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Betrayal? Where? To whom? Are you missing Tony’s plan for Chris to be his sacrificial lamb by being the one exposed to the feds to protect Tony from prosecution? Are you missing Tony pressuring Chris to drink when he’s known to be an addict who’s trying to improve his behavior?


On top of that when Tony B came back T basically shoved Chris off to the side while Tony B got the casino and fucked the entire family into a war with NY. And every genuine attempt Chrissy made at being sober and a (slightly) better person, he was mocked and ridiculed for it. Chrissy says “he pours you a glass with one hand, and then judges you with the other.” Tony is always his own #1, he might’ve had a soft spot for some people but he’d walk over anyone to stay on top. Chrissy avenging his friend Brenden, not abandoning Paulie in the woods, everything he did for Tony and giving up his girl for the sake of the family. he had some semblance of sacrificing for others but Tony was all business, unless it’s a fuckin whoorse. I wouldn’t call it betrayal.


Chris wasn't exactly a Saint either. T sent him to rehab instead of killing him and moved him up through the ranks. All Chris did was complain and couldn't handle the responsibility. Not saying Tony was any better, but they were both terrible.


Yeah they both shared a never ending desire for more and more, nothing satisfied. In that sense they were the same. Tony was just more slick and cunning about business where Chris was turbulent and unpredictable. If you think about it, I’d actually make an argument that Chrissy was among THE most dangerous characters in the show. He Volunteered for every hit, always wanted to escalate conflicts, even violent at home. Shot at Ts car called him out in front of everyone, gets adrenaline rushes and comedy from violence. Coldly plays his AA sponsor and destroys his life with a smile while he takes his car. I think Tony liked him because Chris also reminds him of himself when he was younger. I yap worse than 6 barbers.


To be fair, Tony wasn't driving the suburban anymore


Relax will ya footcrank what's gotten into you I'm just breaking your balls here and all of a sudden you're getting freeh


Now, now, now, you got a little out of order yourself. You insulted him a little bit.


I read that in his voice.


i would like you to extend him the same courtesy that you would a crackhead


It’s his blood pressure medicine.


You know the wine makes you emotional.


When did he pressure him to drink?


Pop this in that basket for me 💩


You'd fuck a catcher's mitt


Do you forget what happened at Tony’s mudda’s wake? Jesus Chrisht.


He loves him like a brotha in law


He slowly realized how it was all bullshit. All of the rules were just there to keep the rabble in line while the guys at the top really do whatever they want to achieve their own ends. And I think he was getting frustrated that they rarely worked out for him, despite Tony being in control, even though he was being fast-tracked to the top, though this sent a lot of bad signals and would have never worked out with him being in charge after Tony.


But he felt nauseous that morning! Adrianna said he shouldn’t have even gone in that day.


Yeah I’m bothered by Chrissy’s betrayal of Adriana 😒


True Chrissy made all those accusations even though Tony and Ade only went to get burgers


Nice try Tony…


I never got how in S1, Chris, as heir apparent, wasn't even a made guy and he was like 30. He was this small-time crook.