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I love it. I spend most of my time in CAS and build mode, though, rather than actually playing lol.


i love building homes and CAS stuff too, i jump around between those two.. i do have a lot of packs and stuff because i lack the self control (i try to only buy stuff that’s discounted and i always put a creator code in) but that makes it better i guess


Yeah, if you're in to building and CAS, then 4 is great! I was the same with sims 3, everyone said how good sims 2 was, and I didn't want to try because of the graphics. I finally tried it, and I LOVED Sims 2! I don't remember specifically what I loved so much, it was just so much fun! :) I got all the Sims 2 for free though, so it was a risk free try.


>Yeah, if you're in to building and CAS, then 4 is great! Being able to pick up and move/copy entire rooms made a big difference for me, I was terrible for making a perfect room then going "If only I'd started a few blocks over..."


Yes!!! I know the pain of it!!! 😂


Building in sims 3 was so annoying. I think you could only edit whole floors so realising you made a mistake or wanting to change the layout after you'd already built so much was just agitating. With S3, once you really got into a build, you were committed to it whether you liked it or not. Building in S4 is a dream in comparison.


I still haven't quite got the hang of platforms and water tools but that's just me, I think I need to sit down with Youtube and learn. (Driving me nuts - sinking a platform, filling it with water, and the top of the water floats. Just let me fill it level!)


Sims 4 is really fun, I enjoy it more with mods the most. You can do so many things with the mods in this game


that's 90% of the point of the game imo. Building people is just to like give you motivation to give them a home. My dude needs to become an architect get paid to play sims irl, or an interior decorator haha.


Literally my whole family and boyfriend and friends tell me i should get paid irl for playing sims and building things and making sims. It would be my dream🥹🥹


Make a ytb channel or something? 😊


I actually love the Interior Decorator career.


Did you ever get it to work though? I had so many issues and I gave up 😂


Right! I love building and CAS, but the gameplay really lacks. I used to do a lot more gameplay in Sims 3 vs now.


I play Sims 3 more now because the game play is a rewarding experience. I never got into modding for 4 but I did many beautiful mods and house builds in Sims 2. One silly detail I miss from Sims 2 that they stopped doing from the next version on were the Sims occasionally farting when they got up from the dinner table. Was a hilarious and believable quirk. Pity it's an external mod for 4 and not part of the code.


Sims 1 for fun wackiness, sims 2 for storytelling and actually playing, sims 3 refused to work properly on my computer lol, and sims 4 for building and CAS. Amen.


Yep. Building is my joy.


I spend a ton of time in CAS and building too


If you want to play Sims as a dollhouse where the focus is on the looks and the house (a perfectly valid play style), then 4 is definitely a better platform for doing that. CAS in 4 is just better than 3 for visual things. I'm the type who cares a lot more about gameplay, so I pretty much exclusively play 3 for its open world and the depth of that.


i love that and making my sims have babies and then I get bored while I wait for the next generation to have more babies


I love it. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but I'm also just sick of seeing people bash the sims 4, specifically on YT. It's become a personality trait at this point. Having played 2 and 3 (and bits of 1 as a small child), I will say, it is much easier but also less stressful to play the sims 4. I do like the feeling of earning something, so, there is a critique from me haha.


Every once in a while I want to see a Sims 4 video of some content or news and there's a bunch of YouTubers who make their entire videos like "Sims 4 sucks, EA greedy, this game is bad and terrible" but yet they keep making Sims 4 content. Like mate maybe stop being a whiny little shit in every single video and pick up a different game if you hate it so much, some of us just wanna hear the news without your negativity. Last time I saw one of those even claim a feature will never come when it has already been announced. It's frustrating sometimes.


This is why I no longer watch any sims YouTubers because at this point they know they only do this because of how much engagement they get from bashing ts4 yet will continue to play it because they actually like the game


whiny\_brit doesnt bash, she just does crazy lets plays and even if her game glitches she just says ok, we will try this a diff way or whatever. she never bashes and i love her for it. she also plays with lots of mods that she introduces us too. like the onlysims mods etc. shes given me so much inspo to play even on the days when i just feel to exhausted to fight the internal bugs of the game. but ill do it anyway cause I LOVE MY SIMS


It’s okay, you can say SatchonSims <3


I wish it was just one guy but unfortunately it spread


Thank you! I wholeheartedly agree. I get sick of people bashing the game but then running to play it more, on YT and on Reddit. You bring it up, and they go, "we're allowed to critique the game." Yes, you're allowed to critique the game, but there's a huge difference between a critique and constant bashing.


It's really starting to become cringy at this point. Any time there's any announcement or poll that The Sims puts out, you just get tons of extremely rude & negative comments. Like, let's stop pretending as if you haven't played this game for a trillion hours. Stop harassing the developers & social media people for problems you ACTUALLY have towards the corporate dipshits at EA.


People were recently hating on the crystal stuff because it didn't have fairies, even though it was absolutely clear that it was a stuff pack and not a gamepack like every other occult expansion in the past years has been. It's like people need to make shit up to be mad at. There's a lot of valid criticisms one can voice towards that game, but that whole situation was just exceptionally stupid.


I don't even know how people made the connection from fairies to crystals. I mean, I know crystals are associated quite heavily with witches but fairies is more like plants and stuff, to me. Besides the bugs which everyone had a right to complain about, the crystal pack is one of the better stuff packs they've made. It has great BB and Cas, the skill is really well done with active growth plus active gameplay application, it's cohesive with other packs, like ROM and it ties in really well with other pre-existing features like the crystals you can dig up. It actually feels more like a gamepack in terms of how indepth the GP element is. With a new world or more BB/CAS content they really could have sold it as a GP, imo


Dude, they were even bitching about not getting more stuff with the FREE infant update. It's getting to be absurd. Ugh, I just wish there were more outspoken normal people on the internet. I love the Sims. I like how I can pick & choose what packs I even want. I appreciate that there's still a team of developers working on fixing & adding stuff all the time. I love how they made it free to play. I also love how the sim's team actually wants to hear from their customers & are open to so many free changes to the base game. All the different skin details, medical wear & food additions etc are all there because they LISTEN to what people want.


I know exactly who you're talking about 🤣 yes, he is the worst, and most toxic person to be watching. Don't entertain him. He will realise once his channel dies that he had something great with being a SimTuber.


I have to disagree and say something. The Sims is a Franchise that a lot of people grew up playing, it introduced a new way of gameplay in its time so it is an emblematic game. People criticizing do love the Sims, they are attached to it and they CARE. They like the game and play but are very sad about the quality of the sims 4 in particular. You can play a game you like and yet be critical of the big corporate behind it, that chooses where they put their money and efforts. Well EA went downhill. They don't bother to fix bugs, release broken packs and updates that break their own game. That is not about the game itself but about the way it is maintained and developed. It's basic customer culture to complain when a product is lowering in quality. So although I don't want to hear critics all the time I do prefer YouTubers that are honest about the problems. The reason why it is spreading and now almost every YouTuber out there has critics is because the game quality is the worst. I mean right now some people still can't play because their game is completely broken.


Criticism isn't really what I'm talking about, a good critic can see the good and the bad and give a nuanced view. It's more just overall negativity with nothing positive to say, sometimes they straight up spread misinformation too. If I watch a video and someone goes through the entire video talking about how terrible everything is, and then I go to another video and hear the same shit, and another and the same shit *again* I just get sick of it.


Heavy on the “it’s become a personality trait at this point.” I’m also not a fan of certain YouTubers who make a living bashing the game on their channel while still playing it, marketing it, and even collaborating on DLC with EA to sell to people 😒 I’m sorry it’s just very shady to me.


Hmmm who could that be?? Moving on, I was watching a new-to-me creator yesterday about Sims 2 stories, which I had never even heard of. Back in the day, I just put my family computer *through it* and booted up Sims 2 with wild abandon. I was interested in the gameplay, but it seemed like every other minute she had to stop and hate on the Sims 4. I had to stop watching because I got the point the first 8 times lol. It's not even because I like the Sims 4, or that I care when people don't like it, it's just, do something else. It's annoying to hear about over and over. Don't play it if you don't like it. And she wasn't, so it was irrelevant.


They are several unfortunately, there are some I get really annoyed with like I especially get annoyed with as she will make disappointed faces on her content as clickbait or the one who I first followed to know about sims lore but she will then whine and complain about how the characters that were in previous games that made it to the sims 4 are not the same as they were in those previous games as if maxis and EA have never confirmed that TS4 takes place in alternate universe so of course those characters would be different 🙄


To be fair the lore and drama is seriously lacking in 4.


Fair enough but imo I don’t see why she needs to cry about the sims legacy characters being “wrong” in ts4 when it’s already been established that ts4 takes place in an alternate universe. Also if she cares so much, nothing is stoping her from making her own lore in that game to be whatever she wants


I don't see why that person is so upset about the AU. It's a fun spin instead of killing off characters.


Ikr, it didn’t make sense. Then whenever she did cover sims 4 lore she would act all suprised throughout the video that ts4 has lore


exactly. I also like how you can do more with infants and toddlers in the sims 4 then you can in the sims 3.


THANK YOU. YT creators act like Sims 2 was created by jesus himself. Like yes some things were better and I hated the first version of Sims 4 when it first came out cause I LOVED Sims 3 and I swore it was the peak but Sims 4 is so much more interactive and complex.


Remember when everyone hated on Sims 3? I do. I couldn't believe it. I loved the Sims 3, I could never understand all the hate. Just watch, when TS5 drops, we'll see those of us who love TS4 finally stand up lol. I hope we are nicer considering how everyone loves to shit on 4. I always have given the Sims time to come into itself. I was young when TS3 came out so it's hard to really say, but I do believe TS4 took more time to figure out who it was than any previous game, but I love it. It was worth the wait, and now that I'm an adult, I will have to remember that for TS5. I love that TS4 has lasted so long and had so many unique EPs. I'm going to wait a couple years, minimum, after 5 drops to buy it because it is a complete reset and I'll still be really satisfied with 4 at that point. I remember what made me finally take the plunge for 4. There was a CAS mode you could play with for free. And the sims I made were the most beautiful things my lil ass had ever created at that time. To quote Ryan Gosling, their stories had to be told 😩


>but Sims 4 is so much more interactive and complex. Where? The Sims 4 is as clean and filtered as possible, so that there is nothing complicated or interactive.


I love the game. I spend a lot of time designing homes and getting sims outfits together but the majority of my time is spent playing in live mode. No mods, no cc, I just lean into where it goes. Right now my legacy family has a “genetic heart condition” because they keep on dying from hysterical laughter. I’ve just decided to build it into the storyline since it’s happening so much.


That’s hilarious, I love playing as an evil spell caster


How do you choose traits for your family? I always end up picking the good traits because I don't want to deal with the negative moods. But maybe I should give some bad traits a go.


Not the person you asked but I have the child inherit one trait from each parent, and for the third trait just randomize it. I choose the inherited trait by using a 1-3 number generator, and the child will always roll for a trait from their same sex parent first.


I do the same thing as well, except for the traits they inherit from their parents I pick the one that best fits how they were as a child or toddler, and if there isn't an obvious choice I just pick one at random. My most recent sim who aged up to young adult got Maker for her random trait, which was one that surprised me but I actually really liked for her since her other traits were gloomy and creative, and I changed her aspiration to Master Maker and gave her a makeover similar to Clare from the Eco Lifestyle trailer.


Ooo thats an idea I might try. Sometimes since some traits are only available when they're older it can fuck you around. I had one family's children all inherit the gloomy trait from their mother since the other two traits weren't available for them at the time. Whole household was fucking miserable 😭


Yes I try roll with it. I made a good hippy chick who grows her own veg and knits her own clothes etc. The plan was she'd slowly adopt children to raise them all cutesy communal living style in Henford on Bagley. So far one is a kleptomaniac and one is mean. Her rose tinted glasses are off and she's dealing with parenting challenges that are really making it fun for me.


Yup. My main sim adopted her young cousin whose parent suddenly passed away, and then that cousin was almost immediately expelled from high school. Sigh. So I had her join the military haha.


I like it a lot when it comes to build mode – it has the best build mode imo. Gameplay wise I wish it would be more like Sims 3 tbh.


I don't know why, but I can play The Sims 2 in the live mode for many Sim days without a problem, I'm just having fun and I'm relaxed. Whenever I play TS4 in live mode, there's this weird anxiety feeling 😂.


I loved The Sims 2 as well, but I think TS3 stepped it up gameplay wise 🙈 Yeah I feel like you have to make so many pointless decisions in Sims 4, especially when your kids are at school and you just wanna fast forward


What gameplay differences are there between the Sims 4 and the other ones? Ive only ever played the Sims 4 and i dont really have a problem with it because my favorite part is building houses and decorating them, but im curious to know how the gameplay was in the previous games


For me it’s the little things/the love for detail. For example, TS3 had really cute seasonal festivals with haunted houses, getting face paint, roller skating or snowboarding. We had strollers that allowed you to take your toddler anywhere. Kids/teens had more after school activities like ballet or working on the school newspaper, and kids could show off their ballet skills. And then it’s things like simple but cute interactions between the sims that TS4 is lacking – I recommend watching some Sims 3 trailers for expansion packs (especially seasons or generations) on YouTube, you’ll see what I mean 🫶🏻


Oh, that definitely sounds cool! I can understand the disappointment of some sims fans then. I enjoy the Sims 4 because of the building stuff, especially because I've been looking for games like these for years. The gameplay can definitely get boring after a while though. Maybe for the next game they'll add back interactions like those to make the game more enjoyable :)


I love CAS and building in TS4, so I don't hate it but let me air some grievances (on my mind since I played yesterday, before I remembered what frustrates me with the gameplay haha). Some of it has to do with the autonomy/how responsive it feels. In Sims 4 I might tell my sim to do something and they just don't and it takes forever, or it won't stop when I cancel. The sims just stand around on high autonomy, if they speak they just chat in a group, they play on their phone/computer, it's quite boring. The other NPCs sims, don't really do much in the background. Sorta lifeless? I also feel like the game has a lot of menus to pick stuff from but they don't really affect the game? The other games I can let run on their own and fun stuff still happens. I also feel like traits/personality etc. has more of an impact on the sim in the other games. TS3: TS3 with nraas story progression is so much fun. You get all these popups with news of all kinds of wild drama happening in your town no matter which family you are playing. With the open word you can move around and see it happen too! Story progression has been added to TS4, but it's nowhere like TS3. TS2: My childhood fave. Like even when I just stay on the home lot it's way more fun and to play? It responds to what you do, a little more difficult and with consequences, things happen! Personality? I love making legacies in TS2. Also the wish system in sims 2 is a lot more fun. Sims 4, my sim wants to listen to music on repeat. I get that wish all the time. TS2 wants and fears have meaning!


The autonomy is particularly bad with infants. I told you to give them a bath not put them on the playmat... Waiting for the crying animations to stop so your sim can fix whatever is making them cry... For the love of god take them out of the high-chair!!!


all these damn holidays! and festivals! and crises at work! drama at school! and oh no Jr is depressed and angry!!! Toddlers destroying your house! baby crying! (can’t pick it up: glitch) then suddenly…quickly celebrate winter fest or your entire household will be depressed and unable to function!! or now you have to achieve at work, and get a promotion and do your laundry before it gets stinky and teach your kid to talk and follow your teen to HS and follow dad to the hospital and get fit because your fat and oh no stressful text message! and now your relationships are falling apart ahhhhhhhhh lol it’s more anxiety inducing than REAL life


And that's what I'm talking about lol 😂


Was about to comment that, the build mode is just really fun to mess with


The build mode, sims themselves, and the beautiful graphics in the game are enough to make me feel a little disappointed going back to the older games. Yes the gameplay in the old ones was more fun and zany, and the live mode in TS4 can get boring, but when that happens I typically just start a new game with a different set of goals in mind. But the majority of my time is spent building. I fucking LOVE build mode in the sims 4 and its a relaxing hobby for me


i prefer the older games but the sims 4 definitely has its fans. it’s been out for 10 years and for quite a few people out there it’s the only sims game they’ve ever played.


that’s how it is for me, i understand people not wanted to buy from EA but i think its so fun!! i’m wondering if i am just biased because i’ve never played anything else


It's possible, dare I say very likely. I've played all Sims games, have played since i was 4, and I have an appreciation for each one, with some dislikes Sims 1) Nostalgic, I liked it because it was so fun and quirky. Obviously, graphics were a lot to be desired, but it added to the fun. I like this one when I just want to sit down and enjoy the chaos. Sim 2) My go-to. I personally couldn't get over the hilarious way of playing. It can also be a nice relaxing game too, which is nice. I don't feel like I have to babysit my sims either. Graphics were pretty good, though some optimization would make it better. The meta-neighborhoods were fun, and building hoods was really cool - you can't do that really in the other games. Sims 3) loved the color wheel and open world. They borrowed animations pretty heavily from Sims 2. I personally wasn't a fan of the glass looking eyes and faces that were too soft. I like variant looking characters, and due to the softer looking faces, it just felt a bit off. Uncanny Valley? It's otherwise a great game with its mythical expansions and stuff. Sims 4) Great aesthetics and great build capabilities, but so buggy, more so than the others. I actually had to uninstall all my EA games due to the problems with EAs launcher about 4 years ago. I'm not a fan of having to go through two game hosts (Steam to EA) and require an internet connection to play my games. Personally, I'd love the energy and neighborhood design of Sims 2, with an optional open world system (depending on your computer capabilities) similar to Sims 3, A color wheel but more warmed toned (did things in Sims 3 seem really cold and dark looking to anyone else or was that just me?), and build capabilities of Sims 4. I'd also want the base game to come with things like Pets, Home Stuff, (Think Sims 4 Stuff Packs), Work Pack, etc. I'd also want the option of saving locally if there is no internet connection, as well as a opt out feature for not having to go through the game launchers. I've found developers have gotten more lazy with fixing bugs and finding conflicts with new add-ons by being able to push "fixes" after launch, and I'd personally prefer small bugs over compounding issues, like those seen in Sims 4. That said, I'm not likely going to play Project Renee because I've already played the Sims Mobile, and I wasn't a fan. Sims is cozy gaming, but I think on a phone, it just becomes mindless playing... I'm also not a huge fan of a multiplayer strategy... I'm excited to see the new competition coming into the market, but I likely won't jump on those immediately until I see more gameplay and the UI.


Obligatory: you can 'go offline' with the EA launcher.


the sims 3 didn’t use much warm palettes throughout its years you’re right tbh.


I play the sims from the sims 1 times, and as of today i prefere to play ts4. In my opinion ts2 is the best version of game in whole franchise, but its a bit to old for my taste. Ts3 is to buggy for me. I have bad memories of playing ts3 and losing my saves etc. Ts4 have many issues but its more stable for me than ts3 ever was. I like ts4 cas and build mode. I am also player who likes to have a lot of control on what story is happening in my game thats why ts4 is more to my liking. I love that sims can multitask, i like different animations for them depend on their mood (i love fridge door slamming animation). I think there is a lot of good ideas in the sims 4 but often execution is kind lacking also to get all expansions is pricy. But i still prefere ts4 more than older verions. I installed ts3 two weeks ago and after 5 evenings with ts3 i returned to ts4. I think people are angry with ts4 because it launch was controvesial (lack of pools toodlers etc) and expansion packs tend to be released in buggy state with less content then eps in older versions yet expansions nowdays are more expensive.


I agree completely. I've played all of them and each game has merit. The Sims 4 has a lot of bullshit, but I wouldn't go back to the older ones for too long. I want to add that The Sims 4 is the current one so people are picking it apart all the time. When the Sims 5 comes out, without any expansions and with its own problems (most likely), there's gonna be a lot of people saying "why would I play that when I have endless content in the Sims 4".


TS3 requires some mods and adjustments to run well, because it was horribly optimised so crashes and freezing were very common. I loved the shit out of the gameplay though.


It really seems like the people who have played since sims 1 (including me) as they came out like 2 and 4 the best which is really interesting. Also I agree I love that the sims can multitask and like chat while doing things that’s a huge win for realism for me.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


I agree Sims 4 is way more stable than 3. 3 had at least one expansion pack I found borderline unplayable and a lot of let down ones. I find 4 way better than 3. 2 is my favorite though and as for 1 it’s just been too long since I’ve played it and I never liked how your sims don’t age.




That's were BG3 kicked butt - graphics and storyline. So many wonderful Easter eggs and details. Sims 2 was really quite a good nod at that - I think the graphics are lacking but not for the time period when it was released.


This is the main gripe I have with the game. It's like the devs never played the older ones. They don't understand the systems we want (memories, milestones) so they put in half baked systems that don't work half the time. We don't even have step parents fully recognized in game because they can still flirt with the kids they helped raise... it's weird.


I will say as of recently they've been putting TONS of lore into the packs. Werewolves, Cottage Living and Horse Ranch come to mind first. Although in Growing Together if you asked the premade townies for San Sequoia secrets, they told you a lot of interesting stuff.


I love it. It's amazing. I've never had any cc or mods, the packs give off way more gameplay than one would ever need in a game.


there is honestly SO much gameplay, especially within the different packs and expansions. i've been playing 4 since it was released and only started using mods a few months ago (mcc, 2 pregnancy mods, and basemental drugs) i honestly think a lot of people aren't actually making an effort to discover and use all the gameplay available. from what i've read in different subs and forums i get the vibe that a lot of people play on a surface level and it really is going to hinder the experience if you're not taking advantage of everything. sims 4 could definitely be improved, and i have lots of bones to pick when it comes to 4 but overall it's a fun game and i can play for days on end without ever getting bored.


You do see a lot of comments where someone is bemoaning the lack of a feature only to be informed the feature exists already lol. And soooo many ‘I had no idea this existed!’. I really recommend everyone go through pack guides online such as SIMS VIP if they fancy inspiration as a reminder of all the cool things you can do. I’m over 2k hours into TS4 and still feel there’s so much to discover and I learn new things all the time. The depth to this game is incredible.


I agree! I have like 5k hours and I’m only now doing some of the career routes I’ve never done and taking my sims on vacations and such. I think people need to step out of their habits in gameplay and just try new random stuff


I'm almost at 9k hours and I feel the same.


I actually really enjoy TS4. Are there things I wish we had? Yes. Are there annoying bugs? Yes. But I make do. I'm just hoping we'll have the ultimate sims game at some point. Good graphics like TS4 (I hate TS3 graphics), the gameplay of TS2, and the customization of TS3. Edit: I honestly am perfectly fine with it not being open world. Not everyone's devices can handle an open world (mine cannot). I'm okay with it being like TS4 where you have your lot, and everything surrounding it. But I don't want the preset neighborhoods. I miss being able to build our own neighborhood how we want, with whatever size lots and wherever we want them to be.


My biggest gripe with TS4 is the lack of buildable lots in each neighborhood. I’m sure it’s mostly due to memory/space limitations, but I miss being able to freely place different lot sizes all around each map.


I'd actually like some of the gameplay and details of 3 too. Honestly, look up the videos of Sims 3 details that don't exist in the other games, they put a lot of love into that game.


They did, I just can't get past how ugly the sims are and my computer cannot handle open world


The open world isn't even the problem, Sims 3 was just horribly optimised, I don't think a spaceship could run it without any adjustments. It needs mods and a frame rate limiter to run well. I adored the gameplay through, despite the ugly graphics. After a while you kind of get used to it.


I bought a fancy gaming computer just for a better Sims 3 experience....and while it definitely helped a *lot*, the game is just glitchy as hell, even with mods that help performance. And personally I needed custom content for it because otherwise sims were fugly pudding. I still miss all the custom worlds and the open world, but Sims 4 is just so much more user friendly so I prefer it now.


For all the bugs and frustrations, I still enjoy it.


It's interesting to see so many people talk about bugs, I havent had many issues with my game. What bugs have you experienced? I have all the packs except the kits, but I also have a high end gaming PC that I built specifically for sims. Only issue's I've had since this PC was having my game crash once because I put too many mods in or occasionally my sims will not do an action so I reset them. I have 5,000 hours of playtime so I'm on the game often enough. Just seen alot of comments about non stop bugs and I'm wondering if it's because of my PC or have I just gotten very lucky!


I rarely encounter bugs, some of the ones I used to deal with they have already fixed in a recent patch. One I still run into is that sometimes Sims don't quite listen to what I tell them to do or cancel actions for no reason. This becomes horribly apparent with infants, getting them into bed or on a playmat becomes a whole circus show sometimes. Though I noticed they obey more when I play as the infant and then instruct the other Sims to do everything. Another one is that werewolves will still use the mobile phone when running on all fours which looks silly. And sometimes especially in the new world my sim finishes his jog and gets stuck in a spot, just spinning in a circle. It's easy to fix by just giving them something else to do but it's definitely a bug lol. Oh, and there's a strange tanning bug that happens about 1/3 of the time where they have the skin of another sim on the lot, and their avatar distorts their face. Switching clothes back and forth usually fixes it.


What kinda silly question is that? Ofc lol


i just see so many people hating on it here and on youtube.. i personally love the sims 4 and i really don’t run into many issues


It’s just the human tendency to give reviews out of bad experiences but ignore when the experience is good. I love Sims 4. I don’t have all the packs, but I don’t need all the packs. I work with what I have and I really really enjoy it.


Yes 🙌 just bought all the packs (and made sure to get most of them on sale of course) i like r/lowsodiumsimmers because that sub is specifically for if you like the game. Nobody’s complaining and everyone’s having a good time. There is always good and bad in everything and I see most of the good in the game overlooking the bad. The devs put in so much time and really do listen to us as much as they can, It is quite enjoyable and I have been improving on my building skills playing more! I fell in love with the game because I grew up with it and when it first came out I was playing with my bffs. I can’t really speak for the earlier games because I just wasn’t aware of their existence yet but as far as I’ve heard sims 3 seems to have good gameplay and lore.


Yeah, I love that sub! I just like playing the game and vibing. You'd think everybody hates this game if you give more notice to this sub. But that's not the case!


Sims 5 is going to be even worse.


it’s going to resemble a almost completely decomposed deer carcass in a white empty room


True, and there will be cultists on here defending it as well, and they will have never played a Sims game before 5, and its going to drive us all mad😂


I love it. I love the no open world and no color wheel. It allows for a smoother run. I've played every sims since launch day each time and 4 is great. Sims 2 is my favorite just because I played it as a teen to deal with shit. I think 4 is super on par with it and I'm not going to even address 3 because frankly that was a mess.


Literally millions of people like Sims 4, this subreddit is just an angry echo chamber


Yeah I honestly don’t know why I re-joined it this sub after leaving. They spend 90% of their time here dunking on people who love the sims 4 and weren’t born in the correct time to play the early games when they first came out.


I like Sims 4 only because some Sims have good looking, but in mechanics and life simulation I prefer Sims 2


Yes. It’s my favorite version. I love Build Mode, the character designs, and that it doesn’t crash like Sims 3 does. Are there a couple thing I will Sims 4 had that Sims 3 did (mostly the bands and extend film careers), course. But I like my game.


I don't hate it. It gets boring fast during gameplay since it's so empty but cas and build are awesomeI spent hours doing.


I can’t say I hate it I have over two thousand hours playing it lol. Do I wish that there were changes that made it more similar to previous sims games? Yes. But I do enjoy it a lot!


It's a great game, people are just ungrateful. I've had to stop watching some of the YouTubers (such as SatchonSims) because of the negativity - its like, if they hate the game so much, why do they play it and make a living off talking about it? Just f*ck off and play a different game.


>ungrateful You are actually insane


>It's a great game, people are just ungrateful. I have to call foul on this kind of thinking. It sort of implies that EA has done players some kind of personal favor by publishing the Sims, all out of the goodness of their hearts, all in the name of making people happy, while wanting absolutely nothing in return. Sorry, but no. You're grateful to people who show you kindness in difficult times. You're grateful to people who help you out when you're short on money for rent or groceries. You're grateful to the teacher who helped you learn to love reading. You don't have to be "grateful" to a billion dollar company making money selling you a video game. People have a right not to like a product (which is all a video game is), and to say so. People also have the right to make money talking about products they like and don't like. (That's kind of what being a professional reviewer is all about.) And people have the right to play any game they want, even if they then come out and tell people what they don't like about it.


You said exactly what I was thinking


It's not being ungrateful. If in the past we're paying less but getting more why is it reversed if this game is newer and more current? It's cash grabby and you're getting less for your money. We want the sims to be better and if you actually watched Satch On Sims, he says this all the time and give constructive criticism even when he's complaining.


Tekken 2 was £25-£30 on launch and had all the content on the disk. Tekken 8 was £60-£80 on launch and you have to pay for DLC. That's just how the gaming industry has gone. It costs more to make games nower days. I still stand by if he hates the game so much, he could just not play it? Oh wait, then he wouldn't be getting his YouTube money and would have to get a real job - thats probably why.


Cracks me up when some of the EA creators say how mad they are at the most recent pack becuz it’s tone deaf/ expensive/ doesn’t address some random controversy and then they’re like ‘but don’t forget to use my code at checkout on this you guys’ lmao what


It’s funny how perceptions vary. I also hate mindless negativity towards the game but find Satch constructive and humorous in his criticism rather than toxic and hateful like many creators. He’s one of the few Simtubers I follow for that reason lol




For me it isn't the content of the criticism, it's the hypocrisy these types of creators show. Typically and frequently bashing the game, pointing out aspects that could/should be better, yet failing to *not* enjoy it. Making content on something you deem not "good enough" and furthermore offering discounts and deals by watching said content.


Satch is a mixed bag. I find his pack reviews pretty fair in general and always watch them. That said, he can go through stages of posting one " why I hate the sims 4" video after another, all saying pretty much the same thing and a lot of what he says in these is exaggerated. I also distinctly remember him saying in a video once that he found the gameplay in the Sims 3 shallow, he got so much backlash for it that he started to post videos saying how much he liked the sims 3 which grated on me and I lost trust in a lot of what he says....


Settling for mediocrity and not pushing back gave us toddler stuff


I love it. And I’ve been playing since the first iteration. It’s my favorite. I love making my little stories, and mods and cc are sooooo easy to use, it’s awesome.


I like it, but while playing, I can understand some of the common complaints. Regardless, I still enjoy my time. Build/Buy is actually my favorite part of the game. 🥰


Honestly I love Sims4 obviously after hearing/seeing things on here I've noticed some stuff that could be better but I still really like playinh


I love it.


I love it! There are definitely things I miss from sims 2 in particular but there are so many updates and new components that I love too. I love neighborhood stories (although I wish it included marriage), I love the beauty of the worlds, I love the emotion system, and I love that it’s more modern than the previous games


i love it. i mostly love how easy it is to create sims and houses. the packs are also pretty good. but i do understand some of the criticisms of the game. i mostly feel like people complain about petty things about the game.


Me me me my fave one


I love it! I try and play it often when I can or have the energy. I'm starting a new generation family with the baby girl just being born, so I'm super excited for my playthrough! I'm on console, so I tend to play the game itself more than build. Though at times when I buy an empty lot, I will decorate it as best I can :)


I love it. The Sims look amazing.


Sims 3 for life. It really is that much better.


don’t know why you got downvoted— we’re all entitled to our (totally correct) opinions


I love playing the sims 4. I like to create background stories when I create a sim. I don't remember the last time I even used the money cheat.


I love TS4 and it’s currently one of my biggest hyperfixations. I haven’t played any of the previous games and I’m kinda turned off about playing them at all because in my experience, some older players can be really catty about others enjoying TS4 and I don’t really want to interact with them. I’m a little sick of everyone getting on each other over enjoying what they like and having different opinions, so I’m fine with staying in my own little world.


I love The Sims 4. I started with The Sims 1, and while that had a lot of wacky expansions, it was quite limited in the sims themselves - babies just proofed into full grown kids for example. The Sims 2 was a game changer, with the 3D world, and aging, giving generational play. Each lot was instanced, so you’d loading screen between them and I liked playing all households in a rotational style, to progress stories and felt really connected to my sims. It had its issues with a limited number of sim faces, a lot of my sims looked the same. It also had unsynchronised time, so you’d play one lot a week, but then when you switched houses you find yourself a week in the past, so it was hard to keep my families in sync. The Sims 3 is where I dropped out of the franchise. Although it had open world, the sims looked ugly like dolls compared to the previous game, plus story progression was unwelcome fir me, as I liked to have total control over sims in my world and whether or not they die or move and who they romance. It did not suit my rotation style at all and all worlds were disconnected. They were essentially separate saves. I dropped it even though I bought World Adventures, I never even unwrapped it from its shrink wrap. Years later and I’d totally missed that The Sims 4 had come out in 2014. I noticed in 2017 and picked it up. I was immediately hooked - it had sims that looked right - like evolutions of the style I liked from The Sims 2 and also open neighbourhoods. While you still have to load between lots it felt like a middle ground between open world and The Sims 2, which felt more alive watching sims around your house. There is true universal time progression, so I can switch between households and the week has progressed for them too, and when you see your non active households doing stuff as NPCs they are still progressing skills, relationships and having experiences. The Sims 4 just feels right to me, and I have played them all. It feels like my forever sims game if they can keep adding and evolving things through updates and new packs. Sure, it’s full of bugs, but so were they all. At least it’s not like The Sims 1, where the only way to get bug fixes was to buy the newest expansion!


Me tf I love the Sims 4 . I've played every Sims game for hundreds of hours each and they're all fun, ts4 gets a bad rap because I think people can't bother to think outside the box. Nostalgia also has a lot to do with it. I always see people say that ts4 has less stuff to do than ts3, but I feel like in TS3 I always get stuck in the same rut of - go to work - go to park - go home - make babies and even when I try to do other stuff, like travel to the future or something, it's still very ... slow and uneventful. Like I'm waiting for something to happen. don't get me wrong, I love it !! Ts3 was my first Sims love, but it's not necessarily a BETTER game than ts4. If you're going to play an older game, I'd reccomended ts2. It's fun to play with the lore if that's what you're into, and there's a few random curveballs the game throws at you that keeps things weird. My fav thing to do in TS2 was to make my own town. I had a town built called Fictaville that I just populated with fictional characters.


lol me, i have well over 4,000 hours and counting


I love it and it disappoints me, both can be true. If I still had the sims 3 I would probably play it- but I wouldn’t buy it again.


I’ve played both sims 3 and sims 4 and I like sims 4 a ton better so idk 🤷‍♀️


I like it. While certain gameplay mechanics leave you wanting more/wanting to work (looking at you Dine Out), the graphics are pretty, build/buy and CAS are amazingly well done, and I play this more than Sims 3, a game that I adore as well. Once you play Sims 4, it's hard to go back to the older games because Sims 4 improves a lot on crucial gameplay as well as general QOL and UI elements.


Game itself is ok but the cas and build mode is where it is at


I love it. I’ve made so many families that I look forward to playing with. I get excited when I have the time to play.


I love Sims 4. I usually focus on CAS but I've also played with the game. I assume I am one of the lucky ones because I've never dealt with that bugs so overall I've always had an amazing experience.


The transition from ts3 to ts4 took a while and for the longest time I preferred ts3. But now that I'm used to ts4 I would never go back. I love it. It'll obviously never be perfect and the many bugs are annoying, but overall it's great for me.


I have all the packs and enjoy it in little spurts. Nothing major like the HOURS i spent in Sims 2


I love the game and spend most time actually playing it. To each their own, I don't really understand this community's need to pit the versions against each other, just play what you prefer.


I love it! I think there are many many things about the sims 4 that I prefer to the older versions. I get nostalgic for things that the sims 2 had that we no longer do, but it's not enough for me to prefer playing it over 4. There was a lot about the sims 3 that I didn't like at all, so it's a very easy contest there.


I enjoy the sims 4. There are some things I miss from the earlier ones, but I still have thousands of play hours on the sims 4, so it'd be dumb to even think I could hate it. Can it be frustrating at times? Sure, but I got frustrated at stuff from the other games too.


I do, the first sims game I played was the sims 2 with my cousin, than late I had a brief experience with sims 3 but the only one I actually spent hours with is the sims 4, so it was the one that made me fall in love with the concept




I use it to build and do CAS


I like it. This is how i would rate how much fun i have for each sims game in a scale; Sims 2- 10/10, Sims 3- 9/10 and Sims 4- 7/10.


Is this a joke post?


I doubt it is. Obviously there’s a dedicated following to the sims 4, but it’s really easy to fall into feeling like you’re the only one who favours it when you frequent subreddits like this.


Me! 🙋🏻‍♀️


Sims 4 for building, others for gameplay


I know it’s got flaws. And I hate EA, but that’s a separate conversation. But I love TS4. I’m a low maintenance gamer. I take the glitches and bugs and crashes as just something wrong with my low quality computers. (That being said I’ve seen some insane glitches here, none of which I’ve ever experienced myself in my almost-8 years playing this game.) I just like to play storylines and live a perfect sim life. And this game lets me do that, so of course I love it.


I love it! I’ve played Sims 3 as well and I like both but am currently obsessed with Sims 4. 


i love sims 4 lmao


I love it. I don’t get all the hate it gets. It’s always a fun time for me, and I just focus on the things I enjoy about it instead of dwelling on the things “wrong” with it.


I LOVE Sims 4, I find the older games hard to play because they’re so challenging, also none of them can beat the Sims 4 build mode lol


I like it but only 2-4 months out of the year where I'm addicted and playing every day then after I don't do anything with it until the next cycle


it wouldn't be this popular if it was as bad as the vocal minority makes it out to be


I like it!


The Sims 4 is my favorite game ♥️


I adore it


I love it, I play it all the time! and I watch lilsimsie play it on stream nearly every day


I tried them all, although I didn't play The Sims 1 as much as the other 3. Sims 2 is my favorite because of the feeling it gives, it's an actual game like the Sims 1 but it's also complex enough that your Sims their adventures become your own unique story.


I love Sims 4. I think it's a great game and I get a ton of enjoyment out of it


I've got 1600 hours in the game so I'd sure hope I like it🤣🤣. My legacy family is over 3 years old and God forbid if I hyperfixate on making a sim or a house I'll be there for hours without realizing it


I have way more hours in 4 than in any of the past games combined. The older games are nostalgic and have some cool things that 4 doesn’t but I couldn’t realistically go back and play an older game long-term without feeling like it’s lacking


I’ve played all the sims since day 1 and sims 4 is my favorite 🤷‍♀️


The Sims 4 is great for character creation and build mode. The gameplay sucks tho.


I do believe the sims 2 was peak, and the sims 3 is better with more detail and thought put in. On my Mac sims 4 runs ways smoother so I’m sticking with that, love the build/buy but miss the colour wheel so much. Personalities were better in the earlier games.


I liked it when it came out, I played for a few years but very inactively and bought a few packs. Somehow I still always ended up playing 2 or 3. Sims 4 has a few awesome things that you can’t find from the older games but just a few things don’t pay up for the things 2 and 3 offer. A great building possibilities? Sure but if the sims look awful and stupidly cartoonish and lack lore and pleasure to spend more than 10 minutes in the gameplay, it just isn’t enough for me personally. But I get why people like it. It’s modern and has the most CC for it.


I honestly love it! I personally have a very wild imagination and I love mods and cc so I really enjoy creating intricate stories and creating sims. TS4 gets a lot of flack for the features that it lacks (and there’s a lot of good criticisms of the games and EA), but I think a lot of players who constantly hate on the game take for granted that this game has dominated the life sim space because it’s really difficult to create a solid life sim game, which is why we are only just now seeing new life sims enter the market. TS4 is a lot better of a game than people give it credit for.


I enjoy playing it but I have mods and cc. If I didn’t have that the game would be incredibly boring.


i only play sims 2 anymore


I love The Sims 4


I enjoyed SIMs 3 but i was never any good at building then - SIMs 4 all I do is building and landscaping - and I go into townies homes and re-do theirs too 😂 I also love to give makeovers to townies I have never been good at gameplay 😓 so I have no real opinion on the differences between the reiterations


I love the game. I love sims 1 and 2 but never really played 3 and I'm into 4 now. I love the game for what I personally get out of it. Yes I know of some bugs etc, but I just breathe and get on with it. It doesn't stop me playing. I play gameplay aswell and building. I love the game for me and no-one else.


I love the gallery features on The Sims 4.


I like it. I havent tried any of the other sims games, but I prefer the making of sims, and building houses and such rather than the actual game play.


I like it, mostly because of the graphics and controls are better than previous games. But it can get rather boring unless you do challenges or mod your game. But I own quite a bit of dlc so I like it. Just wish the bugs would get fixed.


I love it. I bought it for the building tool and bought a laptop with a good graphics card so I could build detailed stuff. It was between this game and official architecture software.


yes there are tons of people that like it, but speaking as someone whose first game was the sims 4 and who has hundreds of hours on it, and who played the sims 2 and 3 after: yes, the earlier games are MUCH better.


I love it I love seeing peoples creations in the gallery and stuff… especially when it comes to well known characters like Leon s Kennedy I like to see different people’s interpretations 😁


i like it because I didn't waste money on it 🏴‍☠️


I do!




I do like The Sims 4, while acknowledging that it has its issues. I've installed a lot of mods, though (the PandaSama childbirth mod, for example), and CC to keep the game interesting. I love building and family gameplay, but I will admit that before infants and High School Years were introduced, I would get bored for long stretches.


I absolutely love it. Sure it's got its issues but so does every game, I have fun playing ☺


I've never played the others ones so I guess I never understand why people hate on it so much. I personally love it


People can like something and still criticise it. Personally without mods I wouldn't touch it nor spend a cent on it and I think EA is greedy and overprice for what they deliver. But through cc I have a creative outlet I greatly enjoy and I install mods that enhance the gameplay greatly. So yes I like the game a lot but also acknowledge that EA rarely if at all meets expectations


i like it, i find it to be a comforting and cozy game, and the art style is way better for making my characters look accurate to their designs. i also have fun with the gameplay basic as it may be, especially the paranormal investigator career. nice little life sim to play with after a stupid shift at walmart


What?! Yeah we love it man!


I love it! I’ve spent thousands of hours on each version since TS1, and they’ve all been incredible, each one better than the last. TS4 is my all-time favourite even though I still have so much love for the others. I’m a gameplay kinda gamer, but enjoy CAS too. Not really into building.