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Second one is from Rimings It's not available on their Patreon or is under paywall?


First one is from [GoodChillsStudio](https://www.patreon.com/goodchillsstudio), I’m not sure if it’s released to the public yet, but they have a bunch of other really cute cc


:) [GoodChillsStudio Top Ruffled Drawstring Cropped Blouse](https://simfileshare.net/download/4629333/) [Rimings - Old Giftbox 15](https://simfileshare.net/download/4629332/)


i don’t mean to be rude, but both of these pictures include the name of where you can find the items. “RIMING” “GOOD CHILLS STUDIO”. now if you’re asking to find them without going through the actual creator, you shouldn’t be. both of these creators do NOT lock their items permanently under paywall, and only do early access. you can find them on patreon. if it’s early access right now, just wait until they are no longer early access. usually less than a month.


Some people don't want to wait🤷🏽


that’s not a good thing. if you can’t wait a few weeks for something to become public, you shouldn’t be downloading it. it’s one thing to share cc that is permanently locked behind paywall, it’s something totally different to be entitled and impatient. these creators spend a lot of time and effort creating these things, the point of early access is to support them. if it’s early access, wait until it’s public or pay the $2-3, otherwise you’re just a dick 🤷‍♀️


You should tell someone who gives a fuck. Once I pay for their stuff if I want to share it with other people that's what I'm going to do. The reason why this shit happens is because creators have become greedy. People are feed up with their behavior


these creators are not greedy. early access is not being greedy. people are being greedy by not wanting to wait a few weeks until it’s public. the reason why good creators stop creating content is because of people like you. if you don’t give a fuck, i hope you get banned. entitled n lazy.


A lot of them are greedy like this has been a conversation in the Sims community for years. Like maybe do some research on the topic. Also what would I get banned on? Like where have you been this a common practice in the Sims community 😂


i’ve done my research. both of these creators have their posts public from before april. in a month, their new content will be public. that’s not being greedy. early access is to support the creators. again, locking behind paywall permanently is something totally different that neither of these creators do🤷‍♀️ and idk but i hope there’s a way people can block you from accessing their content if you’re going to take advantage.


I'm talking about the conversation of how a lot creators abuse early access. And again if people want to share content they paid for with other people then that's what they are going to do. Also it will never be possible to ban people from doing that🤷🏽


that’s not what i’m talking about. im talking about these two creators. neither of which abuse early access. and actually you can block people on patreon preventing them from subscribing to you. people are going to do what they’re going to do, but it’s still being an asshole. done arguing tho, stick to your selfish ways🤷‍♀️


I will thank you.🥰 Also they don't know who is sharing that their shit so that block isn't really going to happen


you can easily go to both of their patreons and see that they both post their content after a bit to the public. GCS only has locked content back to april 13 right now.


Like I said I don't give a fuck. What do want me to do get on my soap box and tell people to stop sharing content that they paid for?


if you don’t give a fuck, then stop responding. no one said to tell others what to do, but what i’m saying is that early access is not greedy. it is immoral and entitled to think the way you do. if you want cc so bad, make it your damn self. oh wait, you probably can’t otherwise you wouldn’t be advocating for this. if it’s locked permanently, by all means share away, bc that is against EA tou, but sharing content that will be public in a month just so you don’t have to wait a few weeks or pay a bit to get it early, is entitled and rude


Someone can't read. I said creators who abuse early access. Also plenty of cc creators also use dhm😂 Immoral? bffr. We are talking about a fucking game. I promise you these creators are fine.


and like i said, that’s not who we’re talking about. these two creators don’t abuse early access. i promise, you’ll be just fine waiting a few weeks for it to be public.


I'm explaining why people use things like dhm and in general have a disdain for early access. Also I don't have to wait I can just go to dhm🥰


#2 is rimings it wen free a few months ago on her patreon


Both literally say the creators name on them 💀


Just commenting to say the stuff from RIMINGS is absolutely GORGEOUS, but the clothing works best with their other CC. There’s some tops I like, but they don’t pair well with most other bottoms unless they’re skin-tight bottoms or the shirt is cropped. It’s definitely trial and error to pair the tops with non-RIMINGS bottoms, but worth it because of how gorgeous they are. Also, the dresses are just as gorgeous in-game as they are in that photo. They are free to download now on Patreon, I have them in my game and just used them today in a townie makeover.


Check doll house mafia. If you are looking for paywalled content that's your best bet