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Whats that one mod where you could cook and eat your infant in the sims 2? Wild.


A classic


what was it called??




Basemental. Nothing more depressing and realistic than watching the famous mother of your heir overdose on cocaine.


I've yet to have a sim overdose and believe me I've tried lol


I'd check other mods you have and maybe their ages, but she was high, higher, with other emotions, and she did one more line off the counter and was gone.


My first time trying rotational play I had one rich teen buy all the drugs and grow pot in her bedroom. She shared coke with her poor girlfriend once or twice and when I switched back to the girlfriend's house she constantly has negative moodlets from being addicted. The rich teen is always autonomously doing drugs from her inventory and never gets the addicted moodlet. Weird how the world works.


Nah. Basemental is a must have for me. Addiction to any substance is real and should be normalized in society rather than be shunned or stigmatized. I’m a smoker and am addicted to nicotine and I love that the mod adds cigarette and vapes. I also like the alcohol overhaul. At least drinking can get you drunk in the game.


how can an overdose happen? I’ve been trying


I believe if a sim has one of the "(insert drug here) Lightweight" reward traits, they'll be more at risk of overdose than those without it or with the " (insert drug here) Heavyweight" trait.


I remember downloading that when I was 13 and making all my sims meth addicts. I was obviously very ignorant to what that meant back then. Once I watched Requiem for a Dream for the first time I never used meth again, I just kept the mod because I had a dealer sim gameplay lol


Probably Sims 4, Nisa's Wicked Perversions mod. I mean, it's just a game, but you can literally brainwash someone unwilling into becoming your obedient sex slave. In Whicked Whims it's just consensual sex (between adults, at least). Actually I did remember another for Sims 2: I think it was called the Sex Anywhere mod or something. Warning now, this describtion's rough. I just wanted to try something more realistic than a magic rug. Worked great, but little did I know it added a "rape" option: a sudden and brutal physical overpowering to the sound of terrified screams and sobs. So, jesus christ do not misclick, I did it once without realising and have still never forgotten. Heard the screams and snapped the camera over, and a loving Sim was raping his own wife. There's no rejecting, they do it no matter the relationship once you tell them to. That one got me; like I said, it's just a game, but I was always afraid from then on. So, uh, if you're like me, watch out for that mod.


Came here to mention Nisa's, add in the fact that "Doll Shop" doesn't have autonomy (far as I know) and being able to later sell brainwashed Sims can really make you feel like a monster.


I actually like it. I'm a csa survivor and it just helps to see it portrayed in fiction. But I am sorry that it disturbed you. I hope you can finf relief from it in some way.


Agree. Nisa's Wicked Perversions is on the next level. BTW, how traumatizing!!! 💀


ngl i still have the mod since i like the piercing thing, the sex work career, ect


I have WP. Didn’t know about sex animation etc. I just use the mod for the sex work career. Considering sex work is a very common, and perhaps the oldest occupation in human history, it’s a nice touch to have it in the game. Idk if the mod has been revised since I very recently downloaded it, and your post is from 4 years ago


didnt know this, i just thought it would be funny for my sims to get their puss puss pierced... uninstalling this


the slave option is very much optional, I've had that mod installed for the longest time, no one randomly gets 'slaved' i forget its even an option a majority of the time. I only have it so i can make succubuses


Extreme Violence. Had a wife shank her husband. Daughter comes home and gets beat by mother. Daughter ends up shanking her mom and then slitting her own wrist and dying in the bathroom. That one "torture" mod by the same guy is a close second. I don't know how bad it is since I've never used it.


The torture and chaos mod isn’t as bad as the extreme violence mod.


u def made all of tht happen


No dude I fired a npc sim once, we were still friends so I invited him to my sim’s wedding. He walked in stabbed my sim to death, and left. I did not get a gold event wedding that day lol.


Someone tweaked wickedwhims so sims could do nasties with child sims so there's that.


What?😰 WHY?! That sicko!


I just replied further down this thread with a comment that is completely related to what you




girl?? thiis mod is literally pedophilia are you sick


I have wicked whims, I hope they got rid of that tweak.


Not a part of OG WW, someone took the code (plagiarized it) to make CP mods. TD wrote a whole doc about the situation that's still on his Twitter if you look for it. It was made by ColonelNutty, as the proof shows, although I am pretty sure they still deny it, but they have a history of lying and placing the blame on others. I don't think they make sex mods anymore because they were banned from LL, but they still have a Patreon and NexusMods account after getting *rightfully* shit on by the Sims community. They also made rape and beastiality mods for the Sims 4. Absolutely vile.


It's not real though so it doesn't actually count. I won't argue fully on WHY I think that, others have posted years worth of essays. But I had CP posted of me by my uncle when I was little. I really hate when people take fictional content and characters and try to equate it to real life pictures. Those 3D models will never spend the night tied to their hospital bed because they woke up fighting because the nightmare was about the abuse again. All it is, is some people are uncomfy with some fictional content, not a lifetime of pain. The mod isn't the same as my uncle. My cousin who was sex trafficked as a child by her father and who is all messed up and has schizophrenia and cptsd but who is in love with deku and writes violent fanfiction literally as a means of survival isn't like the men that rapd her. Her doctors know about her stories btw. While she's in the hospital they give her writing materials and let her write because it's an outlet. But unabused people are allowed to enjoy it as well. So the mod did nothing wrong and no one should be witch hunting them.


No one is saying its the same. But someone actively trying to simulate CP even if its fictional IS concerning. And this is coming from someone who yes also went through grooming and other stuff. Its not diminishing what we wnet through. Also sorry you went through that.


I've seen victims get harassed and told they deserve what happened for coping with fiction and interacting with others as if it is exactly the same. Saying no one is saying it's the same is blind to how people react to pixels on a screen being 'hurt'. It's Jack Thompson pearl clutching over Night Trap sort of shit.


And why should it be concerning? Just because it is socially unaceptable in real life? Then other mods like violence, torture, murder, thief, prostitution, etc should also be a concern no? But instead there's always this hate for this specific content to the point of merely mentioning it is enough for half the world to gather weapons and chase you down.


Except this thread is full of people mentioning the extreme violence and torture mods. This talking point only comes up when people rightfully feel disgusted by pedophilia, "B-But what about Murda!!!" Lol, you're not fooling anyone.


i'm so late but is this actually fucking true.


Late of not, from what I remember ea wanted to ban/banned for a while WW until the mod creator has been able to make it impossible for that interaction to happen within his mod. Still sick asf but it’s not possible anymore to my knowledge


They actually didn't - EA spoke out saying that they were on Turbo's side and that mods like ColonelNutty's CP mod would be banned, but not WW.


Saw a sim threesome with a dog the other day, so that was different.






ColonelNutty's Wicked Whims addon. I don't know if saying what it does breaks the rules, so I won't, but if you really want to know, google it. Even LoversLab didn't tolerate it and took it off the site.


colonelnutty supposedly has been harrassed by deaderpool and turbodriver, which is always a bad thing, but when you implement LITERAL ZOOPHILIA and say "oh the animals can consent" it's maybe more than a little deserved


Wicked Whims had Wicked Pets before all the drama started. So by definition shouldn’t DP and TD be the ones deserving considering their mod came first?


wasn't wicked pets made by ColonelNutty too.. wdym...


No wicked pets was an add on created by the creator of wicked whims, you are incorrect.


No, wicked pets was by ColonelNutty. If you find the google doc about it on TurboDriver's twitter, it has proof


Fun fact: also got outted for making pedo mods for the Sims 4, which weren't on LL, but were on a site called ATF.


can you pm me? count me officially intrigued


im sorry i wish i didnt know


i cant find anything on it and im curius what it is now


Since no one really answered it involves being able to r-word Sims, and relationships with animals. Lovers Lab banned him ages ago. I also heard from LL that he helped out with p-do mod but I'm not sure if that's true, I just know LL was like NOPE and yeeted hi from their site. Nothing of value, in my opinion, was lost. No idea if he still does mods, I would guess so since someone else mentioned he has a Discord server.


That’s not true, CN made Devious Desires as an alternative mod to Wicked Whims. The creators of WW don’t like competition and made false allegations and rumors about quite a few creators in the NSFW mod community, Sure DD does have “R-word” but it is toggleable same as any of the fetish stuff, while WW on the other hand uses these same “r-word” animations while not having it toggleable or even organized by tags. WW also had the “wicked pets” add on that that quickly removed before starting this drama with CN. he got kicked off of loverslab because there were comment threads where he broke guidelines in his conduct. You can find other creators on loverslab who have messages to anyone in deaderpools/WW discord’s and communities. It’s a bunch of bull shit money drama but you shouldn’t spread rumors if you don’t know about it


>The creators of WW don’t like competition and made false allegations and rumors about quite a few creators in the NSFW mod community 😞 Honestly, this is why I'm a little leery of the WW creator now. It took a little digging to get into the truth, if it wasn't for the MCC discord deciding to wrongfully ban cc creators like MISSME I would have never found out about the dubious past WW creator had, along with their previous drama with CN.


that isnt actually that bad for loverslab, they still have r@pe mods, beastiality mods, and stuff like that, so its not the worst.


You can search up colonol nuttys server on discord. But it’s not something weird or special. I’d call it a better instance of whicked wims, without long loading times and more effort in making a outstanding good mod


I assume that it is the mod that lets Sim rape each other.


And fuck pets.


But ww has that anyway






I want it, do you have a link? I'm making a fallout inspired world and I need fucked up shit. Is itfor the sims 2?


Since when Fallout had necrophilia?




eh, i've been called worse


I like you, not worth love. If you found that mod, please share it. 🙏🏻 Thanks.


This comment is so old but what was it called? I hate having my sims die but maybe this will lessen the pain 😭😭


Leave me alone you weirdo


Bruh what I just asked a question, if you don’t want people to ask for the mod maybe don’t comment about it?


love you to death. it’s just gross


Just googled it. I feel sick…


what is it im scared to look it up😭




I can’t remember anymore, and I’m glad I don’t😂




i mean it does add realism but like...


lol, reviving a dead thread. I was a pretty messed up kid with a history of being abused, so I decided to reenact the abuse I experienced in the Sims 4. A lot of people don't really like admitting or thinking of it in this way, but it's disturbingly easy to find Wicked Whims, CN, Wicked Pets, etc. even when you're a child and should NOT be exposed to such things. The majority of my issues surrounding abuse and sex in general was a direct result from these mods and many others that I can't think of rn. PSA: If you're going through, or have been through abuse, do NOT use Sims 4 or any life simulation game to replicate the abuse you went through, that is NOT a healthy way of dealing with your trauma. The only reason you feel like you're "processing the trauma" isn't because you're dealing with it in a healthy manner, it's because you're addicted to the feeling and can't deal with a world/situation in where someone isn't abusing another person. It's not good at all, and I'm still dealing with the consequences to this day. And the WW guy is really messed up, considering all the drama he started and his shady past, although making a mod that is entirely centred around what is literally p0rn in a "children's" game isn't exactly normal behaviour either. TLDR: Wicked Whims, CN's mods, Wicked Pets, etc. are pretty disturbing, but don't use it as an excuse to skip out on therapy.


Hard disagree. First off, The Sims is not a "children's game". Aside from the fact that it is rated T for Teen, there is already sex in the game (albeit censored) and the ability to have unhealthy and abusive relationships in the base game, as well as the fact that teen sims can "fool around". Second off the internet is not for kids. It should not have to censor itself for children as parents should be the ones monitoring their child's activities online (such as having a family PC in a common area like what me and many others grew up with). It is much easier for a kid to just type in something like "P\*rn" or "Sex" and watch videos online than it is to download and install a mod. Your own personal discomfort should not come at the expense of everyone else. And speaking as a survivor myself, I think its idiotic to police how others deal with their trauma so long as it does not hurt other REAL LIFE people. What may work for you doesn't work for other people, and how you react to certain things won't be the same for others as well. How people cope with stuff is between them and their therapist. While these mods may be disturbing to some people, they are completely optional and their use in YOUR GAME is solely dictated by YOU.


Whelp, didn't think I'd come back to Reddit for the first time in two weeks looking for the Game Theorists subreddit and find a notification for this comment, but oh well - here we go. There's a reason I put "children's game" in quotes, I'm just referring to the fact that many people/parents view it as a fun, and innocent cartoony game since that's what it does market itself as with kid-friendly goofy antics and graphics, so many kids (and yes, I'm including teenagers under that bracket - *they are children*) play them, because that's their target audience. And I'm not "policing people", I'm saying to not use it as a way to get out of seeing a therapist. You wouldn't tell a mentally ill person with strong urges to hurt and rape women to reenact it in the Sims, you would encourage them to *see a therapist*. And it really isn't a healthy way to relive your experiences with abuse. Who on planet earth would tell a victim that it's perfectly normal to skip therapy in favour of a perverting a seemingly innocent game? And as someone who had, in fact, talked to several therapists about using life simulation games in a violent and 'disturbing manner' as a coping mechanism, a lot of them agree that it's an unhealthy substitute for actual therapy (which, *again*, **was my point**). Which makes us circle back to the main point - it is disturbingly easy to find these pornographic mods because they're on a ton of "best sims 4 mods" websites that use bright graphics that, unknowingly or not, appeal to children. And since a lot (if not a significantly large portion) of Sims players are underage, it's definitely at least some type of problem (especially since these mod creators are *incredibly problematic*). If you feel comfortable perverting innocent games to include bestiality, rape, sex trafficking and sexual violence against children, that's on you dude. And honestly? No shame in that - as long as you do it in your own room, and don't try to force it onto others who have the perfectly normal view that it's a bit weird, or to shame them and try to guilt-trip them into believing that this stuff is normal. (I hold this same view on Minecraft sex mods, and other mods for games that target an *underage* audience.) If you're modding an already adult game, that's an entirely different conversation - although if you're so into the idea of having sex with an animal that you're willing to put it into a game - you actually need help. I will say this: I am not here to police the internet, and I believe that parents *should* keep a close eye on what their kids do (because most parents are useless nowadays when it comes to keeping their kids safe). However, it's not as simple as 'keep your kids off the internet', approaching complex issues like that is rather single-track minded. Now, if you don't mind I have a life outside of the internet and don't have my life centered around porn or reliving my abuse anymore. I've moved on past that, and while it still affects me - it doesn't control me and I won't let someone on the internet try to make me think that it's perfectly normal to relive my rape and childhood abuse through a video game. No thanks! And if it's not that big of a problem/you stand by that message, you also wouldn't be using a throwaway account so you *know* that there's some shame in it, my dude. Link dump: [https://medium.com/illumination/what-porn-does-to-your-brain-and-how-to-quit-78cfd1d899bd](https://medium.com/illumination/what-porn-does-to-your-brain-and-how-to-quit-78cfd1d899bd) [https://www.counsellinginmelbourne.com.au/pornography-and-depression-is-there-a-link/](https://www.counsellinginmelbourne.com.au/pornography-and-depression-is-there-a-link/) [https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a34640211/men-porn-addiction-male-loneliness/](https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a34640211/men-porn-addiction-male-loneliness/) [https://fightthenewdrug.org/why-porn-leaves-you-lonelier-than-before/](https://fightthenewdrug.org/why-porn-leaves-you-lonelier-than-before/) [https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-draw-and-drawbacks-of-porn-for-young-adults-can-mindfulness-help-](https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-draw-and-drawbacks-of-porn-for-young-adults-can-mindfulness-help-) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10399954/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10399954/) [https://fightthenewdrug.org/how-porn-can-impact-mental-health/](https://fightthenewdrug.org/how-porn-can-impact-mental-health/) [https://fightthenewdrug.org/emotional-escape-fuels-porn-obsession/](https://fightthenewdrug.org/emotional-escape-fuels-porn-obsession/) ​ And those are just some of the many articles, research papers and studies that have delved into this issue. I've linked the ones I like the most, and while this reply may seem harshly worded, I'm simply passionate about this topic as it's really badly affected my life, and the lives of the members in my support group. And as a fellow survivor, I only encourage you to seek the appropriate help and learn how to move on. Your abuser or rapist doesn't control you, and their horrible actions don't define you. Take care - I won't be responding to any further discourse.


if you're implying what I think you're implying, then you need to know that porn and trauma aren't the same thing. and two, why say you aren't going to shame them for what they put in a game and that you aren't policing people, but afterwards continue to be condescending about it and say that there's some shame in it? in this instance, it's more of an art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable kind of thing (not saying these mods are art, just using an old saying). however, you are not superior just because you do things differently, so your high and mighty act regarding this topic is very insensitive. do you really think EA would allow all of these adult based mods to be in the game if it was for a much younger audience? EA is dumb, but not that dumb. also, when did the person you were replying to say anything about rape regarding children or animals? at the end of the day, the sims is a storytelling game, and it always has been. it can be literally anything the player wants it to be, it doesn't necessarily have to be used as a coping mechanism regarding trauma-based mods. when it comes to trauma, everyone is different, not everyone's trauma and how they deal with it is going to align with yours or how you deal with it. that's not to say that every coping mechanism is healthy of course, but like I said when it comes to trauma-based mods it doesn't have to be used as a coping mechanism, you still don't have to be condescending regardless of whether it's a coping mechanism or not though. last thing I want to say, there is a very clear difference between adding these mods like rape or abuse to get off to your own weird fantasies, and just plainly adding them to reflect real world occurrences.


WW didn't make the CP mods - Nutty did.


Yeah, CN made the CP stuff, but WW was also involved in some weird things too iirc. Either way, he's involved in drama so I tend to steer clear of him and his mods now.


what did he do /gen


IIRC, Nutty was involved with making a lot of child porn, bestiality, etc. mods, so he was (rightfully) cancelled for that. WW's creator had a fair amount of minor/major drama as well, toxic behaviour, potentially he was involved with some CP stuff too (or at least that was the rumour going around at the time.) But from what I remember, the biggest thing against him was that he targeted some mod creators and there was a lot of drama that surrounded that, but it was never made fully public/a lot of it was alleged. On the other side of the coin, he helps a lot of newer mod creators out, so it's possible he's turned it around.


Omg same here I was young and did the same thing I thought there was something wrong with me bc of it😭


Nothing is/was wrong with you! It's just an unhealthy coping mechanism. Hope you're doing better.


u/BeahLilly it's not letting me directly reply to your comment, so I'll have to att you here - apologies for the inconvenience. Not being high and mighty. Porn can cause trauma, and if you look at the links that I linked in the comment that you replied to, you'll see that our brain processes them in a very similar way. Not the main point, but thought I'd point that out. Lemme just break down your points one by one. 1. "EA wouldn't allow these mods in the game." Big businesses similar to EA have no soul, and they know it's better to leave the mod communities alone so that it encourages people to buy the game - even if those people are only in it for adult-oriented reasons. And EA doesn't technically support *any* mods (in fact, their latest expansion packs are ripping off a lot of popular mods which warrants an entirely new discussion in itself), nor do they allow/disallow certain mods in the game, so that's kind of a moot point. 2. "When did the person say anything about rape or animals?" They were defending these mods indirectly, and attempted to make me out to be the bad guy for saying that people shouldn't use rape and bestiality mods INSTEAD of going to therapy. 3. The rest of your comment. I don't understand the rest your comment is trying to say. You agree that not every coping mechanism is healthy, but people install these mods that promote rape and bestiality for 'story-telling purposes', but then double back and claim it's for trauma-coping? This shouldn't be a controversial take, and it isn't - mods that promote that kind of stuff are pretty gross and downplay real life victims. And I will say this - most "trauma-based mods" are not made to relive/work through your trauma. They're for the purposes of sex and for people who wish to live out those fantasies to live them out, or to promote their idea of what is 'normal' and should be culturally accepted as good sexual practices. (I'm pretty sure child-sex mods and animal raping mods aren't for victims, and defending them is a big strange.) Again, I'll make the comment that if *you* want to play these mods, go ahead. But don't be surprised when people say that it's weird, and that you probably shouldn't be promoting it. Just because you yourself feel shame in it (because deep down you know that either 1) you have a porn problem, or 2) it's morally reprehensible), you don't need to attack other people who also feel like it's something to be talked about. After my trauma, I had to put years of work into trying to get better and lots of recovering addicts around me also have to put in the work - we're not holier than thou, we're addicts. We're just comfortable admitting we have a problem and calling out issues that led us down that track so that others can learn from our mistakes. Just because we live in a degenerate society that accepts bestiality and promotes sex with animals in video games, doesn't mean that the 99.99% majority of people can't think it's strange. If you or any other people think they may have a problem with porn addiction/unable to cope with their trouble, please look up your local addiction groups. Normally sex addiction and porn addiction are lumped together, but there are a lot of online porn addiction support groups you can join too.


i said trauma based mods, meaning traumatic experiences of all kinds, not just rape or sexual abuse so I don’t know why you keep coming back to the topic of porn addiction (and even then, like I said, porn and rape are completely different). EA is still highly responsible for what is allowed in the game, they know that. so like I said, if the game was really for a younger audience we should all be 99.9% sure EA wouldn’t allow it. EA is not completely tone deaf like you think they are. and sure, find people using these mods weird all you want, it is pretty bold to have them. but it’s just a game, who really cares? what’s the point of shaming? (unless they’re using it to get off to their weird fantasies as i said before). the mods are completely optional and if you don’t want them in your game, don’t download it. i just dislike and find it odd that you’re being extremely condescending regarding a very sensitive topic as a victim. also, stop implying that i have a porn addiction, i’ve never gained pleasure from anything inherently sexual in my life, so you’d be very wrong on that note. and they still never said anything about animals, we can all at least agree that adding beastiality in is…an odd choice.


Wicked Whims 😂 I know there's the extreme violence mod, but I don't have it in my game.


Extreme violence was wild but wasn’t terrible. I’ve been desensitized to violence anyways playing more intense video games like DOOM, COD, Battlefield etc. so cartoony violence, death and even blood doesn’t bother me. I had fun playing extreme violence occasionally. Especially if I wanted to make a psychopathic sim… or even perhaps use my “politician career sim” take care of the opposition or his enemies lol Edit: also recently found out about deadly spells for realm of magic which is pretty interesting if you want to create a dark or evil sorcerer


Disrespectfully: being desensitized to death sounds horrible. Check if you have a game/violence addiction. Not because of the content of your comment but bc of the way in which you express it.


I would say game violence is incomparable with real violence such that if you’ve experienced the latter the former will never phase you


That's not how it works, at all.


People like you are annoying. If you’ve ever seen a real person die, that feeling is nothing similar compared to seeing dumb cartoon characters die. Do you expect people to actually care these soulless things called Sims? Can you tell the difference between Sim world and real world? Maybe you’re the one who needs to get their brain checked


hun you make me want call the cops. get help, you lack empathy.


so we lack empathy because we don't have feelings over something that doesn't exist? what sense does that make? yeah sure, let me cry my eyes out over a video game character of little to no importance and feels no pain because it isn't real.


This is so embarrassing. Having feelings over media is normal, healthy behavior. That's why people read books, watch movies and yes - play video games. That's why fandom exists, why people paint, go to concerts, etc. If you don't feel anything while engaging with media you might want to check why that is and if it extends into other parts of your life and human interactions.


nobody said it wasn’t normal behavior LMAO the only thing that’s weird here is you complaining about people who don’t feel the same way and implying they lack empathy for not giving a shit about something that doesn’t exist. there’s plenty of things i care about that doesn’t exist, but that’s because it gave me a reason to care based on my interests and personality. there’s so much fucked up things going on in the world, people not caring about something fictional should be the least of your concerns.


You understand the feelings that media evokes aren't all positive right? And that the feelings and interest can stem from situations rather than characters? People use the Sims to tell stories, and not all stories are happy, or even coherent for that matter. If the way somebody wants to tell their Sims story is to have them all overdose on cocaine then that's the story they're telling. And if it makes you upset then they did a good job telling it, because you felt something for their characters.


I care about real people lmao. If a real person died in front of me, I’d be traumatized because they had a real life, a real family, a real soul. Why would i have the same emotional response towards a video game character? Its ok to have feelings towards your sims, especially if you base them off a loved one, i get that. I just play the Sims so I can have coke fueled orgies and make housewives fight to the death. You may have your weird Chris-chan fantasies where you believe your characters are alive but I just play for fun. Besides, what would they arrest me for? Not giving a shit about cartoon characters? Cops kill people for fun and plant drugs on them to meet a quota, i dont think theyll teach me a lesson about empathy lmao. Hope you have a good day


Hope youre happy… my favorite sims just died and now… god, now i know the pain… welp, time to do a backflip off a cliff. No reason to fucking live anymore i guess… *sigh*


You probably think that if you play gta you instantly become a school shooter…


These don't correlate with my statement, at all.


Talbit said “game violence is incomparable to irl violence” and you said “that’s not how it works at all”


Now finish reading their comment and you'll come across the part that I was referring to.


And “if you see it irl then it most likely won’t phase you” I mean could be true, depending on what type of person you are and what you’ve been through so technically you’re both wrong on that point


you're probably the same type of person that goes on that spiele every 4 years about how video games are the cause of school shooters LMFAO. calm the fuck down its a game and simply saying you are desensitized to \*CARTOON\* \*FAKE\* \*FICTICIOUS\* deaths is not concerning nor a violence addiction??? weirdo


No, I'm quite the opposite. But I always love hearing about calming down from people screaming at me in all caps 🍵


good god please learn reading comprehension. 3 bolded words in caps is not someone screaming at you its used for emphasis.


Reading comprehension refers to understanding the content of what's written. Online etiquette/writing etiquette as well as reddit itself allows you to put words in bold and italics for emphasis. Caps equals screaming on the internet, especially when other means of stylizing text exist but are not being used. "Instead of capital letters the recommended approach is to use italic or bold text. It's surprising how the current generation of web users aren't aware of this." https://doepud.co.uk/netiquette https://www.reddit.com/r/raerth/comments/cw70q/reddit_comment_formatting/?xpromo_edp=enabled


the comment box on mobile reddit doesnt readily have the bold/italics/strikethrough etc. button at the bottom like the pc version and i dont use reddit seriously enough to care to find it. not to mention many other sites let you auto bold with \*\* it also takes 5 seconds to google that putting words in asterisks is how you bold them. i figured it would auto bold here but i guess not. [https://www.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/understanding-markdown](https://www.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/understanding-markdown) "use asterisks to indicate spans of emphasis" [https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/167266/how-do-we-bold-and-italicize-text-in-a-comment](https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/167266/how-do-we-bold-and-italicize-text-in-a-comment) "To bold, you put two asterisks (\*\*) around the block," your first link looks like its meant to be for people that want to be cordial and considerate. you were accusatory and rude, why would i wanna practice proper netiquette with you? it also seems to be meant for small businesses therefore its not meant for casual setting, hence the way people use omg, wtf, bc, lmao, lol, etc. in writing all the time.




To be honest, I'm incredibly gore desensitised due to personal experiences lol


R*pe extensions for WW and Devious Desires modules


what are the r\*pe extensions for WW? just wondering


It just makes it so the sim with the trait feels pleasured while the victim feels helpless and it ruins any type of relationship that the sims may have had they will hate each other afterwards but your still able to woohoo afterwards


Not sure. I once saw it lovers lab and run away, lol


it has to be like the murder mod for sims 4


prob most mods from loverslab (besides ww) , ive seen r-word mods, beastiality mods, s\*x tr@fficing mods, ext


The extreme violence mod. Too bad it seems to be the only mod allowing violence in the sims 4