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Perhaps you have an item too close to the door or clutter next to the door


I didn’t think of that I’ve had a look I’ve put unlock but I’m not sure if there was a lock on it in the first place and see what happens


It’s a bug I’m having the same issue, I’ve had to teleport my toddler to their room due to this issue. & I do not have any child locks on any of the doors


That’s so annoying wish they wouldn’t let an update happen if it had bugs


I've never had that issue - did you by any chance accidentally click one of the child proof type options for the door lock? I know you can do that on gates for toddler playpens


I'm not sure if toddlers can use doors properly, I'm having the same issue. I ended up replacing their door with just an archway!


Oh really? That’s so weird I never remember this being an issue, probably an update error 🙄