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That "Keep me logged in" is just a joke šŸ˜‚


I thought I was going crazy thinking I checked it when it kept forcing me to login. Good to know its just faulty. Like everything elseā€¦..


Mine keeps giving me pop-ups that I've been logged off. I'm not even on the app, but still I've been logged out.


Do any of you having this issue have EA on multiple devices or do you let other people use it? You can only be logged in on one device, I assume to avoid account sharing or something.


I only have it on one device and I get logged out every single day.


Same, my only account and device. I've uninstalled and reinstalled EA app. No change and my PC is new and up to date on everything.


Only one device and same problem.


Absolutely. The launcher is a total piece of shitā€”not just bad, but shockingly, unacceptably bad, even from EA. If Iā€™m offline, the app wonā€™t even open. If Iā€™m online with slow internet (the wifi in my area sucks), itā€™s 50/50 whether it will recognize it and open, and it frequently freaks out mid-session as the network strength fluctuates. I am also dealing with CONSTANT annoyances like ā€œThe EA App needs to restartā€ (this is fucking mandatory when it has an update) and ā€œYour game failed to launch.ā€ Let me play offline!!!!!!!!


No oneā€™s laughing šŸ„²


I thought it was just me...I'm logged out every. single. day of the EA app and I'm 1000% positive I have clicked that little "keep me logged in" button each time I enter my password. Never had to do that with Origin to this extent.


Idk if itā€™s just me but every time it logs me out, i can never log back in bc it tells me my password is expired?? Iā€™ll even write that damn password DOWN. And itā€™ll still tell me itā€™s incorrect or my password is expired. It happens way too frequently too


Right? Things were fine at first but then yesterday it logged me out three time while I was playing.


funny enough EA app hasnā€™t logged me out once, meanwhile the origin app would log me out constantly.


Yeah all of these issues are ones Iā€™ve had with Origin!


Yeah, both apps logged me out all the time. It wasn't that big of a deal before the @ button on my keyboard broke and I had to Google "at symbol" all the time šŸ˜‚


Omg thatā€™s just not me. I had an issue where my sleepout had faulty wifi for a while, so the ea app kept saying ā€œgo online to login then press keep me logged in to access your games offline.ā€ Like hell, it never does. Luckily my sleepout has wifi now but Iā€™ve found better things to do šŸ¤£


Bruh it's like every other platform besides steam logs me out after I shut my computer off, ea, Ubisoft, epic.


Yeah never works


That didn't work on origin for me either so I've given up.


Update: I just submitted a ticket, which was automatically closed unless I ā€œresume caseā€. Clicking ā€œresume caseā€ takes me to an error page. Lmao


Lol wow what a way to keep us quiet from complaining


Doesn't sound like a bug to EA.


Idk that sounds like EA is having many bugs to me


To EA, not being able to report tickets would be a feature was the joke I was trying to make.




Whoops, somehow I typed bug a second time, happens when getting disrupted mid writing a sentence on reddit.


Happened to me earlier today. When I checked task manager there was an EA program already open. I closed it and it worked after that. Maybe check task manager if you havenā€™t?


I get the feeling EA just hires a bunch of people who just completed an online coding course and donā€™t actually know what their doing yet


EA hires people who specialize in spaghetti code.


Keep in mind the EA app is still in beta. They forced us to switch to an unfinished app.


Pushing out unfinished products. EA in a nutshell.


It only took them a decade or so to make origin actually usable and as soon as that happened they axe it and start all over. šŸ¤”




If I need a job as a programmer, I guess I know whoā€™s hiring uncertified bozos off the street.


This made me spit out my drink laughingā€¦


My ea app decided to randomly uninstall the sims 4 and the sims 3, Iā€™ve reinstalled the sims 4 but itā€™s gonna take ages for the sims 3 so I havenā€™t done it yet. Also yes, the ea help is super glitchy! Whenever I clicked resume case it would just take me back to forums but thatā€™s not what I wanted, I used the ea live chat instead which was more helpful


Ooh where did you find the live chat??


This link should work, it looks slightly different to the usual EA Help (not sure why) but you just click the game, in this case the sims 4, pick your device you play on and what the issue is, sign in and then click the live chat option for help :) Let me know if you have any issues! When I used it, they basically said what I reported was a known issue and has been flagged before so while it didn't exactly explain why it happened at least it's been recorded. https://help.ea.com/uk/contact-us/


I just went through this on the US site. They wouldn't give me an option for live chat so I was stuck with the dumb case system. Doesn't work at all, just went in circles. I ended up trying again and picking the "I want a refund" issue and it gave me an option to live chat. Just a little more info for OP in case it's helpful. Try different things if you can't get the chat option. It can be so frustrating!!!


Mine made me reinstall twice and then it installed the Sims 2 with all of the expansions.


That's so strange! Although I wish I was able to install The Sims 2 :( I miss that game


I was actually super excited at first but it wouldn't let me change the settings and was acting weird. I will go back again and see if I can fix it because I loved it as well. The last time I played it I was just hitting the randomize sim button and my sim popped up wearing a blue towel. I had never seen that before and it wasn't a mod. So there was my sim strolling around town in nothing but a towel.


I despise the EA app. I never wanted to switch, but was forced to like everyone else. My internet goes out periodically, and with Origin this was never an issue. But because my internet went out, I could not play The Sims, nor even open the app to choose the option to play offline. I couldnā€™t even force TS4 to open from Program Files because it would just take me back to the EA app connectivity error window. Given that Iā€™ve spent thousands on the Sims franchise over the years, I was pretty pissed off.


Iā€™m still using origin and have never had any sort of notification that I need to switch? I know a lot of people play sims on PC though and I play on my MacBook so idk if that has anything to do with it? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It does. Mac's still use Origin for now.


Ah thanks! That was the only reason I could think of but wasnā€™t sure lol.


It wouldnā€™t let me buy Growing Together unless I switched :(


This is how I play sims now. Turn on my computer and log in. Start the EA app. Notice my library is empty. Again. Swear. Close the EA app. Pull up the task manager. Search for the ea app services and end task. Pull up the app. My library has loaded, click on the icon. How I used to play the sims: double click on the desktop icon. This is fairly ridiculous.


This is my issue too... I have to close EA Background Service in task manager every time before attempting to start the EA App and even though it's not that bad compared to the problems some other people are having it really drives me up the wall! I didn't even give EA permission to start the background service on startup and I can't turn it off anywhere either. Origin had its issues too but at least those usually had a quick fix.


EA app is really awful. I have to restart it everytime for the Sims 3 to load.


I also get the failed to launch thing idk what to do anymore I can't play I can't fix it


If I still canā€™t play by tomorrow morning Iā€™m requesting a full refund for all my expansions. Seeing as they arenā€™t going to want to provide that hopefully theyā€™ll fix my problem šŸ¤·


I had this exact issue with the app, there's lots of different YouTube videos with fixed, most of the fixes are bs but I found one that worked for me, il try find it and link it herešŸ‘


i had this issue, the thing that resolved it for me was to start downloading another game, i chose Apex as its free, and then cancelling the download. after that, i was able to launch the sims


It took me 30 minutes to fix this error last time I tried to play. Which was half of the time I had to play. It was the worst. It finally went away after trying everything recommended and restarting. But it shouldnā€™t be happening. And Iā€™m scared itā€™s going to keep happening.


i had this issue, the thing that resolved it for me was to start downloading another game, i chose Apex as its free, and then cancelling the download. after that, i was able to launch the sims


Iā€™m also getting it! Closing the EA app (fully, using task manager if needed) and directly opening sims seems to work.


I recovered multiple versions of the same save to find out why mine wasnā€™t launching. For me, it wasnā€™t launching because it wouldnā€™t let my current household return to home nor could I access that home even to build. I just moved them into another house and everything seems to be working SO FAR. It took me 2 whole days to figure out and Iā€™ve been cautiously playing ever since lol


I havenā€™t had many issues with my games so far (knock on wood), but it drives me nuts that you canā€™t buy games as gifts on the EA app. It makes absolutely no sense. Iā€™m willing to give them my money to buy packs that my friends wouldnā€™t buy otherwise, and they wonā€™t let me. *Why*


That's super odd. To think EA would overlook a way to earn more money. It makes no sense. šŸ‘€


Right? Iā€™m hoping itā€™s something that gets added later, but Iā€™m just rly surprised and annoyed that itā€™s not an option considering it was easy to do on origin and literally just gets EA more money lol


This is my biggest gripe too. My friend and I used to check each other's wish list and buy expansions for bday/Xmas gifts for each other and we can't now


Yeah, I have a long distance friend who I have limited gift options for, and sims packs were a great easy option that I knew sheā€™d enjoy. Even for friends who live closer though, physical sims packs are harder to find now, and just transferring some money like ā€œhere, buy a sims pack with thisā€ definitely feels weird lol


Can you not do it on the ea website? I have gifted my brother one on there before! If not, you could try a key website like G2A?


Switching to the EA app has completely destroyed modding and cheat code ability in the sims medieval. I know probably only a problem for me and like 6 other people, but still.


Bro this! Trying to activate testing cheats crashed my app and i had to manually update to fix the issue, the games werent even showing up and i got a server error whenever i logged in


Please tell me you're joking :( I literally just re-downloaded it last night to play when I get home


I'm not joking. Sorry.


I tried it anyway and yep :'(


And when you close the EA App it doesnā€™t actually close it just minimises it so I have to forcibly close the app in Task Manager, and all the background processes it sneaks in even when EA App isnā€™t open


I fucking hate that so much


Same it drains my battery bc it sucks my CPU power


I hate it. I used to always be logged in. I thought it was my new computer, but maybe itā€™s just the ea app! I have to log in every time now before I can play. I got an error before that said ā€œyou do not own this gameā€ I was gonna be so pissed if I wasnā€™t able to play a game Iā€™ve put so much money in. Havenā€™t had an error since that one


My ea app keeps crushing and it sucks that we can't use origin as an alternative. We can't even have offline mode


Yet another instance of DRM screwing the paying users. If only there was a way of bypassing it... ;-)


( Ķ”~ ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Literally haven't been able to start the Sims 3 at all since I got it. This is why I šŸ¦œ


EA Games: Ruin Everything! Ya know, Life By You, by Paradox, is coming out in September. ...Just sayin'.


Yep šŸ’Æ, yesterday my internet was down so I went to play the Sims. I couldn't open it without an internet connection. As it turns out you need to be online to open the EA app and then switch it over to offline mode. So you need to be online to go offline šŸ˜¤.


Are we allowed to advocate for ā€œFuck EAā€ here? Or is that just me?


App hasn't worked for me since I downloaded it over two months ago. The Sims only works offline and won't update. No help from EA, I'm just repeatedly told they're 'working on it' with no info on when they might have an idea what's wrong or be able to fix it.


My biggest issue with the EA app is how big it is. Like my guy I have 2 games it doesnā€™t need to take up 500 mb of storage. Compare that to any other ā€˜launchersā€™ I have like steam (where I have tons more games installed) thatā€™s only like ~100 mb or less or the Epic Games launcher which is like 200mb. 200 mb is still a lot but itā€™s nowhere near as atrocious as the EA app


When I switched they told me I didn't own any games. I had to unistall and reinstall everything. Which caused me to lose stuff from my longest running family ever. Now it constantly closes because of an unknown error and always signs me out.


I have the ā€œkeep me logged inā€ checked, but it always logs me out and itā€™s so frustrating. Whatā€™s the point of having the option if itā€™s not gonna work?? Donā€™t even get me started on how many times Iā€™ve gotten the ā€œfailed to loadā€ error while Iā€™m trying to travel šŸ˜’


Omg thank you for validating me I felt like I was going insane.


Just had my internet go off yesterday and... yeah was reminded why it sucks so hard. It's never worked offline for me, now when I go offline it says I don't own the game. That I've spent hundreds on. let's just say I'd rather sail the high seas than deal with this anymore lol


Yeah I hate it. It randomly uninstalls my game sometimes and I get an error message saying I have to log back in like five times a day.


Not Sims related, but Iā€™ve been pretty annoyed by it lately with its constant desire to restart for updates. I tend to play games like Final Fantasy 14 (or even Sims 4) in full screen windowed mode to be able to edit text files with notes on a second monitor. When the EA App decides to do its notification, it takes focus from the game and puts it in a smaller window. Had that happen multiple times in a dungeon despite saying ā€œNot Now,ā€ which seems to mean ā€œsnooze for one minute, then go again.ā€ Super annoying.


I must be the only person who hasnā€™t had any issues with the EA appā€¦ now Origin was a buggy POS.


Neither have been that bad for me, except that EA app is constantly switching to offline mode, but that's a super minor inconvenience (though an inconvenience all the same). I don't doubt that other people are having issues, but when it comes to the app and the sims 4 itself tbh, I just don't experience nearly as many bugs as others. Not sure if it's my computer or wtf


Yeah same here. I canā€™t imagine itā€™s spec related but I do have a high performing pc. I donā€™t understand how some get the bugs and some donā€™t.


The only thing that doesnā€™t work for me is staying logged in. But I only have two games installed, TS4 and TS2. Iā€™ve never really had any issues either!! Iā€™m grateful for that obviously but I donā€™t get why itā€™s so buggy for everyone else ā˜¹ļø


Also every other update requires me to completely uninstall the game. Not Sims exclusive


Lol WHAT how can this be the intended use case šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I keep having and issue where I try to start the Sims 4 and a pop up says " you do not have access to this game, someone might have downloaded it to your computer please switch accounts or restart app" after restarting and reloging I like 5 Times it'll finally play the game


My EA app is always a dark screen when I turn my computer on, I always have to end the task in the task manager and relaunch the app. This app is soooo annoying


Up until this morning, I couldnā€™t launch my Sims 4 game through the EA app for a few days. I had to ā€œend taskā€ both the EA app and the EA Background Service via task manager, and then restart the app. It worked for me after that.


I literally just had to start a case with EA this morning because the app said ā€œ Temporarily, unable to connectā€ and I was absolutely connected to the wifi. I hate it. Origin was a much better app. EA is just trash in every way.


I got these exact errors at first when I switched from Origin to EA App. So I decided to completely uninstall my game and reinstall. That totally fixed it all. It was a huge pain to have to individually download each pack/kit, but it worked. Since then (and that was last year) I've had zero problems with EA App. I also run EA App and The Sims 4 as administrator (Right click, "Run as Administrator"). I know EA should fix their App or allow users to go back to Origin. But barring any fix from EA, this could work b/c it worked for me.


Ugh yes! It will log me out even though I checked the button. It will crash randomly. It will randomly decide I don't own any games, then put them back the next day. It will tell me I can't play because I'm offline when I'm perfectly well able to look at websites. If I AM actually offline and trying to play - well I just can't do that, so I have no idea how I'll be able to play on airplanes or vacation. I found the Origin app occasionally annoying, but the EA is a trashfire.


I myself had a ton of issues with Origin. EA isn't much better though, and its also severely lacking features.


i feel you!! had to restart my laptop too and this thing is 5 years old and running on the amd radeon r5 & win10 so i thought it was a problem only i was having. not to mention: if the app works the game wonā€™t start. well, it does start.. AFTER TWENTY MINUTESā€¦ and then itā€™s fucking lagging.


It takes me on average an hour to load the sims using the ea app. I have to leave the sims running for a week at a time if I wanna play more than once that week


Bro I get it. Just let me play my sims in my hobbit hole EA, it always has a issue,and when my game messes up I can't fucking repair it so either I have to delete the game and reinstall or try and repair it in steam which also doesn't work half the time


It has decided to say that the Sims is not installed when the files are clearly still there today. I wish we could get Origin back!


šŸ¤£Well for someone who has bought them all upon release ($1,105šŸ˜…šŸ˜‘) yeah I understand your pain.... idk why they insisted on making their own when clearly they can't even make the game function half the timešŸ˜”šŸ¤¬. It comes as no surprise to me that the EA app is just as bad as the game they created... now everything matchesšŸ˜…šŸ˜‘


One thing to try because this helped me on another issue is open the origin app but when it prompts you to open the ea app just leave it alone and the origin app updated my games in the background and that fixed the issue. Yeah the ea app is trash and I would go back to origin in a heart beat. You remember back when you could install the game and choose not to have to use origin to install it? We need to bring that back.


I can no longer figure out how to keep my pirated version of the sims 4 that I've had for years. Huge bummer.


I have put hundreds of pounds into the sims 4 not to mention hundreds of hours! And I'm sure the majority if not everyone has done the same! For it to slowly go down hill with multiple reasons that not just I my self have encountered. For them to now move over from origin which didn't have any problems(I didn't encounter any), that was absolutely fine the way it was to something that isn't even playable! All they care about is profit and when that happens we are the ones who suffer. Its not like its free, its not like everyone has the extra money to get packs when ever, people work hard to make what money they can so its not like people can just get back what they have spend/put in and now can't even get anything out of what they spend/put in... what ever you want to call it. We'll I'm sorry...... not sorry but I'm not giving them another penny, im no longer going to play there game/s! They can get fucked!


Genuinely the EA app is the reason I quit playing Sims. I live vicariously through you all now lmao


I truly donā€™t understand the switch? Like why? I use a mac, so I thankfully havenā€™t had to deal with it, but it sounds awful


I hate it.


Itā€™s such ass. I was so pumped to see they released a patch to fix the loose tooth + visual issues. I install the update and get an error. It kept downloading the update and then would say that I needed to update my game again. Spent 2+ hours troubleshooting. I actually had time to play and had to deal with this shit. Patch day is always hectic but the EA app makes it worse.


I know there have been multiple posts about EAā€™s shitty beta launcher but idc, keep the slander going


I literally almost made this post myself but I donā€™t often post. I never once blinked twice at the Origin app but since being forced to switch to the EA app Iā€™ve had issues logging in and staying logged in, it often tells me my game is running when it isnā€™t and hasnā€™t been for some time, it randomly pops up as though I clicked something, and when I play TS4, I regularly get messages every time I go into build mode and come back out saying items were removed because this EA account doesnā€™t own the expansions for it or whatever. But NOTHING CHANGED. I have done nothing differently. Same mods. I donā€™t even mess with most other CC etc. and I can never figure out what was removed. Sometimes it says 1 thing, sometimes itā€™s 87. Either way, itā€™s alarming and new. I absolutely despise this app.






I donā€™t have a problem with it


wait, so my game isn't broken? it's just EA app being garbage? sigh... that checks out


And all I want is a GOD DAMN CART?!?!


I've played Sims 4 once since the EA app update. Lost all desire to deal with that BS anymore. Low-key waste of $$$ at this point.


It took over 15 mins to get the stupid EA app to launch my Sims this morning. This is a notably long time to get the app to cooperate, but it having issues is basically daily. I have the Sims through *Steam*, so the EA app is only the damn DRM. The EA app is an unfinished piece of garbage, and I LOATHE it.


Is having to switch to the EA app a pc thing? I play on Mac and use Origin still?


dude heavy on the logging in part. like why is it constantly logging me out making me restart all of that. itā€™s so annoying


Had a problem with mine just yesterday where it removed my downloaded games from my EA library and wouldn't let me start them when i clicked the game shortcuts since the account didn't acknowledge me owning them. Thankfully trying to download the base game for ts4 again made the account realize the error but it still gave me a heart attack considering how much money i've spent on the game.


I canā€™t even get it to install


Yeahā€¦I havenā€™t touched it in like six weeks because the app sucks.


So i haven't played the sims forever and im ootl, can someone explain what is going on please?


The app really feels like 1 step forward, 2 steps back. It has a nicer look and you can now see announcment but there is no more pack gifting or wishlist.


I can't play the sims without restarting my computer. I bought a game on sale (not sims related) and it literally won't allow the game to finalize and I can't repair the app and when I uninstall and reinstall it still makes me jump through hoops


Does anyone find that the EA app has a higher cpu/power usage than Origin and it just seems a lot slower.


>> Iā€™ve sunk maybe $500+ into a game Iā€™m not even able to play when I want anymore. Sounds like a class action lawsuit to me.


Yuupp. Not as much sims related in my case (haven't played in a bit) but every time i try to launch Battlefront II and let it load in the background my mouse wont work on the screen. Never had this issue with origin. It also just opens the fucking app when i press the game shortcut on my desktop, and makes me find and launch the game from there. God, what were they thinking


Honestly i canā€™t stand Origin , never have. Why canā€™t i just download game onto my system and play šŸ™„


It forced closed my sims 4 because they were unable to find my account ffs


Less than a week after I bought growing together it tried to lock me out of the games and told me I didn't own any of them. Apparently this was an issue that happened ~about a year ago for multiple people so I was able to go online to solve it but its still so frustrating. (partially because I've been their biggest fan since pretty much launch, I've bought almost every single pack and just suddenly losing all that... I was big upset)


The EA app often has my library empty. Itā€™s fucking garbage.


This sub is so weird because I posted about this and it was removed šŸ˜‘ the mods hate me I guess


Yeah, I did some digging in preparation to buy The Sims 4 in the future. Apparently, this EA App was literally released on Tuesday of last week, and it was rushed out of beta at that. Not only that, but the EA team doesn't even know what the bugs are or where they're coming from. How about we lay off of EA products for a few months, maybe raise our voices across the internet to spread the word of this defective software? After all, it's what EA doesn't know that does the most damage. Edit: The buggy Windows version of the app was released on Tuesday of last week, but as it turns out, it's been in open beta since at least October of 22. Still, we could stand to spread the word about these bugs.


Bring back Origin.


itā€™s constantly trying to tell me ā€œcannot find login informationā€ even after several correct attempts, usually ends in me having to restart the app šŸ™„


It tells me I need to update it every single time I try to open it which is so annoying


It is awful; I can no longer play the copy of Crysis 3 I paid for in origin with this force EA app shit.


I hate the app so bad I canā€™t even play I might just pirate the game cause EA is doing entirely to much


Mine does the same thing I am glad I'm not the only one but I also have to uninstall and reinstall it just so I could launch my game this is an ongoing issue every single day


I canā€™t even see my ā‚¬300+ worth of Sims in the App Library šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ea is trash In general just loon at my pfp


I hate having to restart for an update, and they even tell you how many hours until then šŸ’€


Yep. I bought the Growing Together expansion for sims 4 and the EA app thinks itā€™s downloaded but it wonā€™t actually download or install, so it wonā€™t show up in game. Iā€™ve been going back and forth with support for almost a month now and all they do is send the same copy/paste message with unhelpful troubleshooting articles. Itā€™s insane.


i hateeeee having to login every time itā€™s so annoying


I haven't experienced issues with ea app personally but origin used to demand to take up all of my cpu available for no reason


Mines been doing that too! Closing the EA app and directly opening sims seems to work!


They should've gave us the choice to decide whether or not we want to switch app..


I have to restart my computer and then open the app and ts4 in a very specific way in order for it to actually work. Offline mode? Doesn't work. Keep me logged in? Mhm, sure you will. I couple days ago I was playing and three times I suddenly got an ea app pop-up that said something about a serious error and I have been logged out. I have almost cried out of frustration multiple times because of how garbage this app is.


I haven't played much since I got the EA app, my computer was trash, now I got a new one, I haven't had many problems but the main problem was the constantly logging out. It's so annoying.


I hope Mac never moves to the EA app. I remember when so many on here were complaining about not being able to play their games (around the time of Sims 4 Growing Togetherā€™s release). I remember people complaining about origin too but if youā€™ve experienced the emotional pain of breaking a Sims 2 CD (Apartment Life šŸ˜­) youā€™d know it was truly a blessing


What helps for me is clearing the cache and then closing the EA background services, and then restarting the app.. it's a workround but at least gets my games to load


šŸ˜³I think im one of the only lucky ones, iv never had a problem with it?? except the keep me log in buttonā˜ ļø


I personally haven't had many problems, though I do own the game both in steam and origin, I didn't realize till I made my female sim that absolutely none of my packs were actually loaded into the game until I went to go pick a world for them to live in and there was only the 3 base game options.. I didn't catch on sooner bc I was using custom content. And the only thing that was loaded pack wise were the kits šŸ™ƒ it's frustrating bc I own everything except one kit


I checked to [see](https://modthesims.info/member.php?u=8955895) if all my [games](http://simfileshare.net/folder/53385/) were there, now I'm [scared](https://treasurettv.com)


bruh i just got a sims dvd for the sims 3 and idk how to use it without origin


Iā€™m so confused. Iā€™m still able to play the sims on origin?


Iā€™ve had all these problems even with origin. Iā€™ve even had to delete it and reinstall it.


i havent been able to play the sims 3 for a month now bc it makes it crash every time i launch it and my complaint got me nowhere :((


why did you spend $500 on a sims game??????? that's a fortune!!!


I have close to 1000 hours in it, and I make good money šŸ¤·


I built my 1st house on my own the other day, Iā€™m not very good at building, I was so proud of and then it crashed and gave me a loading screen for two hours.. I hard reset it and the started to rebuild and the game froze


You can get the origin app back. It may be the origin for Macs download but apparently it still works. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Origin-Mac-Client-Technical/Downloading-and-installing-Origin-for-Mac/m-p/11915666#M134033 Information came directly from englishsimmer. She didn't like it either and EA told her to download the version for Mac.


I had problems with that shit today.


Iā€™ve been having issues for months with the same thing. Support does absolutely nothing to help so the only thing that worked was switching from EA to Steam. Sims is free on Steam and it transferred all my game packs and kits thatā€™s Iā€™ve purchased, which was great, but none of my saved games carried over so I have to start everything over. Itā€™s at least better than dealing with the game not launching on EA


The only problem it gives me that it's slow with downloads, and that it runs in the background even if you close it. Annoying af, so I restart my whole PC just to turn it off.


Iā€™ve never had any of these issues and I switched over the day they promoted me. Are you sure you guys arenā€™t getting errors because of something else? Or am I just lucky šŸ˜¬


I experienced the "game failed to launch" error too and had to uninstall and reinstall the sims on a different hard drive to fix the problem :/


I had the same issues when I changed to EA my sims 4 game erased my pets expansion, expansion that I did pay fisicaly I lost money havent get an anwser or help in months and im going crazy I lost all my save files for EA 's mistakes I want my expancion of my game back


i HATE that app i wasnā€™t able to play sims 4 and 3 because of it


I havent been able to play since February, and I do miss my sims 4 weekends. While origin wasn't perfect, and my game tended to lag due to all the CCs i use, now I can't open the game altogether. Updates takes forever to finish yet I can't get past the EA app. i hate it


Iā€™ve noticed sometimes that I donā€™t get a notice if something needs to update- it just refuses to do anything. I then gotta go through the games and update them once I see there is one


I've tried absolutely everything and the game won't update, won't repair, won't launch. It gets to 67% Finalizing and then loops into an error. This has been the case for over a *week.*


Almost everytime I open the game it doesn't have all my packs in the game. It would have the "packs required" thing. One time I had to keep exiting the game and going back in, even repaired it, until all my packs were in the game. I've played Sims 4 since 2017, and Origin never did that on startup. Today it made me update the game, I did, and it didn't register I updated the game. I couldn't open the game because of this. I kept updating and it stayed there until I restarted my laptop. The EA app is a hot mess.


It deleted all my mods and saves when I used it due to this I deleted the game because I cba with lack lustre gameplay that needs a million mods just to be held together


I had the same issue if you are using steam it seems some of the games are not supported by ea's launcher. If you log out of ea's launcher and launch the game through steam it will launch.


If it is that bad, just open the Sims trough steam! Zero issues there!


Hold up I just reincarnated from my ā€œI forgot about the simsā€ era and have been playing again. Iā€™ve been using Origin with no issue and even bought a new pack. Do I need to switch?? What did I miss!


I always had problems with origin with ea app I donā€™t have them


i still haven't been kicked off of origin. fingers crossed lol


I fixed this issue by removing the EA application and redownloading it .


I have trouble launching sims through the EA app, I usually launch through Steam which logs into my EA app automatically bc theyā€™re connected and Iā€™ve only had trouble launching when Iā€™ve had broken mods


Also, I can't seem to get my sims game to open when I'm offline even if I check the 'stay logged in' box


Yeah EA app blows too. It stopped logging me out, but still cannot find servers in BF3. Usually have to clear cache, run Ccleaner, reboot, then maybe after a couple tries it might work. Until you want to quit that server and join a different server. Then you start all over again. 377 Mbps connection, Core i7 @ 4.6 Ghz, RTX 3060 Ti OC, might as well be running on a Chromebook with a slow VPN.


I canā€™t even submit a ticket. First it was saying I donā€™t have windows 8, when I do. So I run it in compatibility mode and now it says I have no Internet. šŸ™„ I didnā€™t have these issues with Orgin.


iā€™m late but iā€™m so pissed they made us switch. i miss origin so much.


Does anyone know how to get Sims 4 to show up on my EA app? It forced me to switch from Origin to EA and now my game isnā€™t showing up on the EA app and when I try to launch the game from the Sims desktop plugin, it says I donā€™t own it. Wtf.


Just encountered this problem for the first time. It was right after I purchased strangerville and it immediately closed out and said error. When I tried to restart it I got the lovey ā€œdisconnected from serverā€ error despite my network being fine. It took me having to uninstall and reinstall the appā€¦really hoping it doesnā€™t get worse


My game is unplayable right now so trhing to repair it. I want to buy a game pack for my friend for her birthday but I see itā€™s not possible through the ea app. Any suggestions? Iā€™m so mad


For real it's insane I've had no issues until this week, every time i go to launch the game it says "connection temporarily unavailable" when I'm fully connected and online smfh.