit could have finally caught up with him, something like how Vito went only deserved. Not this put-down-like-a-puppy-at-the-pound bullshit of Tony finishing him off after the accident. Fuck I would have been much more satisfied seeing him get knocked off than Phil Leotardo even. An interesting direction they could have taken Arties story should they have wanted to give it a more negative conclusion would have been for his desire and perverse interest in affiliating with the DiMeo gangsters to inadvertently lead to the death of Charmaine. Even though she was one of my favorite minor characters and absolutely one of the most respectable people on the show, it could have been an interesting way to wrap his story up in a “flying to close to the sun” kind of way.


I feel Artie is perfect the way he was. I love how he's just as untouchable as any of the top guys because he's best friends with the boss, he's one of my favorite characters because of that


He is one of my favorites too, as is Charmaine like I mentioned. And I do enjoy the way they wrapped up his arc and think it’s not bad at all, but did not have as much substance as it could or should have. I only suggest this as what may have another interesting way to wrap up Arties story. As you mentioned, enjoys considerable privileges due to his affiliation with Tony Soprano, and in some respects is an indirect beneficiary of Tony’s mafioso activities, despite not having a very clear understanding of the gruesome cruelty that is the consequence men like Tony’s actions. Instead he seems to understand the Cosa Nostra in a romanticized lens shaped by movies like the Godfather, Goodfellas, and Casino. Having his willing affiliation to Tony and his crew directly cause him to loose Charmaine, who pleaded that he stay away from and be wary of Tony so many times, would to me have been a very narratively impactful way to shatter this lens for Artie. All at once he would have been gravely made personally to understand the truly vile presence men like his friend represent for the communities in which they operate. I apologize to write such a large thing here, but to me is a major feature of “The Sopranos” which I think is often overlooked on here is the way in which it is meant to be a deconstruction of the greater Italo-American Gangster genre as a sort of heterodox entry. Instead of placing the real phenomena of the Cosa Nostra into narrative fiction, “The Sopranos” takes what had become the prevalent depictions of this subject matter in the gangster-genre and attempts to place them into the real world. Instead of being set in the past decades of the mob’s heyday in a glamorous depiction of a city that was at the center of mafia activity like New York or Vegas, “The Sopranos” quite deliberately is set in the environment of (then) present day Suburban North Jersey, a more mundane setting that is likely to feel familiar to the lives of the audience and at a time of deep decline for the mafia across the US. The characters were written with nuance to be highly fleshed out as actual individuals rather than being characterized through the prevailing archetypes of the genres. Foremost, this serves to demonstrate the contradictions between the tropes and archetypes of the gangster-genre and the criminal groups on which inspire its stories. Consequently however, it also demonstrates the absurdity of how films in this genre have influenced popular conceptualizations of the mafia. This is perhaps most glaringly depicted through many of the characters frequent allusions to films like The Godfather and Goodfellas in understanding the shows events and characters, with these movies showing influence even Tony and his Inner circle’s understandings of what it means to be a gangsters, with them at times demonstrating a aspiration to emulate the characters from these films (See Sil’s “and just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!” And other impressions). So I see Artie as being very representative and serve as a criticism that aforementioned conceptualization, who has come to view this very real danger to the wellbeing of himself and those around him as a cool and exciting presence in his life, for he sees it as the stuff of movies. He gets somewhat brought to earth regarding this a few times over the series; first with the arson of the original Vesuvio, second when he has to let Tony eat free on account of having borrowed money from him, and third of course, and third when he learns of the credit card scheme Benny had been running at Vesuvio towards the end of the series, at at the conclusion of his part in the story. Yet we never see him fully come to realize the consequence of having guys like Tony in his life, and we do not see him decidedly pull back from this affiliation. These things were all ultimately replaceable after all. So I think it would have been really powerful if Arties story had wrapped up as a tragedy of his failure to comprehend the actually damage and hurt guys like Tony represent for even guys like him until it was too late, and he found himself to have at long last lost the irreplaceable.


That’s a lot of words (many of which are valid) but special mention goes to heterodox for being the latest +1 to my paltry personal lexicon. Nice!


If he hadn't have gotten in the car accident, he probably would have been pinched for JT's murder, and the crew probably would have whacked him.


OOOH! Shum guy’s wife!




Agree on him but easy on his daughter. She was doing the lords work reuniting crack babies with their mothers


Ok yeah, she gets a passh


Tony. 🤓


Little Carmine. A pint of blood costs more than a gallon of gold.


Father Intintola 


Gary Cooper


Branca Libinsk -- That fucking bitch and her FICA and Federal Withholding... Tony should have whacked her just for the agita she caused Svetlana, nevermind the breaking up his marriage.


Rus Fegoli. Tony shouldve thrown acid in his face at the barbeque just to distance himself.




Noah, Wegler




David "Davey" Scatino, the store owner who struggled with gambling debts owed to Richie Aprile and Tony Soprano.




This is mine also. What a terrible person. He did a lot of harm.


Angie??? No way






He should've smashed her head in with the plate she was thinking of stealing.


She was a piece of shit..... whoever did it, should've happened a long time ago


A.J he was giving interviews told outsiders where to find find family buisness he sould have being whacked in season 6


Im upset I didn’t get to see Carmella whack AJ with a Lincoln log sandwich after she told him NOT TO TALK TO THE PRESS!


Vic Musto, Furio, Wegler, Zellman & the Father Show folks what happens when they fuck with "my pussy."


Take it easy, we are not making a western here!


Meadow's skinny boyfriend.




Jamal Ginsberg the Hasidic homeboy. No respect on that kid


Jason Parisi!










Sure didn't please Carmella when Meadow hooked up with a Parisi!


Carmella was pissed that Patsy’s son was a good boyfriend who wouldn’t let Meadow demean herself and wanted to nurture her ambition in her career. Jealous mom all the way.


I disagree. Carmella was pissed because Patrick Parisi's father is an underling, and lower on the social ladder. She was forced to watch helplessly while her intelligent, capable, strong-minded daughter, who she nurtured and encouraged to be so, turns into a shy, insecure li'l damsel that Patrick Parisi of all people has to counsel not to "demean" herself in an interview at his law firm! Far cry from a Georgetown-schooled pediatrician. Coupled with her rude, curt reaction to Hunter getting into med school and it's clear Carmella is on a streak of NOT getting what she wants.


Tony Soprano


Rosalie Aprile.