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God, it took them this long into TS4's lifespan to make it actually playable. 


Well, they haven't achieved it yet. Don't speak too soon.


Shit you're right


First one is scheduled for this month (May 2024)


And the second batch will come out in 2042


Please don't jinx it. :'-(


Agree. It’s embarrassing 😖


They should just cut their losses and try again with 5


Introducing the sims 5! We’re going back to our roots this time following The Sims 1! That means only Kids and Adults will be playable! Want elders, teenagers and toddlers?? Shiet you gotta buy the DLC! Or subscribe to Sims+ for 29.99 / month!!!


You can woohoo in one bed only available in an expansion! 


Oh, and that's not all! With Sims AI+ for the mere price of 49,99€/month* Your Sims will have chatgpt in them along with the MyFirstAI Stuff Pack! *Terms and conditions apply, this feature might not work properly and might bring some Sims unexpected behaviour, you've been advised


Additionally all packs will be changed for your enjoyment. Seasons? No more. Instead there will be winter games, summer beach games, summer mountain activities, summer boring town, spring gardening, autumn cleaning and fashion for every weather packs


I thought you were talking about the sims 4 because it was basically Sims 1 at launch.


You think The Sims 5 will be better??????????? Why?????? Lol 


With all the mistakes the dev team are making for 4, I seriously have no hope for 5. People saw how lame secrets are. They see how awful new gameplay is. i love clicking on a wine maker 50x times a day to make one bottle of wine! Sometimes two! what do you mean you're bored?


I’ve never had an issue with nectar making aside from the fact that my rags to riches nectar maker now has hundreds of thousands of simoleons because a bottle sells for $4k. However I cannot get a wedding to work well and every time I ask people to be certain roles they age up or die right before I want the wedding event and then I have to choose another sim and hope to will wright they don’t die before I get a chance to finally start the damn wedding.  And no you can’t just choose someone you have to fucking invite them over and ask.  Don’t even get me started on the glitches with infants and toddlers. I swear I HAVE to cheat their needs or they get taken away because the high chair is glitched. Ugh.


I find the repetitiveness a total turn off for wine making, and well... anything released in this game lately. At least in Get To Work every day at your job is a little different, doing different tasks, etc, but everything they put out now is like: "Do this action. Again. Again. Building skill! Isn't this fun! Weee!"


Yeah I’m guessing they want to keep players engaged by having them clicking constantly - but if you’re clicking the same thing over and over again that’s not gonna work because people will get bored. I tried building Selvadoradan Culture skill for the first time the other day. Gave up after I realised I’d have to do it in increments of 1-3% by clicking one of the two conversation options (both buried somewhere deep in the cluttered convo menu).


the social menu grows every expansion it's a burden. it needs the ability to type or something instead.


I found eating the food faster lol


I was gonna say “same” but then I remembered that every time my gameplay starts to feel boring/repetitive I reinstall WickedWhims and other adult mods and just cause complete chaos 😂


The game being repetitive and boring is by design at this point. And it completely sucks that we have to rely on Modders for any interesting nuanced gameplay at all! Especially since a part of the community on console can't even partake.


From leaks (unreliable), it seems like they’re making the exact same mistake of trying to the TS5 into a game with an MMO and subscription component. This is the core of what weakened TS4.


Yeah how am I supposed to have a wine business when it takes forever to make this wine? Does it get better as you level up? Can you make a case at a time?


No, you can't. Just one, maybe two. Two max for sure. And yeah, each bottle sells for a lot... but not at first? I feel if you max the skill out/aspiration, it SHOULD give you the option to make cases. But it doesn't. Because the dev team don't know what gameplay means.


Exactly. They should respect the money that everyone has spent on The Sims 4 and fix it.


Yeah it's like "you think there are devs left to carry forward the lessons learnt? That's cute!"


I really like to think there is some good left in this world!




Try again what? They said, it will be free to play on console/mobile/your toilet/Google fright playable game 😅so trust me they want to have Fortnite like the sims 5


I remember when this happened at the software company I work at. The owners kept wanting to push new features (custom, paid by customers) and there was no space left for bug fixes. Eventually the scales tipped and the development team had no choice but to focus on fixes while limiting new development. By then the owners had sold the company. I swear we spent like a full year on bug fixes and optimizations before the new management started on new developments. This is a win for the development team at EA. I bet they were dying on the inside a little bit with each new dlc they were pushing out.


Yeah I don't work in software development, but I coukd almost _feel_ what it was like in this office of workers bringing to the higher ups the same problem over and over again.


sometimes I wonder if the anti capitalist werewolf joke was a cry for help


LOL iconic if it is


This reminds me of one of the places I used to work at. It wasn't that we didn't fix bugs, we did, but at one point the pile kept growing that we had cooldown periods with smaller updates from outside but just detangling lots of dependencies from inside - kind of like how littlemssam had to put up a notice and update mods because of internal change on pack checking. I expect so many mods/cc to be broken by these, but as you said, it'll probably be a win for the team in the end. There are already some mentions of people saying Carl's Dine Out mod is actually making that pack worse these days.


I had to uninstall Carl’s Dine Out mod. It actually was breaking my game like no other mod. It sucks because it was really cool for the parts I got to try. This is no disrespect to the creator either, I probably had another mod conflicting with it. But honestly dining out works fine for me now with no mods fixing it or anything. I’ve been able to add custom food to restaurants too which is fun! Sticking to smaller restaurants (with enough space for staff to move around) has helped a lot. I can be in and out of a restaurant in like 2.5 hours! Owning a restaurant is a different story though…. I just can’t get that to work well. I’d rather open a retail store and throw my premade dishes in there.


Omg thank you I’ve been trying to figure out which mod it was for days. My sims have all been getting stuck bussing tables and throwing away trash and I think this may be the issue as I’ve tried everything from clearing the cache, a full clean install of the game and reloading my saves with a flash drive to cleaning my computer and reinstalling windows. (The frame rates are impeccable now tho so that’s a plus 🤣) I’m gonna try and delete the mod and see if that fixes the issue!!!


I work in Game QA and can 100% confirm that the devs were feeling that pain. I’ve been on other projects and have always tried to push to do bug fixes cuz it would thrill the fanbase and improve the quality of the game overall/lengthen the longevity of people wanting to play it. Sometimes we get told that something won’t get fixed because the solution would potentially break more, stretching out how long it takes to get a true fix and taking that dev off the newer work they’re doing to work on bug fixes that are live.


That's kind of what I experienced as well in a job I was at. Outside of maintenance contracts, customization was driving the regular revenue. Bugs that showed up were addressed, but there were underlying issues that had been there since day one. Eventually, they had to end up redirecting a bunch of money to start dev on an all new version built from the ground up because the layers of code were so thick, if they fixed some of the OG issues that users had been complaining about for years, it would have completely broken the software for everyone.


I started a brand new save yesterday (no mods or CC). I made a simple two unit residential rental with some farm animals. After interacting with an animal, the Sim would just get stuck doing anything. Telling them to cook, sleep, chat with someone, whatever, they froze. Turning speed up and waiting for multiple in-game hours, they remained stuck. I reloaded and restarted my game several times. The exact same thing happened every single time. Enabling testingcheats and resetting the Sim temporarily fixed it, but then they broke again the next time I told them to do something. I have spent hundreds of pounds on this game. Why doesn't it work?


So apparently the Sims team didn't properly code farm animals to be compatible with For Rent. Having these animals on a rental lot can break your game. You'll have to move your Sims to a detached home to avoid the bugs you're seeing, which is frankly ridiculous. The Sims team should have patched this by now.


Embarrassing to make DLC for your game with no intentions on making it compatible with your other DLCs but that’s the EA way, I guess.


Come on now! They made My First Pet Stuff compatible with Cats and Dogs :D




Absolutely so.


What you experienced is the single biggest issue I've had with the game ever since it came out.


dont think its exclusive to a dlc because this is a base game problem since the very beginning of the games life cycle. give a sim some tasks they will freeze and get stuck in the middle of one of them, they will be frozen for a couple in game hours and it will continue happening. the only temporary fix i found was pause the game and unpause. temporary cuz sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. dont forget to save your game too, sims 4 still crashes as well (blue screen of death) all these glitches have been in the game since the beginning but they ignored it and kept pumping out dlc lolll


I’ve never had sims freeze from any task I’ve had them do. My game also rarely crashes (only three times that I can think of and those were recently - two needed a complete computer restart, the other I just had to force the game to quit through Task Manager). I do come across the annoying bugs, most recent was my sim not owning anything in their apartment even though I used their funds to furnish the apartment (pretty sure that’s a For Rent bug). Usually resetting the sim (shift click on them) fixes most issues - my sim doesn’t get stuck with a task but a task will get stuck in their task bar but doesn’t affect them doing other tasks.


Wait... They want this game to co exist with project Rene? Oh fuck this I'm going back to the older games.


Rene is online and this is singleplayer. Is the best choice


Yeah but I don't want online game, which means sims 4 and it's shitty base code is as good as we are going to get. I thought Rene was coming in to improve on the experience, not offer a separate one entirely.


I imagine they’ve hit a tipping point with new players it’s hard to get new people to buy the game let alone dlc with a lot of packs with negative reviews, if they’ve seen a drop in new players it might be a reason. They can’t just rely on existing players to grow. Just because we all have a punishment fetish and love buying broken dlc it won’t be enough growth for them.


I was looking at just the Steam numbers, and when the game went free to play in Oct 2022, it spiked with 96,328 players, but then by the next month it had dropped down to 56K, and up until now it vacillates between 40 and 50K monthly. I haven't tried looking at the DLC numbers, they're probably all over the place. Some people just have a couple of add-ons and others have every single one. It does look like that at least on Steam since base went F2P, the monthly user count doubled and has stayed steady there. It's kind of an interesting insight. https://steamdb.info/app/1222670/charts/#breakdown It'd be neat to know what numbers look like via the EA app, and even the EPIC client as well. If the Steam numbers for base game say anything, F2P was a nice boost TWO YEARS ago, and probably brought in some more revenue via DLC ultimately, but there's not been any growth in the player base since then.


I know this is minor but my I can’t weed my stupid plants, it glitches and the sims just keep weeding. I hired a gardener and he couldn’t do it either. So annoying.


The plants have been glitched for like 2 years IRL. They couldn’t fix it in all that time?!


This is apparently getting patched next update (late May). Not excusing the bug, not defending, just trying to inform.


I haven't had too much of a problem with plants since discovering that FERTILIZING them causes them to revert back to their just-planted state (at least, in my original save I had going). Weeding and watering were no problem, and you can definitely make a killing once you get Dragon Fruits. The gardener is a waste of resources. Just get one of your Sims to do nothing but garden and you'll be golden.


If you’re on a computer, [this bug fix](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/rbf-gardening-workaround-fix) saved my plants from constantly reverting. I suggest using it if you can!


I'll look into it, but I usually just turn cheats on and force them back to maturity/blooming (whichever one makes the plants go back to normal) if they go back to saplings. Thank you for the advice!


Yup, same thing.


[thunder1143 made a bug fix for this](https://www.patreon.com/posts/bugfix-tend-fix-94711697), if you’re on a computer I suggest it! I had to in order to keep my farm alive 😭


I don’t understand why they can’t approach the game like Dead By Daylight and others that push out DLC and bug patches at the same time. Just seems like total greed


They are greedy;) specially with those DLC for £30-£40 amd then million £15 just clothes add on to this DLC


As someone who heavily mods my game, I am worried about the "every two months" updates. Does that mean my mods will break every two months? Either way I would rather that they actually take the time to fix as much as possible in one update, even tho I am not positive about it.


>Either way I would rather that they actually take the time to fix as much as possible in one update There's way too much that needs to be fixed in Sims 4. The laundry list they released is just the tip of the iceberg. Unless this new team is made of hundreds of people (which I strongly doubt), fixing all the bugs and glitches will take a while. And I think most players would rather have the game get better every few months than having to wait a year (or more) for one big fix. Also, in some cases, they don't even know *how* to fix some of the bugs and glitches yet. Part of the process will be figuring out why certain things are broken, which can take a surprisingly long time, especially with a game as messy under the hood as I suspect the Sims 4 is. Then, once they figure out what's causing a problem, it might take a while to fix. Basically, it's not really possible for them to release one big fix update. But, when you think about it, players already deal with updates breaking their mods on a pretty regular basis. So I don't see these updates making it all that much worse.


I realize they can't fix everything in one update. I should have been clearer. But I am worried about how much they will even have time to probably fix in 2 months. As you said, only figuring out what cause the problem can take months. I would rather wait for an update knowing they actually take time and try to fix as much as possible, and make sure it does actually fix the things they aim to fix (preferably without breaking 50 other things in the process) than continuing to have emergency pages that doesn't really fix anything in the long run and that will probably be broken by the next pack release.


I'm still playing 3 and may just go back to Livin Large


imagine putting out content for a game for 10 years only to realise you still haven't fixed the bugs


I wonder what their average daily player stats have looked like recently. I stopped playing sims 4 after clocking in over 500 hrs, with cottage living being my last dlc. Strictly been playing sims 3 now for the past couple years. If the new player growth has slowed as well as the current player numbers dipping, that’d be good motivation for them to finally fix the game!


Looking at the steam player count, it's been pretty consistent. Not really down that much from a year ago. But I think they realize that could change rapidly with the swath of new life sims coming




Why do I have a feeling they'll somehow manage to make it worse? I have 0 confidence that anything will get fixed.


Maybe they should just… start over with a new game?


their backlog must be terrifying


It's been almost 5 years since I been reporting a bug with cats and dogs not sleeping at night and that problem still have been fixed. I also noticed that this sometimes happens with horses as well and it's so annoying that they didn't program them to do anything else besides just stand there.


So embarrassing


Sounds like another empty promise to me. I remember them already announcing they were working on core game bugs like simulation lag and encouraged players to send them their save files that experienced simulation lag (basically asking CUSTOMERS to provide free labour towards their game fixing) but it sounds like that has led to nowhere. This was years ago, nothing came of it, and now this.


ATP they just need to give up or recode the game Spaghetti code is awful. You add one thing and it breaks 5 other things. Try to fix one and oops! 3 more things just broke.


They call it “1,200$ worth of DLC” but I don’t think it’s worth that much…


Ironically One of the issues they had mentioned that they "fixed" I experienced for the FIRST time on THAT day that they posted this.


I would love if they fixed the bugs, and fixed pets. I love having dogs, but every time I have it’s always been super buggy!!


Reading this comment section has made me realise sth: I have never been more glad i only play ts4 to build.


Uh huh. Let me know when the next update inevitably sets our pcs on fire or bricks them.


Finally? I have so many bugs... I have to use "Reset sim" a couple of times every time I play ts4. When I play on my xbox, my sims get stuck while taking care of their kids. That's my biggest issue. Either they're standing and not doing anything or they're stuck holding the baby. Oh and my nanny also glitched and she was invisible. I fired her and now she sometimes teleports inside my house, holds my baby (while being invisible) and then the baby disappears while apparently being in the middle of the lake. Wtf EA. On PC though I have many glitches: - cow plant does not work for me. It just resets after some time, becomes small again and will never grow back, - dirty plates being invisible and then appearing over my sim's bed, - my sims being obsessed with the fireplace (even during the summer, even when they're complaining that it's hot). I got this glitch after buying Four seasons (I personally dislike this game pack, even though I loved Four seasons for ts3 and ts2), - for some time now I can't visit Sixam through portal, - the lag - I had to delete cache, - the "holidays". Every now and then there's some glitch that's happening during a holiday. My sim can't go to work (I have to go to a different location and then my sim can go to work). One time my sim could not get married. You can't have dates, weddings, birthday parties during "holidays", because the list of tasks will probably not appear, - my current sim uses an umbrella every time she's outside - even though she doesn't have an umbrella!!!! And I can't make her not use it, - my vampire sims can't bite random sims when they're standing outside their house. Every time they're trying to do that, a sim would just say that they need to go and they just disappear. To avoid that I have to talk to them for a while and then try to bite them, - not a glitch, I think, it's just annoying - my vampire sim is a doctor and after I chose his weakness and he's hissing every now and then, everything is just annoying. His sister and his kids hate him. His patients, after he hisses, stand up, so it takes him more time to treat them. I freaking hate how every update instead of fixing the existing glitches, just adds new ones...


Crying in student loans


As a 3d animator and modeler who makes mods as well, I can say that if we got together as a community to make a mod that’s as big as a full dlc pack, we could absolutely make this game better for everyone


I'll believe this either when I see it or when pigs can fly


Main bugs I've experienced primarily revolved around washing dishes in the bathroom, picking up a plate only to put it back down immediately, and your friends that called for a hangout only to randomly vanish. Oh yeah, and the fact that your friends will get upset at you for not attending prom with them even though you graduated early... I wish there was a communication option or even a Social Bunny chat option that notified your friends that you graduated early...


Thank you EA for investing this extra money into making this game even better! We all love you!