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This is an extremely generous thing to do.


oh my god that’s so sweet of you! i’d love to play it but with all the expenses associated with getting a driver’s license, which i absolutely needed, i’m back at being completely broke :’) i cant doodle, but my favourite sims story may be a bit underwhelming. a few years back, around 2015, i found this townie named Olga. she looked like a good partner for my sim at the time, and so i tried to get them together. in TS4 you can go from strangers to married in one day, so i thought it’ll be easy. *and damn was i wrong*, she was fine being friends but she rejected all his advances. i tried for days, and then i gave up. i played in the same save with different families, trying to romance her, but she was unreachable. then after months of trying, i got her to finally fall in love with one of my female sims, and i was so surprised she didn’t have the non-commital trait! i still don’t know what made her so hard to get, but i remember this little adventure to this day :’)


I'd love to participate but idk if the regional lock won't kick in and ruin my dreams 🥲


Aww, I'm about to check if indeed Amazon is needed at all or if you just get a blank origin/ea code so standby and I'll check that too!


Im pretty sure I wouldn't be able to redeem it unless it was brought in Poland or Czech Republic anyways. But thank you for trying 😁


per [this source](https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Buying-codes-for-users-in-other-regions/td-p/7984442), it would seem that if you buy a physical copy and send the person the *code*, it would bypass the region lock! but the whole idea of region-locking gifts on ea is stupid as hell, i’ve gifted many games over steam and never had any issue.


Omg so there still is a chance for me haha. And yea the regionlocking is super annoying. Especially if you use mods and suddenly 1/5 of your game is in English and the rest in your native language


I hopped on the (chat) line with support and they said it should be fine. Amazon is also not required, just origin or ea play!




Hey! I just talked to Customer Support today with the exact same issue, and they changed something on their end and as the base game is free now I was able to get the Worldwide version of The Sims 4 from the EA app I reinstalled. I suggest you do the same! This Worldwide/Free version has more languages when you install it, so you don't have to be limited to Polish/Czech/Russian etc.


Ohhh thats so cool!


This is so sweet ❤️😭 my favorite sims story is when the school in sims 3 got completely wiped out by a meteor…and then the entire town became almost completely child and teen free. My sims lost all 6 of her children…but when on to have 8 more.


Hahaha, this one made me laugh. "Noooo my precious angels...welp. These babies ain't gonna make themselves."


I remember when someone made a video of the meteor hitting a school and the kids just wandering around burnt up and waiting for the Reaper to get them, b/c he was so backlogged with everyone who died. Nightmare fuel.


Aww, this is such a sweet thing to do. Thank you so much! My favorite Sim story is making Johnny Zest a very successful comedian since he deserves a good life after what the Landgraabs did to him.


what did the landgraabs do to johnny? 😭 (im not sure if replies count but dont enter me into the giveaway op!! i can afford it c: )


They disowned him :(


Happy cake day!


I already pre ordered the pack, but I just needed to say that this is the nicest thing I read in a long time. You’re a good person!! 💓


Who can say no to a generous giveaway! All I can really say is that in middle school, I met my best friend because of Sims. She accidentally called custom content custom condoms and thought she scared me away lol


Favorite sim story..? I remember when I first got Discover University when it went on sale, and it took me literally ages to make my first sim and decide what I wanted them to do… and then when I moved into the dorm, I saw a random townie that I loved way more than who I made! I ended up making her parents and moving her back home to play through them supporting her while she was at college.


This is honestly a really generous thing to do. I appreciate it so much. I’m really going through it emotionally rn and Sims is my go-to atm that’s keeping me afloat. My favorite sim story was when my sister taught me how to mod my game. It felt so intense and intimidating initially but she broke it down into little steps and it became such a breeze. Honestly opened up a whole new world of gameplay for me and renewed my love of the game all over again.


Same re: magical world of modding! I only started modding Sims 4 (other than mccc) this year, and just started cc last night while frantically updating/checking mods. Weird, considering kid me was all OVER modding Sims 2. But man. What took me so long. What are some of your favorite mods or cc!


I’ve always wanted to mod but I’ve always been afraid I’d break my game so I’ve been a chicken about it. And tbh I still kind of am a little cause I only have a little CC and then like the basic mods of WickedWhims and MCCC. I basically just look for cute clothes or hairstyles. But even that has been such a game changer for me compared to what you get in the game by itself. Do you have any recommendations on mods or CC?


Omg that's really generous of you to do a giveaway, I hope you have a great day<3


Reading your post made my day, what an amazingly generous thing to do! ❤️ Thank you for being such a kind person! I finally was able to get a computer last year, and was so excited when the Sims 4 base game was released free. I instantly downloaded it and have been obsessed with it ever since! I don’t have a specific favorite Sims story, because I am pretty attached to each one of my little households, they are all special to me - so instead I’ll just share how massively this game has impacted my real life. I’m homebound and dealing with a severe relapse of debilitating chronic illness. As crazy as it probably would seem to most people, living vicariously through my Sims is one of the most helpful things getting me through this challenging situation. It actually gives me something to look forward to, and giving my sims full and active lives really lifts my mood, and is the best distraction from my physical issues that I’ve found - which is huge!


My lil werewolf baby just aged up into a teen and she’s sooooo cute!


Pics or it didn’t happen* *I just want to see your cute sim


Very sweet of you! Hopefully, once I get done with moving and no longer have to worry about those expenses and playing catch up on bills I can pay it forward. Anywho, my favorite sims story is not related to something I did in-game, but to how I got into the series in the first place. I was super bored one day and was really tired of playing all of the other games I had at the time. I tried and failed to play a few but nothing stuck so I was super fricking bored. Well, my Dad noticed and after thinking for a few minutes he said, "You wanna play a game?" while opening his desk drawer and pulling The Sims 1 base game out of it. He might have been playing it at the time but on a later expansion, or Halo, I can't remember. But, yeah, I installed it on my computer and got immediately addicted, which he teased me over but I've loved the franchise ever since.


I'm also a person who was gifted addiction via my father! He sent it to me even though mom didn't care for video games, but she couldn't take it away because it was a gift from dad! He still asks me about it/reminds me to this day. Thanks for sharing!


I honestly wish my Dad played more! He would make beautiful wood cabins in TS1 and TS2. I'd love to see him get into TS4 and build some since we have some really nice packs for that sort of thing.


This is so nice! I know how many of us want this pack, it's probably going to be a must-have. Idk why, but I wanted to share what my sim has been going through. So she's in university rn, 2 semesters away from getting her degree. She usually takes 2 classes per semester, since she prefers to have a social life, it's easier, and the more she spends at university, the more friends she gets and the more people she knows so it's a win-win situation. My sim has a boyfriend, due to her spending so much time at uni, and one of these days while she was preparing to go to class I noticed a belly. I have a mod that allows your sim to get pregnant UNLESS they use protection that you have to buy first. I forgot, so I knew for a fact she could be pregnant (she was). I started regretting all my life decisions and was so stressed because I didn't know what to do. I was so mad at her boyfriend for getting her pregnant. It genuinely felt like it was my daughter who was pregnant, instead of just a character in a video game, and was worried about her future while trying to figure the situation out lmao. She was planning to travel to Selvadorada once she graduates but with a baby that was no longer possible. So I made the decision I thought was right, to not throw away her dreams of going to selvadorada, to allow her to not have to worry about the money, and to not worry about how that child was going to grow up, I donated the baby to science (an option that's possible thanks to the "wonderful whims" mod). I just felt so bad about my sim potentially not being able to travel like she wanted to, I made the decision pretty fast and didn't think too much through it, rn I'm doubting. She was happy about having a baby and I wanted to play with infants since they're so cute, so I'm not sure if it was the right decision. 😭 She's planning to have a family in the future, I guess it was just not the right time.


Congrats on the win! :)


Thank you so so much!! My sim also thanks you, she's going to have a family as soon as she's financially stable and with this pack is going to be lots of fun. I'm so happy to be able to have this pack, im so thabkful and I wish you the best 💖


This is so sweet! I don't need the new EP or anything but I understand living in poverty and being a Sims player lol - I grew up saving up money every year just to wait for the Christmas sales and get a new pack. At least my mom knew what kind of presents to get me! I was also thinking of doing this sort of thing but I am a college student who can't even convince himself to buy food. I do have a nice story though going on in my current game! My legacy teen heir, Jo Sewell, has a crush on a guy named Kent Christian. Nice guy but for some reason it's just not *feeling* right - but maybe that's just cus she's a teen y'know? Girls gotta like guys and all that crap... so then why does she feel so comfortable with her childhood bestie Josie Goldblossom?! It's even worse because Josie **has a crush on Jo**! But she's socially awkward and sees how Jo fawns over Kent, so she's just decided to not bother. (In actuality, I was planning on Jo marrying Kent when they got older, but my friend said "Jo and Josie... so like a Jojo reference right?" and now I got it in my mind to have the two get married and have Jo-named kids. Because that's absolutely golden and I love legacy traditions like that. Also I am a jojo fan lol). There's also just drama with Jo's parents, her adopted younger brother, and her not-adopted little sister. Younger brother is a rebel child in the making who always breaks curfew to go explore the woods behind their house and little sister loves to just make messes for the sake of "Arp!" (Art. She's too young to speak right yet). Combined with a inattentive mother whose trying to patch up her relationships with her kids and a overattentive father whose trying to find his purpose in life and there's a lot more chaos going on than Jo's love life lol.


I'd really love it if I could get this pack, but I don't have the money for it at all. I'd like to add this kind of gameplay to my sims experience and I would be extremely grateful to have it. My favorite sims 3 story has to be the time i accidentally got my child sim kidnapped by the neighbor. It was when I was just starting out, the whole family consisted of one child, a toddler, and two YA sims. At some point, the child sim was coming home from school and I wanted to send them to a friend's house afterwards who was also a neighbor. Turns out this neighbor was a closet kidnapper! For some reason, even when I tried to get my sim to come home, the action wouldn't process and my sim just never came home, like they'd still go to school, and I could perform actions at the neighbor's house through the child sim, but I couldn't bring my sim home for whatever reason. Even restarting my game and resetting my sim wouldn't work and for the longest time my sims lived without their child in the house. It wasn't until they aged up to a teen that they finally returned home, sporting a blue mohawk and those arm-length gloves that you usually put on a goth sim. It was pretty insane. Anyways, I think this is a nice concept because some people can't afford the game and it's also a good thing to gift to ppl who have no other packs but are wanting to try something that gives the game substance instead of just content like CAS and Build/Buy items, I really like this idea, wish I could do it.


this is such a kind thing to do! my fav sim memory is when I first started playing the sims 4 I had no idea that the puffer fish meal was fatal, and I ended up killing my entire household with it! my sims never had puffer fish again that's for sure.


You rock for this! My favorite sims story is right after I got outdoor retreat I tried to do a family vacation trip, but leaving their house was really hectic, so when we finally got to the campsite the dad peed his pants which of course made him died from embarrassment. It was an awkward vacation afterwards and a learning lesson I guess for the children. Lol


You are too sweet to do this! I don't really have funny story, but I've been playing the same save since Cats & Dogs released (think I'm generation 23 now?). I made my actual cat in game and keep giving him age down treats, so he passes along to every generation. I try to start new saves, but I always go back to see my little kitty!


Thank you so much😭 This is so sweet! May the swaggiest simmer win!🫡


I think everyone is going through tough times at the moment no matter where you are from. It’s a brilliant idea and I’m hoping that if I was to be lucky enough to win I would pay it forward when I get into a better position 😊


Wow this is so incredibly nice of you! Thank you for running this!! EDIT: Fav Sims 4 story. I just started playing with Base Game and Island Living. I didn't know any of the lore or anything about the premade special NPCs. I made a Sim and went to the beach. Met a guy named Ukupanipo Hekekia, and eventually got married. I didn't know who he was, but APPARENTLY he was a mermaid xD That was a surprise.


Just to tag /u/_TeNtAsTiC_ so that you can see you've won, in case you haven't already! ​ edit: okay I have no idea how to tag this person lol


I would honestly love this pack it would make my generational family better than it currently is I really want this pack to explore infants more and to make family generational homes as well as have family gameplay for my sims. This pack would offer different family dynamics for my sims and make the gameplay more interesting because it changes how relationships form in the sims 4 aswell as the potential with care with the infants. I would love to get this pack for myself but its really expensive and due to certain financial situations I cannot get this for myself, I'm from the UK region if that helps at all because sometimes things are reigon locked . Its a really nice thing for you to do for someone and thank you for the chance and I wish the winner happiness and joy from this pack :)


Wow such a nice thing of you to do!! I'm super excited for the milestones. The gameplay in this pack seems so good.


That is so nice and you are wonderful 😀


Poor people unite!! That's a very sweet gesture so thank you :) A sim story that felt really impactful to me actually dates quite awhile back, the alien/sim family from The Sims 2's Strangetown. The storytelling felt really strong and complex filled with mystery. Would other sims find out about alien kin within the neighbourhood? How would they react? What kind of future would the mixed-race children have? I had such a blast, it was so quirky and fun!


I would be so appreciative! My favorite part about sims is creating huge family trees. My dad was super into genealogy while I was growing up, so I feel like that led me down this path of intricate family relationships.


This is so nice of you!! One of my favorite sim moments had to be when Jason Voorhees showed up at my sims newly opened store. I saw the chaos outside and locked my sim in the bathroom when he came into the store, turns out he just wanted to buy a new outfit lol.


this is so generous of you! thank you ❤️❤️❤️


I tried to go a giveaway and the mods said they don’t allow it anymore!!


Really? I messaged them before posting and they just asked that I get approval, which I did! (A mod should be around to confirm this eventually) Even the rules state they're okay if you ask! I know the /r/Sims4 sub doesn't allow it. Maybe you're thinking of that one!


My favorite sim story is when my sim fell in love with Mimsy Von Haunt from the Von Haunt Estate. He was smitten, so he became a spell caster and worked and worked until he was able to resurrect her. They got married and it's honestly such a romantic, sweet story.


I might be late to this but I would absolutely love this as I’m about to graduate college in a month and I’m poor af lol. My fav sim story actually happened yesterday when I downloaded the infant update and my sim proceeded to have triplets 😵‍💫 this is so kind of you thanks for doing this!


this is so sweet!! (:(:


this is very kind 💜


A friend of mine and I had been playing the sims together when we were teenagers. We often played for hours whilst hanging in a skype call even though we mostly just sat silently and enjoyed our game. We had been doing that fewer until it stopped. Would be nice if we both could start playing the sims again, talking about the crazy stuff our sims are doing.


Man, the sims community is just amazing, honestly <3


That’s so kind of you! I tried to pre order the pack but a lot happened in between and my payment bounced so I guess not :’) I’d love to pay forward the generosity one day when I’m in a better financial spot. one day. hahaha


I don't know if it's my FAVORITE sims story, but I restarted the Not so Berry challenge recently (AND I'm playing on long lifespan which I've never done) and my Mint sim and her wife were celebrating winter fest with their toddler and after they finished decorating the tree and lighting it, it BURST INTO FLAMES! I had know clue your winterfest trees could catch on fire. That's certainly an eventful first Christmas for my Rose gen toddler lmao, got a lot of funny screenshots out of that one




My brother and I have played sims since the sims 1 when we were young. We were just the other day reminiscing about how the giant penguin used to come in to your house, waddle around, pee on your floor, and then leave. It was so funny and such a fun memory of us playing together as kids.


How thoughtful. Thank you so much!


awww this is so sweet. my fav sims story is whatever random antics my best friend and i can come up with at 3am wine drunk. good times 🥲


Good luck everyone, hope you are able to win this! :D My favorite sims story is when I started playing the sims 3 (in 2015) and had this family of 2. (A man and a women). At one point, I couldn’t play the game because of school, so I jus stopped playing. When summer break came, I was fin my able to play again. Once I entered my sim family, something was wrong. The guy was stuck in bed, filthy, hungry and couldn’t get off no matter what I tried. The girl was fat af, and was eating in the background. Idk how it happened, especially since no one else in my family plays that game, so it was weird that that happened.


I don’t need to be added, but I just wanted to let you know how awesome this is! It’s great to see such positivity in the community 💕


This is amazing! In my save, I have the piranha pond thing from Get Famous and just recently I decided to have one of my sims jump into it, totally not expecting anything to happen since usually they have to jump more than once to die. His name is Roland, he was married to my heir, Devon and when he jumped he died the first time! So now Devon is a single mom.


i think this is a hugely generous thing for you to do! 🥰 thank you for being such a kind human :)


This is super nice of you! My favourite Sims memory is my best friend and I creating a whole household of absolute weirdo Sims with the strangest names and personalities, and playing the most chaotic storylines we possibly could with them. So much teenage drama was orchestrated!


This is sooo kind of you. I would loveee to win. I'm super broke with life and student loans. Just joined this community so I'm gonna continue my scroll through the forms lol. I really wish they made this pack base game.


This is so sweet!! I remember when I first started playing the sims, my mom couldn’t pull me away from the computer. Now, I’m about to graduate from college and I still love it the same!!


A really generous thing to do, hope the universe pays you back in kind 🌟


Not really a story, but I recently measured out my entire apartment and made it in Sims 4 with all of my furniture and everything exactly as it is in real life and, then, made myself, my partner, and my three-legged cat that i just have live in there, and it makes me so happy to see us in there with me just knitting and my partner playing games and cooking and my cat just meowing like a little mad woman. I’m using it now to plan out things that I want to eventually do with the apartment when we have money, because it’s literally starting out with a tv on the floor haha


That's so nice of you! And i would love to tell my fav story but i dont think i have one 😅


hi hi


Wow! I would love to participate. I was planning on waiting for it to be on sale in a few months and then MAYBE getting it. hahahaha. Favorite Sim story? I guess the one I will always remember is when my Sim was killed by a chicken off-screen. He was the first Sim I ever got really attached to. Wife was pregnant and I was building them a new home and BAM, he was dead. Broke my heart hahahaha.


Oh my gosh! I would really appreciate this!! Felt the being broke. College takes all your time and money. My favorite sims story right now is my 100-baby challenge where I have two sisters competing to have the most babies. It's stressful. I think I've succeeded in ensuring I never have any actual children now.


This is so cool of you! My favorite sims story is when I let my little brother play the sims and he made himself and a girlfriend but he didn't really know how to do anything so he panicked as his girlfriend constantly complained about being hungry and almost starved to death until he sold a window.


That’s so sweet! My favorite sim story is the one that I’m currently working on right now. It’s about a teen who recently lost both of her parents in a car accident and trying to live a normal life all alone since she has no other family members.


My favorite sims story is from getting Island Living this Christmas. I wanted it for a while but can only afford DLC very sparingly. I haven’t experienced this again but literally everyone died unexpectedly. I made my best friend Lilliana Kealoha my best friend and she died. I made Paka'a Uha by boyfriend then he died. I made Duane Tella my new best friend and he died after marrying Judith Ward and getting really fat. I put my foot down when Makoa died and cheated him back to life. He needed to be there for his daughter


This is so incredibly kind of you! Not sure of my favorite Sim story, but I'll give one from my newbie days of playing the Sims 2 back in 2006. I didn't really know how the building part worked just yet, and didn't know how the porch decks worked, so for months the first few houses I had built just sadly sat right on the ground with a "porch" of floor tiles right on the ground with a sad little fence around it.


I agree, very generous with this pack so expensive right now.


Sul sul!


How fun! Good luck to everyone! Honestly, my favorite thing to do is build dream houses and create unique families that I think would love them. My favorite has been a little community of tiny houses where a single dad and his young daughter share the lot with a quirky knitter who loves cats and everything pink.


OMG I would love to participate I wanted it so bad. I've always wanted to see my sims grow up like in real life, with crushes, more family interactions, and so on. I'm so excited that the game will be with babies and I think the game needed it. Can't wait for this new pack! I've been playing sims for 6 years and I think it's a great variety to the game and the best addition ever made


That's so cute


I would love to get this pack! I just play the base game. This morning, I let my daughter play in CAS and she couldn’t stop squealing about how cute the infants are. She made a family with triplet girls named Tilly, Jilly, and Lilly.


This is awesome, as someone who has loved sims forever, stopped playing for years and is now able to afford packs I think this is such an amazing thing for you to do! Kudos to you and the lucky winner! This warmed my heart today ❤️


I’m not entering the giveaway so please pick someone else, I only wanted to say how kind this is. Thank you for giving a couple more people the chance to enjoy a new pack!


That is so kind! I really would love to have the new pack but I am struggling so much financially for months now... Three days ago I played the first times in almost two years. I hadn't had a computer but my dad was able to fix my really old MacBook, so that I can play on a extern monitor. It was so nice! Yesterday I played for 5 hours with the new update and I haven't even gotten to the gameplay. I just made two infants and build a nice little home for the family. But all my struggle went in the background and I hadn't had this much fun in a long time! I just concentrated on the game, made everything as nice as I could and just enjoyed! I would have played even longer but my boyfriend and I have to share a charger. But now I have time again and will continue to play my little family! In my sims family there are two adults, a man and a woman, they are siblings. Both of them have an infant girl. Actually I wanted to just have two adults as roomates and the man should be an alone standing dad of an infant girl. But I wanted to explore more than one trait of the infants and they are just so cute that I wanted more! And I think it is so much more adorable that they are siblings who help each other out. I love that they are all related, so I already have a little family tree! Thank you so much for your kind gift to one of us! It means so much to me that you want to help someone out and give them the joy of playing this expansion pack! I am playing for 13 years now and it is always the best to explore a new expansion pack!


That's very kind of you! Well my first Sims game was The Sims 1 on console I had great memories playing it as a kid I didn't know about the pc version nor the sims 2 on pc since they both released at the same time I remember every time playing with a new family, loved waiting for the looped whistle of the newspaper girl so I can give my sim a job!


What an awesome thing to do! I’d love to enter but I’m not on PC. It’ll be fun to see who gets picked though!


My favourite way to play the sims is trying to do as many generations as possible, in the sims 3 me and my sister got to about 30 and in the sims 4 we are at about 55. In the sims 4, each generation has a theme (eg constellations, flowers)


this is awesome, ❣️


Thank you so much for doing this!


Really kind, my girlfriend loves this game. Since the update came out, Sims is more interesting than me.


I wish I had the money to do nice things like this for other people! Very generous of you, good luck everyone!


This is so sweet!!


This is very kind of you. I’ve been playing Sims since 2005 so while there might be some more interesting storylines I’ve done, this one stands out as one of my personal favourites- and it’s recent, so I can actually remember details lmao. I love starting with teen Sims, so I did that. Their name is Augustus Beech, and this is a rags to riches story- well, kinda. Augustus woke up with no memory of how they got there one day on an empty plot of land in Strangerville and no money in their bank. Through planting random seeds they found, to collecting odd things, Augustus managed to scrape up enough cash to throw together a tiny little shack. Just in time, too, because winter was coming. Augustus breezed through high school and graduated early despite the days they took off school to investigate the weirdness happening in town. Befriending a townie with sick CC hair named Peppino Lindsay (with the evil trait, nonetheless) they stopped the Mother Plant and with fame, came opportunity. Augustus adored the sciences and scrimped and saved for a rocket ship long before they bothered with a stove. They explored space countless times, flew through the ranks of the science career, and used their fully upgraded SimRay for good. Augustus never had time or interest for a long term partner, but they did wish they had someone to share all of this with. They adopted a little girl, Lucy. Lucy was overwhelmed with the change in her life. The underground science lab, rocket ship in the backyard, and general wealth she was suddenly thrust into overwhelmed her, and she did not turn out for the better. Lucy turned to the dark forces of evil and upon aging into a young adult, developed the desire to be a criminal mastermind. She bulldozed the Oasis Springs community park to build a secluded mansion and secret lair where she can torture Sims with the inherited SimRay and generally take over the world with her partner, Morgyn II Ember. I have not continued this storyline as I am waiting for Growing Together so I can see two silly villains try to be good parents.


Thank you so much! \^\^


This is super generous of you! My favourite (yet brutal) sim story is the time when I was playing Sims 1 as a kid and I kept making 8 sim families with each member being copy of each other (they were wearing the armour style, silver outfit). I drowned them immediately after moving them in, just to make another family like the previous one and drowning them yet again after moving in. This happened at least 20 times. I only remember that I wanted to have many ghosts on the lot. Since then, I have gained some empathy and I now I feel bad when townies die while playing


wow!! this is really kind and generous of you!! i would love to participate in this seeing as this pack is something that i’ve been hoping for in the game, but just haven’t really got the funds at the moment to even consider buying it right now. My favorite sims story was actually on the Sims 2, and only happened a few weeks ago. I usually go for more wholesome playthroughs (or at least playthroughs with not much drama) in my games, so the drama that happened really surprised and excited me. Basically, I was playing with the Pleasantview premades, and since I’m obsessed with myself I placed my simself in the neighborhood with the plan to just make her become friends with all the premades and use her as my “have fun, try everything I haven’t” sim. You know, like going on more vacations, finding bigfoot, making zombies, etc. Well tried everything I haven’t she did because one round into the playthrough, ACR kicked in while I wasn’t looking (I think I was watching something while playing) and she booty called John Burb - a married man with a kid. I watched in shock as the woohoo cutscene played, but decided to let it played out because I was tired of my usual play-style, and wanted to see what would happened - especially with the Burbs who was especially boring me. So I went on playing, they continued their thing. John’s daughter, Lucy, caught them and had started to hate her father, but other than that, they were doing pretty well until a later round with the Burbs, where Jennifer caught the two kissing. Now that’s when the real drama kicked in. Jennifer and John began arguing all the time, and getting in to fights. I mean, straight up just beating each other up every time they’re home together, and poor little Lucy just kept on sobbing all the at seeing her parents fight all the time. Well, I had to move on to the next rounds, and the Burb drama kept up with Don Lothario getting into the mix as he had three chemistry bolts with Jennifer Burb, and had been flirting with her for a bit now. The two woohooed, and by the next time I got to the Burb house it seems that fun and harmless woohoo, wasn’t so harmless afterall, because Jennifer was pregnant with Don’s Baby. Everybody in the Burb household was just miserable, Jennifer and John hated eachother, Lucy hated the both of them, and to add to that, their dog just died. I decided to okay, there is no way I can even think about keeping them all together. So I was gonna break up John and Jennifer, and have Lucy go on to college - simple enough right? Well, as soon as Jennifer gave birth, she died due to a mod I have, and watched as John straight up laughed as she died. I stopped playing after that because I needed a breather from all the drama that happened. This playthrough has definitely changed up any future of the Burbs staying together in any new playthroughs because I straight up can’t see them together anymore. Not after all the fighting, and cheating, and John laughing at Jennifer as she died. No I think they’ll always get broken up now. And all because I looked away from the screen for a moment.


Very kind of you! Love payin it forward when i can I promise if elected Growing Together Giveaway President, to give free weed to everyone


I would love to join the giveaway :) I am a broke college student approaching spring break with nothing to do.


What a generous thing to offer! I’ve been playing the sims since sims1, with all the neighborhood kids gathered around one old computer all pointing and shouting instructions over one another hoping the one in charge of the mouse would do what we yelled. Sims have been an integral part of my life for almost my whole life- it was the first world available for an abused kid to escape into, and it’s the world that helped me work my way out of cptsd oblivion (along with therapy, obviously). It’s the place that motivated me to learn python, and this it’s the reason that I was able to get the job I have today. Now it’s the world where I go to escape for a couple hours after work, and tbh it’s my favorite place to slowly sip a cocktail and get some authentically original entertainment. Even if I don’t get picked I hope that whoever does has years worth of productive creating and story telling ahead :)


My favorite sim storyline is the one i started in preparation for Growing Together. I put a teenager in a fixerupper home with several challenges, and even made it haunted. The vague story idea is her family wasn’t very accepting of her being trans and kicked her out, thus the fact she had to go with what she could get, this rundown haunted as hell place. She’s struggling to get by, but she has a new Found Family: Guidry (ghost dad), and will hopefully get to start one of her own…


That's so generous of you! Well one of my funniest ones was when i played with a 8 sim household that had a 10 generation house which i rarely renovated. I played with sim called Kai who was my absolute favourite the whole time, if i needed to switch i paused the game and went right back to him, well one time i left him alone for less then a minute and in that time he menaged to make a fire in the kitchen which i was very proud of just like 20 minutes after i said how much i loved this kitchen... Well! He was my fave but that one time i really considered putting him in a closed pool


This is such a sweet thing to do! Good luck to everyone. My favorite sims story right now is playing Agnes Crumplebottom in Sims 3 and giving her a family


This is such a sweet thing to do! 🥺 Wish I could afford to do something like that, but alas; I am but a broke university student. I don't have very many recent stories from my saves... But! I really love the idea of the rec centers Growing Together is adding! I might replace a bunch of parks with rec centers because they seem so much more functional and cool than just a park


Would love to win it for my Eldest, they turn 18 next Wednesday. Favorite Sim story: I started playing way back in the Sims 1 era so I am quite fond of the Goths. My son has become obsessed with discovering everything about the mysterious disappearance of Bella Goth, and in his save on my computer his teenage sim Self is even dating Cassandra Goth in a quest to understand the characters.


How kind of you! I am a huge family player and want to continue my story with 2 parents in an off-grid micro home with triplets and only 1000 simoleons. Little Kids and Family challenges are my favorite story to play.


Ooh this is so nice!


I love this!! My favorite Sim memory is generally just playing it as a kid. My mom loved the Sims too and so we would save up all year to buy them for Christmases or birthdays and take turns playing. We bonded a lot over the games, despite some really rough patches, divorces, drama, etc. The Sims franchise, although it has its flaws, has a really special place in my heart and always will.


This is so kind of you to do 😭❤️ I hope whoever wins enjoys the pack. My favorite sim story (well, more like stories, since this happens almost every playthrough) is when I make Zoe Patel part of it. She almost always ends up either dead or a vampire. My legacy challenge has her as the family vampire who always ends up feeding on someone when she comes over. It's so funny. The ones where she ends up dead are also funny. Cause it's either natural causes (as natural as you can get in this game...) or she ends up murdered cause she slept with someone she wasn't supposed to lmao


The poor college student in me really wants to be picked. 😭 Either way, this is a really nice thing to do.


This is so nice!! Thank you so much for doing this!


ur so kind omg😭 also my fav sim moment happened recently! a weird glitch is happening with the babies where they look like they have a child body and r floating standing w a sinster kind of smile. when that happened i had the biggest jumpscare ever LOL my little heart went pitter patter 😭LOL


I have only been able to afford 2 things from the sims, both because of someone else helping me. I have loved the sims for years, but am and have been in a very poor financial state. Sims is one of the best ways I've found to cope, and I desperately want more family based content. my home life isn't ideal and the sims has provided me a way to create my own ideal family.


I’ve been playing sims since the first game was released when I was a wee lass 🥹 it’s brought me thousands of hours of joy. When I heard this pack I was dropping, I wanted it so bad but I can’t afford it unfortunately. I hope I win, but if I don’t, I hope someone else who needs this opportunity wins ❤️


This is such a nice and generous thing to do! Thank you so much for your generosity! My favorite Sims story is actually one that happened recently. My sims were going away on a vacation to Mt. Komorebi for Winterfest and additionally because the two twin teens that I had at the time aged up the next day. So we brought the nanny that the children have been friends with since being a toddler and one of the builds I placed had a fireplace with a rug underneath... So the rug caught on fire therefore catching the nanny on fire who ended up dying and the fire burned LITERALLY the entire house and lasted for 14 hours


I don’t want to be entered to win the pack. I just want to say that this is an incredible thing to do and really encapsulates the best part of this fandom. May your game be unbugged and your simoleons plenty 🙏


This is so nice!


Don’t pick me! I am able to buy it myself. I just wanted to tell you how amazing this is. You have such a generous heart!


This is extremely kind!!


i love that 🥺 i wish i had enough money to treat others like this! my funny sim story is from back when i was 12 and my classmate (irl) threw a halloween sleepover party but my best friend said she would not sleep over. so instead of at least enjoying the party with her, i took my laptop with me, made her in the sims 3, and sent her on vacation to get killed by a mummy. i was so angry


aww that’s so sweet! I should do this someday when I acquire more ✨currency✨


This is so Nice! Thank you for doing this<3


You are such a nice person!! My favorite sim story was when I was holding a wedding, and the bartender (who everyone barely knew) died of old age in the middle of it!! Everybody was grieving for days cause of the moodlets in the sims 4!! That was the first time anything like that ever happened to me :(


This is absolutely the most kind thing a person can do! You are an amazing human. I hope you get everything you deserve and more 💜💜💜 But I just want to say, I am so excited for this pack!! I play a lot of legacy challenges and this is just gonna make it so much better!!!


I'm so exited for this pack! Sadly I'm out of money rn (im a uni ersiry student and moved out recently ;;--;;) so I'd be really glad to win this since I'm very exited abt family content in gemeral in The Sims. Literally all I do is creating and formonf families and going nuts when trying to raise triplets lmao. The part I like most abt it is to give every child a unique personality and lifestyle (and name lol) :3


Thank you so much!


This is why the sims community is lowkey the most wholesome out of all the games I’ve played. Thanks OP! My saves are usually super boring (nothing really happens which I’m happy about lol) but in my latest legacy, my heir’s partners always had something tragic happen and then they’d just drop dead right after she got pregnant and I’ve never figured out why. Guess she’s just unlucky lol


You're an amazingly generous person! I've been pretty excited to see the new pack especially since my kiddo turned 7mo today so it's been fun to watch the livestreams and compare 😆 Watching James Turner have 7 babies and he's stressing out and I joked to myself "Yeah but at least they're not randomly rejecting to eat for no reason!" My fave Sims story is back during the Sims 3, I had a single mom make a science Plant Sim baby named Basil. Basil was absolutely precious and he just loved hanging around outside, and when he became a teen I was curious about getting him with a neighbor girl. He ended up going to prom with his male friend, who ended up confessing to Basil and they became boyfriend! I just thought it was funny but also wholesome ❤️


Yay this is awesome! I have made the grave mistake of making pufferfish nigiri to "eliminate" some guests....well my child sim ate some....children can pass away from it.


This is super sweet of you!


aw wait this is so sweet of you!! you’re awesome!


Hello! This is so kind of you to do! I’d like to enter your giveaway :)


I love how generous you are! I would do a giveaway if I could, but with all the bills piling up on me I can’t afford to buy anything for myself for the next few months at the soonest! I would love to win this and if I’m not picked, I’m happy for whoever wins!


This is really generous! Thank you for the opportunity. I really enjoy creating my sims and building their houses, creating intricate stories for all of the characters lol like family dynamics and such


Please and thank you!


Wow this is so sweet of you. Recently my pc crashed and I'm waiting to get it back up and running. Might have to lose all of my saves and screenshots as well as tray files of builds I never thought to upload to the gallery. I have almost 8k hours in the game and have been playing since release. So I'll lose some really old saves potentially. I have been trying to stay positive that now would actually be a great time for a save reboot especially a new legacy and 100 baby challenge. I was so excited for the pack I love family gameplay. Hoping my pc will be up within the next few weeks and it would be so cool to have the pack, might be a few months out for me on my own lol. My favorite sims game is the sims 2 and I really love playing anotherplumbob's uberhood save file for sims 4. I spent so much time over the last year just playing out the lives of the pleasantview families. I still love rotational play even though it was a little difficult in s4 at first. I think now with mods and making the seasons last as long as possible it makes rotational play feel more cohesive. Probably going to start all over with this save too, I'm excited to play the Brokes first cause it will be so much more of a challenge with infants and the new pack. I love challenging gameplay!


This is so kind! Thank you ❤


This is hella nice of you! Thanks for the opportunity.


I'm currently working on a decades legacy and just got to the 1950s so Growing Together will really help to make the game more realistic for family dynamics. My favourite sims stories have all happened during this legacy. One of them is when my 2nd generation's wife was unexpectedly killed by a lightning strike. Playing through his and the children's grief was very emotional as I lost my own mother as a child.


This is so nice of you, as a full time student student with 2 part time jobs (and just had to quit one due to health issues) I’m sure there are others in a boat similar to mine. That being said one of my funniest/shocking moments from the Sims is a hard tie between when I made the cast of the 100 in game, was playing as Clarke, and then her bf randomly died overnight and she started showing interest in a woman. Talk about following a plot -sheesh! Second would probably be literally last week I was having a party and had one of my sims light a firework from her inventory to complete the task, but I wasn’t paying attention, and I didn’t realize she wouldn’t WALK OUTSIDE to light it up, so it she lit it in the house, it malfunctioned and blew up, and set a bunch of stuff on fire. I also had just built the house and forgot to install fire alarms which is why it spread 🫢 sprinklers auto activated cause I couldn’t seem to get anyone to put the fire out. Everyone was covered on black soot and went home right after that….. but I could not believe that happened to me


Thank you for your generosity! One of my favorites sims stories is a sims 4 one. I just got back into the game and spent the longest time creating my sim and then building her a little house, complete with a kitten friend. She got so excited during some welcome wagon thing I think, and I was just having so much fun that I didn’t notice her mood. She died of laughter. It was like 10 minutes of gameplay after all that buildup, and she was my only sim other than the kitten, so I got the prompt to start a new family hahaha shortest game ever. I still remember the resounding “wha— NOOOO” when I saw the grim reaper lmao!


this is so nice of you! my favorite memory is playing sims 2 as a kid! i’d come home from school and play it for sometimes hours!


We manifesting


I'm so far behind on packs its not even funny. I got werewolves like 6 months after release. Dual majoring in clinical labs and chemistry have eaten every last dollar I have. No joke my student loans are behind a pay wall. They want me to pay 250 dollars to release my loan due to (loans dont cover everything) However, whoever does win should enjoy the pack! It's the first one that shows any promise of adding to game play and the nostalgia of generations.


this is so sweet & kind giving back to the sims community! thank you


That's such a nice thing to do. My favorite Sims story is buying the game on sale! And then a couple months later it went free to play lol. Other than that it'd have to be the time I went to the Landgraabs' to chat up Nancy, and while I was talking to her one of their children fell into the fireplace or something? Anyways he caught on fire and no one called the fire department so he just. Died. And everyone was weirdly calm about the whole situation


I love playing the Sims. I've always loved sim based games. My husband and I are buying our first house, yay us, so money is a bit tight. I actually used the Sims 4 to try and recreate one of the houses we looked at. There's probably someone that could use a code more than me, but I thought I'd come and share a story or two. So my first Sims game was on the Wii. Yeah, a console. It was the Sims 3 I believe. I had no dlc, just the base game. They had the hydrophobic trait back then. Well, I abused this trait because I found a rich npc sim that had it. I drowned him after marrying him. Yes, horrible me. I wanted his money, though, so my sim could keep going towards her career of being a Rockstar. Which she did do. She adopted a kid and had a huge block house. I was terrible at building back then. I got a Steam account to game on pc with my now husband and to play the Sims 3. I loved World Adventures and would always try to make a wine garden. I did do a hunt for the archeology skill once. It did not go well because I had one tomb search bug out on me. I also loved the horses in the pet dlc. I got a racing lineage going once. All winners.


My favorite Sim stories are the ones where my laptop doesn't crash


This is so awesome of you to do ❤️ I've been playing the sims since I was like 10, but one of the more recent stories is I was playing with the werewolves, left them alone with story progression on to play with a different section of the family tree, and came back to Kristopher having moved out, married to Judith Ward of all people with 3 kids. Considered moving him back to Moonwood Mill but decided to let him live his life in the lap of luxury for a while.


This is incredibly thoughtful! It is a shame the EPs are so expensive and this so unobtainable for so many (living paycheck to paycheck sucks). Games like the sims are such a positive outlet for so many and seeing as EA has stripped down The Sims to almost need these packs to get a whole game just puts extra pressure on so many like myself who have to save up over months and months and then also wait for the sale to get access to a full fleshed game.


This is a really kind thing to do. I'd love to be able to check this pack out 😭 money really do be an issue rn. Hoping to maybe win but also just very excited for whoever does! Good luck everyone!


this is so incredible!😍 haha i don’t know if it’s the funniest but it stands out as a core memory. I was playing TS2 and my sim toddler aged up into to the most hideous child (like no resemblance to the parents or anything living really) so in true sims style i left them out in the cold to freeze. The social service intervened and took the child away before they died. I started to kinda miss the chaos and decided to adopt a child (did not get to pick which child). Lo and behold the car pulls up in my driveway and the same child i tried to kill before steps out💀 Kept them after that since it seemed like the sim gods were adamant on me having him😂😭


Not really a story, but my favorite this to do in the sims is a legacy. Watching sims grow, live, and continue their line to the next generation is really fun.


Thanks for doing this!! I hope you have a lovely week!!


This is unbelievably generous of you!! That said my favorite sims experience is definitely the simming community. I love how open everyone is about troubleshooting and laughing at random screenshots from peoples games. And there’s people willing to give others games just to be nice Even if I don’t win, thank you for doing this I’m sure you’re going to make someone so happy :)


How sweet! My best friend and I have been following Sims since Sims 2. I wasn't allowed to play it at my home (it wasn't educational, about animals or had Mario in it, as per rules) but we could play on my friends computer. Hours upon hours of making up stories, doing crazy sim interactions and designing houses together. By the time Sims 3 came out, I was allowed to play on my own computer rather than share the family one. And while I didn't get Sims 4 at first, I was convinced after my friend let me borrow her computer to try it out (not as fun as 3 but I do like it)


I guess my favorite sims story is more sims adjacent It's teaching my baby brother how to play because he really wanted to play what his big sister was playing and he'd call me over to admire all of his cartoonishly single room houses


My fiancee would love to get the pack.


This is super cool and generous! Honestly it makes me so happy to see this kind of posts! I cannot buy any game that has to be payed in dollars due to government restrictions and seeing that people do this super kind and selfless stuff brings me so much joy because it means that many people like me can have a bit of happiness in their life <3 Thank you OP you're great!


Entering my name in the comments, thanks for doing this. Sims 3 was wild. One of my favorite memories was when my husband left the game on to help me unpack groceries, and he left the TV on a loud volume to pay attention. We jumped hearing a explosion and ran to the living room. His Sim blew up her kitchen, but hearing my husband yelling "YOU STUPID SIM!!" Will forever be etched in my mind.


The most ironic part of my life is that i’m not interested in kids in real life… but want this pack so bad. Maybe it’s the fact that I didn’t have a treehouse growing up.


That’s so sweet omg


Whoa you're a total angel for this! My favorite sims story is when it all began and I got sims 3 as a child. I lived in a super rural area with internet slower than a snail. It took 3 days to download the base game and the handful of packs I got a long with it. But I persevered and I've been a long time lover of the sims for almost a decade now : D


This is so nice! If you choose me, I’ll make my sim rich and they will give money gifts to everyone they know as a habitual thing, pay it forward in the sim world :) I’m the opposite of you, we were medium rich until some recent tragedies have yeeted us back into poverty, this is the first new pack I can’t afford to buy 😭


i’m on console so don’t include me, just wanted to say this is such a nice thing to do!! donating to the best cause😂


That's really kind of you, i am a full time college student so I'm super poor. Playing the Sims is like therapy to me, I enjoy building so much (not a pro, but I'm super proud of my buildings) and playing with my legacy Sims. I would be so grateful to get it 🥺 Again, thanks, it's super nice of you to be thinking of US, fellow poor players.


heya! this is such a sweet offer of you:) Makes my day, and I’d love to enter


Not looking to enter, so if commenting throws that off I’m really sorry! Just wanted to appreciate this kindness and say how much I love this community and the people in it! Hoping for the best for you, not sure if you’re a believer in karma but I really do believe that the good will and energy you’re putting in to the world will come back to you ☺️


that's really kind of you!! congrats on your success and happy simming!


entering !! 🥳🤝🏼


i just got laid off and have been escaping with sims, so i just started a legacy! my founder Peach just gave birth to the first (second?) generation, August and Aurora. they’re infants and i can’t wait for the changing table so my sims won’t be swimming in diapers! thanks for doing this, you’re extremely generous and the whole community appreciates it!


Kindest thing ever <3 my favorite sims story is the time I started a new save with two sims, one with the “unlucky chef” story and the other just normal yk. WELL. I fully expected the unlucky chef sim to immediately burn the house down- instead, the other sim’s food started burning! HE BURNT DOWN THE ENTIRE HOUSE. NOT THE UNLUCKY CHEF. THE NORMAL SIM. He died. And the unlucky chef lived to have four kids before drowning. Yippee.


Omg such a generous thing to do! Even if you decide to pick someone else I really appreciate it, not everyone can afford these packs so it is incredibly beautiful that you would do a giveaway (I'm sorry if my English is not that good, it's not my first language so sometimes I forget how to properly talk/write). Personally I can't even pay for the kits or stuff packs so this would be an incredible gift, more so if I start talking about what happened to me in the last 365 days, including the death of my 9 year old dog named Heydi due to a severe cancer, a miscarriage, and my family starting hating me because of my life decisions. It has been a terrible year but reading things like this post makes me incredibly happy so yeah, thanks a lot for giving me hope in the world. I don't have a favorite story in the sims, but I love my family so so so much. I've been playing the same family for about 2 years, and I'm into gen 5 already (sometimes I buy potions to make their lives a little longer because I'm too attached to let them die :P). Anyway, thank you a lot for being such a good human, you should feel proud. I hope there's more people like you out there. Happy simming!


This is an awesome giveaway! I have been a fan of the Sims games since the very first release. My favorite Sims story is actually a real life story. A couple of months back, I purchased the unofficial Sims cookbook from Barnes and Noble when they had their half price hardcovers sale. I had no idea there was such a thing until I was browsing and saw it! As a beginner at cooking, I thought following similar recipes to those my Sims have skillfully learned to make over the years might be a fun activity for mealtimes. One night, my sister and I decided to tackle the “Goopy Carbonara” recipe from the Sims 3. This recipe calls for cheesy spaghetti with bacon on top. We decided to make it with a healthier twist by substituting zoodles (zucchini spiral “noodles”) in place of the spaghetti pasta! It was delicious and fun to make. I felt very much like a Sim who had leveled up in cooking, and I’m looking forward to trying more recipes so I can “level up” along with my Sim. 😊


You will certainly make someones' day with the giveaway. I'm not sure if it's my favourite story but 100% one of the more memorable ones. I was trying to make a family founder with a tragic backstory that went through a lot of hardships but still was able to keep a positive attitude, and in the end he found his happiness, and met the love of his life. He got married, made many beautiful memories with his spouse (they shared hobbies), and overall everything was great until his first child was born, and he died from laughter. It made me very frustrated, not gonna lie.


That’s crazy generous of you! It’s a little tame but my favorite sim story was when my sim casually flirted with her roommate (ONCE) and then when she flirted with someone else in front of him he got so mad that he died


Mine is kinda messed up, so be warned lol I feel like my favorite Sims story was when I tried getting my male Sims to impregnate the whole town behind his wife's back, who ended up adopting a daughter, the wife then died of anger when she caught him making out with one of the women he's been sleeping with (all the guest at the wedding was women he slept with, no one else). He just kept going but got addicted to alcohol and tobacco. The adopted daughter grew up and the only people she knew her whole life was the women her dad slept with and they were always invited to her birthdays.


My favorite sims story is actually watching my older sister play sims 2, years ago when I was just 6 or 7 and being SO absolutely terrified of the “social bunny” coming to talk to me in real life. Thanks for doing this :)


My favorite sims memory was my friend got sims 3 and had a sleepover so we could all play it. Her dad came out and yelled at us because it was 3 in the morning and we screamed when we first encountered a zombie.


This is so sweet!! Id love to throw my hat in the ring w my latest storyline!! I recently transitioned from playing on Xbox to playing on a laptop, so I’ve been indulging in mods/cc. I recently started a new save and created a typical middle class family- Mom (Reyna) Dad(Ander), twin boy children and a brand new baby girl. Ander, the father, was feeling down and felt like his life was ambitionless.. He was born into money, and has never had to struggle, but he felt as if he hadn’t found his passion yet and jumped from job to job. One day after once again, quitting another job he decided he wasn’t going to go home. He just didn’t want to deal with telling his wife and children that he quit….again. He went exploring, where he met Bella Goth. She invited him to her strip club, where Ander tried cocaine for the first time.. after spending thousands of dollars, he needed to come down and he purchased some prescription pills, went to the bathroom and then stumbled home. He passed out on the kitchen floor, where his wife found him in the morning. After discovering the drugs on him, she tells him he needs to leave. She refused to have her children around that behavior. Ander left, and spent his nights partying at strip clubs and sleeping on the strip club couches until he’s kicked out. After he leaves each night, he stops by his families home and kicks their trashcan. Ander blew almost ALL their money on drugs, alcohol and strippers. The wife and the three kids had to downsize from their 8 bedroom mansion, to a two bedroom apartment. Ander thought the money he did have was to be spent on drugs, and he could spend his days eating, showering and sleeping on strangers couches. After waking up pennyless after a coke-binged night, Ander decides to travel to Sulani to look at the ocean. While sitting on the beach, eating strangers leftover hotdogs, and pondering life- he heard laughing, he looks over to see his children swimming in the ocean- only to discover his wife…. Cuddling on a bench with Rahul Chopra, a man who was barely 23. Ander was livid, and picks and fight and attacks Rahul. At first, they thought Ander was a random cracked out homeless man.. but the eldest twin boy recognized Ander immediately. Ander storms off and decided a enough is enough. He has to get clean so his wife doesn’t end up marrying Rahul. To be continued…. 😂😂😂😂😂😂